// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net> // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. using namespace ircd; extern "C" void rehash_conf(); mapi::header IRCD_MODULE { "Server Configuration", [] { rehash_conf(); } }; const m::room::id::buf conf_room_id { "conf", ircd::my_host() }; m::room conf_room { conf_room_id }; extern "C" m::event::id::buf set_conf_item(const m::user::id &sender, const string_view &key, const string_view &val) { return send(conf_room, sender, "ircd.conf.item", key, { { "value", val } }); } extern "C" void get_conf_item(const string_view &key, const std::function<void (const string_view &)> &closure) { conf_room.get("ircd.conf.item", key, [&closure] (const m::event &event) { const auto &value { unquote(at<"content"_>(event).at("value")) }; closure(value); }); } static void conf_updated(const m::event &event) noexcept try { const auto &content { at<"content"_>(event) }; const auto &key { at<"state_key"_>(event) }; const string_view &value { unquote(content.at("value")) }; log::debug { "Updating conf [%s] => %s", key, value }; if(runlevel == runlevel::START && !conf::exists(key)) { log::dwarning { "Cannot set conf item '%s'; does not exist or not loaded yet", key }; return; } ircd::conf::set(key, value); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::error { "Failed to set conf item '%s' :%s", json::get<"state_key"_>(event), e.what() }; } const m::hookfn<> conf_updated_hook { conf_updated, { { "_site", "vm.notify" }, { "room_id", "!conf" }, { "type", "ircd.conf.item" }, } }; static void init_conf_items(const m::event &) { const m::room::state state { conf_room }; state.for_each("ircd.conf.item", [] (const m::event &event) { conf_updated(event); }); } const m::hookfn<> init_conf_items_hook { init_conf_items, { { "_site", "vm.notify" }, { "room_id", "!ircd" }, { "type", "m.room.member" }, { "membership", "join" }, { "state_key", "@ircd" }, } }; void rehash_conf() { init_conf_items(m::event{}); } static void create_conf_item(const string_view &key, const conf::item<> &item) { thread_local char vbuf[4_KiB]; const string_view &val { item.get(vbuf) }; send(conf_room, m::me.user_id, "ircd.conf.item", key, { { "value", val } }); } static void create_conf_room(const m::event &) { m::create(conf_room_id, m::me.user_id); for(const auto &p : conf::items) { const auto &key{p.first}; const auto &item{p.second}; assert(item); create_conf_item(key, *item); } } const m::hookfn<> create_conf_room_hook { create_conf_room, { { "_site", "vm.notify" }, { "room_id", "!ircd" }, { "type", "m.room.create" }, } };