/* * wsockd.c: charybdis websockets helper * Copyright (C) 2007 Aaron Sethman * Copyright (C) 2007 ircd-ratbox development team * Copyright (C) 2016 William Pitcock * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 * USA */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "sha1.h" #define MAXPASSFD 4 #ifndef READBUF_SIZE #define READBUF_SIZE 16384 #endif #define WEBSOCKET_SERVER_KEY "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11" #define WEBSOCKET_ANSWER_STRING_1 "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: " #define WEBSOCKET_ANSWER_STRING_2 "\r\n\r\n" static void setup_signals(void); static pid_t ppid; static inline uint32_t buf_to_uint32(uint8_t *buf) { uint32_t x; memcpy(&x, buf, sizeof(x)); return x; } static inline void uint32_to_buf(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t x) { memcpy(buf, &x, sizeof(x)); return; } typedef struct _mod_ctl_buf { rb_dlink_node node; uint8_t *buf; size_t buflen; rb_fde_t *F[MAXPASSFD]; int nfds; } mod_ctl_buf_t; typedef struct _mod_ctl { rb_dlink_node node; int cli_count; rb_fde_t *F; rb_fde_t *F_pipe; rb_dlink_list readq; rb_dlink_list writeq; } mod_ctl_t; static mod_ctl_t *mod_ctl; typedef struct _conn { rb_dlink_node node; mod_ctl_t *ctl; rawbuf_head_t *modbuf_out; rawbuf_head_t *modbuf_in; buf_head_t plainbuf_out; buf_head_t plainbuf_in; uint32_t id; rb_fde_t *mod_fd; rb_fde_t *plain_fd; uint64_t mod_out; uint64_t mod_in; uint64_t plain_in; uint64_t plain_out; uint8_t flags; char client_key[37]; /* maximum 36 bytes + nul */ } conn_t; #define WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_CONTINUATION_FRAME 0 #define WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_TEXT_FRAME 1 #define WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_BINARY_FRAME 2 #define WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_CLOSE_FRAME 8 #define WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_PING_FRAME 9 #define WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_PONG_FRAME 10 #define WEBSOCKET_MASK_LENGTH 4 #define WEBSOCKET_MAX_UNEXTENDED_PAYLOAD_DATA_LENGTH 125 typedef struct { uint8_t opcode_rsv_fin; // opcode: 4, rsv1: 1, rsv2: 1, rsv3: 1, fin: 1 uint8_t payload_length_mask; // payload_length: 7, mask: 1 } ws_frame_hdr_t; typedef struct { ws_frame_hdr_t header; uint8_t payload_data[WEBSOCKET_MAX_UNEXTENDED_PAYLOAD_DATA_LENGTH]; } ws_frame_payload_t; typedef struct { ws_frame_hdr_t header; } ws_frame_t; typedef struct { ws_frame_hdr_t header; uint16_t payload_length_extended; } ws_frame_ext_t; typedef struct { ws_frame_hdr_t header; uint64_t payload_length_extended; } ws_frame_ext2_t; static inline int ws_frame_get_opcode(ws_frame_hdr_t *header) { return header->opcode_rsv_fin & 0xF; } static inline void ws_frame_set_opcode(ws_frame_hdr_t *header, int opcode) { header->opcode_rsv_fin &= ~0xF; header->opcode_rsv_fin |= opcode & 0xF; } static inline int ws_frame_get_fin(ws_frame_hdr_t *header) { return (header->opcode_rsv_fin >> 7) & 0x1; } static inline void ws_frame_set_fin(ws_frame_hdr_t *header, int fin) { header->opcode_rsv_fin &= ~(0x1 << 7); header->opcode_rsv_fin |= (fin << 7) & (0x1 << 7); } #ifdef _WIN32 char * strcasestr(const char *s, const char *find) { char c, sc; size_t len; if ((c = *find++) != 0) { c = tolower((unsigned char)c); len = strlen(find); do { do { if ((sc = *s++) == 0) return (NULL); } while ((char)tolower((unsigned char)sc) != c); } while (strnicmp(s, find, len) != 0); s--; } return ((char *)s); } #endif static void close_conn(conn_t * conn, int wait_plain, const char *fmt, ...); static void conn_mod_read_cb(rb_fde_t *fd, void *data); static void conn_plain_read_cb(rb_fde_t *fd, void *data); static void conn_plain_process_recvq(conn_t *conn); #define FLAG_CORK 0x01 #define FLAG_DEAD 0x02 #define FLAG_WSOCK 0x04 #define FLAG_KEYED 0x08 #define IsCork(x) ((x)->flags & FLAG_CORK) #define IsDead(x) ((x)->flags & FLAG_DEAD) #define IsWS(x) ((x)->flags & FLAG_WSOCK) #define IsKeyed(x) ((x)->flags & FLAG_KEYED) #define SetCork(x) ((x)->flags |= FLAG_CORK) #define SetDead(x) ((x)->flags |= FLAG_DEAD) #define SetWS(x) ((x)->flags |= FLAG_WSOCK) #define SetKeyed(x) ((x)->flags |= FLAG_KEYED) #define ClearCork(x) ((x)->flags &= ~FLAG_CORK) #define ClearDead(x) ((x)->flags &= ~FLAG_DEAD) #define ClearWS(x) ((x)->flags &= ~FLAG_WSOCK) #define ClearKeyed(x) ((x)->flags &= ~FLAG_KEYED) #define NO_WAIT 0x0 #define WAIT_PLAIN 0x1 #define HASH_WALK_SAFE(i, max, ptr, next, table) for(i = 0; i < max; i++) { RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next, table[i].head) #define HASH_WALK_END } #define CONN_HASH_SIZE 2000 #define connid_hash(x) (&connid_hash_table[(x % CONN_HASH_SIZE)]) static const char *remote_closed = "Remote host closed the connection"; static rb_dlink_list connid_hash_table[CONN_HASH_SIZE]; static rb_dlink_list dead_list; static void conn_plain_read_shutdown_cb(rb_fde_t *fd, void *data); #ifndef _WIN32 static void dummy_handler(int sig) { return; } #endif static void setup_signals() { #ifndef _WIN32 struct sigaction act; act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); sigaddset(&act.sa_mask, SIGPIPE); sigaddset(&act.sa_mask, SIGALRM); #ifdef SIGTRAP sigaddset(&act.sa_mask, SIGTRAP); #endif #ifdef SIGWINCH sigaddset(&act.sa_mask, SIGWINCH); sigaction(SIGWINCH, &act, 0); #endif sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, 0); #ifdef SIGTRAP sigaction(SIGTRAP, &act, 0); #endif act.sa_handler = dummy_handler; sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, 0); #endif } static int maxconn(void) { #if defined(RLIMIT_NOFILE) && defined(HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H) struct rlimit limit; if(!getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit)) { return limit.rlim_cur; } #endif /* RLIMIT_FD_MAX */ return MAXCONNECTIONS; } static conn_t * conn_find_by_id(uint32_t id) { rb_dlink_node *ptr; conn_t *conn; RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, (connid_hash(id))->head) { conn = ptr->data; if(conn->id == id && !IsDead(conn)) return conn; } return NULL; } static void conn_add_id_hash(conn_t * conn, uint32_t id) { conn->id = id; rb_dlinkAdd(conn, &conn->node, connid_hash(id)); } static void free_conn(conn_t * conn) { rb_linebuf_donebuf(&conn->plainbuf_in); rb_linebuf_donebuf(&conn->plainbuf_out); rb_free_rawbuffer(conn->modbuf_in); rb_free_rawbuffer(conn->modbuf_out); rb_free(conn); } static void clean_dead_conns(void *unused) { conn_t *conn; rb_dlink_node *ptr, *next; RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next, dead_list.head) { conn = ptr->data; free_conn(conn); } dead_list.tail = dead_list.head = NULL; } static void conn_plain_write_sendq(rb_fde_t *fd, void *data) { conn_t *conn = data; int retlen; if(IsDead(conn)) return; while((retlen = rb_linebuf_flush(fd, &conn->plainbuf_out)) > 0) conn->plain_out += retlen; if(retlen == 0 || (retlen < 0 && !rb_ignore_errno(errno))) { close_conn(data, NO_WAIT, NULL); return; } if(rb_linebuf_alloclen(&conn->plainbuf_out) > 0) rb_setselect(conn->plain_fd, RB_SELECT_WRITE, conn_plain_write_sendq, conn); else rb_setselect(conn->plain_fd, RB_SELECT_WRITE, NULL, NULL); } static void conn_mod_write_sendq(rb_fde_t *fd, void *data) { conn_t *conn = data; const char *err; int retlen; if(IsDead(conn)) return; while((retlen = rb_rawbuf_flush(conn->modbuf_out, fd)) > 0) conn->mod_out += retlen; if(retlen == 0 || (retlen < 0 && !rb_ignore_errno(errno))) { if(retlen == 0) close_conn(conn, WAIT_PLAIN, "%s", remote_closed); err = strerror(errno); close_conn(conn, WAIT_PLAIN, "Write error: %s", err); return; } if(rb_rawbuf_length(conn->modbuf_out) > 0) rb_setselect(conn->mod_fd, RB_SELECT_WRITE, conn_mod_write_sendq, conn); else rb_setselect(conn->mod_fd, RB_SELECT_WRITE, NULL, NULL); if(IsCork(conn) && rb_rawbuf_length(conn->modbuf_out) == 0) { ClearCork(conn); conn_plain_read_cb(conn->plain_fd, conn); } } static void conn_mod_write(conn_t * conn, void *data, size_t len) { if(IsDead(conn)) /* no point in queueing to a dead man */ return; rb_rawbuf_append(conn->modbuf_out, data, len); } static void conn_mod_write_short_frame(conn_t * conn, void *data, int len) { ws_frame_hdr_t hdr; ws_frame_set_opcode(&hdr, WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_TEXT_FRAME); ws_frame_set_fin(&hdr, 1); hdr.payload_length_mask = (len + 2) & 0x7f; conn_mod_write(conn, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); conn_mod_write(conn, data, len); conn_mod_write(conn, "\r\n", 2); } static void conn_mod_write_long_frame(conn_t * conn, void *data, int len) { ws_frame_ext_t hdr; ws_frame_set_opcode(&hdr.header, WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_TEXT_FRAME); ws_frame_set_fin(&hdr.header, 1); hdr.header.payload_length_mask = 126; hdr.payload_length_extended = htons(len + 2); conn_mod_write(conn, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); conn_mod_write(conn, data, len); conn_mod_write(conn, "\r\n", 2); } static void conn_mod_write_frame(conn_t *conn, void *data, int len) { if(IsDead(conn)) /* no point in queueing to a dead man */ return; if (len < 123) return conn_mod_write_short_frame(conn, data, len); return conn_mod_write_long_frame(conn, data, len); } static void conn_plain_write(conn_t * conn, void *data, size_t len) { if(IsDead(conn)) /* again no point in queueing to dead men */ return; rb_linebuf_put(&conn->plainbuf_out, data, len); } static void mod_write_ctl(rb_fde_t *F, void *data) { mod_ctl_t *ctl = data; mod_ctl_buf_t *ctl_buf; rb_dlink_node *ptr, *next; int retlen, x; RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next, ctl->writeq.head) { ctl_buf = ptr->data; retlen = rb_send_fd_buf(ctl->F, ctl_buf->F, ctl_buf->nfds, ctl_buf->buf, ctl_buf->buflen, ppid); if(retlen > 0) { rb_dlinkDelete(ptr, &ctl->writeq); for(x = 0; x < ctl_buf->nfds; x++) rb_close(ctl_buf->F[x]); rb_free(ctl_buf->buf); rb_free(ctl_buf); } if(retlen == 0 || (retlen < 0 && !rb_ignore_errno(errno))) exit(0); } if(rb_dlink_list_length(&ctl->writeq) > 0) rb_setselect(ctl->F, RB_SELECT_WRITE, mod_write_ctl, ctl); } static void mod_cmd_write_queue(mod_ctl_t * ctl, const void *data, size_t len) { mod_ctl_buf_t *ctl_buf; ctl_buf = rb_malloc(sizeof(mod_ctl_buf_t)); ctl_buf->buf = rb_malloc(len); ctl_buf->buflen = len; memcpy(ctl_buf->buf, data, len); ctl_buf->nfds = 0; rb_dlinkAddTail(ctl_buf, &ctl_buf->node, &ctl->writeq); mod_write_ctl(ctl->F, ctl); } static void close_conn(conn_t * conn, int wait_plain, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char reason[128]; /* must always be under 250 bytes */ uint8_t buf[256]; int len; if(IsDead(conn)) return; if (IsKeyed(conn)) conn_plain_process_recvq(conn); rb_rawbuf_flush(conn->modbuf_out, conn->mod_fd); rb_linebuf_flush(conn->plain_fd, &conn->plainbuf_out); rb_close(conn->mod_fd); SetDead(conn); rb_dlinkDelete(&conn->node, connid_hash(conn->id)); if(!wait_plain || fmt == NULL) { rb_close(conn->plain_fd); rb_dlinkAdd(conn, &conn->node, &dead_list); return; } rb_setselect(conn->plain_fd, RB_SELECT_READ, conn_plain_read_shutdown_cb, conn); rb_setselect(conn->plain_fd, RB_SELECT_WRITE, NULL, NULL); va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(reason, sizeof(reason), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); buf[0] = 'D'; uint32_to_buf(&buf[1], conn->id); rb_strlcpy((char *) &buf[5], reason, sizeof(buf) - 5); len = (strlen(reason) + 1) + 5; mod_cmd_write_queue(conn->ctl, buf, len); } static conn_t * make_conn(mod_ctl_t * ctl, rb_fde_t *mod_fd, rb_fde_t *plain_fd) { conn_t *conn = rb_malloc(sizeof(conn_t)); conn->ctl = ctl; conn->mod_fd = mod_fd; conn->plain_fd = plain_fd; conn->id = -1; rb_set_nb(mod_fd); rb_set_nb(plain_fd); rb_linebuf_newbuf(&conn->plainbuf_in); rb_linebuf_newbuf(&conn->plainbuf_out); conn->modbuf_in = rb_new_rawbuffer(); conn->modbuf_out = rb_new_rawbuffer(); return conn; } static void cleanup_bad_message(mod_ctl_t * ctl, mod_ctl_buf_t * ctlb) { int i; /* XXX should log this somehow */ for (i = 0; i < ctlb->nfds; i++) rb_close(ctlb->F[i]); } static void ws_frame_unmask(char *msg, int length, uint8_t maskval[WEBSOCKET_MASK_LENGTH]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) msg[i] = msg[i] ^ maskval[i % 4]; } static void conn_mod_process_frame(conn_t *conn, ws_frame_hdr_t *hdr, int masked) { char msg[WEBSOCKET_MAX_UNEXTENDED_PAYLOAD_DATA_LENGTH]; uint8_t maskval[WEBSOCKET_MASK_LENGTH]; int dolen; /* if we're masked, we get to collect the masking key for this frame */ if (masked) { dolen = rb_rawbuf_get(conn->modbuf_in, maskval, sizeof(maskval)); if (!dolen) { close_conn(conn, WAIT_PLAIN, "websocket error: fault unpacking unmask key"); return; } } dolen = rb_rawbuf_get(conn->modbuf_in, msg, hdr->payload_length_mask); if (!dolen) { close_conn(conn, WAIT_PLAIN, "websocket error: fault unpacking message"); return; } if (masked) ws_frame_unmask(msg, dolen, maskval); rb_linebuf_parse(&conn->plainbuf_out, msg, dolen, 1); } static void conn_mod_process_large(conn_t *conn, ws_frame_hdr_t *hdr, int masked) { char msg[READBUF_SIZE]; uint16_t msglen; uint8_t maskval[WEBSOCKET_MASK_LENGTH]; int dolen; memset(msg, 0, sizeof msg); dolen = rb_rawbuf_get(conn->modbuf_in, &msglen, sizeof(msglen)); if (!dolen) { close_conn(conn, WAIT_PLAIN, "websocket error: fault unpacking message size"); return; } msglen = ntohs(msglen); if (masked) { dolen = rb_rawbuf_get(conn->modbuf_in, maskval, sizeof(maskval)); if (!dolen) { close_conn(conn, WAIT_PLAIN, "websocket error: fault unpacking unmask key"); return; } } dolen = rb_rawbuf_get(conn->modbuf_in, msg, msglen); if (!dolen) { close_conn(conn, WAIT_PLAIN, "websocket error: fault unpacking message"); return; } if (masked) ws_frame_unmask(msg, dolen, maskval); rb_linebuf_parse(&conn->plainbuf_out, msg, dolen, 1); } static void conn_mod_process_huge(conn_t *conn, ws_frame_hdr_t *hdr, int masked) { /* XXX implement me */ } static void conn_mod_process(conn_t *conn) { ws_frame_hdr_t hdr; while (1) { int masked; int dolen = rb_rawbuf_get(conn->modbuf_in, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); if (dolen != sizeof(hdr)) break; masked = (hdr.payload_length_mask >> 7) == 1; hdr.payload_length_mask &= 0x7f; switch (hdr.payload_length_mask) { case 126: conn_mod_process_large(conn, &hdr, masked); break; case 127: conn_mod_process_huge(conn, &hdr, masked); break; default: conn_mod_process_frame(conn, &hdr, masked); break; } } conn_plain_write_sendq(conn->plain_fd, conn); } static void conn_mod_handshake_process(conn_t *conn) { char inbuf[READBUF_SIZE]; memset(inbuf, 0, sizeof inbuf); while (1) { char *p = NULL; int dolen = rb_rawbuf_get(conn->modbuf_in, inbuf, sizeof inbuf); if (!dolen) break; if ((p = strcasestr(inbuf, "Sec-WebSocket-Key:")) != NULL) { char *start, *end; start = p + strlen("Sec-WebSocket-Key:"); for (; start < (inbuf + READBUF_SIZE) && *start; start++) { if (*start != ' ' && *start != '\t') break; } for (end = start; end < (inbuf + READBUF_SIZE) && *end; end++) { if (*end == '\r' || *end == '\n') { *end = '\0'; break; } } rb_strlcpy(conn->client_key, start, sizeof(conn->client_key)); SetKeyed(conn); } } if (IsKeyed(conn)) { SHA1 sha1; uint8_t digest[SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; char *resp; sha1_init(&sha1); sha1_update(&sha1, (uint8_t *) conn->client_key, strlen(conn->client_key)); sha1_update(&sha1, (uint8_t *) WEBSOCKET_SERVER_KEY, strlen(WEBSOCKET_SERVER_KEY)); sha1_final(&sha1, digest); resp = (char *) rb_base64_encode(digest, SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH); conn_mod_write(conn, WEBSOCKET_ANSWER_STRING_1, strlen(WEBSOCKET_ANSWER_STRING_1)); conn_mod_write(conn, resp, strlen(resp)); conn_mod_write(conn, WEBSOCKET_ANSWER_STRING_2, strlen(WEBSOCKET_ANSWER_STRING_2)); rb_free(resp); } conn_mod_write_sendq(conn->mod_fd, conn); } static void conn_mod_read_cb(rb_fde_t *fd, void *data) { char inbuf[READBUF_SIZE]; memset(inbuf, 0, sizeof inbuf); conn_t *conn = data; int length = 0; if (conn == NULL) return; if (IsDead(conn)) return; while (1) { if (IsDead(conn)) return; length = rb_read(fd, inbuf, sizeof(inbuf)); if (length < 0) { if (rb_ignore_errno(errno)) { rb_setselect(fd, RB_SELECT_READ, conn_mod_read_cb, conn); conn_plain_write_sendq(conn->plain_fd, conn); } else close_conn(conn, NO_WAIT, "Connection closed"); return; } else if (length == 0) { close_conn(conn, NO_WAIT, "Connection closed"); return; } rb_rawbuf_append(conn->modbuf_in, inbuf, length); if (!IsKeyed(conn)) conn_mod_handshake_process(conn); else conn_mod_process(conn); if (length < sizeof(inbuf)) { rb_setselect(fd, RB_SELECT_READ, conn_mod_read_cb, conn); return; } } } static bool plain_check_cork(conn_t * conn) { if(rb_rawbuf_length(conn->modbuf_out) >= 4096) { /* if we have over 4k pending outbound, don't read until * we've cleared the queue */ SetCork(conn); rb_setselect(conn->plain_fd, RB_SELECT_READ, NULL, NULL); /* try to write */ if (IsKeyed(conn)) conn_mod_write_sendq(conn->mod_fd, conn); return true; } return false; } static void conn_plain_process_recvq(conn_t *conn) { char inbuf[READBUF_SIZE]; memset(inbuf, 0, sizeof inbuf); while (1) { int dolen = rb_linebuf_get(&conn->plainbuf_in, inbuf, sizeof inbuf, LINEBUF_COMPLETE, LINEBUF_PARSED); if (!dolen) break; conn_mod_write_frame(conn, inbuf, dolen); } if (IsKeyed(conn)) conn_mod_write_sendq(conn->mod_fd, conn); } static void conn_plain_read_cb(rb_fde_t *fd, void *data) { char inbuf[READBUF_SIZE]; memset(inbuf, 0, sizeof inbuf); conn_t *conn = data; int length = 0; if(conn == NULL) return; if(IsDead(conn)) return; if(plain_check_cork(conn)) return; while(1) { if(IsDead(conn)) return; length = rb_read(conn->plain_fd, inbuf, sizeof(inbuf)); if(length == 0 || (length < 0 && !rb_ignore_errno(errno))) { close_conn(conn, NO_WAIT, NULL); return; } if(length < 0) { rb_setselect(conn->plain_fd, RB_SELECT_READ, conn_plain_read_cb, conn); if (IsKeyed(conn)) conn_plain_process_recvq(conn); return; } conn->plain_in += length; (void) rb_linebuf_parse(&conn->plainbuf_in, inbuf, length, 0); if(IsDead(conn)) return; if(plain_check_cork(conn)) return; } } static void conn_plain_read_shutdown_cb(rb_fde_t *fd, void *data) { char inbuf[READBUF_SIZE]; conn_t *conn = data; int length = 0; if(conn == NULL) return; while(1) { length = rb_read(conn->plain_fd, inbuf, sizeof(inbuf)); if(length == 0 || (length < 0 && !rb_ignore_errno(errno))) { rb_close(conn->plain_fd); rb_dlinkAdd(conn, &conn->node, &dead_list); return; } if(length < 0) { rb_setselect(conn->plain_fd, RB_SELECT_READ, conn_plain_read_shutdown_cb, conn); return; } } } static void wsock_process(mod_ctl_t * ctl, mod_ctl_buf_t * ctlb) { conn_t *conn; uint32_t id; conn = make_conn(ctl, ctlb->F[0], ctlb->F[1]); id = buf_to_uint32(&ctlb->buf[1]); conn_add_id_hash(conn, id); SetWS(conn); if(rb_get_type(conn->mod_fd) & RB_FD_UNKNOWN) rb_set_type(conn->mod_fd, RB_FD_SOCKET); if(rb_get_type(conn->plain_fd) == RB_FD_UNKNOWN) rb_set_type(conn->plain_fd, RB_FD_SOCKET); conn_mod_read_cb(conn->mod_fd, conn); conn_plain_read_cb(conn->plain_fd, conn); } static void mod_process_cmd_recv(mod_ctl_t * ctl) { rb_dlink_node *ptr, *next; mod_ctl_buf_t *ctl_buf; RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(ptr, next, ctl->readq.head) { ctl_buf = ptr->data; switch (*ctl_buf->buf) { case 'A': { if (ctl_buf->nfds != 2 || ctl_buf->buflen != 5) { cleanup_bad_message(ctl, ctl_buf); break; } wsock_process(ctl, ctl_buf); break; } default: break; /* Log unknown commands */ } rb_dlinkDelete(ptr, &ctl->readq); rb_free(ctl_buf->buf); rb_free(ctl_buf); } } static void mod_read_ctl(rb_fde_t *F, void *data) { mod_ctl_buf_t *ctl_buf; mod_ctl_t *ctl = data; int retlen; int i; do { ctl_buf = rb_malloc(sizeof(mod_ctl_buf_t)); ctl_buf->buf = rb_malloc(READBUF_SIZE); ctl_buf->buflen = READBUF_SIZE; retlen = rb_recv_fd_buf(ctl->F, ctl_buf->buf, ctl_buf->buflen, ctl_buf->F, MAXPASSFD); if(retlen <= 0) { rb_free(ctl_buf->buf); rb_free(ctl_buf); } else { ctl_buf->buflen = retlen; rb_dlinkAddTail(ctl_buf, &ctl_buf->node, &ctl->readq); for (i = 0; i < MAXPASSFD && ctl_buf->F[i] != NULL; i++) ; ctl_buf->nfds = i; } } while(retlen > 0); if(retlen == 0 || (retlen < 0 && !rb_ignore_errno(errno))) exit(0); mod_process_cmd_recv(ctl); rb_setselect(ctl->F, RB_SELECT_READ, mod_read_ctl, ctl); } static void read_pipe_ctl(rb_fde_t *F, void *data) { char inbuf[READBUF_SIZE]; int retlen; while((retlen = rb_read(F, inbuf, sizeof(inbuf))) > 0) { ;; /* we don't do anything with the pipe really, just care if the other process dies.. */ } if(retlen == 0 || (retlen < 0 && !rb_ignore_errno(errno))) exit(0); rb_setselect(F, RB_SELECT_READ, read_pipe_ctl, NULL); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *s_ctlfd, *s_pipe, *s_pid; int ctlfd, pipefd, x, maxfd; maxfd = maxconn(); s_ctlfd = getenv("CTL_FD"); s_pipe = getenv("CTL_PIPE"); s_pid = getenv("CTL_PPID"); if(s_ctlfd == NULL || s_pipe == NULL || s_pid == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "This is the charybdis wsockd for internal ircd use.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "You aren't supposed to run me directly. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } ctlfd = atoi(s_ctlfd); pipefd = atoi(s_pipe); ppid = atoi(s_pid); x = 0; #ifndef _WIN32 for(x = 0; x < maxfd; x++) { if(x != ctlfd && x != pipefd && x > 2) close(x); } x = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); if(x >= 0) { if(ctlfd != 0 && pipefd != 0) dup2(x, 0); if(ctlfd != 1 && pipefd != 1) dup2(x, 1); if(ctlfd != 2 && pipefd != 2) dup2(x, 2); if(x > 2) close(x); } #endif setup_signals(); rb_lib_init(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, maxfd, 1024, 4096); rb_linebuf_init(4096); rb_init_rawbuffers(4096); mod_ctl = rb_malloc(sizeof(mod_ctl_t)); mod_ctl->F = rb_open(ctlfd, RB_FD_SOCKET, "ircd control socket"); mod_ctl->F_pipe = rb_open(pipefd, RB_FD_PIPE, "ircd pipe"); rb_set_nb(mod_ctl->F); rb_set_nb(mod_ctl->F_pipe); rb_event_addish("clean_dead_conns", clean_dead_conns, NULL, 10); read_pipe_ctl(mod_ctl->F_pipe, NULL); mod_read_ctl(mod_ctl->F, mod_ctl); rb_lib_loop(0); return 0; }