// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. #include namespace ircd::m { struct log::log log { "matrix", 'm' }; std::map modules; std::list listeners; static void leave_ircd_room(); static void join_ircd_room(); } // // my user // const ircd::m::user::id::buf ircd_user_id { "ircd", ircd::my_host() //TODO: hostname }; ircd::m::user ircd::m::me { ircd_user_id }; // // my room // const ircd::m::room::id::buf ircd_room_id { "ircd", ircd::my_host() }; ircd::m::room ircd::m::my_room { ircd_room_id }; // // my node // const ircd::m::node::id::buf ircd_node_id { "", ircd::my_host() //TODO: hostname }; ircd::m::node ircd::m::my_node { ircd_node_id }; // // misc // const ircd::m::room::id::buf control_room_id { "control", ircd::my_host() }; ircd::m::room ircd::m::control { control_room_id }; // // init // ircd::m::init::init() try :config { ircd::conf::config //TODO: X } ,_keys { this->config } { modules(); if(db::sequence(*dbs::events) == 0) bootstrap(); join_ircd_room(); joined = true; listeners(); } catch(const m::error &e) { this->~init(); log.error("%s %s", e.what(), e.content); throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { this->~init(); log.error("%s", e.what()); throw; } ircd::m::init::~init() noexcept try { if(joined) leave_ircd_room(); m::listeners.clear(); m::modules.clear(); } catch(const m::error &e) { log.critical("%s %s", e.what(), e.content); ircd::terminate(); } void ircd::m::init::modules() { if(ircd::noautomod) { log::warning { "Not loading modules because noautomod flag is set. " "You may still load modules manually." }; return; } const string_view prefixes[] { "s_", "m_", "client_", "key_", "federation_", "media_" }; for(const auto &name : mods::available()) if(startswith_any(name, std::begin(prefixes), std::end(prefixes))) m::modules.emplace(name, name); m::modules.emplace("root"s, "root"s); } namespace ircd::m { static void init_listener(const json::object &config, const string_view &name, const json::object &conf); } void ircd::m::init::listeners() { if(ircd::nolisten) { log::warning { "Not listening on any addresses because nolisten flag is set." }; return; } const json::array listeners { config[{"ircd", "listen"}] }; for(const auto &name : listeners) try { const json::object &opts { config.at({"listen", unquote(name)}) }; init_listener(config, name, opts); } catch(const json::not_found &e) { throw ircd::user_error { "Failed to find configuration block for listener %s", name }; } } static void ircd::m::init_listener(const json::object &config, const string_view &name, const json::object &opts) { m::listeners.emplace_back(name, opts); } void ircd::m::init::bootstrap() { assert(dbs::events); assert(db::sequence(*dbs::events) == 0); ircd::log::notice ( "This appears to be your first time running IRCd because the events " "database is empty. I will be bootstrapping it with initial events now..." ); create(user::users, me.user_id); create(me.user_id); me.activate(); create(my_room, me.user_id); send(my_room, me.user_id, "m.room.name", "", { { "name", "IRCd's Room" } }); send(my_room, me.user_id, "m.room.topic", "", { { "topic", "The daemon's den." } }); send(user::users, me.user_id, "m.room.name", "", { { "name", "Users" } }); create(user::tokens, me.user_id); send(user::tokens, me.user_id, "m.room.name", "", { { "name", "User Tokens" } }); } bool ircd::m::self::host(const string_view &s) { return s == host(); } ircd::string_view ircd::m::self::host() { return "zemos.net"; //me.user_id.host(); } ircd::conf::item me_online_status_msg { { "name", "ircd.me.online.status_msg" }, { "default", "Wanna chat? IRCd at your service!" } }; void ircd::m::join_ircd_room() try { presence::set(me, "online", me_online_status_msg); join(my_room, me.user_id); } catch(const m::ALREADY_MEMBER &e) { log.warning("IRCd did not shut down correctly..."); } ircd::conf::item me_offline_status_msg { { "name", "ircd.me.offline.status_msg" }, { "default", "Catch ya on the flip side..." } }; void ircd::m::leave_ircd_room() { leave(my_room, me.user_id); presence::set(me, "offline", me_offline_status_msg); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/keys.h // ircd::ed25519::sk ircd::m::self::secret_key {}; ircd::ed25519::pk ircd::m::self::public_key {}; std::string ircd::m::self::public_key_b64 {}; std::string ircd::m::self::public_key_id {}; std::string ircd::m::self::tls_cert_der {}; std::string ircd::m::self::tls_cert_der_sha256_b64 {}; void ircd::m::keys::get(const string_view &server_name, const string_view &key_id, const ed25519_closure &closure) { get(server_name, key_id, key_closure{[&closure] (const string_view &keyb64) { const ed25519::pk pk { [&keyb64](auto &buf) { b64decode(buf, unquote(keyb64)); } }; closure(pk); }}); } void ircd::m::keys::get(const string_view &server_name, const string_view &key_id, const key_closure &closure) try { get(server_name, [&key_id, &closure](const keys &keys) { const json::object vks { at<"verify_keys"_>(keys) }; const json::object vkk { vks.at(key_id) }; const string_view &key { vkk.at("key") }; closure(key); }); } catch(const json::not_found &e) { throw m::NOT_FOUND { "Failed to find key '%s' for '%s': %s", key_id, server_name, e.what() }; } void ircd::m::keys::get(const string_view &server_name, const string_view &key_id, const closure &closure) { get(server_name, [&key_id, &closure](const keys &keys) { closure(keys); }); } void ircd::m::keys::get(const string_view &server_name, const closure &closure_) { using prototype = void (const string_view &, const closure &); static import function { "key_keys", "get__keys" }; return function(server_name, closure_); } void ircd::m::keys::get(const string_view &server_name, const string_view &key_id, const string_view &query_server, const closure &closure_) { using prototype = void (const string_view &, const string_view &, const string_view &, const closure &); static import function { "key_keys", "query__keys" }; return function(server_name, key_id, query_server, closure_); } // // init // ircd::m::keys::init::init(const json::object &config) :config{config} { certificate(); signing(); } ircd::m::keys::init::~init() noexcept { } void ircd::m::keys::init::certificate() { const string_view origin { unquote(this->config.at({"ircd", "origin"})) }; const json::object config { this->config.at({"origin", unquote(origin)}) }; const std::string private_key_file { unquote(config.at("ssl_private_key_file_pem")) }; const std::string public_key_file { unquote(config.get("ssl_public_key_file_pem", private_key_file + ".pub")) }; if(!fs::exists(private_key_file)) { log::warning("Failed to find certificate private key @ `%s'; creating...", private_key_file); openssl::genrsa(private_key_file, public_key_file); } const std::string cert_file { unquote(config.at("ssl_certificate_file_pem")) }; if(!fs::exists(cert_file)) throw fs::error("Failed to find SSL certificate @ `%s'", cert_file); const auto cert_pem { fs::read(cert_file) }; const unique_buffer der_buf { 8_KiB }; const auto cert_der { openssl::cert2d(der_buf, cert_pem) }; const fixed_buffer hash { sha256{cert_der} }; self::tls_cert_der_sha256_b64 = { b64encode_unpadded(hash) }; log.info("Certificate `%s' :PEM %zu bytes; DER %zu bytes; sha256b64 %s", cert_file, cert_pem.size(), ircd::size(cert_der), self::tls_cert_der_sha256_b64); thread_local char print_buf[8_KiB]; log.info("Certificate `%s' :%s", cert_file, openssl::print_subject(print_buf, cert_pem)); } void ircd::m::keys::init::signing() { const std::string sk_file { unquote(config.get("signing_key_path", "construct.sk")) }; if(fs::exists(sk_file)) log.info("Using ed25519 secret key @ `%s'", sk_file); else log.notice("Creating new ed25519 secret key @ `%s'", sk_file); self::secret_key = ed25519::sk { sk_file, &self::public_key }; self::public_key_b64 = b64encode_unpadded(self::public_key); const fixed_buffer hash { sha256{self::public_key} }; const auto public_key_hash_b58 { b58encode(hash) }; static const auto trunc_size{8}; self::public_key_id = fmt::snstringf { BUFSIZE, "ed25519:%s", trunc(public_key_hash_b58, trunc_size) }; log.info("Current key is '%s' and the public key is: %s", self::public_key_id, self::public_key_b64); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/receipt.h // ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::receipt::read(const id::room &room_id, const id::user &user_id, const id::event &event_id) { return read(room_id, user_id, event_id, ircd::time()); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::receipt::read(const id::room &room_id, const id::user &user_id, const id::event &event_id, const time_t &ms) { using prototype = event::id::buf (const id::room &, const id::user &, const id::event &, const time_t &); static import function { "m_receipt", "receipt_m_read" }; return function(room_id, user_id, event_id, ms); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/typing.h // ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::typing::set(const m::typing &object) { using prototype = event::id::buf (const m::typing &); static import function { "m_typing", "typing_set" }; return function(object); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/presence.h // ircd::m::presence::presence(const user &user, const mutable_buffer &buf) :presence { get(user, buf) } { } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::presence::set(const user &user, const string_view &presence, const string_view &status_msg) { return set(m::presence { { "user_id", user.user_id }, { "presence", presence }, { "status_msg", status_msg }, }); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::presence::set(const presence &object) { using prototype = event::id::buf (const presence &); static import function { "m_presence", "presence_set" }; return function(object); } ircd::json::object ircd::m::presence::get(const user &user, const mutable_buffer &buffer) { using prototype = json::object (const m::user &, const mutable_buffer &); static import function { "m_presence", "presence_get" }; return function(user, buffer); } bool ircd::m::presence::valid_state(const string_view &state) { using prototype = bool (const string_view &); static import function { "m_presence", "presence_valid_state" }; return function(state); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/node.h // /// ID of the room which indexes all nodes (an instance of the room is /// provided below). const ircd::m::room::id::buf nodes_room_id { "nodes", ircd::my_host() }; /// The nodes room is the database of all nodes. It primarily serves as an /// indexing mechanism and for top-level node related keys. /// const ircd::m::room ircd::m::nodes { nodes_room_id }; ircd::m::node ircd::m::create(const id::node &node_id, const json::members &args) { using prototype = node (const id::node &, const json::members &); static import function { "s_node", "create_node" }; assert(node_id); return function(node_id, args); } bool ircd::m::exists(const node::id &node_id) { using prototype = bool (const node::id &); static import function { "s_node", "exists__nodeid" }; return function(node_id); } bool ircd::m::my(const node &node) { return my(node.node_id); } // // node // /// Generates a node-room ID into buffer; see room_id() overload. ircd::m::id::room::buf ircd::m::node::room_id() const { ircd::m::id::room::buf buf; return buf.assigned(room_id(buf)); } /// This generates a room mxid for the "node's room" essentially serving as /// a database mechanism for this specific node. This room_id is a hash of /// the node's full mxid. /// ircd::m::id::room ircd::m::node::room_id(const mutable_buffer &buf) const { assert(!empty(node_id)); const sha256::buf hash { sha256{node_id} }; char b58[size(hash) * 2]; return { buf, b58encode(b58, hash), my_host() }; } // // node::room // ircd::m::node::room::room(const m::node::id &node_id) :room{m::node{node_id}} {} ircd::m::node::room::room(const m::node &node) :node{node} ,room_id{node.room_id()} { static_cast(*this) = room_id; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/user.h // /// ID of the room which indexes all users (an instance of the room is /// provided below). const ircd::m::room::id::buf users_room_id { "users", ircd::my_host() }; /// The users room is the database of all users. It primarily serves as an /// indexing mechanism and for top-level user related keys. Accounts /// registered on this server will be among state events in this room. /// Users do not have access to this room, it is used internally. /// ircd::m::room ircd::m::user::users { users_room_id }; /// ID of the room which stores ephemeral tokens (an instance of the room is /// provided below). const ircd::m::room::id::buf tokens_room_id { "tokens", ircd::my_host() }; /// The tokens room serves as a key-value lookup for various tokens to /// users, etc. It primarily serves to store access tokens for users. This /// is a separate room from the users room because in the future it may /// have an optimized configuration as well as being more easily cleared. /// ircd::m::room ircd::m::user::tokens { tokens_room_id }; ircd::m::user ircd::m::create(const id::user &user_id, const json::members &contents) { using prototype = user (const id::user &, const json::members &); static import function { "client_user", "user_create" }; return function(user_id, contents); } bool ircd::m::exists(const user::id &user_id) { return user::users.has("ircd.user", user_id); } bool ircd::m::exists(const user &user) { return exists(user.user_id); } bool ircd::m::my(const user &user) { return my(user.user_id); } // // user // /// Generates a user-room ID into buffer; see room_id() overload. ircd::m::id::room::buf ircd::m::user::room_id() const { ircd::m::id::room::buf buf; return buf.assigned(room_id(buf)); } /// This generates a room mxid for the "user's room" essentially serving as /// a database mechanism for this specific user. This room_id is a hash of /// the user's full mxid. /// ircd::m::id::room ircd::m::user::room_id(const mutable_buffer &buf) const { assert(!empty(user_id)); const sha256::buf hash { sha256{user_id} }; char b58[size(hash) * 2]; return { buf, b58encode(b58, hash), my_host() }; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::user::gen_access_token(const mutable_buffer &buf) { static const size_t token_max{32}; static const auto &token_dict{rand::dict::alpha}; const mutable_buffer out { data(buf), std::min(token_max, size(buf)) }; return rand::string(token_dict, out); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::user::activate() { using prototype = event::id::buf (const m::user &); static import function { "client_account", "activate__user" }; return function(*this); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::user::deactivate() { using prototype = event::id::buf (const m::user &); static import function { "client_account", "deactivate__user" }; return function(*this); } bool ircd::m::user::is_active() const { using prototype = bool (const m::user &); static import function { "client_account", "is_active__user" }; return function(*this); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::user::profile(const m::user &sender, const string_view &key, const string_view &val) { using prototype = event::id::buf (const m::user &, const m::user &, const string_view &, const string_view &); static import function { "client_profile", "profile_set" }; return function(*this, sender, key, val); } ircd::string_view ircd::m::user::profile(const mutable_buffer &out, const string_view &key) const { string_view ret; profile(std::nothrow, key, [&out, &ret] (const string_view &val) { ret = { data(out), copy(out, val) }; }); return ret; } bool ircd::m::user::profile(std::nothrow_t, const string_view &key, const profile_closure &closure) const try { profile(key, closure); return true; } catch(const std::exception &e) { return false; } void ircd::m::user::profile(const string_view &key, const profile_closure &closure) const { using prototype = void (const m::user &, const string_view &, const profile_closure &); static import function { "client_profile", "profile_get" }; return function(*this, key, closure); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::user::password(const string_view &password) { using prototype = event::id::buf (const m::user::id &, const string_view &) noexcept; static import function { "client_account", "set_password" }; return function(user_id, password); } bool ircd::m::user::is_password(const string_view &password) const noexcept try { using prototype = bool (const m::user::id &, const string_view &) noexcept; static import function { "client_account", "is_password" }; return function(user_id, password); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::critical { "user::is_password(): %s %s", string_view{user_id}, e.what() }; return false; } // // user::room // ircd::m::user::room::room(const m::user::id &user_id) :room{m::user{user_id}} {} ircd::m::user::room::room(const m::user &user) :user{user} ,room_id{user.room_id()} { static_cast(*this) = room_id; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/room.h // ircd::m::room ircd::m::create(const id::room &room_id, const id::user &creator, const string_view &type) { using prototype = room (const id::room &, const id::user &, const string_view &); static import function { "client_createroom", "createroom__type" }; return function(room_id, creator, type); } ircd::m::room ircd::m::create(const id::room &room_id, const id::user &creator, const id::room &parent, const string_view &type) { using prototype = room (const id::room &, const id::user &, const id::room &, const string_view &); static import function { "client_createroom", "createroom__parent_type" }; return function(room_id, creator, parent, type); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::join(const id::room_alias &room_alias, const id::user &user_id) { using prototype = event::id::buf (const id::room_alias &, const id::user &); static import function { "client_rooms", "join__alias_user" }; return function(room_alias, user_id); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::join(const room &room, const id::user &user_id) { using prototype = event::id::buf (const m::room &, const id::user &); static import function { "client_rooms", "join__room_user" }; return function(room, user_id); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::leave(const room &room, const id::user &user_id) { using prototype = event::id::buf (const m::room &, const id::user &); static import function { "client_rooms", "leave__room_user" }; return function(room, user_id); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::redact(const room &room, const id::user &sender, const id::event &event_id, const string_view &reason) { using prototype = event::id::buf (const m::room &, const id::user &, const id::event &, const string_view &); static import function { "client_rooms", "redact__" }; return function(room, sender, event_id, reason); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::notice(const room &room, const string_view &body) { return message(room, me.user_id, body, "m.notice"); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::notice(const room &room, const m::id::user &sender, const string_view &body) { return message(room, sender, body, "m.notice"); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::msghtml(const room &room, const m::id::user &sender, const string_view &html, const string_view &alt, const string_view &msgtype) { return message(room, sender, { { "msgtype", msgtype }, { "format", "org.matrix.custom.html" }, { "body", { alt?: html, json::STRING } }, { "formatted_body", { html, json::STRING } }, }); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::message(const room &room, const m::id::user &sender, const string_view &body, const string_view &msgtype) { return message(room, sender, { { "body", { body, json::STRING } }, { "msgtype", { msgtype, json::STRING } }, }); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::message(const room &room, const m::id::user &sender, const json::members &contents) { return send(room, sender, "m.room.message", contents); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::send(const room &room, const m::id::user &sender, const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key, const json::members &contents) { json::iov _content; json::iov::push content[contents.size()]; return send(room, sender, type, state_key, make_iov(_content, content, contents.size(), contents)); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::send(const room &room, const m::id::user &sender, const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key, const json::object &contents) { json::iov _content; json::iov::push content[contents.size()]; return send(room, sender, type, state_key, make_iov(_content, content, contents.size(), contents)); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::send(const room &room, const m::id::user &sender, const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key, const json::iov &content) { using prototype = event::id::buf (const m::room &, const id::user &, const string_view &, const string_view &, const json::iov &); static import function { "client_rooms", "state__iov" }; return function(room, sender, type, state_key, content); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::send(const room &room, const m::id::user &sender, const string_view &type, const json::members &contents) { json::iov _content; json::iov::push content[contents.size()]; return send(room, sender, type, make_iov(_content, content, contents.size(), contents)); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::send(const room &room, const m::id::user &sender, const string_view &type, const json::object &contents) { json::iov _content; json::iov::push content[contents.count()]; return send(room, sender, type, make_iov(_content, content, contents.count(), contents)); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::send(const room &room, const m::id::user &sender, const string_view &type, const json::iov &content) { using prototype = event::id::buf (const m::room &, const id::user &, const string_view &, const json::iov &); static import function { "client_rooms", "send__iov" }; return function(room, sender, type, content); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::commit(const room &room, json::iov &event, const json::iov &contents) { using prototype = event::id::buf (const m::room &, json::iov &, const json::iov &); static import function { "client_rooms", "commit__iov_iov" }; return function(room, event, contents); } ircd::m::id::room::buf ircd::m::room_id(const id::room_alias &room_alias) { char buf[256]; return room_id(buf, room_alias); } ircd::m::id::room ircd::m::room_id(const mutable_buffer &out, const id::room_alias &room_alias) { using prototype = id::room (const mutable_buffer &, const id::room_alias &); static import function { "client_directory_room", "room_id__room_alias" }; return function(out, room_alias); } bool ircd::m::exists(const id::room_alias &room_alias, const bool &remote_query) { using prototype = bool (const id::room_alias, const bool &); static import function { "client_directory_room", "room_alias_exists" }; return function(room_alias, remote_query); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/txn.h // std::string ircd::m::txn::create(const array &pdu, const array &edu, const array &pdu_failure) { json::iov iov; const json::iov::push push[] { { iov, { "origin", my_host() }}, { iov, { "origin_server_ts", ircd::time() }}, }; const json::iov::add_if _pdus { iov, !empty(pdu), { "pdus", { data(pdu), size(pdu) } } }; const json::iov::add_if _edus { iov, !empty(edu), { "edus", { data(edu), size(edu) } } }; const json::iov::add_if _pdu_failures { iov, !empty(pdu_failure), { "pdu_failures", { data(pdu_failure), size(pdu_failure) } } }; return json::strung { iov }; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::txn::create_id(const mutable_buffer &out, const string_view &txn) { const sha256::buf hash { sha256{txn} }; const string_view txnid { b58encode(out, hash) }; return txnid; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/hook.h // /// Alternative hook ctor simply allowing the the function argument /// first and description after. ircd::m::hook::hook(decltype(function) function, const json::members &members) :hook { members, std::move(function) } { } /// Primary hook ctor ircd::m::hook::hook(const json::members &members, decltype(function) function) try :_feature{[&members]() -> json::strung { const ctx::critical_assertion ca; std::vector copy { begin(members), end(members) }; for(auto &member : copy) switch(hash(member.first)) { case hash("room_id"): { // Rewrite the room_id if the supplied input has no hostname if(valid_local_only(id::ROOM, member.second)) { assert(my_host()); thread_local char buf[256]; member.second = id::room { buf, member.second, my_host() }; } validate(id::ROOM, member.second); continue; } case hash("sender"): { // Rewrite the sender if the supplied input has no hostname if(valid_local_only(id::USER, member.second)) { assert(my_host()); thread_local char buf[256]; member.second = id::user { buf, member.second, my_host() }; } validate(id::USER, member.second); continue; } case hash("state_key"): { const bool is_member_event { end(members) != std::find_if(begin(members), end(members), [](const auto &member) { return member.first == "type" && member.second == "m.room.member"; }) }; // Rewrite the sender if the supplied input has no hostname if(valid_local_only(id::USER, member.second)) { assert(my_host()); thread_local char buf[256]; member.second = id::user { buf, member.second, my_host() }; } validate(id::USER, member.second); continue; } } return { copy.data(), copy.data() + copy.size() }; }()} ,feature { _feature } ,matching { feature } ,function { std::move(function) } ,registered { list.add(*this) } { } catch(...) { if(registered) list.del(*this); } ircd::m::hook::~hook() noexcept { if(registered) list.del(*this); } ircd::string_view ircd::m::hook::site_name() const try { return unquote(feature.at("_site")); } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { throw assertive { "Hook %p must name a '_site' to register with.", this }; } bool ircd::m::hook::match(const m::event &event) const { if(json::get<"origin"_>(matching)) if(at<"origin"_>(matching) != json::get<"origin"_>(event)) return false; if(json::get<"room_id"_>(matching)) if(at<"room_id"_>(matching) != json::get<"room_id"_>(event)) return false; if(json::get<"sender"_>(matching)) if(at<"sender"_>(matching) != json::get<"sender"_>(event)) return false; if(json::get<"type"_>(matching)) if(at<"type"_>(matching) != json::get<"type"_>(event)) return false; if(json::get<"state_key"_>(matching)) if(at<"state_key"_>(matching) != json::get<"state_key"_>(event)) return false; if(json::get<"membership"_>(matching)) if(at<"membership"_>(matching) != json::get<"membership"_>(event)) return false; if(json::get<"content"_>(matching)) if(json::get<"type"_>(event) == "m.room.message") if(at<"content"_>(matching).has("msgtype")) if(at<"content"_>(matching).get("msgtype") != json::get<"content"_>(event).get("msgtype")) return false; return true; } // // hook::site // ircd::m::hook::site::site(const json::members &members) try :_feature { members } ,feature { _feature } ,registered { list.add(*this) } { } catch(...) { if(registered) list.del(*this); } ircd::m::hook::site::~site() noexcept { if(registered) list.del(*this); } void ircd::m::hook::site::operator()(const event &event) { std::set matching; //TODO: allocator const auto site_match{[&matching] (auto &map, const string_view &key) { auto pit{map.equal_range(key)}; for(; pit.first != pit.second; ++pit.first) matching.emplace(pit.first->second); }}; if(json::get<"origin"_>(event)) site_match(origin, at<"origin"_>(event)); if(json::get<"room_id"_>(event)) site_match(room_id, at<"room_id"_>(event)); if(json::get<"sender"_>(event)) site_match(sender, at<"sender"_>(event)); if(json::get<"type"_>(event)) site_match(type, at<"type"_>(event)); if(json::get<"state_key"_>(event)) site_match(state_key, at<"state_key"_>(event)); auto it(begin(matching)); while(it != end(matching)) { const hook &hook(**it); if(!hook.match(event)) it = matching.erase(it); else ++it; } for(const auto &hook : matching) call(*hook, event); } void ircd::m::hook::site::call(hook &hook, const event &event) try { hook.function(event); } catch(const ctx::interrupted &e) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::critical { "Unhandled hookfn(%p) %s error :%s", &hook, string_view{hook.feature}, e.what() }; } bool ircd::m::hook::site::add(hook &hook) { if(json::get<"origin"_>(hook.matching)) origin.emplace(at<"origin"_>(hook.matching), &hook); if(json::get<"room_id"_>(hook.matching)) room_id.emplace(at<"room_id"_>(hook.matching), &hook); if(json::get<"sender"_>(hook.matching)) sender.emplace(at<"sender"_>(hook.matching), &hook); if(json::get<"state_key"_>(hook.matching)) state_key.emplace(at<"state_key"_>(hook.matching), &hook); if(json::get<"type"_>(hook.matching)) type.emplace(at<"type"_>(hook.matching), &hook); ++count; return true; } bool ircd::m::hook::site::del(hook &hook) { const auto unmap{[&hook] (auto &map, const string_view &key) { auto pit{map.equal_range(key)}; for(; pit.first != pit.second; ++pit.first) if(pit.first->second == &hook) return map.erase(pit.first); assert(0); }}; if(json::get<"origin"_>(hook.matching)) unmap(origin, at<"origin"_>(hook.matching)); if(json::get<"room_id"_>(hook.matching)) unmap(room_id, at<"room_id"_>(hook.matching)); if(json::get<"sender"_>(hook.matching)) unmap(sender, at<"sender"_>(hook.matching)); if(json::get<"state_key"_>(hook.matching)) unmap(state_key, at<"state_key"_>(hook.matching)); if(json::get<"type"_>(hook.matching)) unmap(type, at<"type"_>(hook.matching)); --count; return true; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::hook::site::name() const try { return unquote(feature.at("name")); } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { throw assertive { "Hook site %p requires a name", this }; } // // hook::list // decltype(ircd::m::hook::list) ircd::m::hook::list {}; bool ircd::m::hook::list::del(hook &hook) try { const auto site(at(hook.site_name())); assert(site != nullptr); return site->del(hook); } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { log::critical { "Tried to unregister hook(%p) from missing hook::site '%s'", &hook, hook.site_name() }; assert(0); return false; } bool ircd::m::hook::list::add(hook &hook) try { const auto site(at(hook.site_name())); assert(site != nullptr); return site->add(hook); } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { throw error { "No hook::site named '%s' is registered...", hook.site_name() }; } bool ircd::m::hook::list::del(site &site) { return erase(site.name()); } bool ircd::m::hook::list::add(site &site) { const auto iit { emplace(site.name(), &site) }; if(unlikely(!iit.second)) throw error { "Hook site name '%s' already in use", site.name() }; return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/error.h // thread_local char ircd::m::error::fmtbuf[768] {}; ircd::m::error::error() :http::error{http::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR} {} ircd::m::error::error(std::string c) :http::error{http::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, std::move(c)} {} ircd::m::error::error(const http::code &c) :http::error{c, std::string{}} {} ircd::m::error::error(const http::code &c, const json::members &members) :http::error{c, json::strung{members}} {} ircd::m::error::error(const http::code &c, const json::iov &iov) :http::error{c, json::strung{iov}} {} ircd::m::error::error(const http::code &c, const json::object &object) :http::error{c, std::string{object}} {}