/* // Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. */ 'use strict'; /************************************** * */ mc.task = class { constructor(generator, opts = {}) { Object.defaults(opts, { interval: 0, // The attempt cadence. skips: false, // skips cycles when there is no idle time fills: true, // invokes generator until idle slice has diminished. }); this.opts = opts; this.generator = generator; this.rid = null; // request id this.cycle = 0; // number of task handler invocations this.skips = 0; // number of skipped cycles due to no idle time this.generation = 0; // number of generator next invocations // Note the initial execution of the generator // does NOT take place on an idle slice. this.generated = generator(); this.generation++; // Init task cycle this.request(); } request() { if(this.requested()) this.cancel(); let handler = (deadline) => { this.rid = null; this.handler(deadline); this.cycle++; }; let opts = { timeout: this.opts.interval, }; this.rid = window.requestIdleCallback(handler, opts); } handler(deadline) { let remain = () => deadline.timeRemaining(); let timeout = deadline.didTimeout; if(timeout && this.opts.skips) { this.skips++; this.request(); return; } if(this.generate(remain)) this.request(); } generate(remain) { let result; do { result = this.generated.next(); this.generation++; } while(!result.done && remain() > 0) return result.done; } cancel() { if(!this.requested()) return false; window.cancelIdleCallback(this.rid); this.rid = null; return true; } requested() { return this.rid !== undefined && this.rid !== null; } };