// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. #include using namespace ircd; mapi::header IRCD_MODULE { "Server Command" }; static std::pair execute_command(const mutable_buffer &buf, const m::user &user, const m::room &room, const string_view &cmd); static void handle_command(const m::event &event, m::vm::eval &eval); const m::hookfn command_hook { handle_command, { { "_site", "vm.effect" }, { "type", "ircd.cmd" }, { "origin", my_host() }, } }; void handle_command(const m::event &event, m::vm::eval &eval) try { const m::user user { at<"sender"_>(event) }; if(!m::my(user.user_id)) return; const json::object &content { json::get<"content"_>(event) }; const m::user::room user_room { user }; if(json::get<"room_id"_>(event) != user_room.room_id) return; const m::room::id &room_id { unquote(content.at("room_id")) }; const json::string &input { content.at("body") }; if(!startswith(input, "\\\\")) return; const string_view &cmd { lstrip(input, "\\\\") }; log::debug { m::log, "Server command from %s in %s :%s", string_view{room_id}, string_view{user.user_id}, cmd }; const unique_buffer buf { 32_KiB }; const auto &[html, alt] { execute_command(buf, user, room_id, cmd) }; if(!html && !alt) return; m::send(user_room, m::me, "ircd.cmd.result", { { "msgtype", "m.text" }, { "format", "org.matrix.custom.html" }, { "body", { alt, json::STRING } }, { "formatted_body", { html, json::STRING } }, { "room_id", room_id }, { "input", input }, }); } catch(const std::exception &e) { throw; } static std::pair command__dash(const mutable_buffer &buf, const m::user &user, const m::room &room, const string_view &cmd); static std::pair command__read(const mutable_buffer &buf, const m::user &user, const m::room &room, const string_view &cmd); static std::pair command__version(const mutable_buffer &buf, const m::user &user, const m::room &room, const string_view &cmd); std::pair execute_command(const mutable_buffer &buf, const m::user &user, const m::room &room, const string_view &cmd) try { switch(hash(token(cmd, ' ', 0))) { case "version"_: return command__version(buf, user, room, cmd); case "read"_: return command__read(buf, user, room, cmd); case "dash"_: return command__dash(buf, user, room, cmd); default: break; } const string_view out{fmt::sprintf { buf, "unknown command :%s", cmd }}; const string_view alt { out }; return { out, alt }; } catch(const m::error &e) { const json::object &error { e.content }; log::error { m::log, "Server command from %s in %s '%s' :%s :%s :%s", string_view{room.room_id}, string_view{user.user_id}, cmd, e.what(), unquote(error.get("errcode")), unquote(error.get("error")), }; std::ostringstream out; pubsetbuf(out, buf); const string_view fg[] {"#FCFCFC", "#FFFFFF"}; const string_view bg[] {"#A01810", "#C81810"}; const string_view sp {" "}; out << "
" << "" << "" << sp << sp << e.what() << sp << sp << "" << " " << "" << "" << sp << sp << unquote(error.get("errcode")) << sp << sp << "" << " " << "
" << "
	    << unquote(error.get("error"))
	    << "
" ; return { view(out, buf), e.what() }; } catch(const http::error &e) { log::error { m::log, "Server command from %s in %s '%s' :%s :%s", string_view{room.room_id}, string_view{user.user_id}, cmd, e.what(), e.content }; std::ostringstream out; pubsetbuf(out, buf); const string_view fg[] {"#FCFCFC"}; const string_view bg[] {"#A01810"}; const string_view sp {" "}; out << "
" << "" << "" << sp << sp << e.what() << sp << sp << "" << " " << "
" << "
	    << e.content
	    << "
" ; return { view(out, buf), e.what() }; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::error { m::log, "Server command from %s in %s '%s' :%s", string_view{room.room_id}, string_view{user.user_id}, cmd, e.what() }; const size_t len { copy(buf, string_view(e.what())) }; return { { data(buf), len }, { data(buf), len } }; } std::pair command__version(const mutable_buffer &buf, const m::user &user, const m::room &room, const string_view &cmd) { std::ostringstream out; pubsetbuf(out, buf); const string_view sp {" "}; out << "

" << info::name << "

" << "
	    << info::version
	    << "
" ; const string_view alt { info::version }; return { view(out, buf), alt }; } std::pair command__read(const mutable_buffer &buf, const m::user &user, const m::room &room, const string_view &cmd) { const params param{tokens_after(cmd, ' ', 0), " ", { "event_id", "[time]" }}; const m::event::id::buf event_id { param["event_id"]? m::event::id::buf{param["event_id"]}: m::head(room) }; const time_t &ms { param.at("[time]", ircd::time()) }; m::receipt::read(room, user, event_id, ms); return {}; } std::pair command__dash(const mutable_buffer &buf, const m::user &user, const m::room &room, const string_view &cmd) { std::ostringstream out; pubsetbuf(out, buf); const string_view fg[] {"#E8E8E8", "#FFFFFF"}; const string_view bg[] {"#303030", "#008000"}; const string_view sp {" "}; out << "
" << "" << "" << sp << sp << " CONSTRUCT STATUS " << sp << sp << "" << " " << "" << "" << sp << sp << " OK " << sp << sp << "" << " " << "
" << "
	    << " "
	    << "
" ; const string_view alt { "no alt text" }; return { view(out, buf), alt }; }