// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. using namespace ircd; static void upload_device_keys(client &, const resource::request &, const m::device::id &, const m::device_keys &); static resource::response post__keys_upload(client &client, const resource::request &request); mapi::header IRCD_MODULE { "Client :Key management API" }; ircd::resource upload_resource { "/_matrix/client/r0/keys/upload", { "( Keys Upload", resource::DIRECTORY } }; ircd::resource upload_resource__unstable { "/_matrix/client/unstable/keys/upload", { "( Keys Upload", resource::DIRECTORY } }; resource::method method_post { upload_resource, "POST", post__keys_upload, { method_post.REQUIRES_AUTH } }; resource::method method_post__unstable { upload_resource__unstable, "POST", post__keys_upload, { method_post.REQUIRES_AUTH } }; resource::response post__keys_upload(client &client, const resource::request &request) { const m::user::room user_room { request.user_id }; const json::object &device_keys { request["device_keys"] }; const m::device::id::buf device_id { m::user::get_device_from_access_token(request.access_token) }; if(!empty(device_keys)) upload_device_keys(client, request, device_id, device_keys); const json::object &one_time_keys { request["one_time_keys"] }; if(request["one_time_keys"] && size(one_time_keys)) m::device::set(request.user_id, device_id, "one_time_keys", one_time_keys); size_t buf_est(64); std::map> counts; for(const auto &[ident_, object] : one_time_keys) { const auto &[algorithm, ident] { split(ident_, ':') }; if(empty(algorithm) || empty(ident)) continue; const json::string &key { json::object(object).get("key") }; const json::object &signatures { json::object(object).get("signatures") }; auto it(counts.lower_bound(algorithm)); if(it == end(counts) || it->first != algorithm) { it = counts.emplace_hint(it, algorithm, 0L); buf_est += size(algorithm) + 32; } auto &count(it->second); ++count; } const unique_buffer buf { buf_est * 2 }; json::stack out{buf}; { json::stack::object top{out}; json::stack::object one_time_key_counts { top, "one_time_key_counts" }; for(const auto &[algorithm, count] : counts) { json::stack::member { one_time_key_counts, algorithm, json::value{count} }; } } // Prevents an infinite loop due to a race in riot if(!counts.empty()) sleep(seconds(2)); return resource::response { client, json::object(out.completed()) }; } void upload_device_keys(client &client, const resource::request &request, const m::device::id &device_id, const m::device_keys &device_keys) { if(at<"user_id"_>(device_keys) != request.user_id) throw m::FORBIDDEN { "client device_keys.user_id: " "Must match the user_id used when logging in." }; if(at<"device_id"_>(device_keys) != device_id) throw m::FORBIDDEN { "client device_keys.device_id: " "Must match the device_id used when logging in." }; const json::array &algorithms { at<"algorithms"_>(device_keys) }; const json::object &keys { at<"keys"_>(device_keys) }; const json::object &signatures { at<"signatures"_>(device_keys) }; m::device data; json::get<"device_id"_>(data) = device_id; json::get<"keys"_>(data) = request["device_keys"]; m::device::set(request.user_id, data); }