/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Charybdis Development Team * Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Volk * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR oPROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include "charybdis.h" const char *const generic_message {R"( *** - To end the console session: type ctrl-d -> EOF *** - To exit cleanly: type exit, die, or ctrl-\ -> SIGQUIT *** - To generate a coredump for developers, type ABORT -> abort() *** )"}; bool console_active; ircd::ctx::ctx *console_ctx; boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor *console_in; static bool handle_line(const std::string &line); static void console(); void console_spawn() { if(console_active) return; // The console function is executed asynchronously. // The DETACH indicates it will clean itself up. ircd::context(std::bind(&console), ircd::context::DETACH); } void console_cancel() { if(!console_active) return; if(!console_in) return; console_in->cancel(); } void console_hangup() try { using namespace ircd; using log::console_quiet; console_cancel(); static console_quiet *quieted; if(!quieted) { log::notice("Suppressing console log output after terminal hangup"); quieted = new console_quiet; return; } log::notice("Reactivating console logging after second hangup"); delete quieted; quieted = nullptr; } catch(const std::exception &e) { ircd::log::error("console_hangup(): %s", e.what()); } const char *const termstop_message {R"( *** *** The server has been paused and will resume when you hit enter. *** This is a client and your commands will originate from the server itself. ***)"}; void console_termstop() try { console_cancel(); std::cout << termstop_message << generic_message; std::string line; std::cout << "\n> " << std::flush; std::getline(std::cin, line); if(std::cin.eof()) { std::cout << std::endl; std::cin.clear(); return; } handle_line(line); } catch(const std::exception &e) { ircd::log::error("console_termstop(): %s", e.what()); } ircd::m::session *moi; const char *const console_message {R"( *** *** The server is still running in the background. A command line is now available below. *** This is a client and your commands will originate from the server itself. ***)"}; void console() try { using namespace ircd; const unwind atexit([] { console_active = false; console_in = nullptr; delete moi; moi = nullptr; }); console_active = true; console_ctx = &ctx::cur(); std::cout << console_message << generic_message; boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor in{*::ios, dup(STDIN_FILENO)}; console_in = ∈ boost::asio::streambuf buf{BUFSIZE}; std::istream is{&buf}; std::string line; while(1) { std::cout << "\n> " << std::flush; // Suppression scope ends after the command is entered // so the output of the command (if log messages) can be seen. { const log::console_quiet quiet(false); boost::asio::async_read_until(in, buf, '\n', yield_context{to_asio{}}); } std::getline(is, line); if(line.empty()) continue; if(!handle_line(line)) break; } } catch(const std::exception &e) { std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "***\n"; std::cout << "*** The console session has ended: " << e.what() << "\n"; std::cout << "***" << std::endl; ircd::log::debug("The console session has ended: %s", e.what()); return; } bool handle_line(const std::string &line) try { using namespace ircd; if(line == "ABORT") abort(); if(line == "EXIT") exit(0); if(line == "exit" || line == "die") { ircd::stop(); return false; } switch(hash(token(line, " ", 0))) { case hash("reload"): { module matrix("matrix"); auto &root(matrix.get("root_module")); root->reset(); *root = module("root"); break; } case hash("show"): { const auto args(tokens_after(line, " ", 0)); const params token{args, " ", {"what"}}; const std::string what(token.at(0)); switch(hash(what)) { case hash("dbs"): { const auto dirs(ircd::db::available()); for(const auto &dir : dirs) std::cout << dir << ", "; std::cout << std::endl; break; } } break; } case hash("reconnect"): { handle_line("disconnect"); handle_line("connect"); break; } case hash("events"): { if(!moi) { std::cerr << "No current session" << std::endl; break; } m::request request { "GET", "_matrix/client/r0/events" }; static char buf[1024]; ircd::parse::buffer pb{buf}; const auto doc((*moi)(pb, request)); std::cout << doc << std::endl; break; } case hash("connect"): { if(moi) { std::cerr << "Already have session." << std::endl; break; } const auto args(tokens_after(line, " ", 0)); const params token{args, " ", {"host", "port"}}; const std::string host{token.at(0, ""s)}; const auto port{token.at(1, 8448)}; moi = new m::session{{host, port}}; break; } case hash("disconnect"): { if(!moi) { std::cerr << "No current session" << std::endl; break; } delete moi; moi = nullptr; break; } case hash("versions"): { if(!moi) { std::cerr << "No current session" << std::endl; break; } m::request request { "GET", "_matrix/client/versions" }; static char buf[1024]; ircd::parse::buffer pb{buf}; const auto doc((*moi)(pb, request)); std::cout << doc << std::endl; break; } case hash("register"): { if(!moi) { std::cerr << "No current session" << std::endl; break; } const auto args(tokens_after(line, " ", 0)); const params token{args, " ", {"username", "password"}}; m::request request { "POST", "_matrix/client/r0/register?kind=user", {}, { { "username", token.at(0) }, { "password", token.at(1) }, { "auth", { { "type", "m.login.dummy" } } } } }; static char buf[4096]; ircd::parse::buffer pb{buf}; const auto doc((*moi)(pb, request)); std::cout << doc << std::endl; break; } case hash("login"): { if(!moi) { std::cerr << "No current session" << std::endl; break; } const auto args(tokens_after(line, " ", 0)); const params token{args, " ", {"username", "password"}}; m::request request { "POST", "_matrix/client/r0/login", {}, { { "user", token.at(0) }, { "password", token.at(1) }, { "type", "m.login.password" }, } }; static char buf[4096]; ircd::parse::buffer pb{buf}; const auto doc((*moi)(pb, request)); std::cout << doc << std::endl; moi->access_token = std::string(unquote(doc.at("access_token"))); break; } case hash("sync"): { if(!moi) { std::cerr << "No current session" << std::endl; break; } const auto args(tokens_after(line, " ", 0)); const params token{args, " ", {"user", "pass"}}; static char query[2048]; snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "%s=%s", "access_token", moi->access_token.c_str()); m::request request { "GET", "_matrix/client/r0/sync", query, { } }; static char buf[8192]; ircd::parse::buffer pb{buf}; const auto doc((*moi)(pb, request)); for(const auto &member : doc) std::cout << string_view{member.first} << " => " << string_view{member.second} << std::endl; break; } case hash("createroom"): { if(!moi) { std::cerr << "No current session" << std::endl; break; } const auto args(tokens_after(line, " ", 0)); const params token{args, " ", {"name"}}; char query[1024]; snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "%s=%s", "access_token", moi->access_token.c_str()); m::request request { "POST", "_matrix/client/r0/createRoom", query, { { "name", token.at(0) }, } }; static char buf[4096]; ircd::parse::buffer pb{buf}; const auto doc((*moi)(pb, request)); std::cout << doc << std::endl; break; } /* case hash("GET"): case hash("POST"): { if(!moi) { std::cerr << "No current session" << std::endl; break; } const auto raw(line); m::request::quote q { "GET", "/foo", "{}" }; moi->quote(q); break; } case hash("password"): { if(!moi) { std::cerr << "No current session" << std::endl; break; } const auto args(tokens_after(line, " ", 0)); const params token{args, " ", {"new_password"}}; m::request::password password {{ { "new_password", token.at(0) }, { "auth", { { "session", "abcdef" }, { "type", "m.login.token" } }} }}; moi->password(password); break; } */ default: std::cerr << "Bad command or filename" << std::endl; } return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { std::cerr << "missing required arguments." << std::endl; return true; } catch(const ircd::http::error &e) { ircd::log::error("console: %s %s", e.what(), e.content); return true; } catch(const std::exception &e) { ircd::log::error("console: %s", e.what()); return true; }