{ rev ? "c7e0e9ed5abd0043e50ee371129fcb8640264fc4" , sha256 ? "0c28mpvjhjc8kiwj2w8zcjsr2rayw989a1wnsqda71zpcyas3mq2" , pkgs ? import (builtins.fetchTarball { inherit sha256; url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/${rev}.tar.gz"; }) { } , stdenv ? if useClang then (if pkgs.stdenv.cc.isClang then pkgs.stdenv else pkgs.llvmPackages_latest.stdenv) else (if pkgs.stdenv.cc.isGNU then pkgs.stdenv else pkgs.gcc.stdenv) , lib ? pkgs.lib , debug ? false # Debug Build , useClang ? false # Use Clang over GCC , useJemalloc ? true # Use the Dynamic Memory Allocator , withGraphicsMagick ? true # Allow Media Thumbnails }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "matrix-construct"; version = "development"; src = lib.cleanSource ./.; preAutoreconf = let VERSION_COMMIT_CMD = "git rev-parse --short HEAD"; VERSION_BRANCH_CMD = "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"; VERSION_TAG_CMD = "git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --dirty --always"; VERSION_CMD = "git describe --tags --always"; runWithGit = id: cmd: lib.removeSuffix "\n" (builtins.readFile (pkgs.runCommandNoCCLocal "construct-${id}" { buildInputs = [ pkgs.git ]; } "cd ${./.} && ${cmd} > $out")); in '' substituteInPlace configure.ac --replace "${VERSION_COMMIT_CMD}" "echo ${runWithGit "version-commit" VERSION_COMMIT_CMD}" substituteInPlace configure.ac --replace "${VERSION_BRANCH_CMD}" "echo ${runWithGit "version-branch" VERSION_BRANCH_CMD}" substituteInPlace configure.ac --replace "${VERSION_TAG_CMD}" "echo ${runWithGit "version-tag" VERSION_TAG_CMD}" substituteInPlace configure.ac --replace "${VERSION_CMD}" "echo ${runWithGit "version" VERSION_CMD}" ''; configureFlags = [ "--enable-generic" "--with-custom-branding=nix" "--with-custom-version=dev" "--with-boost-libdir=${pkgs.boost.out}/lib" "--with-boost=${pkgs.boost.dev}" "--with-magic-file=${pkgs.file}/share/misc/magic.mgc" ] ++ lib.optional useJemalloc "--enable-jemalloc" ++ lib.optional withGraphicsMagick [ "--with-imagemagick-includes=${pkgs.graphicsmagick}/include/GraphicsMagick" ] ++ lib.optional debug "--with-log-level=DEBUG"; preBuild = '' make clean ''; enableParallelBuilding = true; nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ autoreconfHook pkg-config ] ++ lib.optional useClang llvmPackages_latest.llvm ++ lib.optional useJemalloc jemalloc; buildInputs = with pkgs; [ libsodium openssl file boost gmp (rocksdb.overrideAttrs (super: rec { version = "5.16.6"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "facebook"; repo = "rocksdb"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "0yy09myzbi99qdmh2c2mxlddr12pwxzh66ym1y6raaqglrsmax66"; }; cmakeFlags = builtins.map (f: if f == "-DWITH_TOOLS=0" then "-DWITH_TOOLS=1" else f) super.cmakeFlags; NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "${super.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE} -Wno-error=redundant-move"; })) ] ++ lib.optional withGraphicsMagick graphicsmagick; }