// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net> // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. #include <ircd/spirit.h> namespace ircd::http { using namespace ircd::spirit; template<class it, class top = unused_type> struct grammar; struct parser extern const parser; extern const std::unordered_map<ircd::http::code, ircd::string_view> reason; [[noreturn]] void throw_error(const qi::expectation_failure<const char *> &, const bool &internal = false); } BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT ( ircd::http::query, ( decltype(ircd::http::query::first), first ) ( decltype(ircd::http::query::second), second ) ) BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT ( ircd::http::header, ( decltype(ircd::http::header::first), first ) ( decltype(ircd::http::header::second), second ) ) BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT ( ircd::http::line::response, ( decltype(ircd::http::line::response::version), version ) ( decltype(ircd::http::line::response::status), status ) ( decltype(ircd::http::line::response::reason), reason ) ) BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT ( ircd::http::line::request, ( decltype(ircd::http::line::request::method), method ) ( decltype(ircd::http::line::request::path), path ) ( decltype(ircd::http::line::request::query), query ) ( decltype(ircd::http::line::request::fragment), fragment ) ( decltype(ircd::http::line::request::version), version ) ) decltype(ircd::http::reason) ircd::http::reason { { code::CONTINUE, "Continue" }, { code::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, "Switching Protocols" }, { code::OK, "OK" }, { code::CREATED, "Created" }, { code::ACCEPTED, "Accepted" }, { code::NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION, "Non-Authoritative Information" }, { code::NO_CONTENT, "No Content" }, { code::PARTIAL_CONTENT, "Partial Content" }, { code::MULTIPLE_CHOICES, "Multiple Choices" }, { code::MOVED_PERMANENTLY, "Moved Permanently" }, { code::FOUND, "Found" }, { code::SEE_OTHER, "See Other" }, { code::NOT_MODIFIED, "Not Modified" }, { code::TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, "Temporary Redirect" }, { code::PERMANENT_REDIRECT, "Permanent Redirect" }, { code::BAD_REQUEST, "Bad Request" }, { code::UNAUTHORIZED, "Unauthorized" }, { code::FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden" }, { code::NOT_FOUND, "Not Found" }, { code::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "Method Not Allowed" }, { code::REQUEST_TIMEOUT, "Request Time-out" }, { code::CONFLICT, "Conflict" }, { code::LENGTH_REQUIRED, "Length Required" }, { code::PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE, "Payload Too Large" }, { code::REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG, "Request URI Too Long" }, { code::EXPECTATION_FAILED, "Expectation Failed" }, { code::IM_A_TEAPOT, "Negative, I Am A Meat Popsicle" }, { code::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Unprocessable Entity" }, { code::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, "Too Many Requests" }, { code::REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE, "Request Header Fields Too Large" }, { code::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Internal Server Error" }, { code::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Not Implemented" }, { code::BAD_GATEWAY, "Bad Gateway" }, { code::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Service Unavailable" }, { code::HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "HTTP Version Not Supported" }, { code::INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE, "Insufficient Storage" }, }; template<class it, class top> struct ircd::http::grammar :qi::grammar<it, top> { template<class R = unused_type, class... S> using rule = qi::rule<it, R, S...>; rule<> NUL { lit('\0') ,"nul" }; // insignificant whitespaces rule<> SP { lit('\x20') ,"space" }; rule<> HT { lit('\x09') ,"horizontal tab" }; rule<> ws { SP | HT ,"whitespace" }; rule<> CR { lit('\x0D') ,"carriage return" }; rule<> LF { lit('\x0A') ,"line feed" }; rule<> CRLF { CR >> LF ,"carriage return, line feed" }; rule<> illegal { NUL | CR | LF ,"illegal" }; rule<> colon { lit(':') ,"colon" }; rule<> slash { lit('/') ,"forward solidus" }; rule<> question { lit('?') ,"question mark" }; rule<> pound { lit('#') ,"pound sign" }; rule<> equal { lit('=') ,"equal sign" }; rule<> ampersand { lit('&') ,"ampersand" }; rule<string_view> token { raw[+(char_ - (illegal | ws))] ,"token" }; rule<string_view> string { raw[+(char_ - illegal)] ,"string" }; rule<string_view> line { *ws >> -string >> CRLF ,"line" }; rule<string_view> status { raw[repeat(3)[char_("0-9")]] ,"status" }; rule<short> status_code { short_ ,"status code" }; rule<string_view> reason { string ,"status" }; rule<string_view> head_key { raw[+(char_ - (illegal | ws | colon))] ,"head key" }; rule<string_view> head_val { string ,"head value" }; rule<http::header> header { head_key >> *ws >> colon >> *ws >> head_val ,"header" }; rule<unused_type> headers { (header % (*ws >> CRLF)) ,"headers" }; rule<> query_terminator { equal | question | ampersand | pound ,"query terminator" }; rule<> query_illegal { illegal | ws | query_terminator ,"query illegal" }; rule<string_view> query_key { raw[+(char_ - query_illegal)] ,"query key" }; rule<string_view> query_val { raw[*(char_ - query_illegal)] ,"query value" }; rule<string_view> method { token ,"method" }; rule<string_view> path { raw[-slash >> *(char_ - query_illegal)] ,"path" }; rule<string_view> fragment { pound >> -token ,"fragment" }; rule<string_view> version { token ,"version" }; rule<size_t> chunk_size { qi::uint_parser<size_t, 16, 1, 8>{} ,"chunk size" }; rule<string_view> chunk_extensions { ';' >> raw[string] //TODO: extensions ,"chunk extensions" }; rule<http::query> query { query_key >> -(equal >> query_val) ,"query" }; rule<string_view> query_string { question >> -raw[(query_key >> -(equal >> query_val)) % ampersand] ,"query string" }; rule<line::request> request_line { method >> +SP >> path >> -query_string >> -fragment >> +SP >> version ,"request line" }; rule<line::response> response_line { version >> +SP >> status >> -(+SP >> reason) ,"response line" }; rule<unused_type> request { request_line >> *ws >> CRLF >> -headers >> CRLF ,"request" }; rule<unused_type> response { response_line >> *ws >> CRLF >> -headers >> CRLF ,"response" }; grammar(const rule<top> &top_rule) :grammar<it, top>::base_type { top_rule } {} }; struct ircd::http::parser :grammar<const char *, unused_type> { static size_t content_length(const string_view &val); using http::grammar<const char *, unused_type>::grammar; parser(): grammar { grammar::ws } {} } const ircd::http::parser; /// Compose a request. This prints an HTTP head into the buffer. No real IO is /// done here. After composing into the buffer, the user can then drive the /// socket by sending the header and the content as specified. /// /// If termination is false, no extra CRLF is printed to the buffer allowing /// additional headers not specified to be appended later. ircd::http::request::request(window_buffer &out, const string_view &host, const string_view &method, const string_view &uri, const size_t &content_length, const string_view &content_type, const vector_view<const header> &headers, const bool &termination) { writeline(out, [&method, &uri](const mutable_buffer &out) -> size_t { assert(!method.empty()); assert(!uri.empty()); return fmt::sprintf { out, "%s %s HTTP/1.1", method, uri }; }); writeline(out, [&host](const mutable_buffer &out) -> size_t { assert(!host.empty()); return fmt::sprintf { out, "Host: %s", host }; }); if(content_length) writeline(out, [&content_type](const mutable_buffer &out) -> size_t { return fmt::sprintf { out, "Content-Type: %s", content_type?: "text/plain; charset=utf-8" }; }); writeline(out, [&content_length](const mutable_buffer &out) -> size_t { return fmt::sprintf { out, "Content-Length: %zu", content_length }; }); write(out, headers); if(termination) writeline(out); } ircd::http::request::head::head(parse::capstan &pc, const headers::closure &c) :line::request{pc} ,uri { fragment? string_view { begin(path), end(fragment) }: query? string_view { begin(path), end(query) }: string_view { begin(path), end(path) } } ,headers { http::headers{pc, [this, &c](const auto &h) { if(iequals(h.first, "host"_sv)) this->host = h.second; else if(iequals(h.first, "expect"_sv)) this->expect = h.second; else if(iequals(h.first, "te"_sv)) this->te = h.second; else if(iequals(h.first, "content-length"_sv)) this->content_length = parser.content_length(h.second); else if(iequals(h.first, "authorization"_sv)) this->authorization = h.second; else if(iequals(h.first, "connection"_sv)) this->connection = h.second; else if(iequals(h.first, "content-type"_sv)) this->content_type = h.second; else if(iequals(h.first, "user-agent"_sv)) this->user_agent = h.second; if(c) c(h); }} } { } ircd::http::response::response(window_buffer &out, const code &code, const size_t &content_length, const string_view &content_type, const string_view &headers_string, const vector_view<const header> &headers_vector, const bool &termination) { writeline(out, [&code](const mutable_buffer &out) -> size_t { return fmt::sprintf { out, "HTTP/1.1 %u %s", uint(code), status(code) }; }); if(code >= 200 && code < 300) writeline(out, [&code](const mutable_buffer &out) -> size_t { size_t ret{0}; ret += copy(out, "Server: "_sv); ret += copy(out + ret, ircd::info::server_agent); return ret; }); if(code < 400) writeline(out, [](const mutable_buffer &out) -> size_t { char date_buf[96]; return fmt::sprintf { out, "Date: %s", timef(date_buf, ircd::localtime) }; }); if(code != NO_CONTENT && content_type && content_length) writeline(out, [&content_type](const mutable_buffer &out) -> size_t { return fmt::sprintf { out, "Content-Type: %s", content_type?: "text/plain; charset=utf-8" }; }); if(code != NO_CONTENT && content_length != size_t(-1)) writeline(out, [&content_length](const mutable_buffer &out) -> size_t { return fmt::sprintf { out, "Content-Length: %zu", content_length }; }); if(content_length == size_t(-1)) writeline(out, [&content_length](const mutable_buffer &out) -> size_t { return copy(out, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked"_sv); }); if(!headers_string.empty()) out([&headers_string](const mutable_buffer &out) { return copy(out, headers_string); }); if(!headers_vector.empty()) write(out, headers_vector); if(termination) writeline(out); } ircd::http::response::head::head(parse::capstan &pc, const headers::closure &c) :line::response{pc} ,headers { http::headers{pc, [this, &c](const auto &h) { if(iequals(h.first, "content-length"s)) this->content_length = parser.content_length(h.second); else if(iequals(h.first, "content-type"s)) this->content_type = h.second; else if(iequals(h.first, "transfer-encoding"s)) this->transfer_encoding = h.second; else if(iequals(h.first, "server"s)) this->server = h.second; if(c) c(h); }} } { } ircd::http::response::chunk::chunk(parse::capstan &pc) try :line{pc} { static const parser::rule<size_t> grammar { parser.chunk_size >> -parser.chunk_extensions ,"chunk head" }; const char *start(line::begin()); const auto res(qi::parse(start, line::end(), eps > grammar, this->size)); assert(res == true); } catch(const qi::expectation_failure<const char *> &e) { throw_error(e, true); } ircd::http::headers::headers(parse::capstan &pc, const closure &c) :string_view{[&pc, &c] () -> string_view { header h{pc}; const char *const &started{h.first.data()}, *stopped{started}; for(; !h.first.empty(); stopped = h.second.data() + h.second.size(), h = header{pc}) if(c) c(h); return { started, stopped }; }()} { } ircd::http::header::header(const line &line) try { static const auto grammar { eps > parser.header }; if(line.empty()) return; const char *start(line.data()); const char *const stop(line.data() + line.size()); qi::parse(start, stop, grammar, *this); } catch(const qi::expectation_failure<const char *> &e) { throw_error(e); } ircd::http::line::response::response(const line &line) { static const auto grammar { eps > parser.response_line }; const char *start(line.data()); const char *const stop(line.data() + line.size()); qi::parse(start, stop, grammar, *this); } ircd::http::line::request::request(const line &line) try { static const auto grammar { eps > parser.request_line }; const char *start(line.data()); const char *const stop(line.data() + line.size()); qi::parse(start, stop, grammar, *this); } catch(const qi::expectation_failure<const char *> &e) { throw_error(e); } ircd::http::line::line(parse::capstan &pc) :string_view{[&pc] { static const auto grammar { parser.line }; string_view ret; pc([&ret](const char *&start, const char *const &stop) { if(!qi::parse(start, stop, grammar, ret)) { ret = {}; return false; } else return true; }); return ret; }()} { } ircd::string_view ircd::http::query::string::at(const string_view &key) const { const auto ret(operator[](key)); if(ret.empty()) throw std::out_of_range{"Failed to find value for required query string key"}; return ret; } ircd::string_view ircd::http::query::string::operator[](const string_view &key) const { string_view ret; const auto match([&key, &ret](const query &query) -> bool { if(query.first == key) { ret = query.second; return false; // false to break out of until() } else return true; }); until(match); return ret; } bool ircd::http::query::string::until(const std::function<bool (const query &)> &closure) const { const auto action([&closure](const auto &attribute, const auto &context, auto &halt) { halt = closure(attribute); }); const parser::rule<unused_type> grammar { -parser.question >> (parser.query[action] % parser.ampersand) }; const string_view &s(*this); const char *start(s.data()), *const stop(s.data() + s.size()); return qi::parse(start, stop, grammar); } void ircd::http::query::string::for_each(const std::function<void (const query &)> &closure) const { const auto action([&closure](const auto &attribute, const auto &context, auto &halt) { closure(attribute); }); const parser::rule<unused_type> grammar { -parser.question >> (parser.query[action] % parser.ampersand) }; const string_view &s(*this); const char *start(s.data()), *const stop(s.data() + s.size()); qi::parse(start, stop, grammar); } size_t ircd::http::parser::content_length(const string_view &str) { static const parser::rule<long> grammar { long_ }; long ret; const char *start(str.data()); const bool parsed(qi::parse(start, start + str.size(), grammar, ret)); if(!parsed || ret < 0) throw error { BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid content-length value" }; return ret; } ircd::const_buffer ircd::http::writechunk(const mutable_buffer &buf, const uint32_t &chunk_size) { window_buffer wb{buf}; writechunk(wb, chunk_size); return wb.completed(); } void ircd::http::writechunk(window_buffer &buf, const uint32_t &chunk_size) { writeline(buf, [&chunk_size](const mutable_buffer &out) -> size_t { return ::snprintf(data(out), size(out), "%08x", chunk_size); }); } std::string ircd::http::strung(const vector_view<const header> &headers) { return ircd::string(serialized(headers), [&] (window_buffer out) { write(out, headers); return out.consumed(); }); } /// Indicates the buffer size required to write these headers. This size /// may include room for a terminating null character which may be written /// by write(headers). Only use write(headers) to know the actually written /// string size (without null) not this. size_t ircd::http::serialized(const vector_view<const header> &headers) { // Because the write(header) functions use fmt::sprintf we have to // indicate an extra space for a null string terminator to not overlof const size_t initial{!headers.empty()}; return std::accumulate(std::begin(headers), std::end(headers), initial, [] (auto &ret, const auto &pair) { // key : SP value CRLF return ret += pair.first.size() + 1 + 1 + pair.second.size() + 2; }); } void ircd::http::write(window_buffer &out, const vector_view<const header> &headers) { for(const auto &header : headers) write(out, header); } void ircd::http::write(window_buffer &out, const header &header) { if(header.second.empty()) return; assert(!header.first.empty()); if(unlikely(header.first.empty())) return; writeline(out, [&header](const mutable_buffer &out) -> size_t { return fmt::sprintf { out, "%s: %s", header.first, header.second }; }); } /// Close over the user's closure to append a newline. void ircd::http::writeline(window_buffer &write, const window_buffer::closure &closure) { // A new window_buffer is implicit constructed out of the mutable_buffer // otherwise presented to this closure as its write window. write([&closure](window_buffer write) { const auto newline{[](const mutable_buffer &out) { return copy(out, "\r\n"_sv); }}; write(closure); write(newline); return write.consumed(); }); } void ircd::http::writeline(window_buffer &write) { writeline(write, [](const mutable_buffer &out) { return 0; }); } /// Called to translate a grammar exception into an http::error within our /// system. This will then usually propagate back to our client. /// /// If we are a client to another server, set internal=true. Even though this /// still generates an HTTP error, the code is 500 so if it propagates back to /// a client it does not indicate to *that* client that *they* made a bad /// request from a 400 back to them. void ircd::http::throw_error(const qi::expectation_failure<const char *> &e, const bool &internal) { const auto &code_ { internal? code::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: code::BAD_REQUEST }; const char *const &fmtstr { internal? "I expected a valid HTTP %s. Server sent %zu invalid characters starting with `%s'.": "I require a valid HTTP %s. You sent %zu invalid characters starting with `%s'." }; const auto &rule { ircd::string(e.what_) }; throw error { code_, fmt::snstringf { 512, fmtstr, between(rule, "<", ">"), size_t(e.last - e.first), string_view{e.first, e.last} } }; } ircd::http::error::error(const http::code &code, std::string content, const vector_view<const header> &headers) :http::error { code, std::move(content), strung(headers) } { } ircd::http::error::error(const http::code &code, std::string content, std::string headers) :ircd::error{generate_skip} ,content{std::move(content)} ,headers{std::move(headers)} ,code{code} { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u %s", uint(code), status(code).c_str()); } ircd::http::code ircd::http::status(const string_view &str) { static const auto grammar { parser.status_code }; short ret; const char *start(str.data()); const bool parsed(qi::parse(start, start + str.size(), grammar, ret)); if(!parsed || ret < 0 || ret >= 1000) throw ircd::error{"Invalid HTTP status code"}; return http::code(ret); } ircd::string_view ircd::http::status(const http::code &code) try { return reason.at(code); } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { log::warning { "No reason string for HTTP status code %u", uint(code) }; return ""_sv; }