// Matrix Construct Is All You Need Is All You Need Is AllĊĊĊĊĊĊĊĊ // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. namespace ircd::gpt { static size_t adamw(f32x4 &, f32x4 &, f32x4 &, const f32, const f32, const f32, const f32, const u32, size_t); static size_t adamw(task &, const f32, f32 *, const size_t, f32 *const (&)[2], const size_t); static size_t backprop(task &, const f32, model::norm &, f32 *const (&)[2], size_t); static size_t backprop(task &, const f32, model::attn &, f32 *const (&)[2], size_t); static size_t backprop(task &, const f32, model::ffnn &, f32 *const (&)[2], size_t); static size_t backprop(task &, const f32, model::block &, f32 *const (&)[2], size_t); static size_t backprop(task &, const f32, model::embed &, f32 *const (&)[2], size_t); static size_t backprop(task &, const f32, model::decoder &, f32 *const (&)[2], size_t = 0); template static void fmma(T *out, const T *in, const T *bias, const T *weight, const math::fmma_opts &); static void gelu(f32x4 &, const f32x4 &); static void gelu(f32x4 *, const f32x4 *); static void norm(f32x4 *, const f32x4 *, const f32x4 *, const f32x4 *, const f32); static void vals(float (&)[12][1024][64], const float (&)[12][1024][1024], const float (&)[3][1024][12][64], const size_t); static void pare(float (&)[12][1024][1024], const float (&)[3][1024][12][64], const size_t); static void mask(float (&)[12][1024][1024], const float (&)[12][1024][1024], const bool (&)[1024][1024], const size_t); static void smax(float (&)[12][1024][1024], const float (&)[12][1024][1024], const size_t); static void ctrl(float (&)[3][1024][12][64], const float *const, const size_t, const model::decoder &, const uint layer); static void ffnn(float *, const float *, const model::decoder &, const uint layer); static void coil(float *, const size_t, const model::decoder &); static void logitsmax(float *, const float *, const size_t); static void logits(float *, const float *, const model::decoder &); static void tail(float *, const float *, const model::decoder &); static u16 argmax(const float *, const opts &); static void embed(float *, const u16 token, const u16 position, const opts &); static f32 logit alignas(64) [65536], embeds alignas(64) [1024 * 768], scratch alignas(64) [1024 * 768]; } decltype(ircd::gpt::log) ircd::gpt::log { "gpt" }; ircd::string_view ircd::gpt::generate(const mutable_buffer &out, const string_view &in, task &task) { u16 buf[2][1024]; const auto input_tokens { vocab::tokenize(buf[0], in) }; const auto output_tokens { generate(buf[1], input_tokens, task) }; const auto output { vocab::detokenize(out, output_tokens) }; return output; } ircd::vector_view ircd::gpt::generate(const vector_view &out, const vector_view &in, task &task) { assert(task.ctrl); assert(task.opts); uint ret(0); bool halt(false); const auto &opts(*task.opts); auto &ctrl(*task.ctrl); ctrl.tokens.count = 0; ctrl.tokens.head = 0; for(uint j(0); j < in.size(); ++j) ctrl.token[ctrl.tokens.count++] = in[j]; for(uint i(0); i < opts.gates; ++i) for(uint k(0); k < 8; ++k) { if(ctrl.tokens.count >= opts.buffer_tokens) break; if(opts.gate[i].code[k] == 0) break; ctrl.token[ctrl.tokens.count] = opts.gate[i].code[k]; ctrl.tokens.count++; } const size_t in_size { ctrl.tokens.count }; uint64_t cycles(0); if(ctrl.prop) { static f32 *_momentum[2]; if(!_momentum[0]) { _momentum[0] = new f32[sizeof(model::decoder) / 4] {0.0f}; _momentum[1] = new f32[sizeof(model::decoder) / 4] {0.0f}; } f32 *const momentum[2] { _momentum[0], _momentum[1], }; const prof::scope_cycles task_cycles { cycles }; backprop(task, ctrl.loss.mean, *model::default_model, momentum); } if(ctrl.prop) { log::debug { log, "Backpropagation of %2.6f in %lu cycles.", ctrl.loss.mean, cycles, }; ctrl.epic.epoch = 0; ctrl.loss.mean = 0; ctrl.loss.last = ctrl.loss.mean; ctrl.perp.mean = 0; ctrl.perp.last = ctrl.perp.mean; ctrl.cert.mean = 0; ctrl.cert.last = ctrl.cert.mean; ctrl.prop = false; pipe::default_model->invalid = true; return {}; } cycles = 0; milliseconds last_time {0}; util::timer stopwatch; { const prof::scope_cycles task_cycles { cycles }; generate(task); } last_time = stopwatch.at(); ctrl.epic.elapsed += last_time.count(); for(uint j(0); j < ctrl.tokens.count && ret < out.size() && !halt; ++j) { const auto tok { ctrl.token[j] }; if(j >= in_size) out[ret++] = tok; if(j < in_size) continue; static char dbuf[512] {0}; char report[1536] {0}; char tmbuf[4][64] {0}; const size_t bsz(ctrl.tokens.count - in_size); const size_t report_size = snprintf ( report, sizeof(report), "%-3u %4u:%-4u %4lu:%-4lu %6.1f%% %5.1fP %6.3fL [%c%c%c] %5u %6.3fL %6.2fP %5.1f%% %s %04x %8s %8s | %8s", j, ret - 1, ctrl.tokens.count, ctrl.epic.epoch, ctrl.epic.cycle, std::clamp(ctrl.cert.mean * 100.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f), std::clamp(ctrl.perp.mean, 0.0f, 100.0f), std::clamp(ctrl.loss.mean, 0.0f, 99.99f), opts.label == tok? '+': ' ', ' ', // flag place ' ', // flag place opts.label, std::clamp(ctrl.loss.last, 0.0f, 99.99f), std::clamp(ctrl.perp.last, 0.0f, 100.0f), std::clamp(ctrl.cert.last * 100.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f), vocab::debug(dbuf, tok).c_str(), tok, pretty(tmbuf[0], milliseconds(last_time / bsz), 1).c_str(), pretty(tmbuf[1], si(cycles / bsz), 1).c_str(), pretty(tmbuf[2], milliseconds(ctrl.epic.elapsed), 1).c_str() ); log::logf { log, log::level::DEBUG, "%s", string_view{report, report_size} }; } ctx::interruption_point(); return vector_view { out, ret }; } void ircd::gpt::embed(float *const out, const u16 token, const u16 position, const opts &opts) { assert(opts.model); const auto &wpe { opts.model->word.pos[position] }; const auto &wte { opts.model->word.token[token] }; for(uint j(0); j < 768; ++j) out[j] = wte[j] + wpe[j]; } uint16_t ircd::gpt::argmax(const float *const __restrict__ logit, const opts &opts) { static const auto max { 32U }; const auto top { std::clamp(opts.top_k, 1U, max - 1) }; u16 best[max] {0}; for(uint j(0); j < vocab::tokens; ++j) { best[top] = j; std::sort(begin(best), begin(best) + top + 1, [&logit] (const auto &a, const auto &b) { return logit[a] > logit[b]; }); } const auto x { top > 1? rand::integer(0, top - 1): 0 }; return best[x]; } [[gnu::noinline]] void ircd::gpt::tail(float *const __restrict__ logit, const float *const __restrict__ state, const model::decoder &d) { constexpr float lnf_epsilon { 0.00001 }; static float buf alignas(64) [1][768]; for(uint i(0); i < 768; ++i) buf[0][i] = state[i]; norm((f32x4 *)buf[0], (const f32x4 *)state, (const f32x4 *)d.f.bias, (const f32x4 *)d.f.weight, lnf_epsilon); logits(logit, buf[0], d); //logitsmax(logit, logit, vocab::tokens); } void ircd::gpt::logits(float *const __restrict__ out, const float *const __restrict__ in, const model::decoder &d) { for(uint j(0); j < vocab::tokens; ++j) out[j] = 0; for(uint j(0); j < vocab::tokens; ++j) for(uint k(0); k < 768; ++k) out[j] += in[k] * d.word.token[j][k]; } [[gnu::noinline]] void ircd::gpt::logitsmax(float *const out, const float *const in, const size_t num) { static f64x4 exps alignas(4096) [2][65536 / 4]; math::smax ( {(f32x4 *)out, num / 4}, {(const f32x4 *)in, num / 4}, exps[0], exps[1] ); } [[gnu::noinline]] void ircd::gpt::coil(float *__restrict__ accum, const size_t tokens, const model::decoder &decoder) { static float qkv alignas(4096) [3][1024][12][64], state alignas(4096) [12][1024][1024], attns alignas(4096) [12][1024][64]; for(uint i(0); i < 12; ++i) { const auto &layer { decoder.layer[i] }; ctrl(qkv, accum, tokens, decoder, i); pare(state, qkv, tokens); mask(state, state, layer.attn.bias, tokens); smax(state, state, tokens); vals(attns, state, qkv, tokens); static f32 a alignas(64) [1024][768]; memset(a, 0x0, 768 * tokens * sizeof(float)); for(uint j(0); j < tokens; j++) { for(uint k(0); k < 12; k++) for(uint l(0); l < 64; l++) a[j][k * 64 + l] = attns[k][j][l]; } static const math::fmma_opts fmma_opts { 768, 768, 2U }; for(uint j(0); j < tokens; ++j) fmma((f32x4 *)(accum + j * 768), (const f32x4 *)(a[j]), (const f32x4 *)layer.attn.proj_bias, (const f32x4 *)layer.attn.proj_weight, fmma_opts); for(uint j(0); j < tokens; ++j) ffnn(accum + j * 768, accum + j * 768, decoder, i); } } void ircd::gpt::ctrl(float (&__restrict__ out)[3][1024][12][64], const float *const __restrict__ in, const size_t num, const model::decoder &decoder, const uint laynum) { constexpr float ln1_epsilon { 0.00001 }; const auto &layer { decoder.layer[laynum] }; float (&__restrict__ qry)[1024][12][64] { out[0] }, (&__restrict__ key)[1024][12][64] { out[1] }, (&__restrict__ val)[1024][12][64] { out[2] }; for(uint i(0); i < num; ++i) { static float buf alignas(64) [768], proj alignas(64) [2304]; norm((f32x4 *)buf, (const f32x4 *)(in + i * 768), (const f32x4 *)layer.ln1.bias, (const f32x4 *)layer.ln1.weight, ln1_epsilon); static const math::fmma_opts fmma_opts { 768, 2304, 2U, }; memset(proj, 0x0, sizeof(proj)); fmma((f32x4 *)proj, (const f32x4 *)buf, (const f32x4 *)layer.attn.attn_bias, (const f32x4 *)layer.attn.attn_weight, fmma_opts); #pragma clang loop unroll (disable) for(uint j(0); j < 12; ++j) for(uint k(0); k < 64; ++k) qry[i][j][k] = proj[768 * 0 + j * 64 + k]; #pragma clang loop unroll (disable) for(uint j(0); j < 12; ++j) for(uint k(0); k < 64; ++k) key[i][j][k] = proj[768 * 1 + j * 64 + k]; #pragma clang loop unroll (disable) for(uint j(0); j < 12; ++j) for(uint k(0); k < 64; ++k) val[i][j][k] = proj[768 * 2 + j * 64 + k]; } } void ircd::gpt::pare(float (&__restrict__ out)[12][1024][1024], const float (&__restrict__ qkv)[3][1024][12][64], const size_t num) { const float (&__restrict__ qry)[1024][12][64] { qkv[0] }, (&__restrict__ key)[1024][12][64] { qkv[1] }, (&__restrict__ val)[1024][12][64] { qkv[2] }; #pragma clang loop unroll (disable) for(uint j(0); j < 12; ++j) for(uint k(0); k < num; ++k) for(uint l(0); l < num; ++l) out[j][k][l] = 0; #pragma clang loop unroll (disable) for(uint j(0); j < 12; ++j) for(uint k(0); k < num; ++k) for(uint l(0); l < num; ++l) for(uint m(0); m < 64; ++m) out[j][k][l] += qry[k][j][m] * key[l][j][m]; #pragma clang loop unroll (disable) for(uint j(0); j < 12; ++j) for(uint k(0); k < num; ++k) for(uint l(0); l < num; ++l) out[j][k][l] /= 8.0; } void ircd::gpt::mask(float (&__restrict__ out)[12][1024][1024], const float (&__restrict__ in)[12][1024][1024], const bool (&__restrict__ bias)[1024][1024], const size_t num) { static const float masked { -10000.0 }; #pragma clang loop unroll (disable) for(uint j(0); j < 12; ++j) for(uint k(0); k < num; ++k) for(uint l(0); l < num; ++l) out[j][k][l] = bias[k][l]? in[j][k][l]: masked; } void ircd::gpt::smax(float (&__restrict__ out)[12][1024][1024], const float (&__restrict__ in)[12][1024][1024], const size_t num) { static f64 tmp alignas(4096) [2][1024]; #pragma clang loop unroll (disable) for(uint j(0); j < 12; ++j) for(uint k(0); k < num; ++k) math::smax ( out[j][k], { in[j][k], num }, tmp[0], tmp[1] ); } void ircd::gpt::vals(float (&__restrict__ out)[12][1024][64], const float (&__restrict__ in)[12][1024][1024], const float (&__restrict__ qkv)[3][1024][12][64], const size_t num) { const float (&__restrict__ val)[1024][12][64] { qkv[2] }; #pragma clang loop unroll (disable) for(uint j(0); j < 12; ++j) for(uint k(0); k < num; ++k) for(uint l(0); l < 64; ++l) out[j][k][l] = 0; #pragma clang loop unroll (disable) for(uint j(0); j < 12; ++j) for(uint k(0); k < num; ++k) for(uint l(0); l < num; ++l) for(uint m(0); m < 64; ++m) out[j][k][m] += in[j][k][l] * val[l][j][m]; } void ircd::gpt::ffnn(float *const out, const float *const in, const model::decoder &decoder, const uint laynum) { static const math::fmma_opts fmma3_opts { 768, 3072, 2U, }; static const math::fmma_opts fmma4_opts { 3072, 768, 2U, }; constexpr float ln2_epsilon { 0.00001 }; const auto &layer { decoder.layer[laynum] }; static float buf alignas(64) [768], buf2 alignas(64) [3072]; memset(buf2, 0x0, sizeof(buf2)); norm((f32x4 *)buf, (const f32x4 *)in, (const f32x4 *)layer.ln2.bias, (const f32x4 *)layer.ln2.weight, ln2_epsilon); fmma((f32x4 *)buf2, (const f32x4 *)buf, (const f32x4 *)layer.ffnn.fc_bias, (const f32x4 *)layer.ffnn.fc_weight, fmma3_opts); gelu((f32x4 *)buf2, (const f32x4 *)buf2); fmma((f32x4 *)out, (const f32x4 *)buf2, (const f32x4 *)layer.ffnn.proj_bias, (const f32x4 *)layer.ffnn.proj_weight, fmma4_opts); } void ircd::gpt::norm(f32x4 *const __restrict__ out, const f32x4 *const __restrict__ in, const f32x4 *const __restrict__ bias, const f32x4 *const __restrict__ weight, const float epsilon) { static f64x4 tmp alignas(64) [768 / 4]; math::norm ( {out, 192}, {in, 192}, epsilon, tmp ); for(uint j(0); j < 768 / 4; ++j) out[j] = out[j] * weight[j] + bias[j]; } template void ircd::gpt::fmma(T *const __restrict__ out, const T *const __restrict__ in, const T *const __restrict__ bias, const T *const __restrict__ weight, const math::fmma_opts &opts) { for(uint i(0); i < opts.rows / simd::lanes(); ++i) out[i] += bias[i]; math::fmma(out, in, weight, opts); } void ircd::gpt::gelu(f32x4 *const out, const f32x4 *const in) { for(uint j(0); j < 3072 / 4; ++j) gelu(out[j], in[j]); } void ircd::gpt::gelu(f32x4 &out, const f32x4 &in) { out = 0.5 * in * (1.0 + tanh(in * f32(0.7978845608) * (1.0 + f32(0.044715) * in * in))); } // // backside // [[gnu::noinline]] size_t ircd::gpt::backprop(task &task, const f32 grad, model::decoder ¶m, f32 *const (&moment)[2], size_t off) { for(uint i(0); i < 12; ++i) off = backprop(task, grad, param.layer[i], moment, off); off = backprop(task, grad, param.f, moment, off); off = backprop(task, grad, param.word, moment, off); return off; } size_t ircd::gpt::backprop(task &task, const f32 grad, model::embed ¶m, f32 *const (&moment)[2], size_t off) { assert(task.opts); const auto &opts { *task.opts }; for(uint i(0); i < opts.context_tokens; ++i) off = adamw(task, grad, param.pos[i], 768, moment, off); for(uint i(0); i < opts.logits; ++i) off = adamw(task, grad, param.token[i], 768, moment, off); return off; } size_t ircd::gpt::backprop(task &task, const f32 grad, model::block ¶m, f32 *const (&moment)[2], size_t off) { off = backprop(task, grad, param.ln1, moment, off); off = backprop(task, grad, param.attn, moment, off); off = backprop(task, grad, param.ln2, moment, off); off = backprop(task, grad, param.ffnn, moment, off); return off; } size_t ircd::gpt::backprop(task &task, const f32 grad, model::attn ¶m, f32 *const (&moment)[2], size_t off) { off = adamw(task, grad, param.attn_bias, 2304, moment, off); for(uint i(0); i < 768; ++i) off = adamw(task, grad, param.attn_weight[i], 2304, moment, off); off = adamw(task, grad, param.proj_bias, 768, moment, off); for(uint i(0); i < 768; ++i) off = adamw(task, grad, param.proj_weight[i], 768, moment, off); return off; } size_t ircd::gpt::backprop(task &task, const f32 grad, model::ffnn ¶m, f32 *const (&moment)[2], size_t off) { off = adamw(task, grad, param.fc_bias, 3072, moment, off); for(uint i(0); i < 768; ++i) off = adamw(task, grad, param.fc_weight[i], 3072, moment, off); off = adamw(task, grad, param.proj_bias, 768, moment, off); for(uint i(0); i < 3072; ++i) off = adamw(task, grad, param.proj_weight[i], 768, moment, off); return off; } size_t ircd::gpt::backprop(task &task, const f32 grad, model::norm ¶m, f32 *const (&moment)[2], size_t off) { off = adamw(task, grad, param.bias, 768, moment, off); off = adamw(task, grad, param.weight, 768, moment, off); return off; } [[gnu::noinline]] size_t ircd::gpt::adamw(task &task, const f32 grad, f32 *const p_, const size_t num, f32 *const (&__restrict__ m_)[2], size_t off) { assert(task.opts); const auto &opts { *task.opts }; assert(task.ctrl); auto &ctrl { *task.ctrl }; f32x4 *const p[3] { reinterpret_cast(p_), reinterpret_cast(m_[0]) + off, reinterpret_cast(m_[1]) + off, }; for(uint i(0); i < num / 4; ++i) off = adamw(p[0][i], p[1][i], p[2][i], grad, opts.alpha, opts.beta[0], opts.beta[1], ctrl.epic.step, off); return off; } size_t ircd::gpt::adamw(f32x4 &__restrict__ param, f32x4 &__restrict__ moment0, f32x4 &__restrict__ moment1, const f32 grad, const f32 alpha, const f32 beta0, const f32 beta1, const u32 step, const size_t off) { const f32x4 one { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, }; const f32x4 a[2] { { one - beta0 }, { one - beta1 }, }; const f32x4 avg_mul[2] { { moment0 * beta0 }, { moment1 * beta1 }, }; const f32x4 avg_dot[2] { { avg_mul[0] + a[0] * grad }, { avg_mul[1] + a[1] * grad * grad }, }; const f32x4 bias[2] { { avg_dot[0] / (one - powf(beta0, step + 1)) }, { avg_dot[1] / (one - powf(beta1, step + 1)) }, }; const f32x4 denom { sqrtf(bias[1]) + 0.000001f // epsilon }; const f32x4 delta { alpha * (bias[0] / denom) }; const f32x4 update { param - delta }; moment0 = avg_dot[0]; moment1 = avg_dot[1]; param = update; return off + 1; } // // gpt::task // ircd::gpt::task::task(const gpt::opts *const opts, struct ircd_gpt_task *const ctrl) :opts { opts } ,ctrl { ctrl } { memset(this->ctrl, 0x0, sizeof(ircd_gpt_task)); this->ctrl->rand[0] = this->opts->seed; this->ctrl->rand[1] = this->opts->seed; this->ctrl->rand[2] = -1UL; this->ctrl->rand[3] = -1UL; } ircd::gpt::task::~task() noexcept { } // // gpt::opts // ircd_gpt_opts::ircd_gpt_opts(const ircd::gpt::model::decoder *const model) noexcept :model { model } ,limit { -1U } ,top_k { 2U } ,context_tokens { 1024U } ,buffer_tokens { 1024U } ,embed_elems { 768U } ,attn_mult { 3U } ,ffnn_mult { 4U } ,attn_elems { embed_elems * attn_mult } ,ffnn_elems { embed_elems * ffnn_mult } ,lanes { 4U } ,embed_width { embed_elems / lanes } ,attn_width { attn_elems / lanes } ,attn_height { embed_elems / lanes } ,ffnn_width { ffnn_elems / lanes } ,ffnn_height { embed_elems / lanes } ,logits { 50257 } ,seed { 1234567890UL } ,training_steps { 250000 } ,validation_steps { 5000 } ,label { 198 } ,alpha { 0.001f } ,beta { 0.9f, 0.999f, } ,epsilon { 0.000001 } ,gates { 0 } { }