/* * IRCd Charybdis 5/Matrix * * Copyright (C) 2017 Charybdis Development Team * Copyright (C) 2017 Jason Volk (jason@zemos.net) * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ 'use strict'; /** ******************************************************************************* * State Function * * Dictionary of events considered "state events." The state provides context for the * event horizon of a timeline (the termination point at the start) to prevent the * need for querying indeterminately over the horizon. * * This class allows the timeline to be the single source of * authority for events in the room. So long as the timeline is * maintained in order, the state object will always provide * an accurate result as to the state of a room. This proxy * prevents any race between the timeline and the state object. */ room.state = class { constructor(timeline) { // The state function holds an internal reference to the timeline to make queries this.timeline = timeline; // The results of queries to the timeline are cached in the backing-object here. this.cache = Object.copy(room.state.defaults); // Cache timestamps (type => timestamp) is used to find out if the cache data is stale with // respect to when the timeline was last modified. This is partitioned by type even though // the timeline only has one TS value for now so all types are invalidated at the same time. this.ts = {}; this.content = new room.state.content(this); } }; room.state.prototype.set = function(state, type, val) { mc.abort({message: "illegal"}); return false; }; room.state.prototype.get = function(state, type) { if(this.valid(type)) if((type in state)) return state[type]; let query = mc.event.is_type.bind(null, type); let idx = this.timeline.query(query); let event = this.timeline[idx[0]]; if(!event || event.state_key === undefined) return state[type]; this.update(type); return this._get_aggreg(state, type, idx); }; room.state.prototype._get_aggreg = function(state, type, idx) { if(typeof(state[type]) != "object") state[type] = {}; // Ensure true chronological order here so events that happen // after other events can simply overwrite them in this iteration. let present = this.timeline[0]; idx.reverse().forEach((i) => { let event = this.timeline[i]; state[type][event.state_key] = event; }); return state[type]; }; /** Determine if the state function has an up to date cache. */ room.state.prototype.valid = function(type) { let time = this.ts[type]; return time && time >= this.timeline.modified; }; /** Updates the cache timestamp for type */ room.state.prototype.update = function(type) { return this.ts[type] = mc.now(); }; /** Clears the cache for type * * After this, access to state will require new queries into the timeline. */ room.state.prototype.invalidate = function(type) { Object.clear(this.cache[type]); Object.defaults(this.cache[type], room.state.defaults[type]); this.ts[type] = 0; }; /** ************************************** * * State content tree * */ room.state.content = class { constructor(state, depth = 0) { this.state = state; } }; room.state.content.prototype.set = function(state, key, val) { mc.abort({message: "unimplemented"}); return false; }; room.state.content.prototype.get = function(state, key) { let ret = {}; for(let state_key in state[key]) ret[state_key] = state[key][state_key].content; return ret; }; Object.defineProperty(room.state, 'defaults', { writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: { // 10.5.1: m.room.aliases - state_key'ed dictionary of aliases "m.room.aliases": { // "server_hostname": content.aliases }, // 10.5.2: m.room.canonical_alias - main event "m.room.canonical_alias": { "": { content: { alias: undefined, }, }, }, // 10.5.3: m.room.create - main event "m.room.create": { "": { content: { creator: undefined, }, }, }, // 10.5.4: m.room.join_rules - main event "m.room.join_rules": { "": { content: { join_rule: undefined, }, }, }, // 10.5.5: m.room.member - state_key'ed dictionary of members "m.room.member": { // "mxid": { membership: "join", displayname: "foo" }, }, // 10.5.6: m.room.power_levels - main event "m.room.power_levels": { "": { content: { // Defaults events_default: 0, state_default: 0, users_default: 0, // Actions (10.5.6: defaults to 50 if unspecified) ban: 50, invite: 50, kick: 50, redact: 50, // Access maps events: {}, // Power level required for event type; { "m.room.type": power } users: {}, // Power level available to user; { mxid: power } }, }, }, // m.room.name - main event "m.room.name": { "": { content: { name: undefined, }, }, }, // m.room.topic - main event "m.room.topic": { "": { content: { topic: undefined, }, }, }, // m.room.avatar - main event "m.room.avatar": { "": { content: { info: {}, url: undefined, }, }, }, // m.room.history_visibility - main event "m.room.history_visibility": { "": { content: { history_visibility: "shared", // 11.9.3: defaults to 'shared' }, }, }, // m.room.guest_access - main event "m.room.guest_access": { "": { content: { guest_access: "forbidden", } }, }, }}); /** * State -> Summary * * Digests a room's state into the format of the matrix rooms * directory (i.e. public state). * * Usage: room.state.summary(myroom.state) * * This is a static function, as the room's state object proxies the * timeline and state.public() will then query the timeline. */ room.state.summary = function(state) { let members = state['m.room.member']; let is_join = (mxid) => maybe(() => members[mxid].content.membership == "join"); let aliases = []; Object.each(state['m.room.aliases'], (state_key, event) => { aliases = aliases.concat(event.content.aliases); }); return { room_id: state['m.room.create'][''].room_id, name: state['m.room.name'][''].content.name, topic: state['m.room.topic'][''].content.topic, canonical_alias: state['m.room.canonical_alias'][''].content.alias, world_readable: state['m.room.history_visibility'][''].content.history_visibility == "world_readable", guest_can_join: state['m.room.guest_access'][''].content.guest_access == "can_join", num_joined_members: Array.count(Object.keys(members), is_join), aliases: aliases, }; }; /** Summary -> State (events) * * Translate summary data into an array of events. The events will not * have authentic data other than the essential content but we specify * an origin_server_ts of 0 indicating they should be replaced by any * timeline algorithm. */ room.state.summary.parse = function(summary) { let events = []; Object.each(summary, (key, val) => { let handler = room.state.summary.parse.on[key]; if(typeof(handler) == "function") try { let ret = handler(val); if(typeof(ret) != "object") return; if(Array.isArray(ret)) events = events.concat(ret); else events.push(ret); } catch(error) { console.error("Room summary parse error: key[" + key + "] " + error); } else { console.warn("Unhandled room summary key [" + key + "]"); } }); return events; }; // Collection of handlers. room.state.summary.parse.on = {}; // 'opts' is not part of the matrix room summary; // this stub prevents a console warning for it being unhandled. room.state.summary.parse.on["opts"] = function() { return; }; room.state.summary.parse.on["room_id"] = function(room_id) { return; }; room.state.summary.parse.on["name"] = function(name) { return { type: "m.room.name", origin_server_ts: 0, state_key: "", content: { name: name, }, }; }; room.state.summary.parse.on["topic"] = function(topic) { return { type: "m.room.topic", origin_server_ts: 0, state_key: "", content: { topic: topic, } }; }; room.state.summary.parse.on["canonical_alias"] = function(canonical_alias) { return { type: "m.room.canonical_alias", origin_server_ts: 0, state_key: "", content: { alias: canonical_alias, } }; }; room.state.summary.parse.on["aliases"] = function(aliases) { let contents = {}; aliases.forEach((alias) => { let [local, domain] = alias.split(":"); if(!(domain in contents)) contents[domain] = []; contents[domain].push(alias); }); let events = []; Object.each(contents, (domain, aliases) => { events.push( { type: "m.room.aliases", origin_server_ts: 0, state_key: domain, content: { aliases: aliases, }, }) }); return events; }; room.state.summary.parse.on["guest_can_join"] = function(bool) { return { type: "m.room.guest_access", origin_server_ts: 0, state_key: "", content: { guest_access: bool? "can_join" : "forbidden", }, }; }; room.state.summary.parse.on["world_readable"] = function(bool) { return { type: "m.room.history_visibility", origin_server_ts: 0, state_key: "", content: { history_visibility: bool? "world_readable" : undefined, }, }; }; room.state.summary.parse.on["num_joined_members"] = function(num_joined_members) { // TODO: XXX return }; /* TODO: XXX room.state.summary.parse.on["avatar_url"] = function(avatar_url) { }; */