/* * IRCd Charybdis 5/Matrix * * Copyright (C) 2017 Charybdis Development Team * Copyright (C) 2017 Jason Volk (jason@zemos.net) * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ 'use strict'; /* ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** * * Abstract Utils * */ /** */ let defined = (value) => value !== undefined; /** typeif - Functional if(typeof(foo) == "bar") { ... } */ let typeif = (value, type, closure) => typeof(value) === type? closure() : undefined; /** typeswitch - Functional switch(typeof(value)). Allows type * cases to be defined more liberally in the dictionary argument as well. */ let typeswitch = (value, cases) => { const type = typeof(value); const _case = cases[type]; switch(typeof(_case)) { case "undefined": return cases["default"]; case "function": return _case(); default: return _case; } }; /** empty - What we consider to be "empty" values. Intended as the test * functor for the Object.clean() function (defined later) which removes * useless values from objects usually before transmitting or storing etc. */ let empty = (value) => typeswitch(value, { "undefined": true, "object": () => value === null || !Object.keys(value).length, "string": () => !value.length, "function": false, "boolean": false, "number": false, "default": false, }) ; /** length - */ let length = (value) => typeswitch(value, { "object": () => value === null? 0 : Object.keys(value).length, "string": () => value.length, "default": undefined, }) ; /** maybe - V8-style nested traversal which handles the exceptions for bad access. * Access a nested value inside the maybe() closure to return the value if valid, * or return undefined when it doesn't exist or can't be traversed etc. * * Consider object: * { foo: { bar: 'baz' } } * * let a = foo.bar.baz; // exception thrown (bad) * let b = maybe(() => foo.bar.baz); // b = undefined (good) * let c = maybe(() => foo.bar.baz.bam); // c = undefined (good) * let d = maybe(() => foo.bar); // d = 'baz' (good) */ let maybe = (closure = () => undefined) => { try { return closure(); } catch(e) { if(e instanceof ReferenceError) return undefined; if(e instanceof TypeError) return undefined; throw e; } }; let mayif = (test = () => true, closure = () => undefined) => { return maybe(() => closure(test())); }; /** * Like "toggle" but prunes the object of the key when switching * to the false state. */ let togdel = (obj, key, value = true) => { if(!(key in obj) && value !== false) obj[key] = value; else delete obj[key]; }; /** * Like "togdel" but checks the current value against the argument */ let togswap = (obj, key, value = true) => { if((key in obj) && (obj[key] === value || value === false)) delete obj[key]; else if(value !== undefined) obj[key] = value; }; /** Object.always() - Returns the argument unless undefined or null, then * an empty object is returned instead. */ Object.always = (obj) => obj !== undefined && obj !== null? obj : {} ; /** Object.each() - a forEach for an object where the closure argument * is presented with a (key, value) pair */ Object.each = (obj, closure) => Object.keys(Object.always(obj)).forEach((key, i) => closure(key, obj[key], i) ) ; /** Object.reach() - reverse iteration from Object.each() */ Object.reach = (obj, closure) => Object.keys(Object.always(obj)).reverse().forEach((key, i) => closure(key, obj[key], i) ) ; /** Object.oeach() - enumeration with own properties */ Object.oeach = (obj, closure) => Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.always(obj)).forEach((key, i) => closure(key, obj[key], i) ) ; /** Object.aeach() - enumeration of all properties */ Object.aeach = (obj, closure) => { let i = 0; for(let key in obj) closure(key, obj[key], i++); return i; }; /** Object.peach() - enumeration of prototype properties */ Object.peach = (obj, closure) => { let i = 0; for(let key in obj) if(!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) closure(key, obj[key], i++); return i; }; /** Object.ofeach() */ Object.ofeach = (obj, closure) => { let i = 0; if(maybe(() => obj[Symbol.iterator] === 'function')) for(let [key, val] of obj) closure(key, val, i++); return i; }; /** Object.map() */ Object.map = (obj, closure) => { let ret = {}; Object.each(obj, (key, val) => ret[key] = closure(key, val) ); return ret; }; /** Object.values() - Fills in for the experimental Object.values() standard js * function which is not always available. */ Object.values = Object.values? Object.values : (obj) => { const push = (val, key) => { val.push(obj[key]); return val; }; return Object.keys(Object.always(obj)).reduce(push, []); }; /** Object.defaults() - Unlike Object.update(), an existing value in the target object * is not touched if it exists, otherwise the source value is used. * recursive. */ Object.defaults = (tgt, src, enumerator = Object.each) => enumerator(src, (key, val) => { if(typeof(tgt[key]) == "undefined") { if(typeof(val) == "object") tgt[key] = Object.copy(val, enumerator); else tgt[key] = val; } else if(typeof(tgt[key]) == "object") { if(typeof(val) == "object") Object.defaults(tgt[key], val, enumerator); } }); /** Object.update() - Like Object.assign() it writes over the target property * with the source property, but recursively in tgt. * recursive. */ Object.update = (tgt, src, enumerator = Object.each) => enumerator(src, (key, val) => { if(typeof(val) == "object") { if(typeof(tgt[key]) != "object") tgt[key] = Object.copy(val, enumerator); else Object.update(tgt[key], val, enumerator); } else tgt[key] = val; }); /** Object.clear() */ Object.clear = (src, enumerator = Object.each) => enumerator(src, (key, val) => { delete src[key]; }); /** Object.clean() - Recursively strip keys in an object where the value passes the test. * The test is empty() by default. Objects like {foo: undefined} which still enumerate * the key 'foo' as a member can have 'foo' deleted using this function. * recursive. */ Object.clean = (obj, test = empty, enumerator = Object.each) => enumerator(obj, (key, val) => { switch(typeof(val)) { case "object": Object.clean(val, test, enumerator); //[[fallthrough]] default: if(test(val)) delete obj[key]; break; }; }); /** Object.copy() - Creates and returns fresh object updated from src * recursive. */ Object.copy = (src, enumerator = Object.each) => { const tgts = { "object": Array.isArray(src)? [] : {}, "default": {}, }; const tgt = typeswitch(src, tgts); Object.update(tgt, src, enumerator); return tgt; }; /** Object.copy() - Creates and returns fresh object updated from src * recursive. */ Object.copy.include = (src, whitelist = [], enumerator = Object.each) => { whitelist = typeswitch(whitelist, { "object": whitelist, "string": [whitelist], }); const tgt = typeswitch(src, { "object": Array.isArray(src)? [] : {}, "default": {}, }); Object.update(tgt, src, (obj, closure) => enumerator(obj, (key, val) => { if((key in whitelist)) closure(key, val); }) ); return tgt; }; /** Object.copy() - Creates and returns fresh object updated from src * recursive. */ Object.copy.exclude = (src, blacklist = [], enumerator = Object.each) => { blacklist = typeswitch(blacklist, { "object": blacklist, "string": [blacklist], }); const tgt = typeswitch(src, { "object": Array.isArray(src)? [] : {}, "default": {}, }); Object.update(tgt, src, (obj, closure) => enumerator(obj, (key, val) => { if(!(key in blacklist)) closure(key, val); }) ); return tgt; }; /** Object.defaults() - Unlike Object.update(), an existing value in the target object * is not touched if it exists, otherwise the source value is used. * recursive. */ Object.defaulting = (tgt, key, defaulting_value = {}) => { if(!(key in tgt)) switch(typeof(defaulting_value)) { case "object": tgt[key] = Object.copy(defaulting_value); break; case "function": tgt[key] = defaulting_value(); break; default: tgt[key] = defaulting_value; break; } return tgt[key]; } /* This is obviously no good if you don't leave the last element off your path */ Object.traverse = (obj, path) => { path.forEach((part) => obj = obj[part] ); return obj; }; /* Traverse the path up to the second to last element */ Object.penultimate = (obj, path) => Object.traverse(obj, path.slice(0, path.length - 1)); /* Traverses the path to present the parent and child at the destination */ Object.terminal_edge = (obj, path, destination) => destination(Object.dotdot(obj, path)[path.back()], Object.dotdot(obj, path)); /** set theory suite */ Object.union = (a, b, closure) => { Object.keys(a).map((key, i) => { closure(key); }); Object.keys(b).map((key, i) => { if(!(key in a)) closure(key); }); }; /** set theory suite */ Object.intersection = (a, b, closure) => Object.keys(a).map((key, i) => { if((key in b)) closure(key); }); ; /** set theory suite */ Object.difference = (a, b, closure) => Object.keys(a).map((key, i) => { if(!(key in b)) closure(key); }); ; /** set theory suite */ Object.symmetric_difference = (a, b, closure) => { Object.difference(a, b, closure); Object.difference(b, a, closure); }; /** Count returns an integer for the number of elements * that pass the condition */ Array.count = function(array, condition) { const reducer = (acc, val) => acc += val; const mapper = (element, index, array) => condition(element, index, array)? true : false; return array.map(mapper).reduce(reducer, 0); }; /** C++ style first-element access */ Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'front', { writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: function() { return (this)[0]; }, }); /** C++ style last-element access */ Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'back', { writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: function() { return (this)[this.length - 1]; }, }); /** filterIndex() returns an array of indexes rather than values */ Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'filterIndex', { writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: function(condition) { let ret = []; this.forEach((element, index, array) => { if(condition(element, index, array)) ret.push(index); }); return ret; }, }); /** Non-cryptographic Bernstein string hasher */ Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 'hash', { writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: function(ret = 7681, i = 0) { for(; i < this.length; i++) ret = (ret * 33) ^ this.charCodeAt(i); return ret; }, }); /* Augmentation of Function */ const Class = { construction: Symbol("Class.construction"), }; /** Bind a tree of functions organized into namespaces (using * a nested object hierarchy) to a this value */ Function.bindtree = function(obj, that, ...args) { const binding = function(src, that) { let ret = typeswitch(src, { "function": () => { switch(src[Class.construction]) { case true: return new src(that, ...args); default: return src.bind(that); } }, "object": () => { try { return Object.create(new src.__proto__(that)); } catch(e) {} try { return Object.create(src.__proto__); } catch(e) {} return Object.create(Object.prototype); }, }); Object.each(src, (name, func) => { switch(typeof(func)) { case "function": case "object": ret[name] = binding(src[name], that); break; default: ret[name] = src[name]; break; } }); return ret; }; return binding(obj, that); }; /** Bind a tree of functions organized into namespaces (using * a nested object hierarchy) to a this value */ Function.bindtree.self = function(self, obj, that = self) { Object.update(self, Function.bindtree(obj, that)); }; /** Extend this class to bind a tree of functions to your class. * * In your ctor: super(tree.root); */ Object.bindtree = class { constructor(obj, opts = {}, that = this) { Object.each(obj, (name, branch) => { opts.value = Function.bindtree(branch, that); Object.defineProperty(that, name, opts); }); } }; /** * Creates a proxy handler which always returns more proxies instead of plain * objects. The mission here is to have objects returned from anywhere under * the root always have their access completely handled. */ Proxy.recursive = class { constructor() { //console.log("Proxy.recursive"); } get(state, key, proxy) { console.log("Proxy.recursive.get(" + key + ") ((" + typeof(state[key]) + "))"); switch(typeof(state[key])) { case "object": case "function": return new Proxy(state[key], new Proxy.recursive()); default: return state[key]; } } set(state, key, val, proxy) { console.log("Proxy.recursive.set(" + key + ", " + typeof(val) + ")"); switch(typeof(val)) { case "object": case "function": state[key] = new Proxy(val, new Proxy.recursive()); return true; default: state[key] = val; return true; } return true; } }; /************************************** * * Additional tools * */ /** When using a "last argument is always the callback" convention, this finds that * last argument of the function in which this is called and attempts to call it and * forward the supplied arguments. Silent errors. */ function callback(arguments_object, ...callback_arguments) { if(!arguments_object.length) return; const user_function = arguments_object[arguments_object.length - 1]; if(typeof(user_function) != "function") return; return user_function(...callback_arguments); } /** * Validate a string is a domain name (weak) */ function valid_domain(string) { if(typeof(string) != "string") return false; if(!string.length) return false; return valid_domain.expression.test(string); } //TODO: improve me valid_domain.expression = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,61}[a-zA-Z0-9](?:\.[a-zA-Z]{1,})*$");