// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. #include void ircd::m::state::insert(db::txn &txn, const id::room &room_id, const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key, const id::event &event_id) { char key[512]; return insert(txn, room_id, make_key(key, type, state_key), event_id); } void ircd::m::state::insert(db::txn &txn, const id::room &room_id, const json::array &key, const id::event &event_id) { db::column column { *event::events, "state_node" }; // Start with the root node ID for room char nextbuf[512]; string_view nextid { get_head(room_id, nextbuf) }; while(nextid) { get_node(column, nextid, [&](const auto &node) { std::cout << "@" << nextid << " " << node << std::endl; const auto pos(find(node, key)); char headbuf[512]; const auto head(set_into(txn, headbuf, node, pos, key, event_id)); set_head(txn, room_id, head); }); nextid = {}; } } void ircd::m::state::get_value__room(const id::room &room_id, const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key, const id_closure &closure) { char head[64]; get_head(room_id, [&head](const string_view &id) { strlcpy(head, unquote(id)); }); return get_value(head, type, state_key, closure); } void ircd::m::state::get_value(const string_view &head, const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key, const id_closure &closure) { char key[512]; return get_value(head, make_key(key, type, state_key), closure); } void ircd::m::state::get_value(const string_view &head, const json::array &key, const id_closure &closure) { db::column column { *event::events, "state_node" }; char nextbuf[512]; string_view nextid{head}; do { get_node(column, nextid, [&key, &closure, &nextid, &nextbuf] (const auto &node) { const auto pos{find(node, key)}; if(pos >= vals(node)) throw m::NOT_FOUND{}; const auto &v{unquote(val(node, pos))}; if(valid(id::EVENT, v)) { if(state::key(node, pos) != key) throw m::NOT_FOUND{}; nextid = {}; closure(v); } else nextid = { nextbuf, strlcpy(nextbuf, v) }; }); } while(nextid); } void ircd::m::state::set_head(db::txn &iov, const id::room &room_id, const string_view &head_id) { db::txn::append { iov, db::delta { "state_head", // col room_id, // key head_id, // val } }; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::state::get_head(const id::room &room_id, const mutable_buffer &buf) { string_view ret; get_head(room_id, [&ret, &buf] (const string_view &head) { ret = { data(buf), strlcpy(buf, head) }; }); return ret; } void ircd::m::state::get_head(const id::room &room_id, const id_closure &closure) { db::column column { *event::events, "state_head" }; get_head(column, room_id, closure); } void ircd::m::state::get_head(db::column &column, const id::room &room_id, const id_closure &closure) { column(room_id, closure); } ircd::string_view ircd::m::state::set_into(db::txn &iov, const mutable_buffer &hashbuf, const node &old, const size_t &pos, const json::array &key, const string_view &val) { thread_local char buf[2_KiB]; const ctx::critical_assertion ca; const string_view node { make_into(buf, old, pos, key, val) }; const sha256::buf hash { sha256{const_buffer{node}} }; const auto hashb64 { b64encode_unpadded(hashbuf, hash) }; db::txn::append { iov, db::delta { db::op::SET, "state_node", // col hashb64, // key node, // val } }; return hashb64; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::state::set_node(db::txn &iov, const mutable_buffer &hashbuf, const json::array *const &keys, const size_t &kn, const string_view *const &vals, const size_t &vn) { thread_local char buf[2_KiB]; const ctx::critical_assertion ca; const string_view node { make_node(buf, keys, kn, vals, vn) }; const sha256::buf hash { sha256{const_buffer{node}} }; const auto hashb64 { b64encode_unpadded(hashbuf, hash) }; db::txn::append { iov, db::delta { db::op::SET, "state_node", // col hashb64, // key node, // val } }; return hashb64; } void ircd::m::state::get_node(const string_view &node_id, const node_closure &closure) { db::column column { *event::events, "state_node" }; get_node(column, node_id, closure); } void ircd::m::state::get_node(db::column &column, const string_view &node_id, const node_closure &closure) { column(node_id, closure); } ircd::json::object ircd::m::state::make_into(const mutable_buffer &out, const node &old, const size_t &pos, const json::array &_key, const string_view &_val) { const size_t kn{keys(old) + 1}; json::array _keys[kn]; { size_t i(0), j(0); while(i < pos) _keys[i++] = key(old, j++); _keys[i++] = _key; while(i < keys(old) + 1) _keys[i++] = key(old, j++); } const size_t vn{vals(old) + 1}; string_view _vals[vn + 1]; { size_t i(0), j(0); while(i < pos) _vals[i++] = val(old, j++); _vals[i++] = _val; while(i < vals(old) + 1) _vals[i++] = val(old, j++); } return make_node(out, _keys, kn, _vals, vn); } ircd::json::object ircd::m::state::make_node(const mutable_buffer &out, const json::array *const &keys_, const size_t &kn, const string_view *const &vals_, const size_t &vn) { assert(kn > 0 && vn > 0); assert(kn == vn || kn + 1 == vn); json::value keys[kn]; { for(size_t i(0); i < kn; ++i) keys[i] = keys_[i]; } json::value vals[vn]; { for(size_t i(0); i < vn; ++i) vals[i] = vals_[i]; }; json::iov iov; const json::iov::push push[] { { iov, { "k"_sv, { keys, kn } } }, { iov, { "v"_sv, { vals, vn } } }, }; return { data(out), json::print(out, iov) }; } size_t ircd::m::state::find(const node &node, const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key) { thread_local char buf[1_KiB]; const ctx::critical_assertion ca; return find(node, make_key(buf, type, state_key)); } size_t ircd::m::state::find(const node &node, const json::array &parts) { size_t ret{0}; for(const json::array key : json::get<"k"_>(node)) if(keycmp(parts, key) <= 0) return ret; else ++ret; return ret; } int ircd::m::state::keycmp(const json::array &a, const json::array &b) { auto ait(begin(a)); auto bit(begin(b)); for(; ait != end(a) && bit != end(b); ++ait, ++bit) { assert(surrounds(*ait, '"')); assert(surrounds(*bit, '"')); if(*ait < *bit) return -1; if(*bit < *ait) return 1; } assert(ait == end(a) || bit == end(b)); return ait == end(a) && bit != end(b)? -1: ait == end(a) && bit == end(b)? 0: 1; } ircd::json::array ircd::m::state::make_key(const mutable_buffer &out, const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key) { const json::value key_parts[] { type, state_key }; const json::value key { key_parts, 2 }; return { data(out), json::print(out, key) }; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::state::val(const node &node, const size_t &pos) { return json::at<"v"_>(node).at(pos); } ircd::json::array ircd::m::state::key(const node &node, const size_t &pos) { return json::at<"k"_>(node).at(pos); } size_t ircd::m::state::children(const node &node) { size_t ret(0); for(const auto &v : json::get<"v"_>(node)) if(!valid(id::EVENT, v)) ++ret; return ret; } size_t ircd::m::state::vals(const node &node) { return json::get<"v"_>(node).count(); } size_t ircd::m::state::keys(const node &node) { return json::get<"k"_>(node).count(); }