// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. using namespace ircd; static m::resource::response post__user_keys_claim(client &client, const m::resource::request &request); mapi::header IRCD_MODULE { "Federation 22 :End-to-End Encryption" }; m::resource user_keys_claim_resource { "/_matrix/federation/v1/user/keys/claim", { "Federation 22 :Claims one-time keys for use in pre-key messages.", } }; m::resource::method user_keys_claim__post { user_keys_claim_resource, "POST", post__user_keys_claim, { user_keys_claim__post.VERIFY_ORIGIN } }; m::resource::response post__user_keys_claim(client &client, const m::resource::request &request) { const json::object &one_time_keys { request["one_time_keys"] }; m::resource::response::chunked response { client, http::OK }; json::stack out { response.buf, response.flusher() }; json::stack::object top { out }; json::stack::object response_keys { top, "one_time_keys" }; for(const auto &[user_id, devices] : one_time_keys) { const m::user::room user_room { user_id }; json::stack::object response_user { response_keys, user_id }; for(const auto &[device_id_, algorithm_] : json::object(devices)) { const json::string &algorithm{algorithm_}; const json::string &device_id{device_id_}; const auto match{[&device_id] (const string_view &state_key) { return state_key == device_id; }}; char buf[m::event::TYPE_MAX_SIZE]; const string_view type{fmt::sprintf { buf, "ircd.device.one_time_key|%s", algorithm }}; const m::room::type events { user_room, type, { -1UL, -1L }, true }; json::stack::object response_device { response_user, device_id }; events.for_each([&response_device, &match] (const string_view &type, const auto &, const m::event::idx &event_idx) { if(!m::query(std::nothrow, event_idx, "state_key", match)) return true; m::get(std::nothrow, event_idx, "content", [&response_device, type] (const json::object &content) { const auto algorithm { split(type, '|').second }; json::stack::member { response_device, algorithm, json::object { content[""] // device quirk } }; }); return false; }); } } return {}; }