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2018-02-04 03:22:01 +01:00
// Matrix Construct
// Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors
// Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net>
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
// copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The
// full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
2017-10-25 18:47:03 +02:00
#define HAVE_IRCD_M_VM_H
/// Matrix Virtual Machine
2017-10-25 18:47:03 +02:00
namespace ircd::m::vm
struct error; // custom exception
struct init;
struct opts;
struct copts;
struct eval;
enum fault :uint;
enum phase :uint;
using fault_t = std::underlying_type<fault>::type;
extern const opts default_opts;
extern const copts default_copts;
extern log::log log;
extern ctx::dock dock;
extern bool ready;
string_view reflect(const fault &);
string_view reflect(const phase &);
http::code http_code(const fault &);
string_view loghead(const mutable_buffer &, const eval &);
string_view loghead(const eval &); // single tls buffer
fault execute(eval &, const event &);
fault inject(eval &, json::iov &, const json::iov &);
namespace ircd::m::vm::sequence
extern ctx::dock dock;
extern uint64_t retired; // already written; always monotonic
extern uint64_t committed; // pending write; usually monotonic
extern uint64_t uncommitted; // evaluating; not monotonic
static size_t pending;
const uint64_t &get(const eval &);
uint64_t get(id::event::buf &); // [GET]
uint64_t max();
uint64_t min();
struct ircd::m::vm::init
init(), ~init() noexcept;
/// Event Evaluation Device
/// This object conducts the evaluation of an event or a tape of multiple
/// events. An event is evaluated in an attempt to execute it. Events which
/// fail during evaluation won't be executed; such is the case for events which
/// have already been executed, or events which are invalid or lead to invalid
/// transitions or actions of the machine etc.
struct ircd::m::vm::eval
static uint64_t id_ctr;
static uint executing;
static uint injecting;
const vm::opts *opts {&default_opts};
const vm::copts *copts {nullptr};
ctx::ctx *ctx {ctx::current};
vm::eval *parent {nullptr};
vm::eval *child {nullptr};
uint64_t id {++id_ctr};
uint64_t sequence {0};
std::shared_ptr<db::txn> txn;
vector_view<m::event> pdus;
const json::iov *issue {nullptr};
const event *event_ {nullptr};
string_view room_id;
event::id::buf event_id;
event::conforms report;
string_view room_version;
hook::base *hook {nullptr};
vm::phase phase {vm::phase(0)};
bool room_internal {false};
void mfetch_keys() const;
operator const event::id::buf &() const;
fault operator()(const event &);
size_t operator()(const vector_view<m::event> &);
fault operator()(json::iov &event, const json::iov &content); //inject
eval(const vm::opts &);
eval(const vm::copts &);
eval(const event &, const vm::opts & = default_opts);
eval(const vector_view<m::event> &, const vm::opts & = default_opts);
eval(const json::array &event, const vm::opts & = default_opts);
eval(json::iov &event, const json::iov &content, const vm::copts & = default_copts);
eval() = default;
eval(eval &&) = delete;
eval(const eval &) = delete;
eval &operator=(eval &&) = delete;
eval &operator=(const eval &) = delete;
~eval() noexcept;
static bool for_each(const ctx::ctx *const &, const std::function<bool (eval &)> &);
static eval *find_parent(const eval &, const ctx::ctx & = ctx::cur());
static eval *find_root(const eval &, const ctx::ctx & = ctx::cur());
static size_t count(const ctx::ctx *const &);
static bool for_each(const std::function<bool (eval &)> &);
static bool for_each_pdu(const std::function<bool (const event &)> &);
static const event *find_pdu(const eval &, const event::id &);
static const event *find_pdu(const event::id &);
static size_t count(const event::id &);
static eval *find(const event::id &);
static eval &get(const event::id &);
static bool sequnique(const uint64_t &seq);
static eval *seqnext(const uint64_t &seq);
static eval *seqmax();
static eval *seqmin();
static void seqsort();
2017-11-30 20:01:14 +01:00
/// Evaluation faults. These are reasons which evaluation has halted but may
/// continue after the user defaults the fault. They are basically types of
/// interrupts and traps, which are supposed to be recoverable. Only the
/// GENERAL protection fault (#gp) is an abort and is not supposed to be
/// recoverable. The fault codes have the form of bitflags so they can be
/// used in masks; outside of that case only one fault is dealt with at
/// a time so they can be switched as they appear in the enum.
2017-11-30 20:01:14 +01:00
enum ircd::m::vm::fault
ACCEPT = 0x00, ///< No fault.
EXISTS = 0x01, ///< Replaying existing event. (#ex)
GENERAL = 0x02, ///< General protection fault. (#gp)
INVALID = 0x04, ///< Non-conforming event format. (#ud)
AUTH = 0x08, ///< Auth rules violation. (#av)
STATE = 0x10, ///< Required state is missing (#st)
EVENT = 0x20, ///< Eval requires addl events in the ef register (#ef)
2017-11-30 20:01:14 +01:00
/// Evaluation phases
enum ircd::m::vm::phase
NONE, ///< No phase; not entered.
DUPCHK, ///< Duplicate check & hold.
EXECUTE, ///< Execution entered.
ISSUE, ///< Issue phase.
CONFORM, ///< Conformity check phase.
ACCESS, ///< Access control phase.
VERIFY, ///< Signature verification.
FETCH_AUTH, ///< Authentication events fetch phase.
AUTH_STATIC, ///< Static authentication phase.
FETCH_PREV, ///< Previous events fetch phase.
FETCH_STATE, ///< State events fetch phase.
PRECOMMIT, ///< Precommit sequence.
AUTH_RELA, ///< Relative authentication phase.
COMMIT, ///< Commit sequence.
AUTH_PRES, ///< Authentication phase.
EVALUATE, ///< Evaluation phase.
INDEX, ///< Indexing & transaction building phase.
POST, ///< Transaction-included effects phase.
WRITE, ///< Write transaction.
RETIRE, ///< Retire phase
NOTIFY, ///< Notifications phase.
EFFECTS, ///< Effects phase.
/// Evaluation Options
struct ircd::m::vm::opts
/// The remote server name which is conducting this eval.
string_view node_id;
/// The mxid of the user which is conducting this eval.
string_view user_id;
/// The txnid from the node conducting the eval.
string_view txn_id;
/// Enabled phases of evaluation.
std::bitset<num_of<vm::phase>()> phase {-1UL};
/// Custom write_opts to use during write.
dbs::write_opts wopts;
/// Broadcast to local clients (/sync stream).
bool notify_clients {true};
/// Broadcast to federation servers (/federation/send/).
bool notify_servers {true};
/// False to allow a dirty conforms report (not recommended).
bool conforming {true};
/// False to bypass all auth phases.
bool auth {true};
/// False to bypass all fetch phases.
bool fetch {true};
/// Mask of conformity failures to allow without considering dirty.
event::conforms non_conform;
/// If the event was already checked before the eval, set this to true
/// and include the report (see below).
bool conformed {false};
/// When conformed=true, this report will be included instead of generating
/// one during the eval. This is useful if a conformity check was already
/// done before eval.
event::conforms report;
/// True hints that the event is known to be redacted. False hints that
/// the event is not redacted. -1 is automatic, which may make a query.
int8_t redacted {-1};
/// When true, the event is expected to have its content; hash mismatch
/// is not permitted. When false, hash mismatch is permitted when the
/// event is known to be redacted (see above).
bool require_content {false};
/// Supply the room version; overrides/avoids any internal query.
string_view room_version;
/// Toggles whether event may be considered a "present event" and may
/// update the optimized present state table of the room if it is proper.
bool present {true};
/// Toggles whether event may be added to the room head table which means
/// it is considered unreferenced by any other event at this time. It is
/// safe for this to always be true if events are evaluated in order. If
/// `present` is false this should be set to false but they are not tied.
bool room_head {true};
/// Toggles whether the prev_events of this event are removed from the
/// room head table, now that this event has referenced them. It is safe
/// for this to always be true.
bool room_head_resolve {true};
/// Toggles whether the state btree is updated; this should be consistently
/// true or false for all events in a room.
bool history {true};
/// Evaluate in EDU mode. Input must not have event_id and none will be
/// generated for it.
bool edu {false};
/// Bypass check for event having already been evaluated so it can be
/// replayed through the system (not recommended).
bool replays {false};
/// Bypass check for another evaluation of the same event_id already
/// occurring. If this is false (not recommended) two duplicate events
/// being evaluated may race through the core.
bool unique {true};
/// If the input event has a reference to already-strung json we can use
/// that directly when writing to the DB. When this is false we will
/// re-stringify the event internally either from a referenced source or
/// the tuple if no source is referenced. This should only be set to true
/// if the evaluator already performed this and the json source is good.
bool json_source {false};
/// Whether to gather all unknown keys from an input vector of events and
/// perform a parallel/mass fetch before proceeding with the evals.
bool mfetch_keys {true};
/// Throws fault::EVENT if *all* of the prev_events do not exist locally.
/// This is used to enforce that at least one path is traversable. This
/// test is conducted after waiting if fetch_prev and fetch_prev_wait.
bool fetch_prev_any {false};
/// Throws fault::EVENT if *any* of the prev_events do not exist locally.
/// This is used to enforce that all references have been acquired; other
/// corollary conditions are similar to fetch_prev_any.
bool fetch_prev_all {false};
/// The number of iterations of the wait cycle which checks for missing
/// prev_events will iterate before issuing remote fetches for them.
/// The default is 0 which bypasses the functionality, and is recommended
/// when the evaluator is confident missing prev_events won't arrive
/// elsehow. Setting to -1 enables it with an auto/conf value.
size_t fetch_prev_wait_count {0};
/// Base time to wait for missing prev_events to arrive at the server by
/// some other means before issuing remote fetches for them. The waiting
/// occurs in a loop where prev_events satisfaction is checked at each
/// iteration. This value is multiplied by the number of iterations for
/// multiplicative backoff. The default of -1 is auto / conf.
milliseconds fetch_prev_wait_time {-1};
/// The limit on the number of events to backfill if any of the prev_events
/// are missing. -1 is auto / conf.
size_t fetch_prev_limit = -1;
/// Evaluators can set this value to optimize the creation of the database
/// transaction where the event will be stored. This value should be set
/// to the amount of space the event consumes; the JSON-serialized size is
/// a good value here. Default of -1 will automatically use serialized().
size_t reserve_bytes = -1;
/// This value is added to reserve_bytes to account for indexing overhead
/// in the database transaction allocation. Most evaluators have little
/// reason to ever adjust this.
size_t reserve_index {1024};
/// Mask of faults that are not thrown as exceptions out of eval(). If
/// masked, the fault is returned from eval(). By default, the EXISTS
/// fault is masked which means existing events won't kill eval loops.
fault_t nothrows
/// Mask of faults that are logged to the error facility in vm::log.
fault_t errorlog
/// Mask of faults that are logged to the warning facility in vm::log
fault_t warnlog
/// Whether to log a debug message on successful eval.
bool debuglog_accept {false};
/// Whether to log an info message on successful eval.
bool infolog_accept {false};
opts() noexcept;
/// Extension structure to vm::opts which includes additional options for
/// commissioning events originating from this server which are then passed
/// through eval (this process is also known as issuing).
struct ircd::m::vm::copts
/// A matrix-spec opaque token from a client identifying this eval.
string_view client_txnid;
/// This bitmask covers all of the top-level properties of m::event
/// which will be generated internally during injection unless they
/// already exist. Clearing any of these bits will prevent the internal
/// generation of these properties (i.e. for EDU's).
event::keys::selection prop_mask
/// Call the issue hook or bypass
bool issue {true};
/// Whether to log a debug message before commit
bool debuglog_precommit {false};
/// Whether to log an info message after commit accepted
bool infolog_postcommit {false};
copts() noexcept;
struct ircd::m::vm::error
vm::fault code;
template<class... args> error(const http::code &, const fault &, const string_view &fmt, args&&... a);
template<class... args> error(const fault &, const string_view &fmt, args&&... a);
template<class... args> error(const string_view &fmt, args&&... a);
template<class... args>
ircd::m::vm::error::error(const string_view &fmt,
args&&... a)
http::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, fault::GENERAL, fmt, std::forward<args>(a)...
template<class... args>
ircd::m::vm::error::error(const fault &code,
const string_view &fmt,
args&&... a)
http_code(code), code, fmt, std::forward<args>(a)...
template<class... args>
ircd::m::vm::error::error(const http::code &httpcode,
const fault &code,
const string_view &fmt,
args&&... a)
child, httpcode, reflect(code), fmt, std::forward<args>(a)...