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2018-02-04 03:22:01 +01:00
// Matrix Construct
// Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors
// Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net>
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
// copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The
// full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Client's Angular application
mc.ng = {};
mc.opts.ng =
/* Allow same origin resource loads. */
/* Allow loading from our assets domain. Notice the difference between * and **. */
// tell angular to allow mxc:// URL's for images
img_src_sanitation_whitelist: /^\s*(https?|ftp|file|mxc):/,
mc.ng.app = angular.module('ircd',
// 'ngAnimate',
mc.ng.app.config(['$rootScopeProvider', function($rootScopeProvider)
mc.ng.app.config(['$compileProvider', function($compileProvider)
mc.ng.app.config(['$sceDelegateProvider', function($sceDelegateProvider)
* Things in here can't take place at the global init; they take place after
* the document/main is ready.
mc.ng.init = function()
let root = mc.ng.root();
root.$watch(() =>
return null;
* @returns the formal root scope of the app
mc.ng.root = function()
let body = angular.element(document.body);
let root = body.scope().$root;
return root;
* @returns the mc scope which is our root scope for the app. This is directly under
* the real root, and all our client scopes are children of the mc scope. Other children
* of the real root may exist but are only indirectly related.
mc.ng.mc = function()
let charybdis = angular.element("#charybdis");
return charybdis.scope();
* Trigger Angular manually
mc.ng.apply = function(closure = undefined)
let root = mc.ng.root();
if(root.$$phase == "$apply")
console.warn("Unnecessary mc.ng.apply(); " + (new Error));
return root.$apply(closure);
// Alias
mc.apply = mc.ng.apply;
* Trigger Angular manually
mc.ng.apply.later = function(closure = () => {})
let root = mc.ng.root();
* Trigger Angular manually
mc.ng.apply.animate = function(callback)
let handler = () =>
if(callback() !== false)
return window.requestAnimationFrame(handler);
* Trigger Angular manually
mc.ng.apply.idle = function(timeout, callback)
if(typeof(timeout) == "function")
callback = timeout;
timeout = undefined;
let handler = (...params) =>
if(callback(...params) !== false)
let opts =
timeout: timeout,
return window.requestIdleCallback(handler, opts);
* Trigger Angular manually
mc.ng.apply.defer = function()
let root = mc.ng.root();
let watchers = root.$$watchers;
root.$$watchers = [];
root.$applyAsync(() =>
root.$$watchers = watchers;
* Use mc.ng.timeout instead of window.setTimeout(), as the latter
* issues an event which is unknown to Angular.
mc.ng.timeout = function(timeout, closure)
if(typeof(timeout) == "function")
closure = timeout;
timeout = undefined;
//TODO: XXX: arbitrary
let $timeout = mc.ng.timeout.$timeout;
return $timeout(closure, timeout);
// Alias
mc.timeout = mc.ng.timeout;
* Use mc.ng.timeout instead of window.setTimeout(), as the latter
* issues an event which is unknown to Angular.
mc.ng.timeout.cancel = function(promise)
//TODO: XXX: arbitrary
let $timeout = mc.ng.timeout.$timeout;
* Non-angular event so we send a notify to handle the resize changing things
* that need to trigger that model<->view dialectic.
window.addEventListener("resize", (event) =>
maybe(() => mc.ng.apply());
/** Abstract Controller
* Should be on the prototype chain of all of the controllers in client.
* This allows us to DRY things across all controllers as well as provide
* a suite of virtual convenience functions.
* Overrides can be async. This abstraction provides a digest for that at
* the base of this virtual call stack. Note: overrides for digesting() will
* never be waited on.
mc.ng.controller = class
constructor(name, $scope)
//let argc = arguments.length;
//console.log("init controller [" + name + "] " + typeof($scope));
this.$scope = $scope;
this.$apply = $scope.$apply;
// Register dtors
this.$scope.$on("$destroy", mc.ng.controller.virtual.bind(this, this.destructor));
// NOTE: $applyAsync MUST be used here rather than $evalAsync.
// $evalAsync from a directive runs after DOM update.
// $evalAsync from a controller runs before the DOM has been manipulated. <---
this.$scope.$applyAsync(mc.ng.controller.virtual.bind(this, this.constructed));
// Register digest loop
//this.$scope.$watch(() => debug.digest(name, $scope));
* Override to get called when the controller gets $destroy'ed
destructor() {}
* Override to get called after the DOM element has been inserted.
* This will be on the next digest cycle after construction.
constructed() {}
* Ovrride convenience to execute code during a digest
digesting() {}
mc.ng.controller.virtual = async function(override)
let ret = override.call(this);
if(ret instanceof Promise)
ret = await ret;
return ret;
/** Async Angular directives.
* These ang- prefixed directives are identical to the ng- directives except they
* add support for ES6 async usage up the stack. This allows the evaluation of a
* directive to digest after a promise it returns is fulfilled.
* Regular ng- directives run the digest loop when the evaluation returns -- even if
* it returns a promise, which happens on the first await up the stack. We need it to
* happen after the code on the other side of the await too.
mc.ng.ang = function(directive_name, event_name, opts = {})
mc.ng.app.directive(directive_name, function()
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: mc.ng.ang.link.bind(null, directive_name, event_name, opts),
mc.ng.ang.link = function(name, on, opts, $scope, element, attr, controller)
let expression = attr[name];
element.on(on, async function($event)
let locals =
$event: $event,
let onerror = (error) =>
error.element = $event.delegateTarget;
let promise; try
promise = $scope.$eval(expression, locals);
if(promise instanceof Promise) try
await promise;
if(opts.apply_async !== false)
if(opts.apply_sync !== false)
mc.ng.ang.directives =
mc.ng.ang("angClick", "click"),
mc.ng.ang("angDblclick", "dblclick"),
mc.ng.ang("angMouseup", "mouseup"),
mc.ng.ang("angMousedown", "mousedown"),
// The scroll event is optioned to not digest unless the handler returns a
// promise. Note that this means a scroll event handler should not be an
// `async function()` if it has efficient return cases (and it should).
mc.ng.ang("angScroll", "scroll",
apply_sync: false,
* ng-repeat="foo in bar | reverse"
mc.ng.app.filter('reverse', () => (items) => items.slice().reverse());