using namespace ircd;

static const char chm_sslonly_desc[] =
	"Adds channel mode +S that bans non-SSL users from joing a channel";

static void h_can_join(hook_data_channel *);

mapi_hfn_list_av1 sslonly_hfnlist[] = {
	{ "can_join", (hookfn) h_can_join },

static chan::mode::type mymode;

static int
	using namespace chan::mode;

	mymode = add('S', category::D, functor::simple);
	if (mymode == 0)
		return -1;

	return 0;

static void

DECLARE_MODULE_AV2(chm_sslonly, _modinit, _moddeinit, NULL, NULL, sslonly_hfnlist, NULL, NULL, chm_sslonly_desc);

static void
h_can_join(hook_data_channel *data)
	client::client *source_p = data->client;
	const auto &chptr(data->chptr);

	if((chptr->mode.mode & mymode) && !is(*source_p, umode::SSLCLIENT)) {
		/* XXX This is equal to ERR_THROTTLE */
		sendto_one_numeric(source_p, 480, "%s :Cannot join channel (+S) - SSL/TLS required", chptr->name.c_str());
		data->approved = chan::mode::ERR_CUSTOM;