// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. namespace ircd::m::vm { template static bool output(const vm::opts &, const vm::fault &, const string_view &event_id, const string_view &fmt, args&&...); template static fault handle_fault(const opts &, const fault &, const string_view &event_id, const string_view &fmt, args&&...); template static void call_hook(hook::site &, eval &, const event &, T&& data); static void retire(eval &, const event &); static void emption_check(eval &, const event &); static size_t calc_txn_reserve(const opts &, const event &); static void write_commit(eval &); static void write_append(eval &, const event &, const bool &); static fault execute_edu(eval &, const event &); static fault execute_pdu(eval &, const event &); static fault execute_du(eval &, const event &); static fault execute(eval &, const event &); static void fini(); static void init(); extern hook::site issue_hook; ///< Called when this server is issuing event extern hook::site conform_hook; ///< Called for static evaluations of event extern hook::site access_hook; ///< Called for access control checking extern hook::site fetch_auth_hook; ///< Called to resolve dependencies extern hook::site fetch_prev_hook; ///< Called to resolve dependencies extern hook::site fetch_state_hook; ///< Called to resolve dependencies extern hook::site eval_hook; ///< Called for final event evaluation extern hook::site post_hook; ///< Called to apply effects pre-notify extern hook::site notify_hook; ///< Called to broadcast successful eval extern hook::site effect_hook; ///< Called to apply effects post-notify extern conf::item log_commit_debug; extern conf::item log_accept_debug; extern conf::item log_accept_info; } decltype(ircd::m::vm::log_commit_debug) ircd::m::vm::log_commit_debug { { "name", "ircd.m.vm.log.commit.debug" }, { "default", true }, }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::log_accept_debug) ircd::m::vm::log_accept_debug { { "name", "ircd.m.vm.log.accept.debug" }, { "default", true }, }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::log_accept_info) ircd::m::vm::log_accept_info { { "name", "ircd.m.vm.log.accept.info" }, { "default", false }, }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::issue_hook) ircd::m::vm::issue_hook { { "name", "vm.issue" } }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::conform_hook) ircd::m::vm::conform_hook { { "name", "vm.conform" } }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::access_hook) ircd::m::vm::access_hook { { "name", "vm.access" } }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::fetch_auth_hook) ircd::m::vm::fetch_auth_hook { { "name", "vm.fetch.auth" } }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::fetch_prev_hook) ircd::m::vm::fetch_prev_hook { { "name", "vm.fetch.prev" } }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::fetch_state_hook) ircd::m::vm::fetch_state_hook { { "name", "vm.fetch.state" } }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::eval_hook) ircd::m::vm::eval_hook { { "name", "vm.eval" } }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::post_hook) ircd::m::vm::post_hook { { "name", "vm.post" } }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::notify_hook) ircd::m::vm::notify_hook { { "name", "vm.notify" }, { "exceptions", false }, { "interrupts", false }, }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::effect_hook) ircd::m::vm::effect_hook { { "name", "vm.effect" }, { "exceptions", false }, { "interrupts", false }, }; // // execute // ircd::m::vm::fault ircd::m::vm::execute(eval &eval, const json::array &pdus) { assert(eval.opts); const auto &opts { *eval.opts }; auto it(begin(pdus)); const bool empty { it == end(pdus) }; if(unlikely(empty)) return fault::ACCEPT; // Determine iff pdus.size()==1 without iterating the whole array const bool single { std::next(begin(pdus)) == end(pdus) }; if(likely(single)) { const m::event event { json::object(*it) }; return execute(eval, vector_view(&event, 1)); } fault ret{fault::ACCEPT}; std::vector eventv(64); do { size_t i(0); for(; i < eventv.size() && it != end(pdus); ++i, ++it) eventv[i] = json::object(*it); if(likely(!opts.ordered)) std::sort(begin(eventv), begin(eventv) + i); assert(i <= eventv.size()); execute(eval, vector_view(eventv.data(), i)); //XXX } while(it != end(pdus) && eval.evaluated < opts.limit); return ret; } ircd::m::vm::fault ircd::m::vm::execute(eval &eval, const vector_view &events) { assert(eval.opts); const auto &opts { *eval.opts }; const scope_restore eval_pdus { eval.pdus, events }; const scope_count executing { eval::executing }; const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::EXECUTE }; const bool prefetch_keys { opts.phase[phase::VERIFY] && opts.mfetch_keys && events.size() > 1 }; const size_t prefetched_keys { prefetch_keys? fetch_keys(eval): 0UL }; const bool prefetch_refs { opts.phase[phase::PREINDEX] && opts.mprefetch_refs && events.size() > 1 }; const size_t prefetched_refs { prefetch_refs? vm::prefetch_refs(eval): 0UL }; size_t accepted(0), existed(0), i, j, k; for(i = 0; i < events.size(); i += j) { id::event ids[64]; for(j = 0; j < 64 && i + j < events.size() && eval.evaluated + j < opts.limit; ++j) ids[j] = events[i + j].event_id; // Bitset indicating which events already exist. const uint64_t existing { !opts.replays? m::exists(vector_view(ids, j)): 0UL }; for(k = 0; k < j; ++k, ++eval.evaluated) try { const bool exists ( existing & (1 << k) ); const auto &event { events[i + k] }; const auto fault { !exists? execute(eval, event): fault::EXISTS }; existed += exists; accepted += fault == fault::ACCEPT; eval.accepted += fault == fault::ACCEPT; eval.faulted += fault != fault::ACCEPT; // If handle_fault() was not previously called about this eval if(likely(fault == fault::ACCEPT || exists)) handle_fault(opts, fault, event.event_id?: eval.event_id, string_view{}); } catch(const ctx::interrupted &) { ++eval.faulted; throw; } catch(const std::exception &) { ++eval.faulted; continue; } catch(...) { ++eval.faulted; throw; } } return fault::ACCEPT; } ircd::m::vm::fault ircd::m::vm::execute(eval &eval, const event &event) try { // This assertion is tripped if the end of your context's stack is // danger close; try increasing your stack size. const ctx::stack_usage_assertion sua; const scope_notify notify { vm::dock }; assert(eval.opts); const auto &opts { *eval.opts }; // Determine if this is an internal room creation event const bool is_internal_room_create { json::get<"type"_>(event) == "m.room.create" && json::get<"sender"_>(event) && m::myself(json::get<"sender"_>(event)) }; // Query for whether the room apropos is an internal room. Note that the // room_id at this point may not be canonical; however, internal rooms // do not and never will never use non-canonical room_id's. const scope_restore room_internal { eval.room_internal, // Retain any existing true value from predetermination. eval.room_internal? eval.room_internal: // Case for creating an internal room (as a query will fail) is_internal_room_create? true: // Query to find out if internal room. json::get<"room_id"_>(event) && my(room::id(json::get<"room_id"_>(event)))? m::internal(json::get<"room_id"_>(event)): // Default to false false }; // Reset the conformity report before and after this event's eval. const scope_restore eval_report { eval.report, event::conforms{} }; // Conformity checks only require the event data itself; note that some // local queries may still be made by the hook, such as m::redacted(). if(likely(opts.phase[phase::CONFORM]) && !opts.edu) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::CONFORM }; call_hook(conform_hook, eval, event, eval); } // If the event is simply missing content while not being authoritatively // redacted, the conformity phase would have thrown a prior exception. Now // we know if the event is legitimately missing content. const bool redacted { eval.report.has(event::conforms::MISMATCH_HASHES) }; // If the input JSON is insufficient we'll need a buffer to rewrite the // event. This buffer can be reused by subsequent events in the eval. assert(!eval.buf || size(eval.buf) >= event::MAX_SIZE); if(!opts.edu && !eval.buf && (!opts.json_source || redacted)) eval.buf = unique_mutable_buffer { event::MAX_SIZE, simd::alignment }; // Conjure a view of the correct canonical JSON representation. This will // either reference the input directly or the rewrite into eval.buf. const json::object event_source { // Canonize from some other serialized source. likely(!opts.edu && !opts.json_source && event.source && !redacted)? json::stringify(mutable_buffer{eval.buf}, event.source): // Canonize from no source; usually taken when my(event). // XXX elision conditions go here likely(!opts.edu && !opts.json_source && !redacted)? json::stringify(mutable_buffer{eval.buf}, event): // Canonize and redact from some other serialized source. !opts.edu && !opts.json_source && event.source? json::stringify(mutable_buffer{eval.buf}, m::essential(event.source, event::buf[0], true)): // Canonize and redact from no source. !opts.edu && !opts.json_source? json::stringify(mutable_buffer{eval.buf}, m::essential(event, event::buf[0], true)): // Use the input directly. string_view{event.source} }; // Create a new event tuple from the canonical source, otherwise reference // the existing input tuple directly. From now on we'll be referencing // `_event` instead of `event` to ensure we have canonical values. const m::event &_event { event_source? m::event{event_source}: event }; // Now conjure the corrected room_id and reference that for the duration // of this event's eval. const scope_restore eval_room_id { eval.room_id, // Reassigns reference after any prior rewrites likely(json::get<"room_id"_>(_event))? string_view(json::get<"room_id"_>(_event)): // No action eval.room_id, }; // Procure the room version. char room_version_buf[room::VERSION_MAX_SIZE]; const scope_restore eval_room_version { eval.room_version, // The room version was supplied by the user in the options structure // because they know better. eval.opts->room_version? eval.opts->room_version: // The room version was already computed; probably by vm::inject(). eval.room_version? eval.room_version: // There's no room version because there's no room! !eval.room_id? string_view{}: // Special case for create event json::get<"type"_>(event) == "m.room.create"? json::string(json::get<"content"_>(_event).get("room_version", "1"_sv)): // Special case for v1 distinguishable event_id's _event.event_id && _event.event_id.version() == "1"_sv? "1"_sv: // Make a query for the room version into the stack buffer. m::version(room_version_buf, room{eval.room_id}, std::nothrow) }; // Copy the event_id into the eval buffer eval.event_id = { !opts.edu && !_event.event_id && eval.room_version == "3"? event::id::buf{event::id::v3{eval.event_id, _event}}: !opts.edu && !_event.event_id? event::id::buf{event::id::v4{eval.event_id, _event}}: !opts.edu? event::id::buf{_event.event_id}: event::id::buf{} }; // Enter the phase to check and hold for other evals with the same event_id // to prevent race-conditions. Note that duplicates are blocked but never // rejected here, as the first eval might fail and the second might not. if(likely(opts.phase[phase::DUPWAIT]) && eval.event_id) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::DUPWAIT }; // Prevent more than one event with the same event_id from // being evaluated at the same time. if(likely(opts.unique)) vm::dock.wait([&eval] { assert(eval::count(eval.event_id) <= 1); return eval::count(eval.event_id) == 0; }); } // Point to the new event_id. const scope_restore event_event_id { mutable_cast(_event).event_id, event::id{eval.event_id} }; // Set a member pointer to the event currently being evaluated. This // allows other parallel evals to have deep access to this eval. It also // will be used to count this event as currently being evaluated. assert(!eval.event_); const scope_restore eval_event { eval.event_, &_event }; // Now that the final input is constructed and everything is known about it, // the next frame's exception handlers will build and propagate much better // error messages. return execute_du(eval, _event); } catch(const vm::error &e) { throw; // propagate from execute_du } catch(const m::error &e) { const ctx::exception_handler eh; const json::object &content { e.content }; assert(eval.opts); return handle_fault ( *eval.opts, fault::GENERAL, event.event_id, "eval %s %s :%s :%s :%s", event.event_id? string_view{event.event_id}: ""_sv, json::get<"room_id"_>(event)? string_view{json::get<"room_id"_>(event)}: ""_sv, e.what(), json::string{content["errcode"]}, json::string{content["error"]} ); } catch(const ctx::interrupted &) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { const ctx::exception_handler eh; assert(eval.opts); return handle_fault ( *eval.opts, fault::GENERAL, event.event_id, "eval %s %s (General Protection) :%s", event.event_id? string_view{event.event_id}: ""_sv, json::get<"room_id"_>(event)? string_view{json::get<"room_id"_>(event)}: ""_sv, e.what() ); } ircd::m::vm::fault ircd::m::vm::execute_du(eval &eval, const event &event) try { assert(eval.id); assert(eval.ctx); assert(eval.opts); assert(eval.opts->edu || event.event_id); assert(eval.opts->edu || eval.event_id); assert(eval.event_id == event.event_id); assert(eval.event_); const auto &opts { *eval.opts }; const scope_restore eval_sequence { eval.sequence, 0UL }; // The issue hook is only called when this server is injecting a newly // created event. if(opts.phase[phase::ISSUE] && eval.copts && eval.copts->issue) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::ISSUE }; call_hook(issue_hook, eval, event, eval); } // Branch on whether the event is an EDU or a PDU const fault ret { event.event_id && !opts.edu? execute_pdu(eval, event): execute_edu(eval, event) }; // ret can be a fault code if the user masked the exception from being // thrown. If there's an error code here nothing further is done. if(ret != fault::ACCEPT) return ret; if(opts.debuglog_accept || bool(log_accept_debug)) log::debug { log, "%s", pretty_oneline(event) }; // The event was executed; now we broadcast the good news. This will // include notifying client `/sync` and the federation sender. if(likely(opts.phase[phase::NOTIFY])) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::NOTIFY }; call_hook(notify_hook, eval, event, eval); } // The "effects" of the event are created by listeners on the effect hook. // These can include the creation of even more events, such as creating a // PDU out of an EDU, etc. Unlike the post_hook in execute_pdu(), the // notify for the event at issue here has already been made. if(likely(opts.phase[phase::EFFECTS])) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::EFFECTS }; call_hook(effect_hook, eval, event, eval); } if(opts.infolog_accept || bool(log_accept_info)) log::info { log, "%s", pretty_oneline(event) }; return ret; } catch(const vm::error &e) // VM FAULT CODE { const ctx::exception_handler eh; const json::object &content{e.content}; const json::string &error { content["error"] }; assert(eval.opts); return handle_fault ( *eval.opts, e.code, event.event_id, "execute %s %s :%s", event.event_id? string_view{event.event_id}: ""_sv, eval.room_id? eval.room_id: ""_sv, error ); } catch(const m::error &e) // GENERAL MATRIX ERROR { const ctx::exception_handler eh; const json::object &content{e.content}; const json::string error[] { content["errcode"], content["error"] }; assert(eval.opts); return handle_fault ( *eval.opts, fault::GENERAL, event.event_id, "execute %s %s :%s :%s", event.event_id? string_view{event.event_id}: ""_sv, eval.room_id? eval.room_id: ""_sv, error[0], error[1] ); } catch(const ctx::interrupted &e) // INTERRUPTION { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) // ALL OTHER ERRORS { const ctx::exception_handler eh; assert(eval.opts); return handle_fault ( *eval.opts, fault::GENERAL, event.event_id, "execute %s %s (General Protection) :%s", event.event_id? string_view{event.event_id}: ""_sv, eval.room_id? eval.room_id: ""_sv, e.what() ); } ircd::m::vm::fault ircd::m::vm::execute_edu(eval &eval, const event &event) { if(likely(eval.opts->phase[phase::EVALUATE])) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::EVALUATE }; call_hook(eval_hook, eval, event, eval); } if(likely(eval.opts->phase[phase::POST])) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::POST }; call_hook(post_hook, eval, event, eval); } return fault::ACCEPT; } ircd::m::vm::fault ircd::m::vm::execute_pdu(eval &eval, const event &event) { const scope_count pending { sequence::pending }; const scope_notify sequence_dock { sequence::dock, scope_notify::all }; assert(eval.opts); const auto &opts { *eval.opts }; const m::event::id &event_id { event.event_id }; const m::room::id &room_id { at<"room_id"_>(event) }; const string_view &type { at<"type"_>(event) }; const bool authenticate { opts.auth && !eval.room_internal }; // There is no reason for an event from another origin to be sent to an // internal room. This boxes internal room access as a local problem, with // local mistakes. if(unlikely(eval.room_internal && !my(event))) throw error { fault::GENERAL, "Internal room event denied from external source." }; // Check if an event with the same ID was already accepted. if(likely(opts.phase[phase::DUPCHK])) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::DUPCHK }; // Prevent the same event from being accepted twice. if(likely(!opts.replays) && m::exists(event_id)) { if(unlikely(~opts.nothrows & fault::EXISTS)) throw error { fault::EXISTS, "Event has already been evaluated." }; return fault::EXISTS; } } assert(!opts.unique || eval::count(event_id) == 1); assert(opts.replays || !m::exists(event_id)); // Check if event's proprietor is denied by the room ACL. if(likely(opts.phase[phase::ACCESS])) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::ACCESS }; call_hook(access_hook, eval, event, eval); } // Check if this event is relevant to this server. if(likely(opts.phase[phase::EMPTION]) && !eval.room_internal) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::EMPTION }; emption_check(eval, event); } if(likely(opts.phase[phase::VERIFY])) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::VERIFY }; if(!verify(event)) throw m::BAD_SIGNATURE { "Signature verification failed." }; } if(likely(opts.phase[phase::FETCH_AUTH] && opts.fetch)) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::FETCH_AUTH }; call_hook(fetch_auth_hook, eval, event, eval); } // Evaluation by auth system; throws if(likely(opts.phase[phase::AUTH_STATIC]) && authenticate) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::AUTH_STATIC }; const auto &[pass, fail] { room::auth::check_static(event) }; if(!pass) throw error { fault::AUTH, "Fails against provided auth_events :%s", what(fail) }; } if(likely(opts.phase[phase::FETCH_PREV] && opts.fetch)) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::FETCH_PREV }; call_hook(fetch_prev_hook, eval, event, eval); } if(likely(opts.phase[phase::FETCH_STATE] && opts.fetch)) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::FETCH_STATE }; call_hook(fetch_state_hook, eval, event, eval); } // Obtain sequence number here. const auto top(eval::seqmax()); eval.sequence = { top? std::max(sequence::get(*top) + 1, sequence::uncommitted + 1): sequence::uncommitted + 1 }; log::debug { log, "%s event sequenced", loghead(eval) }; assert(eval::sequnique(eval.sequence)); const auto &parent_phase { eval.parent? eval.parent->phase: phase::NONE }; const auto &parent_post { parent_phase == phase::POST && eval.parent->event_ && eval.parent->event_->event_id }; // Allocate transaction; prefetch dependencies. if(likely(opts.phase[phase::PREINDEX]) && !opts.mprefetch_refs) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::PREINDEX }; dbs::write_opts wopts(opts.wopts); wopts.event_idx = eval.sequence; const size_t prefetched { dbs::prefetch(event, wopts) }; } const scope_restore eval_phase_precommit { eval.phase, phase::PRECOMMIT }; // Wait until this is the lowest sequence number sequence::dock.wait([&eval, &parent_post] { return false || parent_post || eval::seqnext(sequence::committed) == &eval || eval::seqnext(sequence::uncommitted) == &eval ; }); if(likely(opts.phase[phase::AUTH_RELA] && authenticate)) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::AUTH_RELA }; const auto &[pass, fail] { room::auth::check_relative(event) }; if(!pass) throw error { fault::AUTH, "Fails relative to the state at the event :%s", what(fail) }; } assert(eval.sequence != 0); assert(eval::sequnique(sequence::get(eval))); //assert(sequence::uncommitted <= sequence::get(eval)); //assert(sequence::committed < sequence::get(eval)); assert(sequence::retired < sequence::get(eval)); sequence::uncommitted = std::max(sequence::get(eval), sequence::uncommitted); const scope_restore eval_phase_commit { eval.phase, phase::COMMIT }; // Wait until this is the lowest sequence number sequence::dock.wait([&eval, &parent_post] { return false || parent_post || eval::seqnext(sequence::committed) == &eval ; }); // Reevaluation of auth against the present state of the room. if(likely(opts.phase[phase::AUTH_PRES] && authenticate)) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::AUTH_PRES }; room::auth::check_present(event); } // Evaluation by module hooks if(likely(opts.phase[phase::EVALUATE])) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::EVALUATE }; call_hook(eval_hook, eval, event, eval); } // Allocate transaction; discover shared-sequenced evals. if(likely(opts.phase[phase::INDEX])) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::INDEX }; // Transaction composition. write_append(eval, event, parent_post); } // Generate post-eval/pre-notify effects. This function may conduct // an entire eval of several more events recursively before returning. if(likely(opts.phase[phase::POST])) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::POST }; call_hook(post_hook, eval, event, eval); } assert(sequence::committed < sequence::get(eval)); assert(sequence::retired < sequence::get(eval)); sequence::committed = !parent_post? sequence::get(eval): sequence::committed; // Commit the transaction to database iff this eval is at the stack base. if(likely(opts.phase[phase::WRITE] && !parent_post)) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::WRITE }; write_commit(eval); } // Wait for sequencing only if this is the stack base, otherwise we'll // never return back to that stack base. if(likely(!parent_post)) { const scope_restore eval_phase { eval.phase, phase::RETIRE }; retire(eval, event); } return fault::ACCEPT; } void ircd::m::vm::retire(eval &eval, const event &event) { sequence::dock.wait([&eval] { return eval::seqnext(sequence::retired) == std::addressof(eval); }); const auto next { eval::seqnext(eval.sequence) }; const auto highest { next? sequence::get(*next): sequence::get(eval) }; const auto retire { std::clamp ( sequence::get(eval), sequence::retired + 1, highest ) }; log::debug { log, "%s %lu:%lu release %lu", loghead(eval), sequence::get(eval), retire, highest, }; assert(sequence::get(eval) <= retire); assert(sequence::retired < sequence::get(eval)); assert(sequence::retired < retire); sequence::retired = retire; } namespace ircd::m::vm { [[gnu::visibility("internal")]] extern stats::item write_commit_count, write_commit_cycles; } decltype(ircd::m::vm::write_commit_cycles) ircd::m::vm::write_commit_cycles { { "name", "ircd.m.vm.write_commit.cycles" }, }; decltype(ircd::m::vm::write_commit_count) ircd::m::vm::write_commit_count { { "name", "ircd.m.vm.write_commit.count" }, }; void ircd::m::vm::write_commit(eval &eval) { assert(eval.txn); assert(eval.txn.use_count() == 1); auto &txn { *eval.txn }; const auto db_seq_before { #ifdef RB_DEBUG db::sequence(*m::dbs::events) #else 0UL #endif }; const uint64_t cyc_before {write_commit_cycles}; { const prof::scope_cycles cycles { write_commit_cycles }; txn(); } ++write_commit_count; const auto db_seq_after { #ifdef RB_DEBUG db::sequence(*m::dbs::events) #else 0UL #endif }; log::debug { log, "%s wrote %lu | db seq:%lu:%lu txn:%lu cells:%zu in bytes:%zu cycles:%lu to events database", loghead(eval), sequence::get(eval), db_seq_before, db_seq_after, uint64_t(write_commit_count), txn.size(), txn.bytes(), uint64_t(write_commit_cycles) - cyc_before, }; } void ircd::m::vm::write_append(eval &eval, const event &event, const bool &parent_post) { assert(eval.opts); const auto &opts { *eval.opts }; assert(eval.room_id); const room room { eval.room_id }; if(eval.txn) eval.txn->clear(); if(!eval.txn && parent_post) eval.txn = eval.parent->txn; if(!eval.txn) eval.txn = std::make_shared ( *dbs::events, db::txn::opts { calc_txn_reserve(opts, event), // reserve_bytes 0, // max_bytes (no max) } ); assert(eval.txn); auto &txn { *eval.txn }; m::dbs::write_opts wopts(opts.wopts); wopts.interpose = eval.txn.get(); wopts.event_idx = eval.sequence; wopts.json_source = true; // Don't update or resolve the room head with this shit. const bool dummy_event { json::get<"type"_>(event) == "org.matrix.dummy_event" }; wopts.appendix.set ( dbs::appendix::ROOM_HEAD, wopts.appendix[dbs::appendix::ROOM_HEAD] && !dummy_event ); const auto state_candidate { opts.present && json::get<"state_key"_>(event) }; const auto state_idx { state_candidate? room.get(std::nothrow, at<"type"_>(event), at<"state_key"_>(event)): 0UL }; const int64_t state_depth { m::get(std::nothrow, state_idx, "depth", 0L) }; const auto state_present { !state_depth || state_depth < json::get<"depth"_>(event) }; const bool authenticate { opts.auth && opts.phase[phase::AUTH_PRES] && state_present && !eval.room_internal }; const auto &[pass, fail] { authenticate? room::auth::check_present(event): room::auth::passfail{true, {}} }; if(state_present && fail) log::dwarning { log, "%s fails auth for present state of %s :%s", loghead(eval), string_view{room.room_id}, what(fail), }; wopts.appendix.set ( dbs::appendix::ROOM_STATE, wopts.appendix[dbs::appendix::ROOM_STATE] && state_present && pass ); wopts.appendix.set ( dbs::appendix::ROOM_JOINED, wopts.appendix[dbs::appendix::ROOM_JOINED] && state_present && pass ); const size_t wrote { dbs::write(txn, event, wopts) }; log::debug { log, "%s composed transaction wrote:%zu state:%b pres:%b prev:%lu @%ld", loghead(eval), wrote, state_candidate, state_present, state_idx, state_depth, }; } size_t ircd::m::vm::calc_txn_reserve(const opts &opts, const event &event) { const size_t reserve_event { opts.reserve_bytes == size_t(-1)? size_t(json::serialized(event) * 1.66): opts.reserve_bytes }; return reserve_event + opts.reserve_index; } void ircd::m::vm::emption_check(eval &eval, const m::event &event) { const bool my_target_member_event { json::get<"type"_>(event) == "m.room.member" && my(m::user(json::get<"state_key"_>(event))) }; const bool allow { my(event) || my_target_member_event || m::local_joined(room::id(json::get<"room_id"_>(event))) }; if(unlikely(!allow)) throw vm::error { http::UNAUTHORIZED, fault::BOUNCE, "No users require events of type=%s%s%s in %s on this server.", json::get<"type"_>(event), json::get<"state_key"_>(event)? ",state_key="_sv: string_view{}, json::get<"state_key"_>(event), json::get<"room_id"_>(event), }; } template void ircd::m::vm::call_hook(hook::site &hook, eval &eval, const event &event, T&& data) try { #if 0 log::debug { log, "%s hook:%s enter", loghead(eval), hook.name(), }; #endif // Providing a pointer to the eval.hook pointer allows the hook site to // provide updates for observers in other contexts for which hook is // currently entered. auto **const cur { std::addressof(eval.hook) }; hook(cur, event, std::forward(data)); #if 0 log::debug { log, "%s hook:%s leave", loghead(eval), hook.name(), }; #endif } catch(const m::error &e) { log::derror { log, "%s hook:%s :%s :%s", loghead(eval), hook.name(), e.errcode(), e.errstr(), }; throw; } catch(const http::error &e) { log::derror { log, "%s hook:%s :%s :%s", loghead(eval), hook.name(), e.what(), e.content, }; throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::derror { log, "%s hook:%s :%s", loghead(eval), hook.name(), e.what(), }; throw; } template ircd::m::vm::fault ircd::m::vm::handle_fault(const vm::opts &opts, const vm::fault &code, const string_view &event_id, const string_view &fmt, args&&... a) { if(code != fault::ACCEPT && fmt) { if(opts.errorlog & code) log::error { log, fmt, std::forward(a)... }; else if(~opts.warnlog & code) log::derror { log, fmt, std::forward(a)... }; if(opts.warnlog & code) log::warning { log, fmt, std::forward(a)... }; } if(likely(opts.outlog & code)) output(opts, code, event_id, fmt, std::forward(a)...); if(code != fault::ACCEPT && fmt) if(unlikely(~opts.nothrows & code)) throw error { code, fmt, std::forward(a)... }; return code; } //NOTE: may yield on a json::stack flush template bool ircd::m::vm::output(const vm::opts &opts, const vm::fault &code, const string_view &event_id, const string_view &fmt, args&&... a) { if(!opts.out) return false; if(unlikely(!event_id)) return false; json::stack::object object { *opts.out, event_id }; if(code != fault::ACCEPT) json::stack::member { object, "errcode", json::value { reflect(code), json::STRING } }; if(!fmt) return true; const fmt::bsprintf<1024> text { fmt, std::forward(a)... }; json::stack::member { object, "error", json::value { string_view{text}, json::STRING } }; return true; }