/* * ircd-ratbox: A slightly useful ircd. * m_invite.c: Invites the user to join a channel. * * Copyright (C) 1990 Jarkko Oikarinen and University of Oulu, Co Center * Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Hybrid Development Team * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 ircd-ratbox development team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ using namespace ircd; static const char invite_desc[] = "Provides facilities for invite and related notifications"; static void m_invite(struct MsgBuf *, client::client &, client::client &, int, const char **); static unsigned int CAP_INVITE_NOTIFY = 0; struct Message invite_msgtab = { "INVITE", 0, 0, 0, 0, {mg_unreg, {m_invite, 3}, {m_invite, 3}, mg_ignore, mg_ignore, {m_invite, 3}} }; mapi_clist_av1 invite_clist[] = { &invite_msgtab, NULL }; mapi_cap_list_av2 invite_cap_list[] = { { MAPI_CAP_CLIENT, "invite-notify", NULL, &CAP_INVITE_NOTIFY }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; DECLARE_MODULE_AV2(invite, NULL, NULL, invite_clist, NULL, NULL, invite_cap_list, NULL, invite_desc); static bool add_invite(chan::chan &, client::client &); /* m_invite() * parv[1] - user to invite * parv[2] - channel name */ static void m_invite(struct MsgBuf *msgbuf_p, client::client &client, client::client &source, int parc, const char *parv[]) { client::client *target_p; chan::chan *chptr; chan::membership *msptr; int store_invite = 0; if(my(source) && !is_flood_done(source)) flood_endgrace(&source); if(my(source)) target_p = client::find_named_person(parv[1]); else target_p = client::find_person(parv[1]); if(target_p == NULL) { if(!my(source) && rfc1459::is_digit(parv[1][0])) sendto_one_numeric(&source, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, "* :Target left IRC. Failed to invite to %s", parv[2]); else sendto_one_numeric(&source, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, form_str(ERR_NOSUCHNICK), parv[1]); return; } if(chan::valid_name(parv[2]) == 0) { sendto_one_numeric(&source, ERR_BADCHANNAME, form_str(ERR_BADCHANNAME), parv[2]); return; } /* Do not send local channel invites to users if they are not on the * same server as the person sending the INVITE message. */ if(parv[2][0] == '&' && !my_connect(*target_p)) { sendto_one(&source, form_str(ERR_USERNOTONSERV), me.name, source.name, target_p->name); return; } if(((my_connect(source) && !is_exempt_resv(source)) || (my_connect(*target_p) && !is_exempt_resv(*target_p))) && hash_find_resv(parv[2])) { sendto_one_numeric(&source, ERR_BADCHANNAME, form_str(ERR_BADCHANNAME), parv[2]); return; } if((chptr = chan::get(parv[2], std::nothrow)) == NULL) { sendto_one_numeric(&source, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, form_str(ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL), parv[2]); return; } msptr = get(chptr->members, source, std::nothrow); if(my(source) && (msptr == NULL)) { sendto_one_numeric(&source, ERR_NOTONCHANNEL, form_str(ERR_NOTONCHANNEL), parv[2]); return; } if(is_member(chptr, target_p)) { sendto_one_numeric(&source, ERR_USERONCHANNEL, form_str(ERR_USERONCHANNEL), target_p->name, parv[2]); return; } /* unconditionally require ops, unless the channel is +g */ /* treat remote clients as chanops */ if(my(source) && !is_chanop(msptr) && !(chptr->mode.mode & chan::mode::FREEINVITE)) { sendto_one(&source, form_str(ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED), me.name, source.name, parv[2]); return; } /* store invites when they could affect the ability to join * for +l/+j just check if the mode is set, this varies over time */ if(chptr->mode.mode & chan::mode::INVITEONLY || (chptr->mode.mode & chan::mode::REGONLY && suser(user(*target_p)).empty()) || chptr->mode.limit || chptr->mode.join_num) store_invite = 1; if(my_connect(source)) { if (ConfigFileEntry.target_change && !is(source, umode::OPER) && !tgchange::find_allowing_channel(source, *target_p) && !tgchange::add_target(source, *target_p)) { sendto_one(&source, form_str(ERR_TARGCHANGE), me.name, source.name, target_p->name); return; } sendto_one(&source, form_str(RPL_INVITING), me.name, source.name, target_p->name, parv[2]); if(away(user(*target_p)).size()) sendto_one_numeric(&source, RPL_AWAY, form_str(RPL_AWAY), target_p->name, away(user(*target_p)).c_str()); } /* invite timestamp */ else if(parc > 3 && !EmptyString(parv[3])) { /* this should never be less than */ if(atol(parv[3]) > chptr->channelts) return; } if(my_connect(*target_p)) { if(!is(source, umode::OPER) && (is(*target_p, umode::CALLERID) || (is(*target_p, umode::REGONLYMSG) && !suser(user(source))[0])) && !accept_message(&source, target_p)) { if (is(*target_p, umode::REGONLYMSG) && !suser(user(source))[0]) { sendto_one_numeric(&source, ERR_NONONREG, form_str(ERR_NONONREG), target_p->name); return; } else { /* instead of sending RPL_UMODEGMSG, * just let the invite through */ if((target_p->localClient->last_caller_id_time + ConfigFileEntry.caller_id_wait) >= rb_current_time()) { sendto_one_numeric(&source, ERR_TARGUMODEG, form_str(ERR_TARGUMODEG), target_p->name); return; } target_p->localClient->last_caller_id_time = rb_current_time(); } } tgchange::add_reply_target(*target_p, source); sendto_one(target_p, ":%s!%s@%s INVITE %s :%s", source.name, source.username, source.host, target_p->name, chptr->name.c_str()); if(store_invite) { if (!add_invite(*chptr, *target_p)) return; sendto_channel_local_with_capability(chan::CHANOP, 0, CAP_INVITE_NOTIFY, chptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :%s is inviting %s to %s.", me.name, chptr->name.c_str(), source.name, target_p->name, chptr->name.c_str()); sendto_channel_local_with_capability(chan::CHANOP, CAP_INVITE_NOTIFY, 0, chptr, ":%s!%s@%s INVITE %s %s", source.name, source.username, source.host, target_p->name, chptr->name.c_str()); } } sendto_server(&source, chptr, CAP_TS6, 0, ":%s INVITE %s %s %lu", use_id(&source), use_id(target_p), chptr->name.c_str(), (unsigned long) chptr->channelts); } /* add_invite() * * input - channel to add invite to, client to add * output - true if it is a new invite, else false * side effects - client is added to invite list. */ static bool add_invite(chan::chan &chan, client::client &client) { if (invites(user(client)).size() >= ConfigChannel.max_chans_per_user) return false; if (chan.invites.size() >= ConfigChannel.max_chans_per_user) return false; chan.invites.emplace(&client); invites(user(client)).emplace(&chan); return true; }