/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Charybdis Development Team * Copyright (C) 2017 Jason Volk * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include namespace ircd { ip::tcp::resolver *resolver; } // namespace ircd boost::asio::ssl::context ircd::sslv23_client { boost::asio::ssl::context::method::sslv23_client }; ircd::socket::init::init() { assert(ircd::ios); resolver = new ip::tcp::resolver(*ios); } ircd::socket::init::~init() { delete resolver; resolver = nullptr; } size_t ircd::write(socket &socket, const string_view &s) { return write(socket, s.data(), s.size()); } size_t ircd::write(socket &socket, const char *const &buf, const size_t &size) { const std::array bufs {{ { buf, size } }}; return socket.write(bufs); } size_t ircd::read(socket &socket, char *const &buf, const size_t &max) { const std::array bufs {{ { buf, max } }}; return socket.read_some(bufs); } ircd::socket::scope_timeout::scope_timeout(socket &socket, const milliseconds &timeout) :s{&socket} { socket.set_timeout(timeout, [&socket] (const error_code &ec) { if(!ec) socket.sd.cancel(); }); } ircd::socket::scope_timeout::scope_timeout(socket &socket, const milliseconds &timeout, const socket::handler &handler) :s{&socket} { socket.set_timeout(timeout, handler); } ircd::socket::scope_timeout::~scope_timeout() noexcept { s->timer.cancel(); } ircd::socket::socket(const std::string &host, const uint16_t &port, const milliseconds &timeout, asio::ssl::context &ssl, boost::asio::io_service *const &ios) :socket { [&host, &port]() -> ip::tcp::endpoint { assert(resolver); const ip::tcp::resolver::query query(host, string(lex_cast(port))); auto epit(resolver->async_resolve(query, yield(continuation()))); static const ip::tcp::resolver::iterator end; if(epit == end) throw nxdomain("host '%s' not found", host.data()); return *epit; }(), timeout, ssl, ios } { } ircd::socket::socket(const ip::tcp::endpoint &remote, const milliseconds &timeout, asio::ssl::context &ssl, boost::asio::io_service *const &ios) :socket{ssl, ios} { connect(remote, timeout); } ircd::socket::socket(asio::ssl::context &ssl, boost::asio::io_service *const &ios) :ssl{*ios, ssl} ,sd{this->ssl.next_layer()} ,timer{*ios} ,timedout{false} { } ircd::socket::~socket() noexcept { } void ircd::socket::connect(const ip::tcp::endpoint &ep, const milliseconds &timeout) { const scope_timeout ts(*this, timeout); sd.async_connect(ep, yield(continuation())); ssl.async_handshake(socket::handshake_type::client, yield(continuation())); } void ircd::socket::disconnect(const dc &type) { if(timer.expires_from_now() > 0ms) timer.cancel(); if(sd.is_open()) switch(type) { default: case dc::RST: sd.close(); break; case dc::FIN: sd.shutdown(ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both); break; case dc::FIN_SEND: sd.shutdown(ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_send); break; case dc::FIN_RECV: sd.shutdown(ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_receive); break; case dc::SSL_NOTIFY: { ssl.async_shutdown([socket(shared_from_this())] (boost::system::error_code ec) { if(!ec) socket->sd.close(ec); if(ec) log::warning("socket(%p): disconnect(): %s", socket.get(), ec.message()); }); break; } case dc::SSL_NOTIFY_YIELD: { ssl.async_shutdown(yield(continuation())); sd.close(); break; } } } void ircd::socket::cancel() { timer.cancel(); sd.cancel(); } void ircd::socket::operator()(handler h) { operator()(milliseconds(-1), std::move(h)); } void ircd::socket::operator()(const milliseconds &timeout, handler h) { static char buffer[1]; static const mutable_buffers buffers{{buffer, sizeof(buffer)}}; static const auto flags(ip::tcp::socket::message_peek); set_timeout(timeout); sd.async_receive(buffers, flags, [this, handler(h), wp(weak_from(*this))] (error_code ec, const size_t &bytes) { assert(bytes <= sizeof(buffer)); if(unlikely(wp.expired())) { log::warning("socket(%p): belated callback to handler...", this); return; } if(!handle_ready(ec)) { log::debug("socket(%p): %s", this, ec.message()); return; } handler(ec); }); } bool ircd::socket::connected() const noexcept try { return sd.is_open(); } catch(const boost::system::system_error &e) { return false; } bool ircd::socket::handle_ready(const error_code &ec) noexcept { using namespace boost::system::errc; if(!timedout) timer.cancel(); switch(ec.value()) { case success: return true; case boost::asio::error::eof: return true; case operation_canceled: return timedout; case bad_file_descriptor: return false; default: return true; } } void ircd::socket::handle_timeout(const std::weak_ptr wp, const error_code &ec) noexcept { using namespace boost::system::errc; if(!wp.expired()) switch(ec.value()) { case success: timedout = true; cancel(); break; case operation_canceled: timedout = false; break; default: log::error("socket::handle_timeout(): unexpected: %s\n", ec.message().c_str()); break; } }