// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net> // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. using namespace ircd; struct unit; struct txndata; struct txn; struct node; struct unit :std::enable_shared_from_this<unit> { enum type { PDU, EDU, FAILURE }; enum type type; std::string s; unit(std::string s, const enum type &type); unit(const m::event &event); }; struct txndata { std::string content; string_view txnid; char txnidbuf[64]; txndata(std::string content) :content{std::move(content)} ,txnid{m::txn::create_id(txnidbuf, this->content)} {} }; struct alignas(32_KiB) txn :txndata ,m::fed::send { struct node *node; steady_point timeout; char buf[31_KiB]; txn(struct node &node, std::string content, m::fed::send::opts opts) :txndata{std::move(content)} ,send{this->txnid, string_view{this->content}, this->buf, std::move(opts)} ,node{&node} ,timeout{now<steady_point>()} //TODO: conf {} }; static_assert ( sizeof(struct txn) == 32_KiB ); struct node { std::deque<std::shared_ptr<unit>> q; std::array<char, rfc3986::DOMAIN_BUFSIZE> rembuf; string_view remote; m::node::room room; server::request::opts sopts; txn *curtxn {nullptr}; bool flush(); void push(std::shared_ptr<unit>); node(const string_view &remote) :remote{ircd::strlcpy{mutable_buffer{rembuf}, remote}} ,room{this->remote} {} }; std::list<txn> txns; std::map<std::string, node, std::less<>> nodes; void remove_node(const node &); static void recv_timeout(txn &, node &); static void recv_timeouts(); static bool recv_handle(txn &, node &); static void recv(); static void recv_worker(); ctx::dock recv_action; static void send_from_user(const m::event &, const m::user::id &user_id); static void send_to_user(const m::event &, const m::user::id &user_id); static void send_to_room(const m::event &, const m::room::id &room_id); static void send(const m::event &); static void send_worker(); static void handle_notify(const m::event &, m::vm::eval &); context sender { "m.fedsnd.S", 1_MiB, &send_worker, context::POST, }; context receiver { "m.fedsnd.R", 1_MiB, &recv_worker, context::POST, }; mapi::header IRCD_MODULE { "federation sender", nullptr, [] { sender.terminate(); receiver.terminate(); sender.join(); receiver.join(); } }; std::deque<std::pair<std::string, m::event::id::buf>> notified_queue; ctx::dock notified_dock; m::hookfn<m::vm::eval &> notified { handle_notify, { { "_site", "vm.notify" }, } }; void handle_notify(const m::event &event, m::vm::eval &eval) try { if(!my(event)) return; assert(eval.opts); if(!eval.opts->notify_servers) return; const m::event::id::buf &event_id { event.event_id? m::event::id::buf{event.event_id}: m::event::id::buf{} }; notified_queue.emplace_back(json::strung{event}, event_id); notified_dock.notify_all(); } catch(const ctx::interrupted &) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::critical { m::log, "Federation sender notify handler :%s", e.what() }; } void __attribute__((noreturn)) send_worker() { while(1) try { notified_dock.wait([] { return !notified_queue.empty(); }); const unwind pop{[] { assert(!notified_queue.empty()); notified_queue.pop_front(); }}; const auto &[event_, event_id] { notified_queue.front() }; const m::event event { json::object{event_}, event_id }; send(event); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::error { "sender worker: %s", e.what() }; } } void send(const m::event &event) { const auto &type { json::get<"type"_>(event) }; const auto &sender { json::get<"sender"_>(event) }; const auto &room_id { json::get<"room_id"_>(event) }; const json::object &content { json::get<"content"_>(event) }; if(json::get<"depth"_>(event) == json::undefined_number) return; // target is every remote server in a room if(valid(m::id::ROOM, room_id)) return send_to_room(event, m::room::id{room_id}); // target is remote server hosting user/device if(type == "m.direct_to_device") { const json::string &target { content.get("target") }; if(valid(m::id::USER, target)) return send_to_user(event, m::user::id(target)); } // target is every remote server from every room a user is joined to. if(valid(m::id::USER, sender)) return send_from_user(event, m::user::id{sender}); } /// EDU and PDU path where the target is a room void send_to_room(const m::event &event, const m::room::id &room_id) { const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::origins origins { room }; // Unit is not allocated until we find another server in the room. std::shared_ptr<struct unit> unit; const auto each_origin{[&unit, &event] (const string_view &origin) { if(my_host(origin)) return; if(m::fed::errant(origin)) return; auto it { nodes.lower_bound(origin) }; if(it == end(nodes) || it->first != origin) it = nodes.emplace_hint(it, origin, origin); auto &node { it->second }; if(!unit) unit = std::make_shared<struct unit>(event); node.push(unit); node.flush(); }}; // Iterate all servers with a joined user origins.for_each(each_origin); // Special case for negative membership changes (i.e kicks and bans) // which may remove a server from the above iteration if(json::get<"type"_>(event) == "m.room.member") if(m::membership(event, m::membership_negative)) { const m::user::id &target { at<"state_key"_>(event) }; const string_view &origin { target.host() }; if(!origins.has(origin)) each_origin(origin); } } /// EDU path where the target is a user/device void send_to_user(const m::event &event, const m::user::id &user_id) { const string_view &origin { user_id.host() }; if(my_host(origin)) return; if(m::fed::errant(origin)) return; auto it { nodes.lower_bound(origin) }; if(it == end(nodes) || it->first != origin) it = nodes.emplace_hint(it, origin, origin); auto &node { it->second }; auto unit { std::make_shared<struct unit>(event) }; node.push(std::move(unit)); node.flush(); } /// EDU path where the he target is every server from every room the sender /// is joined to. void send_from_user(const m::event &event, const m::user::id &user_id) { const m::user::servers servers { user_id }; // Iterate all of the servers visible in this user's joined rooms. servers.for_each("join", [&user_id, &event] (const string_view &origin) { if(my_host(origin)) return true; if(m::fed::errant(origin)) return true; auto it { nodes.lower_bound(origin) }; if(it == end(nodes) || it->first != origin) it = nodes.emplace_hint(it, origin, origin); auto &node { it->second }; auto unit { std::make_shared<struct unit>(event) }; node.push(unit); node.flush(); return true; }); } void node::push(std::shared_ptr<unit> su) { q.emplace_back(std::move(su)); } bool node::flush() try { if(q.empty()) return true; if(curtxn) return true; size_t pdus{0}, edus{0}; for(const auto &unit : q) switch(unit->type) { case unit::PDU: ++pdus; break; case unit::EDU: ++edus; break; default: break; } size_t pc(0), ec(0); std::vector<json::value> units(pdus + edus); for(const auto &unit : q) switch(unit->type) { case unit::PDU: units.at(pc++) = string_view{unit->s}; break; case unit::EDU: units.at(pdus + ec++) = string_view{unit->s}; break; default: break; } m::fed::send::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; opts.dynamic = false; opts.sopts = &sopts; const vector_view<const json::value> pduv { units.data(), units.data() + pc }; const vector_view<const json::value> eduv { units.data() + pdus, units.data() + pdus + ec }; std::string content { m::txn::create(pduv, eduv) }; txns.emplace_back(*this, std::move(content), std::move(opts)); const unwind_nominal_assertion na; curtxn = &txns.back(); q.clear(); log::debug { m::log, "sending txn %s pdus:%zu edus:%zu to '%s'", curtxn->txnid, pdus, edus, this->remote, }; recv_action.notify_one(); return true; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::error { "flush error to %s :%s", remote, e.what() }; return false; } void __attribute__((noreturn)) recv_worker() { while(1) { recv_action.wait([] { return !txns.empty(); }); recv(); recv_timeouts(); } } void recv() try { auto next { ctx::when_any(begin(txns), end(txns)) }; if(!next.wait(seconds(2), std::nothrow)) //TODO: conf return; const auto it { next.get() }; if(unlikely(it == end(txns))) { assert(0); return; } auto &txn { *it }; assert(txn.node); auto &node{*txn.node}; const auto ret { recv_handle(txn, node) }; node.curtxn = nullptr; txns.erase(it); if(!ret) return; node.flush(); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::critical { m::log, "Federation sender :recv worker unhandled :%s", e.what(), }; } bool recv_handle(txn &txn, node &node) try { const auto code { txn.get() }; const json::object obj { txn }; const m::fed::send::response resp { obj }; if(code != http::OK) log::dwarning { "%u %s from %s for %s", ushort(code), http::status(code), node.remote, txn.txnid }; resp.for_each_pdu([&txn, &node] (const m::event::id &event_id, const json::object &error) { if(empty(error)) return; log::error { "Error from %s in %s for %s :%s", node.remote, txn.txnid, string_view{event_id}, string_view{error} }; }); return true; } catch(const http::error &e) { log::derror { "%u %s from %s for %s :%s", ushort(e.code), http::status(e.code), node.remote, txn.txnid, e.what() }; return false; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::derror { "Error from %s for %s :%s", node.remote, txn.txnid, e.what() }; return false; } void recv_timeouts() { const auto &now { ircd::now<steady_point>() }; auto it(begin(txns)); for(; it != end(txns); ++it) { auto &txn(*it); assert(txn.node); if(txn.timeout + seconds(45) < now) //TODO: conf recv_timeout(txn, *txn.node); } } void recv_timeout(txn &txn, node &node) { log::dwarning { "Timeout to %s for txn %s", node.remote, txn.txnid }; cancel(txn); } void remove_node(const node &node) { const auto it { nodes.find(node.remote) }; assert(it != end(nodes)); nodes.erase(it); } // // unit // unit::unit(const m::event &event) :type { event.event_id? PDU: EDU } ,s{[this, &event] () -> std::string { switch(this->type) { case PDU: return json::strung{event}; case EDU: return json::strung{json::members { { "content", json::get<"content"_>(event) }, { "edu_type", json::get<"type"_>(event) }, }}; default: return {}; } }()} { } unit::unit(std::string s, const enum type &type) :type { type } ,s { std::move(s) } { }