// The Construct // // Copyright (C) The Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net> // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. namespace ircd::m { static bool room_state_fetch_result(room::state::fetch &, const room::state::fetch::opts &, const room::state::fetch::closure &, const json::array &, const string_view &); } ircd::m::room::state::fetch::fetch(const opts &opts, const closure &closure) { m::room room { opts.room }; feds::opts fopts; fopts.op = feds::op::state; fopts.room_id = room.room_id; fopts.event_id = room.event_id; fopts.arg[0] = "ids"; fopts.exclude_myself = true; fopts.closure_errors = false; log::debug { log, "Resynchronizing %s state at %s from %zu joined servers...", string_view{room.room_id}, room.event_id? string_view{room.event_id}: "HEAD"_sv, room::origins(room).count(), }; feds::execute(fopts, [this, &opts, &closure] (const auto &result) { this->respond++; const json::array &auth_chain_ids { result.object["auth_chain_ids"] }; const json::array &pdu_ids { result.object["pdu_ids"] }; if(!room_state_fetch_result(*this, opts, closure, auth_chain_ids, result.origin)) return false; if(!room_state_fetch_result(*this, opts, closure, pdu_ids, result.origin)) return false; return true; }); } bool ircd::m::room_state_fetch_result(room::state::fetch &f, const room::state::fetch::opts &opts, const room::state::fetch::closure &closure, const json::array &ids, const string_view &remote) { event::id event_id[64]; auto it(begin(ids)); do { size_t i(0); for(; i < 64 && it != end(ids); ++it) event_id[i++] = json::string{*it}; const vector_view<const event::id> event_ids ( event_id, i ); const uint64_t exists { !opts.existing? m::exists(event_ids): 0UL }; f.responses += i; f.exists += __builtin_popcountl(exists); for(size_t j(0); j < i; ++j) { if(exists & (1UL << j)) continue; auto it { f.result.lower_bound(event_id[j]) }; if(likely(opts.unique)) { if(it != std::end(f.result) && *it == event_id[j]) { f.concur++; continue; } it = f.result.emplace_hint(it, event_id[j]); } if(closure && opts.unique) { // When a reference can be made to the result set: prefer it. assert(it != std::end(f.result)); assert(*it == event_id[j]); if(!closure(*it, remote)) return false; } else if(closure) { if(!closure(event_id[j], remote)) return false; } } } while(it != end(ids)); return true; }