/* * ircd-ratbox: A slightly useful ircd. * channel.h: The ircd channel header. * * Copyright (C) 1990 Jarkko Oikarinen and University of Oulu, Co Center * Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Hybrid Development Team * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 ircd-ratbox development team * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Charybdis Development Team * Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Volk * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #pragma once #define HAVE_IRCD_CHANNEL_H #ifdef __cplusplus namespace ircd { namespace chan { IRCD_EXCEPTION(ircd::error, error) IRCD_EXCEPTION(error, not_found) IRCD_EXCEPTION(error, invalid_list) IRCD_EXCEPTION(error, invalid_argument) enum status { PEON = 0x0000, // normal member of channel VOICE = 0x0001, // the power to speak CHANOP = 0x0002, // Channel operator BANNED = 0x0008, // cached as banned QUIETED = 0x0010, // cached as being +q victim ONLY_OPERS = 0x0020, ONLY_SERVERS = 0x0040, ONLY_CHANOPS = CHANOP, ONLY_CHANOPSVOICED = CHANOP | VOICE, ALL_MEMBERS = PEON, }; struct topic { std::string text; std::string info; time_t time = 0; operator bool() const; }; struct ban { static constexpr auto LEN = 195; std::string banstr; std::string who; std::string forward; time_t when; ban(const std::string &banstr, const std::string &who = {}, const std::string &forward = {}, const time_t &when = 0); }; bool operator<(const ban &a, const ban &b); using list = std::set>; struct modes { static constexpr size_t KEYLEN = 24; // 23+1 for \0 uint mode; int limit; char key[KEYLEN]; uint join_num; uint join_time; char forward[LOC_CHANNELLEN + 1]; modes(); }; uint operator&(const modes &, const mode::type &); uint operator|(const modes &, const mode::type &); uint operator~(const modes &); struct membership { using global = std::map; using local = std::list; uint flags; time_t bants; global::iterator git; local::iterator lit; membership(const uint &flags = 0); ~membership() noexcept; }; bool is_chanop(const membership &); bool is_chanop(const membership *const &); bool is_voiced(const membership &); bool is_voiced(const membership *const &); bool can_send_banned(const membership &); bool can_send_banned(const membership *const &); const char *find_status(const membership *const &msptr, const int &combine); const client &get_client(const membership &); client &get_client(membership &); struct members { membership::global global; membership::local local; members(); ~members() noexcept; }; bool empty(const members &); size_t size(const members &); bool local_empty(const members &); size_t local_size(const members &); bool exists(const members &, const client &); const membership *get(const members &, const client &, std::nothrow_t); const membership &get(const members &, const client &); membership *get(members &, const client &, std::nothrow_t); membership &get(members &, const client &); bool has_prefix(const char *const &name); bool has_prefix(const std::string &name); bool valid_name(const char *const &name); bool valid_name(const std::string &name); struct chan { std::string name; struct modes mode; std::string mode_lock; struct topic topic; struct members members; std::set invites; list bans; list excepts; list invexs; list quiets; uint join_count; // joins within delta uint join_delta; // last ts of join uint flood_noticed; int received_number_of_privmsgs; time_t first_received_message_time; // channel flood control time_t last_knock; // don't allow knock to flood time_t bants; time_t channelts; time_t last_checked_ts; const client *last_checked_client; mode::type last_checked_type; bool last_checked_result; chan(const std::string &name); ~chan() noexcept; }; const auto &name(const chan &); bool is_secret(const chan &); bool is_secret(const chan *const &); bool is_hidden(const chan &); bool is_hidden(const chan *const &); bool is_public(const chan &); bool is_public(const chan *const &); bool is_member(const chan &c, const client &); bool is_member(const chan *const &, const client *const &); bool can_show(const chan &, const client &); bool can_show(const chan *const &, const client *const &); enum : int { CAN_SEND_NO = 0, CAN_SEND_NONOP = 1, CAN_SEND_OPV = 2, }; int can_send(chan *, client *, membership *); int can_join(client *source, chan *, const char *key, const char **forward); bool cache_check(const chan &, const mode::type &, const client &, bool &result); void cache_result(chan &, const mode::type &, const client &, const bool &result, membership *const &msptr = nullptr); void cache_invalidate(chan &, const mode::type &, time_t time = 0); const list &get(const chan &, const mode::type &); list &get(chan &, const mode::type &); size_t size(const chan &, const mode::type &); bool empty(const chan &, const mode::type &); size_t lists_size(const chan &); struct check_data { membership *msptr; const char *host; const char *iphost; const char **forward; }; bool check(chan &, const mode::type &, const client &, check_data *const &data = nullptr); const ban &get(const chan &, const mode::type &, const std::string &mask); bool add(chan &, const mode::type &, const std::string &mask, client &source, const std::string &forward = {}); bool del(chan &, const mode::type &, const std::string &mask); void del_invite(chan &, client &); void clear_invites(chan &); bool flood_attack_channel(int p_or_n, client *source, chan *); void invalidate_bancache_user(client *); void channel_member_names(chan *, client *, int show_eon); const char *channel_modes(chan *, client *who); chan *find_bannickchange_channel(client *); void check_spambot_warning(client *source, const char *name); void check_splitmode(void *); void set_channel_topic(chan *, const char *topic, const char *topic_info, time_t topicts); void init_chcap_usage_counts(void); void set_chcap_usage_counts(client *serv_p); void unset_chcap_usage_counts(client *serv_p); void send_cap_mode_changes(client *, client *source, chan *, mode::change foo[], int); void resv_chan_forcepart(const char *name, const char *reason, int temp_time); void set_channel_mode(client *, client *source, chan *, membership *, int parc, const char *parv[]); void set_channel_mlock(client *, client *source, chan *, const char *newmlock, bool propagate); int match_extban(const char *banstr, client *, chan *, long mode_type); int valid_extban(const char *banstr, client *, chan *, long mode_type); const char * get_extban_string(void); int get_channel_access(client *source, chan *, membership *, int dir, const char *modestr); void send_join(chan &, client &); auto empty(const chan &); auto local_size(const chan &); auto size(const chan &); void add(chan &, client &, const int &flags = PEON); void del(chan &, client &); void del(client &); // remove from all channels // Channels extern std::map, rfc1459::less> chans; bool exists(const std::string &name); chan *get(const std::string &name, std::nothrow_t); chan &get(const std::string &name); chan &add(const std::string &name, client &); // get or add (but does not join the client) bool del(const std::string &name); bool del(const chan &); // Initialize subsystem void init(); inline auto size(const chan &chan) { return size(chan.members); } inline auto local_size(const chan &chan) { return local_size(chan.members); } inline auto empty(const chan &chan) { return empty(chan.members); } inline bool is_secret(const chan &c) { return c.mode.mode & mode::SECRET; } inline bool is_secret(const chan *const &c) { return c && is_secret(*c); } inline bool is_hidden(const chan &c) { return c.mode.mode & mode::PRIVATE; } inline bool is_hidden(const chan *const &c) { return c && is_hidden(*c); } inline bool is_public(const chan &c) { return ~c.mode.mode & (mode::PRIVATE | mode::SECRET); } inline bool is_public(const chan *const &c) { return !c || is_public(*c); } inline bool is_member(const chan &c, const client &client) { return exists(c.members, client); } inline bool is_member(const chan *const &c, const client *const &client) { return c && client && is_member(*c, *client); } inline bool can_show(const chan &c, const client &client) { return is_public(c) || is_member(c, client); } inline bool can_show(const chan *const &c, const client *const &client) { return is_public(c) || is_member(c, client); } inline bool has_prefix(const char *const &name) { return name && rfc1459::is_chan_prefix(name[0]); } inline bool has_prefix(const std::string &name) { return !name.empty() && rfc1459::is_chan_prefix(name[0]); } inline bool valid_name(const char *const &name) { return name && name[0] && std::all_of(name, name + strlen(name), rfc1459::is_chan); } inline bool valid_name(const std::string &name) { return !name.empty() && std::all_of(begin(name), end(name), rfc1459::is_chan); } inline const auto & name(const chan &chan) { return chan.name; } inline size_t local_size(const members &m) { return std::distance(begin(m.local), end(m.local)); } inline bool local_empty(const members &m) { return m.local.empty(); } inline size_t size(const members &m) { return m.global.size(); } inline bool empty(const members &m) { return m.global.empty(); } inline bool exists(const members &m, const client &c) { return m.global.count(const_cast(&c)); } inline client & get_client(membership &m) { return *m.git->first; } inline const client & get_client(const membership &m) { return *m.git->first; } inline bool can_send_banned(const membership *const &m) { return m && can_send_banned(*m); } inline bool can_send_banned(const membership &m) { return m.flags & (BANNED | QUIETED); } inline bool is_voiced(const membership *const &m) { return m && is_voiced(*m); } inline bool is_voiced(const membership &m) { return m.flags & VOICE; } inline bool is_chanop(const membership *const &m) { return m && is_chanop(*m); } inline bool is_chanop(const membership &m) { return m.flags & CHANOP; } inline uint operator~(const modes &modes) { return ~modes.mode; } inline uint operator&(const modes &modes, const mode::type &value) { return modes.mode & value; } inline uint operator|(const modes &modes, const mode::type &value) { return modes.mode | value; } inline bool operator<(const ban &a, const ban &b) { return irccmp(a.banstr, b.banstr); } inline bool operator!(const topic &topic) { return !bool(topic); } inline topic::operator bool() const { return !text.empty(); } } // namespace chan } // namespace ircd #endif // __cplusplus