// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. #include "media.h" namespace ircd::m::media::thumbnail { extern conf::item enable; extern conf::item enable_remote; extern conf::item width_min; extern conf::item width_max; extern conf::item height_min; extern conf::item height_max; extern conf::item mime_whitelist; extern conf::item mime_blacklist; } using namespace ircd::m::media::thumbnail; //TODO: XXX decltype(ircd::m::media::thumbnail::enable) ircd::m::media::thumbnail::enable { { "name", "ircd.m.media.thumbnail.enable" }, { "default", true }, }; decltype(ircd::m::media::thumbnail::enable_remote) ircd::m::media::thumbnail::enable_remote { { "name", "ircd.m.media.thumbnail.enable_remote" }, { "default", true }, }; decltype(ircd::m::media::thumbnail::width_min) ircd::m::media::thumbnail::width_min { { "name", "ircd.m.media.thumbnail.width.min" }, { "default", 16L }, }; decltype(ircd::m::media::thumbnail::width_max) ircd::m::media::thumbnail::width_max { { "name", "ircd.m.media.thumbnail.width.max" }, { "default", 1536L }, }; decltype(ircd::m::media::thumbnail::height_min) ircd::m::media::thumbnail::height_min { { "name", "ircd.m.media.thumbnail.height.min" }, { "default", 16L }, }; decltype(ircd::m::media::thumbnail::height_max) ircd::m::media::thumbnail::height_max { { "name", "ircd.m.media.thumbnail.height.max" }, { "default", 1536L }, }; decltype(ircd::m::media::thumbnail::mime_whitelist) ircd::m::media::thumbnail::mime_whitelist { { "name", "ircd.m.media.thumbnail.mime.whitelist" }, { "default", "image/jpeg image/png image/webp" }, }; decltype(ircd::m::media::thumbnail::mime_blacklist) ircd::m::media::thumbnail::mime_blacklist { { "name", "ircd.m.media.thumbnail.mime.blacklist" }, { "default", "" }, }; resource thumbnail_resource__legacy { "/_matrix/media/v1/thumbnail/", { "( thumbnails (legacy version)", resource::DIRECTORY, } }; resource thumbnail_resource { "/_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/", { "( thumbnails", resource::DIRECTORY, } }; static resource::response get__thumbnail_local(client &client, const resource::request &request, const string_view &server, const string_view &file, const m::room &room); resource::response get__thumbnail(client &client, const resource::request &request) { if(request.parv.size() < 1) throw m::NEED_MORE_PARAMS { "Server name parameter required" }; if(request.parv.size() < 2) throw m::NEED_MORE_PARAMS { "Media ID parameter required" }; auto &server { request.parv[0] }; const auto &file { request.parv[1] }; // Thumbnail doesn't require auth so if there is no user_id detected // then we download on behalf of @ircd. const m::user::id &user_id { request.user_id? m::user::id{request.user_id}: m::me.user_id }; if(!m::media::thumbnail::enable_remote) { const m::room::id::buf room_id { file_room_id(server, file) }; if(!exists(room_id)) return resource::response { client, http::NOT_FOUND }; } const m::room::id::buf room_id { download(server, file, user_id) }; return get__thumbnail_local(client, request, server, file, room_id); } static resource::method method_get__legacy { thumbnail_resource__legacy, "GET", get__thumbnail }; static resource::method method_get { thumbnail_resource, "GET", get__thumbnail }; static resource::response get__thumbnail_local(client &client, const resource::request &request, const string_view &hostname, const string_view &mediaid, const m::room &room) { const auto &method { request.query.get("method", "scale"_sv) }; std::pair dimension { request.query.get("width", 0), request.query.get("height", 0) }; if(dimension.first) { dimension.first = std::max(dimension.first, size_t(width_min)); dimension.first = std::min(dimension.first, size_t(width_max)); } if(dimension.second) { dimension.second = std::max(dimension.second, size_t(height_min)); dimension.second = std::min(dimension.second, size_t(height_max)); } static const m::event::fetch::opts fopts { m::event::keys::include {"content"} }; const m::room::state state { room, &fopts }; // Get the file's total size size_t file_size{0}; state.get("ircd.file.stat", "size", [&file_size] (const m::event &event) { file_size = at<"content"_>(event).get("value"); }); // Get the MIME type char type_buf[64]; string_view content_type { "application/octet-stream" }; state.get("ircd.file.stat", "type", [&type_buf, &content_type] (const m::event &event) { const auto &value { unquote(at<"content"_>(event).at("value")) }; content_type = { type_buf, copy(type_buf, value) }; }); const unique_buffer buf { file_size }; size_t copied(0); const auto sink{[&buf, &copied] (const const_buffer &block) { copied += copy(buf + copied, block); }}; const size_t read_size { read_each_block(room, sink) }; if(unlikely(read_size != file_size || file_size != copied)) throw ircd::error { "File %s/%s [%s] size mismatch: expected %zu got %zu copied %zu", hostname, mediaid, string_view{room.room_id}, file_size, read_size, copied }; const bool available { magick_support }; const auto mime_type { split(content_type, ';').first }; const bool permitted { // If there's a blacklist, mime type must not in the blacklist. (!mime_blacklist || !has(mime_blacklist, mime_type)) // If there's a whitelist, mime type must be in the whitelist. && (!mime_whitelist || has(mime_whitelist, mime_type)) }; const bool valid_args { // Both dimension parameters given in query string (dimension.first && dimension.second) // Known thumbnailing method in query string && (method == "scale" || method == "crop") }; const bool fallback // Reasons to just send the original image { // Disabled by configuration !enable // Access denied for this operation || !permitted // The thumbnailer is not loaded or available on this system. || !available // Arguments invalid. || !valid_args }; if(fallback && available && enable) log::dwarning { "Not thumbnailing %s/%s [%s] '%s' bytes:%zu :%s", hostname, mediaid, string_view{room.room_id}, content_type, file_size, !permitted? "Not permitted": !valid_args? "Invalid arguments": "Unknown reason", }; if(fallback) return resource::response { client, buf, content_type }; const auto closure{[&client, &content_type] (const const_buffer &buf) { resource::response { client, buf, content_type }; }}; if(method == "crop") magick::thumbcrop { buf, dimension, closure }; else magick::thumbnail { buf, dimension, closure }; return {}; // responded from closure. }