// Matrix Construct
// Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors
// Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net>
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
// copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The
// full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file.

// This header allows for the use of soft-assertions. It is included before
// the standard <assert.h> and these declarations will take precedence.
// These declarations exist because the system declarations may have
// __attribute__((noreturn)) and our only modification here is to remove
// that. Alternative definitions to the standard library also exist in
// ircd/assert.cc

#pragma once

/// This file has to be included prior to the standard library assert headers
#if defined(RB_ASSERT) && defined(_ASSERT_H_DECLS) && defined(RB_DEBUG)
	#error "Do not include <assert.h> or <cassert> first."

/// Define an indicator for whether we override standard assert() behavior in
/// this build if the conditions are appropriate.
#if defined(RB_ASSERT) && !defined(NDEBUG)
	#define _ASSERT_H_DECLS

// Our utils
namespace ircd
	void debugtrap() noexcept;
	template<class expr> void always_assert(expr&&) noexcept;
	[[gnu::cold]] void print_assertion(const char *, const char *, const unsigned, const char *) noexcept;

/// Override the standard assert behavior to take one of several different
/// actions as defined in our internal assert.cc unit. When trapping assert
/// is disabled this path will be used instead.
#if defined(RB_ASSERT) && !defined(RB_ASSERT_INTRINSIC)
extern "C" void
__assert_fail(const char *__assertion,
              const char *__file,
              unsigned int __line,
              const char *__function);

// Custom assert
#if defined(RB_ASSERT) && defined(RB_ASSERT_INTRINSIC) && !defined(NDEBUG)
	#undef assert
	#define assert(expr)                                                 \
	({                                                                   \
	    if(__builtin_expect(!static_cast<bool>(expr), 0))                \
	        __assert_fail(#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);      \

// Custom addl cases to avoid any trouble w/ clang
#if defined(RB_ASSERT) && defined(__clang__) && !defined(assert)
	#ifdef NDEBUG
		#define assert(expr) (static_cast<void>(0))

/// Override the standard assert behavior, if enabled, to trap into the
/// debugger as close as possible to the offending site.
#if defined(RB_ASSERT) && defined(RB_ASSERT_INTRINSIC)
extern "C" // for clang
	extern inline void
	__attribute__((cold, flatten, always_inline, gnu_inline, artificial))
	__assert_fail(const char *const __assertion,
	              const char *const __file,
	              unsigned int __line,
	              const char *const __function)
		#if defined(__SSE2__) && defined(__clang__)
			asm volatile ("lfence");

		ircd::print_assertion(__assertion, __file, __line, __function);

/// Intrinsic to halt execution for examination by a tracing debugger without
/// aborting the program.
extern inline void
__attribute__((always_inline, gnu_inline, artificial))
	#if defined(__clang__)
	#elif defined(__x86_64__)
		__asm__ volatile ("int $3   # IRCd ASSERTION DEBUG TRAP !!! ");

/// Trap on false expression whether or not NDEBUG.
template<class expr>
extern inline void
__attribute__((always_inline, gnu_inline, artificial))
ircd::always_assert(expr&& x)
	if(__builtin_expect(!bool(x), 0))