The behaviour is the same as /msg except that where
/msg would send RPL_UMODEGMSG to the user, the /invite
is instead let through. This counts as a notification
for caller_id_wait like RPL_UMODEGMSG.
Checks are on the target user's server, which means an
error message will appear after RPL_INVITING.
This must be because the accept list is not globally
Similar to /msg, inviting a user that is not in a channel
you have op or voice in requires a free target; opers always
have a free target.
Being invited adds the source as a reply target.
addition to +i. As before, a restrictive mode must be in
place at /invite time for the invite to have an effect;
+r does not count as a restrictive mode if the user is
logged in; +l and +j always count as restrictive modes to
allow for cases where they would allow join at /invite
time but not when the user tries to join.