// The Construct // // Copyright (C) The Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. namespace ircd::m::fed::well_known { static std::tuple fetch(const mutable_buffer &, const net::hostport &, const string_view &url); extern log::log log; } decltype(ircd::m::fed::well_known::log) ircd::m::fed::well_known::log { "m.well-known" }; decltype(ircd::m::fed::well_known::cache_default) ircd::m::fed::well_known::cache_default { { "name", "ircd.m.fed.well-known.cache.default" }, { "default", 24 * 60 * 60L }, }; decltype(ircd::m::fed::well_known::cache_error) ircd::m::fed::well_known::cache_error { { "name", "ircd.m.fed.well-known.cache.error" }, { "default", 36 * 60 * 60L }, }; ///NOTE: not yet used until HTTP cache headers in response are respected. decltype(ircd::m::fed::well_known::cache_max) ircd::m::fed::well_known::cache_max { { "name", "ircd.m.fed.well-known.cache.max" }, { "default", 48 * 60 * 60L }, }; decltype(ircd::m::fed::well_known::fetch_timeout) ircd::m::fed::well_known::fetch_timeout { { "name", "ircd.m.fed.well-known.fetch.timeout" }, { "default", 15L }, }; decltype(ircd::m::fed::well_known::fetch_redirects) ircd::m::fed::well_known::fetch_redirects { { "name", "ircd.m.fed.well-known.fetch.redirects" }, { "default", 2L }, }; ircd::string_view ircd::m::fed::well_known::get(const mutable_buffer &buf, const string_view &origin) try { static const string_view type { "well-known.matrix.server" }; const m::room::id::buf room_id { "dns", m::my_host() }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::event::idx event_idx { room.get(std::nothrow, type, origin) }; const milliseconds origin_server_ts { m::get(std::nothrow, event_idx, "origin_server_ts", time_t(0)) }; const json::object content { origin_server_ts > 0ms? m::get(std::nothrow, event_idx, "content", buf): const_buffer{} }; const seconds ttl { content.get("ttl", time_t(86400)) }; const string_view cached { data(buf), move(buf, json::string(content["m.server"])) }; const system_point expires { origin_server_ts + ttl }; const bool expired { ircd::now() > expires }; const bool valid { !empty(cached) }; // Crucial value that will provide us with a return string for this // function in any case. This is obtained by either using the value // found in cache or making a network query for a new value. expired=true // when a network query needs to be made, otherwise we can return the // cached value. If the network query fails, this value is still defaulted // as the origin string to return and we'll also cache that too. const string_view delegated { expired || !valid? fetch(buf + size(cached), origin): cached }; // Branch on valid cache hit to return result. if(valid && !expired) { char tmbuf[48]; log::debug { log, "%s found in cache delegated to %s event_idx:%u expires %s", origin, cached, event_idx, timef(tmbuf, expires, localtime), }; return delegated; } // Conditions for valid expired cache hit w/ failure to reacquire. const bool fallback { valid && expired && cached != delegated && origin == delegated && now() < expires + seconds(cache_max) }; if(fallback) { char tmbuf[48]; log::debug { log, "%s found in cache delegated to %s event_idx:%u expired %s", origin, cached, event_idx, timef(tmbuf, expires, localtime), }; return cached; } // Any time the well-known result is the same as the origin (that // includes legitimate errors where fetch_well_known() returns the // origin to default) we consider that an error and use the error // TTL value. Sorry, no exponential backoff implemented yet. const auto cache_ttl { origin == delegated? seconds(cache_error).count(): seconds(cache_default).count() }; // Write our record to the cache room; note that this doesn't really // match the format of other DNS records in this room since it's a bit // simpler, but we don't share the ircd.dns.rr type prefix anyway. const auto cache_id { m::send(room, m::me(), type, origin, json::members { { "ttl", cache_ttl }, { "m.server", delegated }, }) }; log::debug { log, "%s caching delegation to %s to cache in %s", origin, delegated, string_view{cache_id}, }; return delegated; } catch(const ctx::interrupted &) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::error { log, "%s :%s", origin, e.what(), }; return string_view { data(buf), move(buf, origin) }; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::fed::well_known::fetch(const mutable_buffer &user_buf, const string_view &origin) try { static const string_view path { "/.well-known/matrix/server" }; // If the supplied buffer isn't large enough to make the full // HTTP request, allocate one that is. const unique_mutable_buffer req_buf { size(user_buf) < 8_KiB? 8_KiB: 0UL }; const mutable_buffer buf { req_buf? req_buf: user_buf }; rfc3986::uri uri; uri.remote = origin; uri.path = path; json::object response; unique_mutable_buffer carry; for(size_t i(0); i < fetch_redirects; ++i) { const auto &[code, location, content] { fetch(buf, uri.remote, uri.path) }; // Successful error; bail if(code >= 400) return string_view { data(user_buf), move(user_buf, origin) }; // Successful result; response content handled after loop. if(code < 300) { response = content; break; } // Indirection code, but no location response header if(!location) return string_view { data(user_buf), move(user_buf, origin) }; // Redirection; carry over the new target by copying it because it's // in the buffer which we'll be overwriting for the new request. carry = unique_mutable_buffer{location}; uri = string_view{carry}; // Indirection code, bad location header. if(!uri.path || !uri.remote) return string_view { data(user_buf), move(user_buf, origin) }; } const json::string &m_server { response["m.server"] }; if(!m_server) return string_view { data(user_buf), move(user_buf, origin) }; // This construction validates we didn't get a junk string volatile const net::hostport ret { m_server }; log::debug { log, "%s query to %s found delegation to %s", origin, uri.remote, m_server, }; // Move the returned string to the front of the buffer; this overwrites // any other incoming content to focus on just the unquoted string. return string_view { data(user_buf), move(user_buf, m_server) }; } catch(const ctx::interrupted &) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::derror { log, "%s in network query :%s", origin, e.what(), }; return string_view { data(user_buf), move(user_buf, origin) }; } /// Return a tuple of the HTTP code, any Location header, and the response /// content. These values are unconditional if this function doesn't throw, /// but if there's no Location header and/or content then those will be empty /// string_view's. This function is intended to be run in a loop by the caller /// to chase redirection. No HTTP codes will throw from here; server and /// network errors (and others) will. std::tuple ircd::m::fed::well_known::fetch(const mutable_buffer &buf, const net::hostport &remote, const string_view &url) { // Hard target https service; do not inherit any matrix service from remote. const net::hostport target { host(remote), "https", port(remote) }; window_buffer wb { buf }; http::request { wb, host(target), "GET", url }; const const_buffer out_head { wb.completed() }; // Remaining space in buffer is used for received head; note that below // we specify this same buffer for in.content, but that's a trick // recognized by ircd::server to place received content directly after // head in this buffer without any additional dynamic allocation. const mutable_buffer in_head { buf + size(out_head) }; server::request::opts opts; opts.http_exceptions = false; // 3xx/4xx/5xx response won't throw. server::request request { target, { out_head }, { in_head, in_head }, &opts }; const auto code { request.get(seconds(fetch_timeout)) }; thread_local char rembuf[rfc3986::DOMAIN_BUFSIZE * 2]; log::debug { log, "fetch from %s %s :%u %s", string(rembuf, target), url, uint(code), http::status(code) }; const http::response::head head { request.in.gethead(request) }; return { code, head.location, request.in.content, }; }