# IRCd Module Tree This directory contains dynamically loadable functionality to libircd. These modules are not mere extensions -- they provide essential application functionality, but are not always required to be directly linked in libircd proper. Most application-specific functionality (i.e "business logic") is contained in modules within this tree. At the time of this writing, a significant amount of matrix functionality is still contained within libircd proper, but it is intended that as many definitions as possible are pushed out into modules. #### Layout The `modules/` directory is primarily shaped the same as the HTTP resource tree in which most of its modules register themselves in. This is **not** automatic and the mere inclusion of files/directories in `modules/` does not automatically expose them over HTTP. Note that the installation layout is not the same as the development source layout (i.e in git). Upon installation, the module tree is collapsed into a single directory and installed into `$prefix/lib/modules/construct/$directory_$module.so`; this may be subject to improvement. - `client/` contains resource handlers for the `/_matrix/client/` API - `federation/` contains resource handlers for the `/_matrix/federation/` API - `key/` contains resource handlers for the `/_matrix/key/` API - `media/` contains resource handlers for the `/_matrix/media/` API - `js/` contains modules specific to the unreleased javascript embedding. - `s_` modules provide utility to the server's operation. - `m_` modules implement protocol logic for matrix event types. - `vm_` modules provide the processing logic for matrix events. #### Approach We use a hybrid system to build modules with two techniques: - Self-contained shared objects loaded for explicit import and export of their symbols. This is the classical module which is safely loaded, unloaded and accessed at any time via the `ircd::mods::import` system. This approach is preferred for the majority of module and extension cases. Definitions in these modules are not declared in `include/ircd` unless a "thunk" definition inside libircd contains am `ircd::mods::import` calling out to the module (this is not generated; developer must place this). - "core" modules which directly implement symbols declared in `include/ircd` headers. When this type of module is not loaded those headers declare an undefined symbol and accesses will immediately crash. This approach is used when large interfaces are implemented by modules and individual imports defined in libircd are too cumbersome. This involves global binding made possible by the dynamic linker. This approach is satisfactory because of C++ symbol namespacing and modern compiler and linker controls. These modules *can* still be unloaded (and are during shutdown) but only after every other module which has accessed its symbols has also been unloaded. At this time, we have no access or control over that reference system and the reasons for a failure to unload may not be immediately clear or easy to trace. #### Loading Modules may be automatically loaded based on their prefix. Certain prefixes are sought by libircd for auto-loading, arbitrarily (i.e there is no magic autoloading prefix; see: `ircd/m/m.cc` for explicit prefixes). A module may also be loaded when an attempt is made to call into it (i.e with `m::import` or low-level with `ircd::mods::*`). Furthermore, a module may be loaded by the console `mod` command suite, specifically `mod load`. Otherwise the module is not loaded. #### Unloading Unlike previous incarnations of IRCd, every module is [eventually] "unloadable" and the notion of a "core" module is modernized based on the dynamic linker technology available. Many central linkages within libircd (and direct links made by other modules) are imports which tolerate the unavailability of a module by using weak-pointers and throwing exceptions. Unlike the Atheme approach as well, importing from a module does not prevent unloading due to dependency; the unloading of a module is propagated to linksites through the weak_ptr's dependency graph and exceptions are thrown from the link upon next use. Furthermore, modules are free to leverage the ircd::ctx system to wait synchronously for events which are essential for a clean load or unload, even during static initialization and destruction. This is a useful feature which allows all modules to be robustly loadable and unloadable at **any time** and **every time** in an intuitive manner. No modules used through imports in this system "stick" whether by accident or on purpose upon unload. Though we all know that dlclose() does not guarantee a module is actually unloaded, we expend the extra effort to ensure there is no reason why dlclose() would not unload the module. This static destruction of a module is verified and alarms will go off if it is actually "stuck" and the developer *must* fix this. ## Getting started The header `mods/mapi.h` is specific to modules and included for modules in addition to the core `ircd.h`. Both of these are included automatically via the compiler's command-line and the developer does not have to `#include` either in the module. Every loadable module requires a static `ircd::mapi::header` with the explicit name of `IRCD_MODULE`. This is an object which will be sought by the module loader in libircd. Nothing else is required. #### Developer's Approach The ideal module in this system is one that is self-contained in that its only interface is through "registrations" to various facilities provided by libircd. The module can still freely read and write to state within libircd or other modules. - An example of such is an HTTP resource (see: ircd/resource.h) registration of a URL to handle incoming HTTP requests. - Another example is a Matrix Event Hook (see: ircd/m/hook.h) to process matrix events. Next is a module providing definitions and making them available through exposition (i.e `extern "C"`). In this approach, function definitions are provided in the module but a "central interface" may be provided by libircd. That central interface is tolerant of the function call failing when the module is not available (or automatically tries to load it, see: ircd/m/import.h and ircd/mods/*.h etc). Note that many modules use any of these approaches at the same time.