/* // Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. */ 'use strict'; /************************************** * Typing notifications * */ room.typing = {}; /** * State of mxid => bool */ room.typing.active = {}; /** * Sends a typing event for my user in this room * * this = room */ room.typing.set = function(bool) { if(this.opts.local) return; if(this.control.evalmode && bool) return; let mxid = mc.my.mxid; if(this.typing.active[mxid] === bool) return; let opts = { content: { typing: bool, timeout: 15 * 1000, }, }; this.typing.requesting = true; this.typing.active[mxid] = bool; client.m.rooms.typing.put(this.id, mxid, opts, (error, data) => { this.typing.requesting = false; if(error) { delete this.typing.active[mxid]; throw new client.error(error); } if(bool) this.typing.active[mxid] = true; else delete this.typing.active[mxid]; }); }; /** * Function for room.typing.active, which is a dictionary of mxid => boolean. * * this = room */ room.typing.get = function(mxid = mc.my.mxid) { return this.typing.active[mxid]; }; /** * Receives a list of users currently typing to update the view. * * this = room */ room.typing.update = function(user_ids = []) { Object.each(this.typing.active, (key, val) => { if(!user_ids.includes(key)) delete this.typing.active[key]; }); user_ids.forEach((user_id) => { this.typing.active[user_id] = true; }); };