// The Construct // // Copyright (C) The Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. template<> decltype(ircd::util::instance_list::allocator) ircd::util::instance_list::allocator {}; template<> decltype(ircd::util::instance_list::list) ircd::util::instance_list::list { allocator }; decltype(ircd::m::gossip::log) ircd::m::gossip::log { "m.gossip" }; ircd::m::gossip::gossip::gossip(const struct opts &opts) :opts{opts} { for(size_t i(0); i < opts.rounds; ++i) if(!gossip_head()) break; } ircd::m::gossip::~gossip() noexcept try { while(!requests.empty()) while(handle()); } catch(const ctx::interrupted &) { return; } catch(const ctx::terminated &) { return; } bool ircd::m::gossip::gossip_head() { bool ret { false }; if(opts.hint && opts.hint_only && opts.room.event_id) { m::event result; result.event_id = opts.room.event_id; json::get<"origin"_>(result) = opts.hint; ret |= handle_head(result); return ret; } if(opts.hint && opts.hint_only) { const unique_mutable_buffer buf { 16_KiB }; const auto event { m::room::head::fetch::one(buf, opts.room, opts.hint) }; m::for_each(event::prev{event}, [this, &ret] (const event::id &event_id) { m::event result; json::get<"origin"_>(result) = opts.hint; result.event_id = event_id; ret |= handle_head(result); return true; }); return ret; } m::room::head::fetch::opts hfopts; hfopts.room_id = opts.room.room_id; hfopts.top = m::top(opts.room.room_id); hfopts.existing = true; m::room::head::fetch { hfopts, [this, &ret] (const m::event &result) { ret |= handle_head(result); return true; } }; return ret; } bool ircd::m::gossip::handle_head(const m::event &result) { const auto &remote { json::get<"origin"_>(result) }; const bool submitted { submit(result.event_id, remote) }; return submitted; } bool ircd::m::gossip::submit(const m::event::id &event_id, const string_view &remote) { const auto hash { (uint128_t(ircd::hash(remote)) << 64) | (uint128_t(ircd::hash(event_id)) >> 64) }; auto it { attempts.lower_bound(hash) }; const bool exists { it != end(attempts) && *it == hash }; if(!exists) it = attempts.emplace_hint(it, hash); const bool submitted { !exists && !started(event_id, remote)? start(event_id, remote): false }; if(submitted || full()) while(handle()); return submitted; } bool ircd::m::gossip::start(const m::event::id &event_id_, const string_view &remote_) try { static const size_t max { 48 }; const auto event_idx_ { m::index(std::nothrow, event_id_) }; const m::event::refs refs { event_idx_ }; size_t num{0}, i{0}; std::array next_idx; refs.for_each(dbs::ref::NEXT, [this, &next_idx, &num] (const event::idx &event_idx, const auto &ref_type) { assert(ref_type == dbs::ref::NEXT); if(event_idx < opts.ref.first || event_idx > opts.ref.second) return true; next_idx.at(num) = event_idx; return ++num < next_idx.size(); }); if(!num) return false; unique_mutable_buffer _buf { (event::MAX_SIZE * num) + 16_KiB }; mutable_buffer buf{_buf}; json::stack out{buf}; { json::stack::object top { out }; json::stack::member { top, "origin", m::my_host() }; json::stack::member { top, "origin_server_ts", json::value { ircd::time() } }; json::stack::array pdus { top, "pdus" }; m::event::fetch event; for(i = 0; i < num; ++i) { if(!seek(std::nothrow, event, next_idx.at(i))) continue; pdus.append(event.source); log::debug { log, "Gossip %zu/%zu in %s for %s to '%s' %s idx:%lu", i, num, string_view{opts.room.room_id}, string_view{event_id_}, remote_, string_view{event.event_id}, event.event_idx, }; } } if(!i) return false; const string_view txn { out.completed() }; consume(buf, size(txn)); const string_view txnid { m::txn::create_id(buf, txn) }; consume(buf, size(txnid)); const string_view remote { strlcpy{buf, remote_} }; consume(buf, size(remote)); const string_view event_id { strlcpy{buf, event_id_} }; consume(buf, size(event_id)); assert(!empty(buf)); char pbuf[48]; log::debug { log, "Gossip %zu/%zu in %s for %s to '%s' txn[%s] %s", i, num, string_view{opts.room.room_id}, string_view{event_id_}, remote_, txnid, pretty(pbuf, iec(size(txn))), }; m::fed::send::opts fedopts; fedopts.remote = remote; requests.emplace_back(result { std::move(_buf), txn, txnid, remote, event_id, m::fed::send { txnid, txn, buf, std::move(fedopts) } }); return true; } catch(const ctx::interrupted &e) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::error { log, "Gossip %s in %s from '%s' :%s", string_view{event_id_}, string_view{opts.room.room_id}, remote_, e.what(), }; return false; } bool ircd::m::gossip::handle() { if(requests.empty()) return false; auto next { ctx::when_any(std::begin(requests), std::end(requests), [] (auto &it) -> ctx::future & { return it->request; }) }; const milliseconds timeout { full()? 5000: 50 }; ctx::interruption_point(); if(!next.wait(timeout, std::nothrow)) return full(); const unique_iterator it { requests, next.get() }; assert(it.it != std::end(requests)); return handle(*it.it); } bool ircd::m::gossip::handle(result &result) try { auto response { result.request.get() }; const json::object body { result.request }; fed::send::response{body}.for_each_pdu([&] (const event::id &event_id, const json::object &errors) { const bool ok { empty(errors) }; log::logf { log, ok? log::level::DEBUG: log::level::DERROR, "Gossip %s in %s to '%s'%s%s", string_view{event_id}, string_view{opts.room.room_id}, string_view{result.remote}, !ok? " :"_sv: " "_sv, string_view{errors}, }; }); return true; } catch(const ctx::interrupted &e) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::logf { log, log::level::DERROR, "Gossip %s in %s to '%s' :%s", string_view{result.event_id}, string_view{opts.room.room_id}, string_view{result.remote}, e.what(), }; return true; } bool ircd::m::gossip::started(const event::id &event_id, const string_view &remote) const { const auto it { std::find_if(std::begin(requests), std::end(requests), [&] (const auto &result) { return result.event_id == event_id && result.remote == remote; }) }; return it != std::end(requests); } bool ircd::m::gossip::full() const noexcept { return requests.size() >= opts.width; }