/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Charybdis Development Team * Copyright (C) 2017 Jason Volk * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // net/net.h // namespace ircd::net { ip::tcp::resolver *resolver; } struct ircd::log::log ircd::net::log { "net", 'N' }; /// Network subsystem initialization /// ircd::net::init::init() { net::resolver = new ip::tcp::resolver{*ircd::ios}; } /// Network subsystem shutdown /// ircd::net::init::~init() { assert(net::resolver); delete net::resolver; net::resolver = nullptr; } // // socket (public) // ircd::const_raw_buffer ircd::net::peer_cert_der(const mutable_raw_buffer &buf, const socket &socket) { const SSL &ssl(socket); const X509 &cert(openssl::get_peer_cert(ssl)); return openssl::i2d(buf, cert); } std::shared_ptr ircd::net::connect(const net::remote &remote, const milliseconds &timeout) { const asio::ip::tcp::endpoint ep { is_v6(remote)? asio::ip::tcp::endpoint { asio::ip::address_v6 { std::get(remote) }, port(remote) } : asio::ip::tcp::endpoint { asio::ip::address_v4 { host4(remote) }, port(remote) }, }; return connect(ep, timeout); } std::shared_ptr ircd::net::connect(const ip::tcp::endpoint &remote, const milliseconds &timeout) { const auto ret(std::make_shared()); ret->connect(remote, timeout); return ret; } bool ircd::net::disconnect(socket &socket, const dc &type) noexcept try { socket.disconnect(type); return true; } catch(const std::exception &e) { /* log::error("socket(%p): disconnect: type: %d: %s", this, int(type), e.what()); */ return false; } size_t ircd::net::read(socket &socket, iov &bufs) { const size_t read(socket.read_some(bufs)); const size_t consumed(buffer::consume(bufs, read)); assert(read == consumed); return read; } size_t ircd::net::read(socket &socket, const iov &bufs) { return socket.read(bufs); } size_t ircd::net::read(socket &socket, const mutable_buffer &buf) { const ilist bufs{buf}; return socket.read(bufs); } size_t ircd::net::write(socket &socket, iov &bufs) { const size_t wrote(socket.write_some(bufs)); const size_t consumed(consume(bufs, wrote)); assert(wrote == consumed); return consumed; } size_t ircd::net::write(socket &socket, const iov &bufs) { const size_t wrote(socket.write(bufs)); assert(wrote == size(bufs)); return wrote; } size_t ircd::net::write(socket &socket, const const_buffer &buf) { const ilist bufs{buf}; const size_t wrote(socket.write(bufs)); assert(wrote == size(bufs)); return wrote; } size_t ircd::net::write(socket &socket, const ilist &bufs) { const size_t wrote(socket.write(bufs)); assert(wrote == size(bufs)); return wrote; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // net/listener.h // struct ircd::net::listener::acceptor :std::enable_shared_from_this { using error_code = boost::system::error_code; static log::log log; std::string name; size_t backlog; asio::ssl::context ssl; ip::tcp::endpoint ep; ip::tcp::acceptor a; size_t accepting {0}; size_t handshaking {0}; bool interrupting {false}; ctx::dock joining; explicit operator std::string() const; void configure(const json::object &opts); // Handshake stack bool handshake_error(const error_code &ec, socket &); void handshake(const error_code &ec, std::shared_ptr, std::weak_ptr) noexcept; // Acceptance stack bool accept_error(const error_code &ec, socket &); void accept(const error_code &ec, std::shared_ptr, std::weak_ptr) noexcept; // Accept next void next(); // Acceptor shutdown bool interrupt() noexcept; void join() noexcept; acceptor(const json::object &opts); ~acceptor() noexcept; }; // // ircd::net::listener // ircd::net::listener::listener(const std::string &opts) :listener{json::object{opts}} { } ircd::net::listener::listener(const json::object &opts) :acceptor{std::make_shared(opts)} { // Starts the first asynchronous accept. This has to be done out here after // the acceptor's shared object is constructed. acceptor->next(); } /// Cancels all pending accepts and handshakes and waits (yields ircd::ctx) /// until report. /// ircd::net::listener::~listener() noexcept { if(acceptor) acceptor->join(); } void ircd::net::listener::acceptor::join() noexcept try { interrupt(); joining.wait([this] { return !accepting && !handshaking; }); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.error("acceptor(%p): join: %s", this, e.what()); } bool ircd::net::listener::acceptor::interrupt() noexcept try { a.cancel(); interrupting = true; return true; } catch(const boost::system::system_error &e) { log.error("acceptor(%p): interrupt: %s", this, string(e)); return false; } // // ircd::net::listener::acceptor // ircd::log::log ircd::net::listener::acceptor::log { "listener" }; ircd::net::listener::acceptor::acceptor(const json::object &opts) try :name { unquote(opts.get("name", "IRCd (ssl)"s)) } ,backlog { //boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::max_connections <-- linkage failed? opts.get("backlog", SOMAXCONN) //TODO: XXX } ,ssl { asio::ssl::context::method::sslv23_server } ,ep { ip::address::from_string(unquote(opts.get("host", ""s))), opts.at("port") } ,a { *ircd::ios } { static const auto &max_connections { //boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::max_connections <-- linkage failed? SOMAXCONN //TODO: XXX }; static const ip::tcp::acceptor::reuse_address reuse_address { true }; configure(opts); log.debug("%s configured listener SSL", std::string(*this)); a.open(ep.protocol()); a.set_option(reuse_address); log.debug("%s opened listener socket", std::string(*this)); a.bind(ep); log.debug("%s bound listener socket", std::string(*this)); a.listen(backlog); log.debug("%s listening (backlog: %lu, max connections: %zu)", std::string(*this), backlog, max_connections); } catch(const boost::system::system_error &e) { throw error("listener: %s", e.what()); } ircd::net::listener::acceptor::~acceptor() noexcept { } /// Sets the next asynchronous handler to start the next accept sequence. /// Each call to next() sets one handler which handles the connect for one /// socket. After the connect, an asynchronous SSL handshake handler is set /// for the socket, and next() is called again to setup for the next socket /// too. void ircd::net::listener::acceptor::next() try { auto sock(std::make_shared(ssl)); log.debug("%s: socket(%p) is the next socket to accept", std::string(*this), sock.get()); ip::tcp::socket &sd(*sock); a.async_accept(sd, std::bind(&acceptor::accept, this, ph::_1, sock, weak_from(*this))); ++accepting; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.critical("%s: %s", std::string(*this), e.what()); if(ircd::debugmode) throw; } /// Callback for a socket connected. This handler then invokes the /// asynchronous SSL handshake sequence. /// void ircd::net::listener::acceptor::accept(const error_code &ec, const std::shared_ptr sock, const std::weak_ptr a) noexcept try { if(unlikely(a.expired())) return; --accepting; const unwind::nominal next{[this] { this->next(); }}; const unwind::exceptional drop{[&sock] { assert(bool(sock)); disconnect(*sock, dc::RST); }}; assert(bool(sock)); if(unlikely(accept_error(ec, *sock))) { disconnect(*sock, dc::RST); return; } log.debug("%s: socket(%p) accepted %s", std::string(*this), sock.get(), string(sock->remote())); //ip::tcp::socket &sd(*sock); //static const asio::socket_base::keep_alive keep_alive(true); //sd.set_option(keep_alive); //static const asio::socket_base::linger linger{true, 10}; //sd.set_option(linger); //sd.non_blocking(false); static const socket::handshake_type handshake_type { socket::handshake_type::server }; auto handshake { std::bind(&acceptor::handshake, this, ph::_1, sock, a) }; sock->ssl.async_handshake(handshake_type, std::move(handshake)); ++handshaking; } catch(const ctx::interrupted &e) { log.debug("%s: acceptor interrupted socket(%p): %s", std::string(*this), sock.get(), string(ec)); joining.notify_all(); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.error("%s: socket(%p): in accept(): [%s]: %s", std::string(*this), sock.get(), sock->connected()? string(sock->remote()) : "", e.what()); } /// Error handler for the accept socket callback. This handler determines /// whether or not the handler should return or continue processing the /// result. /// bool ircd::net::listener::acceptor::accept_error(const error_code &ec, socket &sock) { using namespace boost::system::errc; using boost::system::get_system_category; if(unlikely(interrupting)) throw ctx::interrupted(); if(likely(ec == success)) return false; if(ec.category() == get_system_category()) switch(ec.value()) { case operation_canceled: return false; default: break; } throw boost::system::system_error(ec); } void ircd::net::listener::acceptor::handshake(const error_code &ec, const std::shared_ptr sock, const std::weak_ptr a) noexcept try { if(unlikely(a.expired())) return; --handshaking; assert(bool(sock)); const unwind::exceptional drop{[&sock] { disconnect(*sock, dc::RST); }}; if(unlikely(handshake_error(ec, *sock))) { disconnect(*sock, dc::RST); return; } log.debug("%s socket(%p): SSL handshook %s", std::string(*this), sock.get(), string(sock->remote())); add_client(sock); } catch(const ctx::interrupted &e) { log.debug("%s: SSL handshake interrupted socket(%p): %s", std::string(*this), sock.get(), string(ec)); joining.notify_all(); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.error("%s: socket(%p): in handshake(): [%s]: %s", std::string(*this), sock.get(), sock->connected()? string(sock->remote()) : "", e.what()); } /// Error handler for the SSL handshake callback. This handler determines /// whether or not the handler should return or continue processing the /// result. /// bool ircd::net::listener::acceptor::handshake_error(const error_code &ec, socket &sock) { using boost::system::get_system_category; using namespace boost::system::errc; if(unlikely(interrupting)) throw ctx::interrupted(); if(likely(ec == success)) return false; if(ec.category() == get_system_category()) switch(ec.value()) { case operation_canceled: return false; default: break; } throw boost::system::system_error(ec); } void ircd::net::listener::acceptor::configure(const json::object &opts) { log.debug("%s preparing listener socket configuration...", std::string(*this)); ssl.set_options ( //ssl.default_workarounds //| ssl.no_tlsv1 //| ssl.no_tlsv1_1 //| ssl.no_tlsv1_2 //| ssl.no_sslv2 //| ssl.no_sslv3 ssl.single_dh_use ); //TODO: XXX ssl.set_password_callback([this] (const auto &size, const auto &purpose) { log.debug("%s asking for password with purpose '%s' (size: %zu)", std::string(*this), purpose, size); //XXX: TODO return "foobar"; }); if(opts.has("ssl_certificate_chain_file")) { const std::string filename { unquote(opts["ssl_certificate_chain_file"]) }; if(!fs::exists(filename)) throw error("%s: SSL certificate chain file @ `%s' not found", std::string(*this), filename); ssl.use_certificate_chain_file(filename); log.info("%s using certificate chain file '%s'", std::string(*this), filename); } if(opts.has("ssl_certificate_file_pem")) { const std::string filename { unquote(opts["ssl_certificate_file_pem"]) }; if(!fs::exists(filename)) throw error("%s: SSL certificate pem file @ `%s' not found", std::string(*this), filename); ssl.use_certificate_file(filename, asio::ssl::context::pem); log.info("%s using certificate file '%s'", std::string(*this), filename); } if(opts.has("ssl_private_key_file_pem")) { const std::string filename { unquote(opts["ssl_private_key_file_pem"]) }; if(!fs::exists(filename)) throw error("%s: SSL private key file @ `%s' not found", std::string(*this), filename); ssl.use_private_key_file(filename, asio::ssl::context::pem); log.info("%s using private key file '%s'", std::string(*this), filename); } if(opts.has("ssl_tmp_dh_file")) { const std::string filename { unquote(opts["ssl_tmp_dh_file"]) }; if(!fs::exists(filename)) throw error("%s: SSL tmp dh file @ `%s' not found", std::string(*this), filename); ssl.use_tmp_dh_file(filename); log.info("%s using tmp dh file '%s'", std::string(*this), filename); } } ircd::net::listener::acceptor::operator std::string() const { return fmt::snstringf { 256, "'%s' @ [%s]:%u", name, string(ep.address()), ep.port() }; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // net/socket.h // boost::asio::ssl::context ircd::net::sslv23_client { boost::asio::ssl::context::method::sslv23_client }; ircd::net::hostport ircd::net::local_hostport(const socket &socket) noexcept try { const auto &ep(socket.local()); return { host(ep), port(ep) }; } catch(...) { return { std::string{}, 0 }; } ircd::net::hostport ircd::net::remote_hostport(const socket &socket) noexcept try { const auto &ep(socket.remote()); return { host(ep), port(ep) }; } catch(...) { return { std::string{}, 0 }; } ircd::net::ipport ircd::net::local_ipport(const socket &socket) noexcept try { const auto &ep(socket.local()); const auto &a(addr(ep)); ipport ret; if(a.is_v6()) { std::get(ret) = a.to_v6().to_bytes(); std::reverse(std::get(ret).begin(), std::get(ret).end()); } else host4(ret) = a.to_v4().to_ulong(); return ret; } catch(...) { return {}; } ircd::net::ipport ircd::net::remote_ipport(const socket &socket) noexcept try { const auto &ep(socket.remote()); const auto &a(addr(ep)); ipport ret; if(a.is_v6()) { std::get(ret) = a.to_v6().to_bytes(); std::reverse(std::get(ret).begin(), std::get(ret).end()); } else host4(ret) = a.to_v4().to_ulong(); return ret; } catch(...) { return {}; } size_t ircd::net::available(const socket &s) noexcept { boost::system::error_code ec; const ip::tcp::socket &sd(s); return sd.available(ec); } bool ircd::net::connected(const socket &s) noexcept { return s.connected(); } // // socket::io // ircd::net::socket::io::io(struct socket &sock, struct stat &stat, const std::function &closure) :io { sock, stat, closure() } {} ircd::net::socket::io::io(struct socket &sock, struct stat &stat, const size_t &bytes) :sock{sock} ,stat{stat} ,bytes{bytes} { stat.bytes += bytes; stat.calls++; } ircd::net::socket::io::operator size_t() const { return bytes; } // // socket::scope_timeout // ircd::net::socket::scope_timeout::scope_timeout(socket &socket, const milliseconds &timeout) :s{&socket} { socket.set_timeout(timeout); } ircd::net::socket::scope_timeout::scope_timeout(socket &socket, const milliseconds &timeout, socket::handler handler) :s{&socket} { socket.set_timeout(timeout, std::move(handler)); } ircd::net::socket::scope_timeout::scope_timeout(scope_timeout &&other) noexcept :s{std::move(other.s)} { other.s = nullptr; } ircd::net::socket::scope_timeout & ircd::net::socket::scope_timeout::operator=(scope_timeout &&other) noexcept { this->~scope_timeout(); s = std::move(other.s); return *this; } ircd::net::socket::scope_timeout::~scope_timeout() noexcept { cancel(); } bool ircd::net::socket::scope_timeout::cancel() noexcept try { if(!this->s) return false; auto *const s{this->s}; this->s = nullptr; s->cancel_timeout(); return true; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.error("socket(%p) scope_timeout::cancel: %s", (const void *)s, e.what()); return false; } bool ircd::net::socket::scope_timeout::release() { const auto s{this->s}; this->s = nullptr; return s != nullptr; } // // socket // ircd::net::socket::socket(asio::ssl::context &ssl, boost::asio::io_service *const &ios) :sd { *ios } ,ssl { this->sd, ssl } ,timer { *ios } { } /// The dtor asserts that the socket is not open/connected requiring a /// an SSL close_notify. There's no more room for async callbacks via /// shared_ptr after this dtor. ircd::net::socket::~socket() noexcept try { if(unlikely(RB_DEBUG_LEVEL && connected())) log.critical("Failed to ensure socket(%p) is disconnected from %s before dtor.", this, string(remote())); assert(!connected()); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.critical("socket(%p): close: %s", this, e.what()); return; } /// Attempt to connect and ssl handshake remote; yields ircd::ctx; throws timeout /// void ircd::net::socket::connect(const ip::tcp::endpoint &ep, const milliseconds &timeout) try { const life_guard lg{*this}; const scope_timeout ts{*this, timeout}; log.debug("socket(%p) attempting connect to remote: %s for the next %ld$ms", this, string(ep), timeout.count()); sd.async_connect(ep, yield_context{to_asio{}}); log.debug("socket(%p) connected to remote: %s from local: %s; performing handshake...", this, string(ep), string(local())); ssl.async_handshake(socket::handshake_type::client, yield_context{to_asio{}}); log.debug("socket(%p) secure session with %s from local: %s established.", this, string(ep), string(local())); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.debug("socket(%p) failed to connect to remote %s: %s", this, string(ep), e.what()); disconnect(dc::RST); throw; } /// Attempt to connect and ssl handshake remote; yields ircd::ctx; throws timeout /// void ircd::net::socket::connect(const net::remote &remote, const milliseconds &timeout) { const ip::tcp::endpoint ep { is_v6(remote)? asio::ip::tcp::endpoint { asio::ip::address_v6 { std::get(remote) }, port(remote) } : asio::ip::tcp::endpoint { asio::ip::address_v4 { host4(remote) }, port(remote) }, }; this->connect(ep, timeout); } /// Attempt to connect and ssl handshake; asynchronous, callback when done. /// void ircd::net::socket::connect(const ip::tcp::endpoint &ep, const milliseconds &timeout, handler callback) { auto handshake_handler{[this, callback(std::move(callback))] (const error_code &ec) noexcept { if(timedout) assert(ec == boost::system::errc::operation_canceled); if(!timedout) cancel_timeout(); try { callback(ec); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.critical("socket(%p): connect: unhandled exception from user callback: %s", (const void *)this, e.what()); } }}; auto connect_handler{[this, handshake_handler(std::move(handshake_handler))] (const error_code &ec) noexcept { // Even though the branch on ec below should cancel the timeout on // error, the timeout still needs to be canceled if else anything bad // happens in the remainder of this frame too. const unwind::exceptional cancels{[this] { cancel_timeout(); }}; // A connect error if(ec) { handshake_handler(ec); return; } static const auto handshake{socket::handshake_type::client}; ssl.async_handshake(handshake, std::move(handshake_handler)); }}; set_timeout(timeout); sd.async_connect(ep, std::move(connect_handler)); } bool ircd::net::socket::disconnect(const dc &type) try { if(timer.expires_from_now() > 0ms) timer.cancel(); if(sd.is_open()) log.debug("socket(%p): disconnect: %s type: %d", (const void *)this, string(remote_ipport(*this)), uint(type)); if(sd.is_open()) switch(type) { default: case dc::RST: sd.close(); return true; case dc::FIN: sd.shutdown(ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both); return true; case dc::FIN_SEND: sd.shutdown(ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_send); return true; case dc::FIN_RECV: sd.shutdown(ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_receive); return true; case dc::SSL_NOTIFY_YIELD: if(likely(ctx::current)) { const life_guard lg{*this}; const scope_timeout ts{*this, 8s}; ssl.async_shutdown(yield_context{to_asio{}}); error_code ec; sd.close(ec); if(ec) log.error("socket(%p): close: %s: %s", this, string(ec)); return true; } case dc::SSL_NOTIFY: { set_timeout(8s); ssl.async_shutdown([s(shared_from_this())] (error_code ec) noexcept { if(!s->timedout) s->cancel_timeout(); if(ec) log.warning("socket(%p): SSL_NOTIFY: %s: %s", s.get(), string(ec)); if(!s->sd.is_open()) return; s->sd.close(ec); if(ec) log.warning("socket(%p): after SSL_NOTIFY: %s: %s", s.get(), string(ec)); }); return true; } } else return false; } catch(const boost::system::system_error &e) { log.warning("socket(%p): disconnect: type: %d: %s", (const void *)this, uint(type), e.what()); if(sd.is_open()) { boost::system::error_code ec; sd.close(ec); if(ec) log.warning("socket(%p): after disconnect: %s: %s", this, string(ec)); } throw; } bool ircd::net::socket::cancel() noexcept { boost::system::error_code ec[2]; sd.cancel(ec[0]); timer.cancel(ec[1]); return std::all_of(begin(ec), end(ec), [](const auto &ec) { return ec == boost::system::errc::success; }); } /// Asynchronous callback when the socket is ready /// /// Overload for operator() without a timeout. see: operator() /// void ircd::net::socket::operator()(handler h) { operator()(milliseconds(-1), std::move(h)); } /// Asynchronous callback when the socket is ready /// /// This function calls back the handler when the socket has received /// something and is ready to be read from. /// /// The purpose here is to allow waiting for data from the socket without /// blocking any context and using any stack space whatsoever, i.e full /// asynchronous mode. /// void ircd::net::socket::operator()(const milliseconds &timeout, handler callback) { static const auto flags { ip::tcp::socket::message_peek }; static char buffer[0]; static const asio::mutable_buffers_1 buffers { buffer, sizeof(buffer) }; auto handler { std::bind(&socket::handle, this, weak_from(*this), std::move(callback), ph::_1, ph::_2) }; assert(connected()); set_timeout(timeout); sd.async_receive(buffers, flags, std::move(handler)); } void ircd::net::socket::handle(const std::weak_ptr wp, const handler callback, const error_code &ec, const size_t &bytes) noexcept try { // After life_guard is constructed it is safe to use *this in this frame. const life_guard s{wp}; /* log.debug("socket(%p): %zu bytes; %s: %s", this, bytes, string(ec)); */ // This handler and the timeout handler are responsible for canceling each other // when one or the other is entered. If the timeout handler has already fired for // a timeout on the socket, `timedout` will be `true` and this handler will be // entered with an `operation_canceled` error. if(!timedout) cancel_timeout(); else assert(ec == boost::system::errc::operation_canceled); // We can handle a few errors at this level which don't ever need to invoke the // user's callback. Otherwise they are passed up. if(!handle_error(ec)) { log.error("socket(%p): %s", this, string(ec)); return; } call_user(callback, ec); } catch(const std::bad_weak_ptr &e) { // This handler may still be registered with asio after the socket destructs, so // the weak_ptr will indicate that fact. However, this is never intended and is // a debug assertion which should be corrected. log.warning("socket(%p): belated callback to handler... (%s)", this, e.what()); assert(0); } catch(const boost::system::system_error &e) { log.error("socket(%p): handle: %s %s", this, string(ec)); assert(0); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.error("socket(%p): handle: %s", this, e.what()); assert(0); } void ircd::net::socket::call_user(const handler &callback, const error_code &ec) noexcept try { callback(ec); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.critical("socket(%p): async handler: unhandled exception: %s", this, e.what()); } bool ircd::net::socket::handle_error(const error_code &ec) { using namespace boost::system::errc; using boost::system::get_system_category; using boost::asio::error::get_ssl_category; using boost::asio::error::get_misc_category; if(likely(ec == success)) return true; log.warning("socket(%p): handle error: %s: %s", this, string(ec)); if(ec.category() == get_system_category()) switch(ec.value()) { // A cancel is triggered either by the timeout handler or by // a request to shutdown/close the socket. We only call the user's // handler for a timeout, otherwise this is hidden from the user. case operation_canceled: return timedout; // This is a condition which we hide from the user. case bad_file_descriptor: return false; // Everything else is passed up to the user. default: return true; } else if(ec.category() == get_ssl_category()) switch(uint8_t(ec.value())) { // Docs say this means we read less bytes off the socket than desired. case SSL_R_SHORT_READ: return true; default: return true; } else if(ec.category() == get_misc_category()) switch(ec.value()) { // This indicates the remote closed the socket, we still // pass this up to the user so they can know that too. case boost::asio::error::eof: return true; default: return true; } assert(0); return true; } void ircd::net::socket::handle_timeout(const std::weak_ptr wp, const error_code &ec) noexcept try { using namespace boost::system::errc; if(!wp.expired()) switch(ec.value()) { // A 'success' for this handler means there was a timeout on the socket case success: { sd.cancel(); assert(timedout == false); timedout = true; break; } // A cancelation means there was no timeout. case operation_canceled: { assert(ec.category() == boost::system::get_system_category()); assert(timedout == false); timedout = false; break; } // All other errors are unexpected, logged and ignored here. default: throw boost::system::system_error(ec); } } catch(const boost::system::system_error &e) { log.error("socket(%p): handle_timeout: unexpected: %s\n", (const void *)this, e.what()); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.error("socket(%p): handle timeout: %s", (const void *)this, e.what()); } size_t ircd::net::socket::available() const { return sd.available(); } bool ircd::net::socket::connected() const noexcept try { return sd.is_open(); } catch(const boost::system::system_error &e) { return false; } ircd::net::error_code ircd::net::socket::cancel_timeout() noexcept { boost::system::error_code ec; timedout = false; timer.cancel(ec); return ec; } boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint ircd::net::socket::local() const { return sd.local_endpoint(); } boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint ircd::net::socket::remote() const { return sd.remote_endpoint(); } void ircd::net::socket::set_timeout(const milliseconds &t) { cancel_timeout(); if(t < milliseconds(0)) return; timer.expires_from_now(t); timer.async_wait(std::bind(&socket::handle_timeout, this, weak_from(*this), ph::_1)); } void ircd::net::socket::set_timeout(const milliseconds &t, handler h) { cancel_timeout(); if(t < milliseconds(0)) return; timer.expires_from_now(t); timer.async_wait(std::move(h)); } ircd::net::socket::operator SSL &() { assert(ssl.native_handle()); return *ssl.native_handle(); } ircd::net::socket::operator const SSL &() const { using type = typename std::remove_const::type; auto &ssl(const_cast(this->ssl)); assert(ssl.native_handle()); return *ssl.native_handle(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // net/asio.h // std::string ircd::net::string(const ip::address &addr) { return addr.to_string(); } std::string ircd::net::string(const ip::tcp::endpoint &ep) { std::string ret(256, char{}); const auto addr{string(net::addr(ep))}; const auto data{const_cast(ret.data())}; ret.resize(snprintf(data, ret.size(), "%s:%u", addr.c_str(), port(ep))); return ret; } std::string ircd::net::host(const ip::tcp::endpoint &ep) { return string(addr(ep)); } boost::asio::ip::address ircd::net::addr(const ip::tcp::endpoint &ep) { return ep.address(); } uint16_t ircd::net::port(const ip::tcp::endpoint &ep) { return ep.port(); } std::string ircd::net::string(const boost::system::system_error &e) { return string(e.code()); } std::string ircd::net::string(const boost::system::error_code &ec) { std::string ret(128, char{}); ret.resize(string(mutable_buffer{ret}, ec).size()); return ret; } ircd::string_view ircd::net::string(const mutable_buffer &buf, const boost::system::system_error &e) { return string(buf, e.code()); } ircd::string_view ircd::net::string(const mutable_buffer &buf, const boost::system::error_code &ec) { const auto len { fmt::sprintf { buf, "%s: %s", ec.category().name(), ec.message() } }; return { data(buf), size_t(len) }; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // net/remote.h // // // host / port utils // std::ostream & ircd::net::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const hostport &t) { char buf[256]; s << string(t, buf); return s; } std::ostream & ircd::net::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const ipport &t) { char buf[256]; s << string(t, buf); return s; } std::ostream & ircd::net::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const remote &t) { char buf[256]; s << string(t, buf); return s; } namespace ircd::net { template std::string _string(const T &t); } template std::string ircd::net::_string(const T &t) { std::string ret(256, char{}); ret.resize(net::string(t, mutable_buffer{ret}).size()); return ret; } std::string ircd::net::string(const uint32_t &t) { return _string(t); } std::string ircd::net::string(const uint128_t &t) { return _string(t); } std::string ircd::net::string(const hostport &t) { return _string(t); } std::string ircd::net::string(const ipport &t) { return _string(t); } std::string ircd::net::string(const remote &t) { return _string(t); } ircd::string_view ircd::net::string(const uint32_t &ip, const mutable_buffer &buf) { const auto len { fmt::sprintf(buf, "%s:%u", ip::address_v4{ip}.to_string()) }; return { data(buf), size_t(len) }; } ircd::string_view ircd::net::string(const uint128_t &ip, const mutable_buffer &buf) { const auto &pun { reinterpret_cast(ip) }; const auto &punpun { reinterpret_cast &>(pun) }; const auto len { fmt::sprintf(buf, "%s:%u", ip::address_v6{punpun}.to_string()) }; return { data(buf), size_t(len) }; } ircd::string_view ircd::net::string(const hostport &pair, const mutable_buffer &buf) { const auto len { fmt::sprintf(buf, "%s:%u", pair.first, pair.second) }; return { data(buf), size_t(len) }; } ircd::string_view ircd::net::string(const ipport &ipp, const mutable_buffer &buf) { const auto len { is_v4(ipp)? fmt::sprintf(buf, "%s:%u", ip::address_v4{host4(ipp)}.to_string(), port(ipp)): is_v6(ipp)? fmt::sprintf(buf, "%s:%u", ip::address_v6{std::get(ipp)}.to_string(), port(ipp)): 0 }; return { data(buf), size_t(len) }; } ircd::string_view ircd::net::string(const remote &remote, const mutable_buffer &buf) { const auto &ipp { static_cast(remote) }; if(!ipp && !remote.hostname) { const auto len{strlcpy(data(buf), "", size(buf))}; return { data(buf), size_t(len) }; } else if(!ipp) { const auto len{strlcpy(data(buf), remote.hostname, size(buf))}; return { data(buf), size_t(len) }; } else return string(ipp, buf); } // // remote // ircd::net::remote::remote(hostport hp) :remote{std::move(hp.first), hp.second} { } ircd::net::remote::remote(const string_view &host) :remote { std::string(host), "8448"s } { } ircd::net::remote::remote(const string_view &host, const uint16_t &port) :remote { std::string(host), std::string(lex_cast(port)) } { } ircd::net::remote::remote(const string_view &host, const string_view &port) :remote { std::string(host), std::string(port) } { } ircd::net::remote::remote(std::string host) :remote { std::move(host), "8448"s } { } ircd::net::remote::remote(std::string host, const uint16_t &port) :ipport{host, port} ,hostname{std::move(host)} { } ircd::net::remote::remote(std::string host, const std::string &port) :ipport{host, port} ,hostname{std::move(host)} { } ircd::net::remote::remote(const ipport &ipp) :ipport{ipp} { } // // ipport // ircd::net::ipport::ipport(const hostport &hp) :ipport { hp.first, std::string(lex_cast(port(hp))) } { } ircd::net::ipport::ipport(const string_view &host, const uint16_t &port) :ipport { std::string(host), std::string(lex_cast(port)) } { } ircd::net::ipport::ipport(const string_view &host, const string_view &port) :ipport { std::string(host), std::string(port) } { } ircd::net::ipport::ipport(const std::string &host, const uint16_t &port) :ipport { host, std::string{lex_cast(port)} } { } ircd::net::ipport::ipport(const std::string &host, const std::string &port) :ipport { uint32_t{0}, lex_cast(port) } { assert(resolver); const ip::tcp::resolver::query query { host, port }; auto epit { resolver->async_resolve(query, yield_context{to_asio{}}) }; static const ip::tcp::resolver::iterator end; if(epit == end) throw nxdomain("host '%s' not found", host); const ip::tcp::endpoint &ep { *epit }; const asio::ip::address &address { ep.address() }; std::get(*this) = address.is_v6(); if(is_v6(*this)) { std::get(*this) = address.to_v6().to_bytes(); std::reverse(std::get(*this).begin(), std::get(*this).end()); } else host4(*this) = address.to_v4().to_ulong(); log.debug("resolved remote %s:%u => %s %s", host, net::port(*this), is_v6(*this)? "IP6" : "IP4", string(*this)); } // // hostport // const ircd::net::hostport ircd::net::hostport::null { ""s, 0 }; ircd::net::hostport::hostport(std::string s, const uint16_t &port) try :std::pair { std::move(s), port } { if(port != 8448) return; //TODO: ipv6 const auto port_suffix { rsplit(first, ':').second }; if(!port_suffix.empty() && port_suffix != "8448") second = lex_cast(port_suffix); } catch(const std::exception &e) { throw net::invalid_argument { "Supplied host name and/or port number: ", e.what() }; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // buffer.h - provide definition for the null buffers and asio conversion // const ircd::buffer::mutable_buffer ircd::buffer::null_buffer { nullptr, nullptr }; const ircd::ilist ircd::buffer::null_buffers {{ null_buffer }}; ircd::buffer::mutable_buffer::operator boost::asio::mutable_buffer() const { return boost::asio::mutable_buffer { data(*this), size(*this) }; } ircd::buffer::const_buffer::operator boost::asio::const_buffer() const { return boost::asio::const_buffer { data(*this), size(*this) }; } ircd::buffer::mutable_raw_buffer::operator boost::asio::mutable_buffer() const { return boost::asio::mutable_buffer { data(*this), size(*this) }; } ircd::buffer::const_raw_buffer::operator boost::asio::const_buffer() const { return boost::asio::const_buffer { data(*this), size(*this) }; }