use crate::{services, utils, Error, Result, Ruma}; use ruma::api::client::{ device::{self, delete_device, delete_devices, get_device, get_devices, update_device}, error::ErrorKind, uiaa::{AuthFlow, AuthType, UiaaInfo}, }; use super::SESSION_ID_LENGTH; /// # `GET /_matrix/client/r0/devices` /// /// Get metadata on all devices of the sender user. pub async fn get_devices_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { let sender_user = body.sender_user.as_ref().expect("user is authenticated"); let devices: Vec = services() .users .all_devices_metadata(sender_user) .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) // Filter out buggy devices .collect(); Ok(get_devices::v3::Response { devices }) } /// # `GET /_matrix/client/r0/devices/{deviceId}` /// /// Get metadata on a single device of the sender user. pub async fn get_device_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { let sender_user = body.sender_user.as_ref().expect("user is authenticated"); let device = services() .users .get_device_metadata(sender_user, &body.body.device_id)? .ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Device not found."))?; Ok(get_device::v3::Response { device }) } /// # `PUT /_matrix/client/r0/devices/{deviceId}` /// /// Updates the metadata on a given device of the sender user. pub async fn update_device_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { let sender_user = body.sender_user.as_ref().expect("user is authenticated"); let mut device = services() .users .get_device_metadata(sender_user, &body.device_id)? .ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Device not found."))?; device.display_name = body.display_name.clone(); services() .users .update_device_metadata(sender_user, &body.device_id, &device)?; Ok(update_device::v3::Response {}) } /// # `DELETE /_matrix/client/r0/devices/{deviceId}` /// /// Deletes the given device. /// /// - Requires UIAA to verify user password /// - Invalidates access token /// - Deletes device metadata (device id, device display name, last seen ip, last seen ts) /// - Forgets to-device events /// - Triggers device list updates pub async fn delete_device_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { let sender_user = body.sender_user.as_ref().expect("user is authenticated"); let sender_device = body.sender_device.as_ref().expect("user is authenticated"); // UIAA let mut uiaainfo = UiaaInfo { flows: vec![AuthFlow { stages: vec![AuthType::Password], }], completed: Vec::new(), params: Default::default(), session: None, auth_error: None, }; if let Some(auth) = &body.auth { let (worked, uiaainfo) = services() .uiaa .try_auth(sender_user, sender_device, auth, &uiaainfo)?; if !worked { return Err(Error::Uiaa(uiaainfo)); } // Success! } else if let Some(json) = body.json_body { uiaainfo.session = Some(utils::random_string(SESSION_ID_LENGTH)); services() .uiaa .create(sender_user, sender_device, &uiaainfo, &json)?; return Err(Error::Uiaa(uiaainfo)); } else { return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotJson, "Not json.")); } services() .users .remove_device(sender_user, &body.device_id)?; Ok(delete_device::v3::Response {}) } /// # `PUT /_matrix/client/r0/devices/{deviceId}` /// /// Deletes the given device. /// /// - Requires UIAA to verify user password /// /// For each device: /// - Invalidates access token /// - Deletes device metadata (device id, device display name, last seen ip, last seen ts) /// - Forgets to-device events /// - Triggers device list updates pub async fn delete_devices_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { let sender_user = body.sender_user.as_ref().expect("user is authenticated"); let sender_device = body.sender_device.as_ref().expect("user is authenticated"); // UIAA let mut uiaainfo = UiaaInfo { flows: vec![AuthFlow { stages: vec![AuthType::Password], }], completed: Vec::new(), params: Default::default(), session: None, auth_error: None, }; if let Some(auth) = &body.auth { let (worked, uiaainfo) = services() .uiaa .try_auth(sender_user, sender_device, auth, &uiaainfo)?; if !worked { return Err(Error::Uiaa(uiaainfo)); } // Success! } else if let Some(json) = body.json_body { uiaainfo.session = Some(utils::random_string(SESSION_ID_LENGTH)); services() .uiaa .create(sender_user, sender_device, &uiaainfo, &json)?; return Err(Error::Uiaa(uiaainfo)); } else { return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotJson, "Not json.")); } for device_id in &body.devices { services().users.remove_device(sender_user, device_id)? } Ok(delete_devices::v3::Response {}) }