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mirror of https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden synced 2024-05-19 13:23:48 +02:00
Mathijs van Veluw f863ffb89a
Add Protected Actions Check (#4067)
Since the feature `Login with device` some actions done via the
web-vault need to be verified via an OTP instead of providing the MasterPassword.

This only happens if a user used the `Login with device` on a device
which uses either Biometrics login or PIN. These actions prevent the
athorizing device to send the MasterPasswordHash. When this happens, the
web-vault requests an OTP to be filled-in and this OTP is send to the
users email address which is the same as the email address to login.

The only way to bypass this is by logging in with the your password, in
those cases a password is requested instead of an OTP.

In case SMTP is not enabled, it will show an error message telling to
user to login using there password.

Fixes #4042
2023-11-12 22:15:44 +01:00

377 lines
11 KiB

use chrono::Utc;
use data_encoding::BASE64;
use rocket::serde::json::Json;
use rocket::Route;
use crate::{
core::log_user_event, core::two_factor::_generate_recover_code, ApiResult, EmptyResult, JsonResult, JsonUpcase,
models::{EventType, TwoFactor, TwoFactorType, User},
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
routes![get_duo, activate_duo, activate_duo_put,]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct DuoData {
host: String, // Duo API hostname
ik: String, // integration key
sk: String, // secret key
impl DuoData {
fn global() -> Option<Self> {
match (CONFIG._enable_duo(), CONFIG.duo_host()) {
(true, Some(host)) => Some(Self {
ik: CONFIG.duo_ikey().unwrap(),
sk: CONFIG.duo_skey().unwrap(),
_ => None,
fn msg(s: &str) -> Self {
Self {
host: s.into(),
ik: s.into(),
sk: s.into(),
fn secret() -> Self {
fn obscure(self) -> Self {
let mut host = self.host;
let mut ik = self.ik;
let mut sk = self.sk;
let digits = 4;
let replaced = "************";
host.replace_range(digits.., replaced);
ik.replace_range(digits.., replaced);
sk.replace_range(digits.., replaced);
Self {
enum DuoStatus {
// Using the global duo config
// Using the user's config
Disabled(bool), // True if there is a global setting
impl DuoStatus {
fn data(self) -> Option<DuoData> {
match self {
DuoStatus::Global(data) => Some(data),
DuoStatus::User(data) => Some(data),
DuoStatus::Disabled(_) => None,
const DISABLED_MESSAGE_DEFAULT: &str = "<To use the global Duo keys, please leave these fields untouched>";
#[post("/two-factor/get-duo", data = "<data>")]
async fn get_duo(data: JsonUpcase<PasswordOrOtpData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let data: PasswordOrOtpData = data.into_inner().data;
let user = headers.user;
data.validate(&user, false, &mut conn).await?;
let data = get_user_duo_data(&user.uuid, &mut conn).await;
let (enabled, data) = match data {
DuoStatus::Global(_) => (true, Some(DuoData::secret())),
DuoStatus::User(data) => (true, Some(data.obscure())),
DuoStatus::Disabled(true) => (false, Some(DuoData::msg(DISABLED_MESSAGE_DEFAULT))),
DuoStatus::Disabled(false) => (false, None),
let json = if let Some(data) = data {
"Enabled": enabled,
"Host": data.host,
"SecretKey": data.sk,
"IntegrationKey": data.ik,
"Object": "twoFactorDuo"
} else {
"Enabled": enabled,
"Object": "twoFactorDuo"
#[allow(non_snake_case, dead_code)]
struct EnableDuoData {
Host: String,
SecretKey: String,
IntegrationKey: String,
MasterPasswordHash: Option<String>,
Otp: Option<String>,
impl From<EnableDuoData> for DuoData {
fn from(d: EnableDuoData) -> Self {
Self {
host: d.Host,
ik: d.IntegrationKey,
sk: d.SecretKey,
fn check_duo_fields_custom(data: &EnableDuoData) -> bool {
fn empty_or_default(s: &str) -> bool {
let st = s.trim();
st.is_empty() || s == DISABLED_MESSAGE_DEFAULT
!empty_or_default(&data.Host) && !empty_or_default(&data.SecretKey) && !empty_or_default(&data.IntegrationKey)
#[post("/two-factor/duo", data = "<data>")]
async fn activate_duo(data: JsonUpcase<EnableDuoData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let data: EnableDuoData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut user = headers.user;
PasswordOrOtpData {
MasterPasswordHash: data.MasterPasswordHash.clone(),
Otp: data.Otp.clone(),
.validate(&user, true, &mut conn)
let (data, data_str) = if check_duo_fields_custom(&data) {
let data_req: DuoData = data.into();
let data_str = serde_json::to_string(&data_req)?;
duo_api_request("GET", "/auth/v2/check", "", &data_req).await.map_res("Failed to validate Duo credentials")?;
(data_req.obscure(), data_str)
} else {
(DuoData::secret(), String::new())
let type_ = TwoFactorType::Duo;
let twofactor = TwoFactor::new(user.uuid.clone(), type_, data_str);
twofactor.save(&mut conn).await?;
_generate_recover_code(&mut user, &mut conn).await;
log_user_event(EventType::UserUpdated2fa as i32, &user.uuid, headers.device.atype, &headers.ip.ip, &mut conn).await;
"Enabled": true,
"Host": data.host,
"SecretKey": data.sk,
"IntegrationKey": data.ik,
"Object": "twoFactorDuo"
#[put("/two-factor/duo", data = "<data>")]
async fn activate_duo_put(data: JsonUpcase<EnableDuoData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
activate_duo(data, headers, conn).await
async fn duo_api_request(method: &str, path: &str, params: &str, data: &DuoData) -> EmptyResult {
use reqwest::{header, Method};
use std::str::FromStr;
// https://duo.com/docs/authapi#api-details
let url = format!("https://{}{}", &data.host, path);
let date = Utc::now().to_rfc2822();
let username = &data.ik;
let fields = [&date, method, &data.host, path, params];
let password = crypto::hmac_sign(&data.sk, &fields.join("\n"));
let m = Method::from_str(method).unwrap_or_default();
let client = get_reqwest_client();
.request(m, &url)
.basic_auth(username, Some(password))
.header(header::USER_AGENT, "vaultwarden:Duo/1.0 (Rust)")
.header(header::DATE, date)
const DUO_EXPIRE: i64 = 300;
const APP_EXPIRE: i64 = 3600;
const AUTH_PREFIX: &str = "AUTH";
const DUO_PREFIX: &str = "TX";
const APP_PREFIX: &str = "APP";
async fn get_user_duo_data(uuid: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> DuoStatus {
let type_ = TwoFactorType::Duo as i32;
// If the user doesn't have an entry, disabled
let twofactor = match TwoFactor::find_by_user_and_type(uuid, type_, conn).await {
Some(t) => t,
None => return DuoStatus::Disabled(DuoData::global().is_some()),
// If the user has the required values, we use those
if let Ok(data) = serde_json::from_str(&twofactor.data) {
return DuoStatus::User(data);
// Otherwise, we try to use the globals
if let Some(global) = DuoData::global() {
return DuoStatus::Global(global);
// If there are no globals configured, just disable it
// let (ik, sk, ak, host) = get_duo_keys();
async fn get_duo_keys_email(email: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> ApiResult<(String, String, String, String)> {
let data = match User::find_by_mail(email, conn).await {
Some(u) => get_user_duo_data(&u.uuid, conn).await.data(),
_ => DuoData::global(),
.map_res("Can't fetch Duo Keys")?;
Ok((data.ik, data.sk, CONFIG.get_duo_akey(), data.host))
pub async fn generate_duo_signature(email: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> ApiResult<(String, String)> {
let now = Utc::now().timestamp();
let (ik, sk, ak, host) = get_duo_keys_email(email, conn).await?;
let duo_sign = sign_duo_values(&sk, email, &ik, DUO_PREFIX, now + DUO_EXPIRE);
let app_sign = sign_duo_values(&ak, email, &ik, APP_PREFIX, now + APP_EXPIRE);
Ok((format!("{duo_sign}:{app_sign}"), host))
fn sign_duo_values(key: &str, email: &str, ikey: &str, prefix: &str, expire: i64) -> String {
let val = format!("{email}|{ikey}|{expire}");
let cookie = format!("{}|{}", prefix, BASE64.encode(val.as_bytes()));
format!("{}|{}", cookie, crypto::hmac_sign(key, &cookie))
pub async fn validate_duo_login(email: &str, response: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
// email is as entered by the user, so it needs to be normalized before
// comparison with auth_user below.
let email = &email.to_lowercase();
let split: Vec<&str> = response.split(':').collect();
if split.len() != 2 {
"Invalid response length",
ErrorEvent {
event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn2fa
let auth_sig = split[0];
let app_sig = split[1];
let now = Utc::now().timestamp();
let (ik, sk, ak, _host) = get_duo_keys_email(email, conn).await?;
let auth_user = parse_duo_values(&sk, auth_sig, &ik, AUTH_PREFIX, now)?;
let app_user = parse_duo_values(&ak, app_sig, &ik, APP_PREFIX, now)?;
if !crypto::ct_eq(&auth_user, app_user) || !crypto::ct_eq(&auth_user, email) {
"Error validating duo authentication",
ErrorEvent {
event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn2fa
fn parse_duo_values(key: &str, val: &str, ikey: &str, prefix: &str, time: i64) -> ApiResult<String> {
let split: Vec<&str> = val.split('|').collect();
if split.len() != 3 {
err!("Invalid value length")
let u_prefix = split[0];
let u_b64 = split[1];
let u_sig = split[2];
let sig = crypto::hmac_sign(key, &format!("{u_prefix}|{u_b64}"));
if !crypto::ct_eq(crypto::hmac_sign(key, &sig), crypto::hmac_sign(key, u_sig)) {
err!("Duo signatures don't match")
if u_prefix != prefix {
err!("Prefixes don't match")
let cookie_vec = match BASE64.decode(u_b64.as_bytes()) {
Ok(c) => c,
Err(_) => err!("Invalid Duo cookie encoding"),
let cookie = match String::from_utf8(cookie_vec) {
Ok(c) => c,
Err(_) => err!("Invalid Duo cookie encoding"),
let cookie_split: Vec<&str> = cookie.split('|').collect();
if cookie_split.len() != 3 {
err!("Invalid cookie length")
let username = cookie_split[0];
let u_ikey = cookie_split[1];
let expire = cookie_split[2];
if !crypto::ct_eq(ikey, u_ikey) {
err!("Invalid ikey")
let expire: i64 = match expire.parse() {
Ok(e) => e,
Err(_) => err!("Invalid expire time"),
if time >= expire {
err!("Expired authorization")