/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Charybdis Development Team * Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Volk * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m.h // namespace ircd::m { struct log::log log { "matrix", 'm' }; std::map modules; ircd::net::listener *listener; static void leave_ircd_room(); static void join_ircd_room(); static void init_keys(const std::string &secret_key_file); static void bootstrap(); } const ircd::m::room::id::buf init_room_id { "init", ircd::my_host() }; const ircd::m::user::id::buf ircd_user_id { "ircd", ircd::my_host() //TODO: hostname }; ircd::m::user ircd::m::me { ircd_user_id }; const ircd::m::room::id::buf ircd_room_id { "ircd", ircd::my_host() }; ircd::m::room ircd::m::my_room { ircd_room_id }; bool ircd::m::my_host(const string_view &s) { return s == my_host(); } ircd::string_view ircd::m::my_host() { return "cdc.z:8447"; //me.user_id.host(); } ircd::m::init::init() try { init_keys("charybdis.sk"); const string_view prefixes[] { "client_", "key_", "federation_", "media_" }; for(const auto &name : mods::available()) if(startswith_any(name, std::begin(prefixes), std::end(prefixes))) modules.emplace(name, name); if(db::sequence(*event::events) == 0) bootstrap(); modules.emplace("root.so"s, "root.so"s); const auto options{json::strung(json::members { { "name", "Chat Matrix" }, { "host", "" }, { "port", 8447 }, { "ssl_certificate_file", "/home/jason/zemos.net.tls2.crt" }, { "ssl_certificate_chain_file", "/home/jason/zemos.net.tls2.crt" }, { "ssl_tmp_dh_file", "/home/jason/zemos.net.tls.dh" }, { "ssl_private_key_file_pem", "/home/jason/zemos.net.tls2.key" }, })}; //TODO: conf obviously listener = new ircd::net::listener{options}; join_ircd_room(); } catch(const m::error &e) { log.critical("%s %s", e.what(), e.content); } ircd::m::init::~init() noexcept try { leave_ircd_room(); delete listener; modules.clear(); } catch(const m::error &e) { log.critical("%s %s", e.what(), e.content); std::terminate(); } void ircd::m::join_ircd_room() try { join(my_room, me.user_id); } catch(const m::ALREADY_MEMBER &e) { log.warning("IRCd did not shut down correctly..."); } void ircd::m::leave_ircd_room() { leave(my_room, me.user_id); } namespace ircd::m { static void bootstrap_keys(); } void ircd::m::bootstrap() { assert(event::events); assert(db::sequence(*event::events) == 0); ircd::log::notice ( "This appears to be your first time running IRCd because the events " "database is empty. I will be bootstrapping it with initial events now..." ); create(my_room, me.user_id); create(user::accounts, me.user_id); create(user::sessions, me.user_id); create(filter::filters, me.user_id); join(user::accounts, me.user_id); bootstrap_keys(); } // // dbs // namespace ircd::m::dbs { std::map modules; std::map> databases; void init_modules(); void init_databases(); } ircd::m::dbs::init::init() { init_modules(); init_databases(); ircd::m::event::events = databases.at("events").get(); } ircd::m::dbs::init::~init() noexcept { ircd::m::event::events = nullptr; databases.clear(); modules.clear(); } void ircd::m::dbs::init_databases() { for(const auto &pair : modules) { const auto &name(pair.first); const auto dbname(mods::unpostfixed(name)); const std::string shortname(lstrip(dbname, "db_")); const std::string symname(shortname + "_database"s); databases.emplace(shortname, import_shared { dbname, symname }); } } void ircd::m::dbs::init_modules() { for(const auto &name : mods::available()) if(startswith(name, "db_")) modules.emplace(name, name); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/session.h // ircd::m::io::session::session(const net::remote &remote) :server{remote} ,destination{remote.hostname} { } ircd::json::object ircd::m::io::session::operator()(parse::buffer &pb, request &request) { request.destination = destination; request(server); return response { server, pb }; } // // response // ircd::m::io::response::response(server &server, parse::buffer &pb) { http::code status; json::object &object { static_cast(*this) }; parse::capstan pc { pb, read_closure(server) }; http::response { pc, nullptr, [&pc, &status, &object](const http::response::head &head) { status = http::status(head.status); object = http::response::content{pc, head}; }, [](const auto &header) { //std::cout << header.first << " :" << header.second << std::endl; } }; if(status < 200 || status >= 300) throw m::error(status, object); } // // request // namespace ircd::m::name { // constexpr const char *const content {"content"}; constexpr const char *const destination {"destination"}; constexpr const char *const method {"method"}; // constexpr const char *const origin {"origin"}; constexpr const char *const uri {"uri"}; } struct ircd::m::io::request::authorization :json::tuple < json::property, json::property, json::property, json::property, json::property > { string_view generate(const mutable_buffer &out); using super_type::tuple; }; void ircd::m::io::request::operator()(const vector_view &addl_headers) const { } void ircd::m::io::request::operator()(server &server, const vector_view &addl_headers) const { const size_t addl_headers_size { std::min(addl_headers.size(), size_t(64UL)) }; size_t headers{2 + addl_headers_size}; http::line::header header[headers + 1] { { "User-Agent", BRANDING_NAME " (IRCd " BRANDING_VERSION ")" }, { "Content-Type", "application/json" }, }; for(size_t i(0); i < addl_headers_size; ++i) header[headers++] = addl_headers.at(i); char x_matrix[1024]; if(startswith(path, "_matrix/federation")) header[headers++] = { "Authorization", generate_authorization(x_matrix) }; http::request { destination, method, path, query, content, write_closure(server), { header, headers } }; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::io::request::generate_authorization(const mutable_buffer &out) const { const fmt::bsprintf<2048> uri { "/%s%s%s", lstrip(path, '/'), query? "?" : "", query }; request::authorization authorization { json::members { { "destination", destination }, { "method", method }, { "origin", my_host() }, { "uri", uri }, } }; if(string_view{content}.size() > 2) json::get<"content"_>(authorization) = content; return authorization.generate(out); } ircd::string_view ircd::m::io::request::authorization::generate(const mutable_buffer &out) { // Any buffers here can be comfortably large if they're not on a stack and // nothing in this procedure has a yield which risks decohering static // buffers; the assertion is tripped if so. ctx::critical_assertion ca; static fixed_buffer request_object_buf; const auto request_object { json::stringify(request_object_buf, *this) }; const ed25519::sig sig { my::secret_key.sign(request_object) }; static fixed_buffer signature_buf; const auto x_matrix_len { fmt::sprintf(out, "X-Matrix origin=%s,key=\"%s\",sig=\"%s\"", unquote(string_view{at<"origin"_>(*this)}), my::public_key_id, b64encode_unpadded(signature_buf, sig)) }; return { data(out), size_t(x_matrix_len) }; } bool ircd::m::io::verify_x_matrix_authorization(const string_view &x_matrix, const string_view &method, const string_view &uri, const string_view &content) { string_view tokens[3], origin, key, sig; if(ircd::tokens(split(x_matrix, ' ').second, ',', tokens) != 3) return false; for(const auto &token : tokens) { const auto &key_value { split(token, '=') }; switch(hash(key_value.first)) { case hash("origin"): origin = unquote(key_value.second); break; case hash("key"): key = unquote(key_value.second); break; case hash("sig"): sig = unquote(key_value.second); break; } } request::authorization authorization{json::members { { "destination", my_host() }, { "method", method }, { "origin", origin }, { "uri", uri } }}; if(content.size() > 2) json::get<"content"_>(authorization) = content; //TODO: XXX const auto request_object { json::strung(authorization) }; const ed25519::sig _sig { [&sig](auto &buf) { b64decode(buf, sig); } }; const ed25519::pk pk { [&origin, &key](auto &buf) { m::keys::get(origin, [&key, &buf](const auto &keys) { const json::object vks{at<"verify_keys"_>(keys)}; const json::object vkk{vks.at(key)}; b64decode(buf, unquote(vkk.at("key"))); }); } }; return pk.verify(const_raw_buffer{request_object}, _sig); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/keys.h // const ircd::m::room::id::buf keys_room_id { "keys", ircd::my_host() }; ircd::m::room ircd::m::key::keys { keys_room_id }; ircd::ed25519::sk ircd::my::secret_key {}; ircd::ed25519::pk ircd::my::public_key {}; std::string ircd::my::public_key_b64 {}; std::string ircd::my::public_key_id {}; static void ircd::m::init_keys(const std::string &sk_file) { my::secret_key = ed25519::sk { sk_file, &my::public_key }; my::public_key_b64 = b64encode_unpadded(my::public_key); const fixed_buffer hash { sha256{const_raw_buffer{my::public_key}} }; const auto public_key_hash_b64 { b64encode_unpadded(hash) }; my::public_key_id = fmt::snstringf(BUFSIZE, "ed25519:%s", public_key_hash_b64); log.info("Current key is '%s' and the public key is: %s", my::public_key_id, my::public_key_b64); } static void ircd::m::bootstrap_keys() { create(key::keys, me.user_id); const auto verify_keys{json::strung(json::members {{ string_view{my::public_key_id}, { { "key", my::public_key_b64 } } }})}; key my_key; json::get<"verify_keys"_>(my_key) = verify_keys; json::get<"server_name"_>(my_key) = my_host(); json::get<"old_verify_keys"_>(my_key) = "{}"; json::get<"valid_until_ts"_>(my_key) = ircd::time() + duration_cast(hours(2160)).count(); const fixed_buffer tls_hash { [](const auto &buffer) { a2u(buffer, "C259B83ABED34D81B31F773737574FBD966CE33BDED708BF502CA1D4CEC3D318"); } }; fixed_buffer tls_b64; const json::members tlsfps { { "sha256", b64encode_unpadded(tls_b64, tls_hash) } }; const json::value tlsfp[1] { { tlsfps } }; const auto tls_fingerprints{json::strung(json::value { tlsfp, 1 })}; json::get<"tls_fingerprints"_>(my_key) = tls_fingerprints; const auto presig { json::strung(my_key) }; const ed25519::sig sig { my::secret_key.sign(const_raw_buffer{presig}) }; static char signature[256]; const auto signatures{json::strung(json::members { { my_host(), { { string_view{my::public_key_id}, b64encode_unpadded(signature, sig) } }} })}; json::get<"signatures"_>(my_key) = signatures; keys::set(my_key); } bool ircd::m::keys::get(const string_view &server_name, const closure &closure) { return get(server_name, string_view{}, closure); } bool ircd::m::keys::get(const string_view &server_name, const string_view &key_id, const closure &closure) { const m::event::query query { { "room_id", key::keys.room_id }, { "type", "ircd.key" }, { "state_key", server_name }, }; const auto have { [&closure](const auto &event) { closure(json::get<"content"_>(event)); return true; } }; if(m::vm::test(query, have)) return true; if(server_name == my_host()) throw m::NOT_FOUND { "key '%s' for '%s' not found", key_id, server_name }; string_view server_name_encoded; const fixed_buffer server_name_buf{[&server_name, &server_name_encoded] (const auto &buf) { server_name_encoded = http::urlencode(server_name, buf); }}; string_view key_id_encoded; const fixed_buffer key_id_buf{[&key_id, &key_id_encoded] (const auto &buf) { key_id_encoded = http::urlencode(key_id, buf); }}; m::session session { server_name }; char url[128]; const auto url_len { /* fmt::snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "_matrix/key/v2/query/%s/%s", server_name, key_id): */ fmt::snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "_matrix/key/v2/server/%s", key_id) }; char buf[4096]; ircd::parse::buffer pb{buf}; m::request request { "GET", url, {}, {} }; const string_view response { session(pb, request) }; /* const json::array &keys { response.at("server_keys") }; log::debug("Fetched %zu candidate keys from '%s' (%s)", keys.size(), server_name, string(remote(*session.client))); if(keys.empty()) throw m::NOT_FOUND { "Failed to get key '%s' for '%s'", key_id, server_name }; const m::key &key { keys[0] }; */ const m::key &key { response }; if(!key.verify()) throw m::error { http::UNAUTHORIZED, "M_INVALID_SIGNATURE", "Failed to verify key from '%s'", server_name }; log.debug("Verified key from '%s'", server_name); m::keys::set(key); closure(key); return true; } void ircd::m::keys::set(const key &key) { const auto &state_key { unquote(at<"server_name"_>(key)) }; const m::user::id::buf sender { "ircd", unquote(at<"server_name"_>(key)) }; const json::strung content { key }; json::iov event; json::iov::push members[] { { event, json::member { "type", "ircd.key" }}, { event, json::member { "state_key", state_key }}, { event, json::member { "sender", sender }}, { event, json::member { "content", content }} }; key::keys.send(event); } /// Verify this key data (with itself). bool ircd::m::key::verify() const noexcept try { const auto &valid_until_ts { at<"valid_until_ts"_>(*this) }; if(valid_until_ts < ircd::time()) throw ircd::error("Key was valid until %s", timestr(valid_until_ts)); const json::object &verify_keys { at<"verify_keys"_>(*this) }; const string_view &key_id { begin(verify_keys)->first }; const json::object &key { begin(verify_keys)->second }; const ed25519::pk pk { [&key](auto &pk) { b64decode(pk, unquote(key.at("key"))); } }; const json::object &signatures { at<"signatures"_>(*this) }; const string_view &server_name { unquote(at<"server_name"_>(*this)) }; const json::object &server_signatures { signatures.at(server_name) }; const ed25519::sig sig{[&server_signatures, &key_id](auto &sig) { b64decode(sig, unquote(server_signatures.at(key_id))); }}; ///TODO: XXX m::key copy{*this}; at<"signatures"_>(copy) = string_view{}; const std::string preimage{json::strung(copy)}; return pk.verify(const_raw_buffer{preimage}, sig); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.error("key verification for '%s' failed: %s", json::get<"server_name"_>(*this, ""_sv), e.what()); return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/filter.h // const ircd::m::room::id::buf filters_room_id { "filters", ircd::my_host() }; ircd::m::room ircd::m::filter::filters { filters_room_id }; ircd::m::filter::filter(const string_view &filter_id, const mutable_buffer &buf) { const m::event::query query { { "room_id", filters.room_id }, { "type", "ircd.filter" }, { "state_key", filter_id }, }; size_t len{0}; m::vm::test(query, [&buf, &len] (const auto &event) { len = copy(buf, json::get<"content"_>(event)); return true; }); new (this) filter{json::object{buf}}; } size_t ircd::m::filter::size(const string_view &filter_id) { const m::event::query query { { "room_id", filters.room_id }, { "type", "ircd.filter" }, { "state_key", filter_id }, }; size_t ret{0}; m::vm::test(query, [&ret] (const auto &event) { const string_view content { json::get<"content"_>(event) }; ret = content.size(); return true; }); return ret; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/room.h // ircd::m::room ircd::m::create(const id::room &room_id, const id::user &creator, const string_view &type) { return create(room_id, creator, init_room_id, type); } ircd::m::room ircd::m::create(const id::room &room_id, const id::user &creator, const id::room &parent, const string_view &type) { json::iov event; json::iov content; const json::iov::push push[] { { event, { "sender", creator }}, { content, { "creator", creator }}, }; const json::iov::add_if _parent { content, !parent.empty() && parent.local() != "init", { "parent", parent } }; const json::iov::add_if _type { content, !type.empty() && type != "room", { "type", type } }; room room { room_id }; room.create(event, content); return room; } void ircd::m::room::create(json::iov &event, json::iov &content) { const json::iov::defaults defaults[] { { event, { "sender", me.user_id }}, { content, { "creator", me.user_id }}, }; const json::strung _content { content }; json::iov::set set[] { { event, { "type", "m.room.create" }}, { event, { "state_key", "" }}, { event, { "content", _content }} }; send(event); } void ircd::m::join(const m::room::id &room_id, const m::id::user &user_id) { membership(room_id, user_id, "join"); } void ircd::m::leave(const m::room::id &room_id, const m::id::user &user_id) { membership(room_id, user_id, "leave"); } void ircd::m::membership(const m::id::room &room_id, const m::id::user &user_id, const string_view &membership) { json::iov event; json::iov content; json::iov::push push[] { { event, { "sender", user_id }}, { content, { "membership", membership }}, }; room room { room_id }; room.membership(event, content); } void ircd::m::room::membership(json::iov &event, json::iov &content) { const user::id &user_id { event.at("sender") }; const string_view &membership { content.at("membership") }; if(this->membership(user_id, membership)) throw m::ALREADY_MEMBER { "Member '%s' is already '%s'.", string_view{user_id}, membership }; const json::strung c //TODO: child iov { content }; const json::iov::set _event[] { { event, { "type", "m.room.member" }}, { event, { "state_key", user_id }}, { event, { "membership", membership }}, { event, { "content", string_view{c} }}, }; send(event); } bool ircd::m::room::membership(const m::id::user &user_id, const string_view &membership) const { const event::query member_event { { "room_id", room_id }, { "type", "m.room.member" }, { "state_key", user_id }, }; if(!membership) return m::vm::test(member_event); const event::query membership_test{[&membership] (const auto &event) { const json::object &content { json::at<"content"_>(event) }; const auto &existing_membership { unquote(content.at("membership")) }; return membership == existing_membership; }}; return m::vm::test(member_event && membership_test); } /// academic search std::vector ircd::m::room::barren(const int64_t &min_depth) const { const event::query query { { "room_id", room_id }, }; std::set> ret; vm::for_each(query, [&ret, &min_depth](const auto &event) { if(json::get<"depth"_>(event) < min_depth) return; const json::array prev_events { json::get<"prev_events"_>(event) }; for(const json::array &prev_event : prev_events) { const event::id &event_id { unquote(prev_event[0]) }; ret.erase(std::string{event_id}); } ret.emplace(at<"event_id"_>(event)); }); return { std::begin(ret), std::end(ret) }; } /// academic search uint64_t ircd::m::room::maxdepth() const { event::id::buf buf; return maxdepth(buf); } /// academic search uint64_t ircd::m::room::maxdepth(event::id::buf &buf) const { const event::query query { { "room_id", room_id }, }; int64_t depth{0}; vm::for_each(query, [&buf, &depth] (const auto &event) { if(json::get<"depth"_>(event) > depth) { depth = json::get<"depth"_>(event); buf = json::get<"event_id"_>(event); } }); return depth; } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::room::send(const json::members &event) { size_t i(0); json::iov iov; json::iov::push members[event.size()]; for(const auto &member : event) new (members + i++) json::iov::push(iov, member); return send(iov); } ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::room::send(json::iov &event) { const json::iov::set room_id { event, { "room_id", this->room_id } }; //std::cout << this->room_id << " at " << this->maxdepth() << std::endl; // TODO: XXX // commitment to room here @ exclusive acquisition of depth const json::iov::defaults depth { event, { "depth", int64_t(this->maxdepth()) } }; return m::vm::commit(event); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/user.h // const ircd::m::room::id::buf accounts_room_id { "accounts", ircd::my_host() }; ircd::m::room ircd::m::user::accounts { accounts_room_id }; const ircd::m::room::id::buf sessions_room_id { "sessions", ircd::my_host() }; ircd::m::room ircd::m::user::sessions { sessions_room_id }; /// Register the user by joining them to the accounts room. /// /// The content of the join event may store keys including the registration /// options. Once this call completes the join was successful and the user is /// registered, otherwise throws. void ircd::m::user::activate(const json::members &contents) try { json::iov event; json::iov content; json::iov::push push[] { { event, { "sender", user_id }}, { content, { "membership", "join" }}, }; accounts.membership(event, content); } catch(const m::ALREADY_MEMBER &e) { throw m::error { http::CONFLICT, "M_USER_IN_USE", "The desired user ID is already in use." }; } void ircd::m::user::deactivate(const json::members &contents) { json::iov event; json::iov content; json::iov::push push[] { { event, { "sender", user_id }}, { content, { "membership", "leave" }}, }; accounts.membership(event, content); } void ircd::m::user::password(const string_view &password) try { json::iov event; json::iov::push members[] { { event, { "type", "ircd.password" }}, { event, { "state_key", user_id }}, { event, { "sender", user_id }}, { event, { "content", json::members { { "plaintext", password } }}}, }; accounts.send(event); } catch(const m::ALREADY_MEMBER &e) { throw m::error { http::CONFLICT, "M_USER_IN_USE", "The desired user ID is already in use." }; } bool ircd::m::user::is_password(const string_view &supplied_password) const { const event::query member_event { { "room_id", accounts.room_id }, { "type", "ircd.password" }, { "state_key", user_id }, }; const event::query correct_password{[&supplied_password] (const auto &event) { const json::object &content { json::at<"content"_>(event) }; const auto &correct_password { unquote(content.at("plaintext")) }; return supplied_password == correct_password; }}; const auto query { member_event && correct_password }; return m::vm::test(member_event && correct_password); } bool ircd::m::user::is_active() const { return accounts.membership(user_id); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/vm.h // bool ircd::m::vm::test(const event::query<> &where) { return test(where, [](const auto &event) { return true; }); } bool ircd::m::vm::test(const event::query<> &where, const closure_bool &closure) { bool ret{false}; query(where, [&ret, &closure] (const auto &event) { ret = closure(event); return true; }); return ret; } size_t ircd::m::vm::count(const event::query<> &where) { return count(where, [](const auto &event) { return true; }); } size_t ircd::m::vm::count(const event::query<> &where, const closure_bool &closure) { size_t i(0); for_each(where, [&closure, &i](const auto &event) { i += closure(event); }); return i; } /* void ircd::m::vm::rfor_each(const closure &closure) { const event::query where{}; rfor_each(where, closure); } void ircd::m::vm::rfor_each(const event::query<> &where, const closure &closure) { rquery(where, [&closure](const auto &event) { closure(event); return false; }); } bool ircd::m::vm::rquery(const closure_bool &closure) { const event::query where{}; return rquery(where, closure); } bool ircd::m::vm::rquery(const event::query<> &where, const closure_bool &closure) { //return _rquery_(where, closure); return true; } */ void ircd::m::vm::for_each(const event::query<> &where, const closure &closure) { query(where, [&closure](const auto &event) { closure(event); return false; }); } void ircd::m::vm::for_each(const closure &closure) { const event::query where{}; for_each(where, closure); } bool ircd::m::vm::query(const closure_bool &closure) { const event::query where{}; return query(where, closure); } namespace ircd::m::vm { bool _query_event_id(const event::query<> &, const closure_bool &); bool _query_in_room_id(const event::query<> &, const closure_bool &, const room::id &); bool _query_for_type_state_key_in_room_id(const event::query<> &, const closure_bool &, const room::id &, const string_view &type = {}, const string_view &state_key = {}); } bool ircd::m::vm::query(const event::query<> &where, const closure_bool &closure) { switch(where.type) { case event::where::equal: { auto &clause { dynamic_cast &>(where) }; const auto &value{clause.value}; const auto &room_id{json::get<"room_id"_>(value)}; const auto &type{json::get<"type"_>(value)}; const auto &state_key{json::get<"state_key"_>(value)}; const bool is_state{json::get<"is_state"_>(value) == true}; if(room_id && type && is_state) return _query_for_type_state_key_in_room_id(where, closure, room_id, type, state_key); if(room_id && is_state) return _query_for_type_state_key_in_room_id(where, closure, room_id, type, state_key); if(room_id) return _query_in_room_id(where, closure, room_id); break; } case event::where::logical_and: { auto &clause { dynamic_cast &>(where) }; const auto &lhs{*clause.a}, &rhs{*clause.b}; const auto reclosure{[&lhs, &rhs, &closure] (const auto &event) { if(!rhs(event)) return false; return closure(event); }}; return vm::query(lhs, reclosure); } default: break; } return _query_event_id(where, closure); } bool ircd::m::vm::_query_event_id(const event::query<> &where, const closure_bool &closure) { event::cursor cursor { "event_id", &where }; for(auto it(cursor.begin()); bool(it); ++it) if(closure(*it)) return true; return false; } bool ircd::m::vm::_query_in_room_id(const event::query<> &query, const closure_bool &closure, const room::id &room_id) { event::cursor cursor { "event_id in room_id", &query }; for(auto it(cursor.begin(room_id)); bool(it); ++it) if(closure(*it)) return true; return false; } bool ircd::m::vm::_query_for_type_state_key_in_room_id(const event::query<> &query, const closure_bool &closure, const room::id &room_id, const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key) { event::cursor cursor { "event_id for type,state_key in room_id", &query }; static const size_t max_type_size { 255 }; static const size_t max_state_key_size { 255 }; const auto key_max { room::id::buf::SIZE + max_type_size + max_state_key_size + 2 }; size_t key_len; char key[key_max]; key[0] = '\0'; key_len = strlcat(key, room_id, sizeof(key)); key_len = strlcat(key, "..", sizeof(key)); //TODO: prefix protocol key_len = strlcat(key, type, sizeof(key)); //TODO: prefix protocol key_len = strlcat(key, state_key, sizeof(key)); //TODO: prefix protocol for(auto it(cursor.begin(key)); bool(it); ++it) if(closure(*it)) return true; return false; } namespace ircd::m { void append_indexes(const event &, db::iov &); } namespace ircd::m::vm { struct head; } struct ircd::m::vm::head { struct leaf; int64_t depth {-1}; std::set>> heads; }; struct ircd::m::vm::head::leaf :std::pair { using std::pair::pair; }; namespace ircd::m::vm { std::map> heads; } namespace ircd::m::vm { void eval_future(head &, const event &); void eval_present(head &, const event &); void eval_past(head &, const event &); } ircd::ctx::view ircd::m::vm::inserted {}; uint64_t ircd::m::vm::current_sequence {}; ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::vm::join(const room::id &room_id, json::iov &iov) { const user::id user_id { iov.at("sender") }; const auto &hostname{room_id.hostname()}; const auto &hostport{room_id.hostport()}; m::log.debug("%s make_join %s to %s from %s:%u", my_host(), string_view{user_id}, string_view{room_id}, hostname, hostport); char room_id_urle_buf[768]; const auto room_id_urle { urlencode(room_id, room_id_urle_buf), }; char user_id_urle_buf[768]; const auto user_id_urle { urlencode(user_id, user_id_urle_buf) }; const fmt::snstringf url { 1024, "_matrix/federation/v1/make_join/%s/%s", room_id_urle, user_id_urle }; m::request request { "GET", url, {}, {} }; struct session session { { std::string(hostname), hostport } }; unique_buffer buf { 64_KiB }; ircd::parse::buffer pb{buf}; const json::object response { session(pb, request) }; const m::event proto { response.at("event") }; //TODO: hash prototype //at<"hashes"_>(proto) //TODO: verify prototype //at<"signatures"_>(proto) m::log.debug("%s make_join %s to %s responded. depth: %ld prev: %s auth: %s", room_id.host(), string_view{user_id}, string_view{room_id}, json::get<"depth"_>(proto), json::get<"prev_events"_>(proto), json::get<"auth_events"_>(proto)); const json::strung content { json::members {{ "membership", "join" }} }; json::iov event; const json::iov::push push[] { { event, { "type", "m.room.member" }}, { event, { "membership", "join" }}, { event, { "room_id", room_id }}, { event, { "origin", my_host() }}, { event, { "sender", user_id }}, { event, { "state_key", user_id }}, { event, { "is_state", true }}, { event, { "origin_server_ts", ircd::time() }}, { event, { "depth", at<"depth"_>(proto) }}, { event, { "content", content }}, // { event, { "auth_events", at<"auth_events"_>(proto) }}, // { event, { "prev_events", at<"prev_events"_>(proto) }}, // { event, { "prev_state", at<"prev_state"_>(proto) }}, }; //TODO: XXX auto replaced_auth_events{replace(at<"auth_events"_>(proto), '\\', "")}; auto replaced_prev_events{replace(at<"prev_events"_>(proto), '\\', "")}; auto replaced_prev_state{replace(at<"prev_state"_>(proto), '\\', "")}; const json::iov::push replacements[] { { event, { "auth_events", replaced_auth_events }}, { event, { "prev_events", replaced_prev_events }}, { event, { "prev_state", replaced_prev_state }}, }; const json::strung hash_preimage { event }; const fixed_buffer hash { sha256{const_buffer{hash_preimage}} }; char hashb64[uint(hash.size() * 1.34) + 2]; const json::strung hashes { json::members { { "sha256", b64encode_unpadded(hashb64, hash) } } }; const json::strung event_id_preimage { event }; const fixed_buffer event_id_hash { sha256{const_buffer{event_id_preimage}} }; char event_id_hash_b64[uint(event_id_hash.size() * 1.34) + 2]; const event::id::buf event_id_buf { b64encode_unpadded(event_id_hash_b64, event_id_hash), my_host() }; const json::iov::push _event_id { event, { "event_id", event_id_buf } }; const json::strung signature_preimage { event }; const ed25519::sig sig { my::secret_key.sign(const_buffer{signature_preimage}) }; char signature_buffer[128]; const json::strung signatures{json::members {{ my_host(), json::members { json::member { my::public_key_id, b64encode_unpadded(signature_buffer, sig) } } }}}; const json::iov::push _signatures { event, { "signatures", signatures } }; char event_id_urle_buf[768]; const auto event_id_urle { urlencode(event.at("event_id"), event_id_urle_buf) }; const fmt::bsprintf<1024> send_join_url { "_matrix/federation/v1/send_join/%s/%s", room_id_urle, event_id_urle }; const auto join_event { json::strung(event) }; m::log.debug("%s send_join %s to %s sending: %s membership: %s %s", my_host(), string_view{user_id}, string_view{room_id}, string_view{event.at("type")}, string_view{event.at("membership")}, string_view{event.at("event_id")}); m::request send_join_request { "PUT", send_join_url, {}, join_event }; unique_buffer send_join_buf { 64_KiB }; ircd::parse::buffer sjpb{send_join_buf}; const json::array send_join_response { session(sjpb, send_join_request) }; const auto status { send_join_response.at(0) }; const json::object data { send_join_response.at(1) }; const json::array state { data.at("state") }; const json::array auth_chain { data.at("auth_chain") }; m::log.debug("%s %u send_join %s to %s responded with %zu state and %zu auth_chain events", room_id.host(), status, string_view{user_id}, string_view{room_id}, state.count(), auth_chain.count()); vm::eval(state); vm::eval(event); return event_id_buf; } namespace ircd::m::vm { //void mtrace(const id::event &event_id, const tracer &closure); } void ircd::m::vm::trace(const id::event &event_id, const tracer &closure) { id::event::buf id{event_id}; unique_buffer buf[8]; while(1) { buf[0] = { 64_KiB }; const event event { get(id, buf[0]) }; const json::array &prev_events { json::get<"prev_events"_>(event) }; const auto count { prev_events.count() }; if(!count) break; event::fetch tab[count]; for(size_t i(0); i < count; ++i) { const json::array &prev_event { prev_events[i] }; tab[i].event_id = unquote(prev_event[0]); buf[i + 1] = { 64_KiB }; tab[i].buf = buf[i + 1]; } size_t j(0); m::io::acquire({tab, count}); for(size_t i(0); i < count; ++i) { if(tab[i].error) continue; else ++j; const auto &event { tab[i].pdu }; if(!closure(event, id)) return; } if(!j) break; } } void ircd::m::vm::state(const room::id &room_id, const event::id &event_id) try { const unique_buffer buf { 16_MiB //TODO: XXX }; room::state::fetch tab { event_id, room_id, buf }; io::acquire(tab); const json::array &auth_chain { tab.auth_chain }; const json::array &pdus { tab.pdus }; std::vector events(pdus.count()); std::transform(begin(pdus), end(pdus), begin(events), [] (const json::object &event) -> m::event { return event; }); vm::eval(events); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.error("Acquiring state for %s at %s: %s", string_view{room_id}, string_view{event_id}, e.what()); throw; } void ircd::m::vm::backfill(const room::id &room_id, const event::id &event_id, const size_t &limit) try { const unique_buffer buf { 16_MiB //TODO: XXX }; room::fetch tab { event_id, room_id, buf }; io::acquire(tab); const json::array &auth_chain { tab.auth_chain }; const json::array &pdus { tab.pdus }; std::vector events(pdus.count()); std::transform(begin(pdus), end(pdus), begin(events), [] (const json::object &event) -> m::event { return event; }); vm::eval(events); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.error("Acquiring backfill for %s at %s: %s", string_view{room_id}, string_view{event_id}, e.what()); throw; } ircd::json::object ircd::m::vm::acquire(const id::event &event_id, const mutable_buffer &buf) { const auto event { get(event_id, buf) }; vm::eval(m::event{event}); return event; } size_t ircd::m::vm::acquire(const vector_view &event_id, const vector_view &buf) { std::vector tabs(event_id.size()); for(size_t i(0); i < event_id.size(); ++i) tabs[i] = event::fetch { event_id[i], buf[i] }; size_t i(0); io::acquire(vector_view(tabs)); for(const auto &fetch : tabs) if(fetch.pdu) { i++; vm::eval(m::event{fetch.pdu}); } return i; } /// Insert a new event originating from this server. /// /// Figure 1: /// in . /// ___:::::::__V <-- this function /// | ||||||| // /// | \\|// //| /// | ||| // | /// | ||// | /// | !!! | /// | * | <----- IRCd core /// | |//|||\\| | /// |/|/|/|\|\|\| <---- release commitment propagation cone /// out /// /// This function takes an event object vector and adds our origin and event_id /// and hashes and signature and attempts to inject the event into the core. /// The caller is expected to have done their best to check if this event will /// succeed once it hits the core because failures blow all this effort. The /// caller's ircd::ctx will obviously yield for evaluation, which may involve /// requests over the internet in the worst case. Nevertheless, the evaluation, /// write and release sequence of the core commitment is designed to allow the /// caller to service a usual HTTP request conveying success or error without /// hanging their client too much. /// ircd::m::event::id::buf ircd::m::vm::commit(json::iov &iov) { const json::iov::set set[] { { iov, { "origin_server_ts", ircd::time() }}, { iov, { "origin", my_host() }}, { iov, { "is_state", iov.has("state_key") }}, }; if(iov.has("room_id")) { const room::id &room_id { iov.at("room_id") }; if(room_id.host() != my_host()) return join(room_id, iov); } // Need this for now const unique_buffer scratch { 64_KiB }; auto preimage { json::stringify(mutable_buffer{scratch}, iov) }; const fixed_buffer event_id_hash { sha256{const_buffer{preimage}} }; char event_id_hash_b64[uint(event_id_hash.size() * 1.34) + 2]; const event::id::buf event_id_buf { b64encode_unpadded(event_id_hash_b64, event_id_hash), my_host() }; const json::iov::set event_id { iov, { "event_id", event_id_buf } }; preimage = { json::stringify(mutable_buffer{scratch}, iov) }; const fixed_buffer hash { sha256{const_buffer{preimage}} }; fixed_buffer hashb64; const json::iov::set hashes { iov, json::member { "hashes", json::members { { "sha256", b64encode_unpadded(hashb64, hash) } } } }; preimage = { json::stringify(mutable_buffer{scratch}, iov) }; const ed25519::sig sig { my::secret_key.sign(const_buffer{preimage}) }; char signature_buffer[128]; const json::iov::set signatures { iov, json::member { "signatures", json::members {{ my_host(), json::members { json::member { my::public_key_id, b64encode_unpadded(signature_buffer, sig) } } }} } }; const m::event event { iov }; if(!json::get<"type"_>(event)) throw BAD_JSON("Required event field: type"); if(!json::get<"sender"_>(event)) throw BAD_JSON("Required event field: sender"); log.debug("injecting event %s '%s' from %s :%s %s (mark: %ld)", at<"event_id"_>(event), at<"type"_>(event), at<"sender"_>(event), at<"origin"_>(event), json::get<"is_state"_>(event)? "state" : "", vm::current_sequence); ircd::timer timer; vm::eval(event); log.debug("committed event %s '%s' from %s :%s %s (mark: %ld time: %ld$ms)", at<"event_id"_>(event), at<"type"_>(event), at<"sender"_>(event), at<"origin"_>(event), json::get<"is_state"_>(event)? "state" : "", vm::current_sequence, timer.at().count()); return event_id_buf; } namespace ircd::m::vm { void fetch_head(const room::id &, head &, const event &); head &dome(const room::id &room_id, const event &); void eval_future(head &, const event &); void write(const event &, db::iov &txn); } /// Processes a bulk set of events similar to eval(event) except with /// some transactionality and optimization over the set (i.e if two events /// in the set cancel each other out their effects might be ignored rather /// than invoking those operations with IRCd etc). /// /// TEMP: Only calls single eval() in a loop for now. void ircd::m::vm::eval(const vector_view &events) { for(const auto &event : events) eval(m::event{event}); } void ircd::m::vm::eval(const json::array &events) { for(const auto &event : events) eval(m::event{event}); } /// Processes any event from any place from any time and does whatever is /// necessary to validate, reject, learn from new information, ignore old /// information and advance the state of IRCd as best as possible. /// void ircd::m::vm::eval(const event &event) { std::cout << event << std::endl; const auto &event_id { at<"event_id"_>(event) }; const std::string &room_id { at<"room_id"_>(event) }; // Head fetch phase. If the head is not loaded into RAM then it // may have to be requested with IO and recursive evaluation which // could be a massive suspension for this stack. This usually only // occurs on the first eval for a room after IRCd startup or after // some other cache eviction. auto &head { vm::dome(room_id, event) }; log.debug("evaluating event %s '%s' from %s :%s %s %s to %ld", at<"event_id"_>(event), at<"type"_>(event), at<"sender"_>(event), at<"origin"_>(event), json::get<"is_state"_>(event)? "state" : "", reflect(temporality(event, head.depth)), head.depth); switch(temporality(event, head.depth)) { case event.temporality::FUTURE: eval_future(head, event); break; case event.temporality::PRESENT: eval_present(head, event); break; case event.temporality::PAST: eval_past(head, event); break; } log.debug("committing event %s '%s' from %s :%s %s", at<"event_id"_>(event), at<"type"_>(event), at<"sender"_>(event), at<"origin"_>(event), json::get<"is_state"_>(event)? "state" : ""); db::iov txn { *event::events }; write(event, txn); vm::current_sequence++; log.debug("release sequence %s '%s' from %s :%s %s", at<"event_id"_>(event), at<"type"_>(event), at<"sender"_>(event), at<"origin"_>(event), json::get<"is_state"_>(event)? "state" : ""); vm::inserted.notify(event); } void ircd::m::vm::write(const event &event, db::iov &txn) { db::iov::append { txn, at<"event_id"_>(event), event }; if(!txn.has(db::op::SET, "is_state")) db::iov::append { txn, db::delta { "is_state", at<"event_id"_>(event), byte_view { defined(json::get<"state_key"_>(event)) } } }; append_indexes(event, txn); txn(); } void ircd::m::vm::eval_past(head &head, const event &event) { } void ircd::m::vm::eval_present(head &head, const event &event) { const auto &depth { json::get<"depth"_>(event) }; switch(depth) { case 0: //TODO: XXX //std::cout << "NO DEPTH?" << std::endl; break; case 1: std::cout << "CREATE?" << std::endl; return; default: break; } const json::array &prev_events { json::get<"prev_events"_>(event) }; for(const json::array &prev_event : prev_events) { std::string prev_event_id { replace(unquote(prev_event[0]), '\\', "") }; const unique_buffer buf { 64_KiB }; try { acquire(prev_event_id, buf); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.error("Failed to acquire %s: %s", string_view{prev_event_id}, e.what()); } } } void ircd::m::vm::eval_future(head &head, const event &event) { const auto push_prev{[&head](const json::array &prev_events) { for(const json::array &prev_event : prev_events) { const std::string &prev_event_id { unquote(prev_event[0]) }; auto it { head.heads.lower_bound({prev_event_id, 0}) }; if(it == head.heads.end()) try { const unique_buffer buf { 64_KiB }; acquire(prev_event_id, buf); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log.error("Failed to acquire %s: %s", string_view{prev_event_id}, e.what()); } it = head.heads.lower_bound({prev_event_id, 0}); if(it != head.heads.end() && it->first == prev_event_id) head.heads.erase(it); } }}; push_prev(json::get<"prev_events"_>(event)); push_prev(json::get<"prev_state"_>(event)); push_prev(json::get<"auth_events"_>(event)); head.depth = json::get<"depth"_>(event); head.heads.emplace(head::leaf { at<"event_id"_>(event), json::get<"depth"_>(event) }); } ircd::m::vm::head & ircd::m::vm::dome(const room::id &room_id, const event &event) { head &ret { heads[std::string(room_id)] }; if(ret.depth < 0) fetch_head(room_id, ret, event); return ret; } void ircd::m::vm::fetch_head(const room::id &room_id, head &head, const event &event) { const room room { room_id }; const auto event_ids { room.barren() }; if(event_ids.empty()) { const event::id &event_id { at<"event_id"_>(event) }; log.debug("No heads available for %s using %s", string_view{room_id}, string_view{event_id}); if(!my_host(room_id.host())) state(room_id, event_id); head.depth = json::get<"depth"_>(event); head.heads.emplace(head::leaf { at<"event_id"_>(event), json::get<"depth"_>(event), }); if(!my_host(room_id.host())) backfill(room_id, event_id, 64); return; } std::vector> buf(event_ids.size()); std::vector tab(event_ids.size()); for(size_t i(0); i < event_ids.size(); ++i) { buf[i] = unique_buffer { 64_KiB }; tab[i] = event::fetch { event_ids[i], buf[i] }; } io::acquire(vector_view(tab)); for(const auto &t : tab) { const m::event &event { t.pdu }; const auto &event_id { at<"event_id"_>(event) }; const auto &depth { at<"depth"_>(event) }; if(head.depth < depth) head.depth = depth; head.heads.emplace(head::leaf{event_id, depth}); log.debug("Found %s head for %s depth: %ld", string_view{event_id}, string_view{room.room_id}, depth); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/io.h // ircd::json::object ircd::m::io::get(const id::event &event_id, const mutable_buffer &buf) { const m::event::query query { { "event_id", event_id }, }; json::object ret; const auto test{[&buf, &ret](const auto &event) { ret = stringify(mutable_buffer{buf}, event); return true; }}; // Attempt to find the event in the local database and return it if(m::vm::test(query, test)) return ret; // Prevents any queries to the network going to own host. if(my_host(event_id.host())) throw m::NOT_FOUND { "Event '%s' not found", string_view{event_id} }; event::fetch tab { event_id, buf }; ret = io::acquire(tab); return ret; } ircd::json::array ircd::m::io::acquire(room::state::fetch &tab) { acquire({&tab, 1}); if(unlikely(bool(tab.error))) std::rethrow_exception(tab.error); return tab.pdus; } size_t ircd::m::io::acquire(vector_view tab) { const auto count { tab.size() }; std::string url[count]; std::string query[count]; m::io::request request[count]; struct session session[count]; for(size_t i(0); i < count; ++i) try { static char tmp[768]; url[i] = fmt::snstringf { 1024, "_matrix/federation/v1/state/%s/", urlencode(tab[i].room_id, tmp) }; query[i] = fmt::snstringf { 1024, "event_id=%s", urlencode(tab[i].event_id, tmp) }; request[i] = { "GET", url[i], query[i], {} }; session[i] = { tab[i].hint? tab[i].hint : tab[i].event_id.hostname() }; request[i].destination = session[i].destination; request[i](session[i].server); } catch(const std::exception &e) { tab[i].error = std::make_exception_ptr(e); log.warning("request for event_id %s in room_id %s will not succeed: %s", string_view{tab[i].event_id}, string_view{tab[i].room_id}, e.what()); } size_t ret(0); json::object response[count]; for(size_t i(0); i < count; ++i) try { if(bool(tab[i].error)) continue; ircd::parse::buffer pb{tab[i].buf}; response[i] = m::io::response(session[i].server, pb); tab[i].auth_chain = response[i]["auth_chain"]; tab[i].pdus = response[i]["pdus"]; //TODO: check event id //TODO: check hashes //TODO: check signatures ret += !tab[i].error; log.debug("%s sent us event %s in room %s pdus: %zu (size: %zu) error: %d", string(net::remote{session[i].server}), string_view{tab[i].event_id}, string_view{tab[i].room_id}, json::array{response[i]["pdus"]}.count(), string_view{response[i]}.size(), bool(tab[i].error)); } catch(const std::exception &e) { tab[i].error = std::make_exception_ptr(e); log.warning("request for event_id %s failed: %s", string_view{tab[i].event_id}, e.what()); } return ret; } ircd::json::array ircd::m::io::acquire(room::fetch &tab) { acquire({&tab, 1}); if(unlikely(bool(tab.error))) std::rethrow_exception(tab.error); return tab.pdus; } size_t ircd::m::io::acquire(vector_view tab) { const auto count { tab.size() }; std::string url[count]; std::string query[count]; m::io::request request[count]; struct session session[count]; for(size_t i(0); i < count; ++i) try { static char tmp[768]; url[i] = fmt::snstringf { 1024, "_matrix/federation/v1/backfill/%s/", urlencode(tab[i].room_id, tmp) }; query[i] = fmt::snstringf { 1024, "limit=%zu&v=%s", tab[i].limit, urlencode(tab[i].event_id, tmp) }; session[i] = { tab[i].hint? tab[i].hint : tab[i].event_id.hostname() }; request[i] = { "GET", url[i], query[i], {} }; request[i].destination = session[i].destination; request[i](session[i].server); } catch(const std::exception &e) { tab[i].error = std::make_exception_ptr(e); log.warning("request for event_id %s in room_id %s will not succeed: %s", string_view{tab[i].event_id}, string_view{tab[i].room_id}, e.what()); } size_t ret(0); json::object response[count]; for(size_t i(0); i < count; ++i) try { if(bool(tab[i].error)) continue; ircd::parse::buffer pb{tab[i].buf}; response[i] = m::io::response(session[i].server, pb); tab[i].auth_chain = response[i]["auth_chain"]; tab[i].pdus = response[i]["pdus"]; //TODO: check event id //TODO: check hashes //TODO: check signatures ret += !tab[i].error; log.debug("%s sent us event %s in room %s pdus: %zu (size: %zu) error: %d", string(net::remote{session[i].server}), string_view{tab[i].event_id}, string_view{tab[i].room_id}, json::array{response[i]["pdus"]}.count(), string_view{response[i]}.size(), bool(tab[i].error)); } catch(const std::exception &e) { tab[i].error = std::make_exception_ptr(e); log.warning("request for event_id %s failed: %s", string_view{tab[i].event_id}, e.what()); } return ret; } ircd::json::object ircd::m::io::acquire(event::fetch &tab) { acquire({&tab, 1}); if(unlikely(bool(tab.error))) std::rethrow_exception(tab.error); return tab.pdu; } size_t ircd::m::io::acquire(vector_view tab) { const auto count { tab.size() }; std::string url[count]; m::io::request request[count]; struct session session[count]; for(size_t i(0); i < count; ++i) try { static char tmp[768]; url[i] = fmt::snstringf { 1024, "_matrix/federation/v1/event/%s/", urlencode(tab[i].event_id, tmp) }; session[i] = { tab[i].hint? tab[i].hint : tab[i].event_id.hostname() }; request[i] = { "GET", url[i], {}, {} }; request[i].destination = session[i].destination; request[i](session[i].server); } catch(const std::exception &e) { tab[i].error = std::make_exception_ptr(e); log.warning("request for event_id %s will not succeed: %s", string_view{tab[i].event_id}, e.what()); } size_t ret(0); json::object response[count]; for(size_t i(0); i < count; ++i) try { if(bool(tab[i].error)) continue; ircd::parse::buffer pb{tab[i].buf}; response[i] = m::io::response{session[i].server, pb}; tab[i].pdu = json::array{response[i]["pdus"]}[0]; //TODO: check event id //TODO: check hashes //TODO: check signatures ret += !tab[i].error; log.debug("%s sent us event %s pdus: %zu (size: %zu) error: %d", string(net::remote{session[i].server}), string_view{tab[i].event_id}, json::array{response[i]["pdus"]}.count(), string_view{response[i]}.size(), bool(tab[i].error)); } catch(const std::exception &e) { tab[i].error = std::make_exception_ptr(e); log.warning("request for event_id %s failed: %s", string_view{tab[i].event_id}, e.what()); } return ret; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/event.h // // vtable for the db::query partially specialized to m::event as its tuple template ircd::db::query::~query(); ircd::database * ircd::m::event::events {}; ircd::m::event::const_iterator ircd::m::event::find(const event::id &id) { cursor c{name::event_id}; return c.begin(string_view{id}); } ircd::m::event::temporality ircd::m::temporality(const event &event, const int64_t &rel) { const auto &depth { json::get<"depth"_>(event) }; return depth > rel? event::temporality::FUTURE: depth == rel? event::temporality::PRESENT: event::temporality::PAST; } ircd::m::event::lineage ircd::m::lineage(const event &event) { const json::array prev[] { json::get<"prev_events"_>(event), json::get<"auth_events"_>(event), json::get<"prev_state"_>(event), }; const auto count{std::accumulate(begin(prev), end(prev), size_t(0), [] (auto ret, const auto &array) { return ret += array.count(); })}; return count > 1? event::lineage::MERGE: count == 1? event::lineage::FORWARD: event::lineage::ROOT; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::reflect(const event::lineage &lineage) { switch(lineage) { case event::lineage::MERGE: return "MERGE"; case event::lineage::FORWARD: return "FORWARD"; case event::lineage::ROOT: return "ROOT"; } return "?????"; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::reflect(const event::temporality &temporality) { switch(temporality) { case event::temporality::FUTURE: return "FUTURE"; case event::temporality::PRESENT: return "PRESENT"; case event::temporality::PAST: return "PAST"; } return "?????"; } namespace ircd::m { struct indexer; extern std::set> indexers; } struct ircd::m::indexer { struct concat; struct concat_v; struct concat_2v; std::string name; virtual void operator()(const event &, db::iov &iov) const = 0; indexer(std::string name) :name{std::move(name)} {} virtual ~indexer() noexcept; }; ircd::m::indexer::~indexer() noexcept { } void ircd::m::append_indexes(const event &event, db::iov &iov) { for(const auto &ptr : indexers) { const m::indexer &indexer{*ptr}; indexer(event, iov); } } struct ircd::m::indexer::concat :indexer { std::string col_a; std::string col_b; void operator()(const event &, db::iov &) const override; concat(std::string col_a, std::string col_b) :indexer { fmt::snstringf(512, "%s in %s", col_a, col_b) } ,col_a{col_a} ,col_b{col_b} {} }; void ircd::m::indexer::concat::operator()(const event &event, db::iov &iov) const { if(!iov.has(db::op::SET, col_a) || !iov.has(db::op::SET, col_b)) return; static const size_t buf_max { 1024 }; char index[buf_max]; index[0] = '\0'; const auto function { [&index](auto &val) { strlcat(index, byte_view{val}, buf_max); } }; at(event, col_b, function); at(event, col_a, function); db::iov::append { iov, db::delta { name, // col index, // key {}, // val } }; } struct ircd::m::indexer::concat_v :indexer { std::string col_a; std::string col_b; std::string col_c; void operator()(const event &, db::iov &) const override; concat_v(std::string col_a, std::string col_b, std::string col_c) :indexer { fmt::snstringf(512, "%s for %s in %s", col_a, col_b, col_c) } ,col_a{col_a} ,col_b{col_b} ,col_c{col_c} {} }; void ircd::m::indexer::concat_v::operator()(const event &event, db::iov &iov) const { if(!iov.has(db::op::SET, col_c) || !iov.has(db::op::SET, col_b) || !iov.has(db::op::SET, col_a)) return; static const size_t buf_max { 1024 }; char index[buf_max]; index[0] = '\0'; const auto concat { [&index](auto &val) { strlcat(index, byte_view{val}, buf_max); } }; at(event, col_c, concat); at(event, col_b, concat); string_view val; at(event, col_a, [&val](auto &_val) { val = byte_view{_val}; }); db::iov::append { iov, db::delta { name, // col index, // key val, // val } }; } struct ircd::m::indexer::concat_2v :indexer { std::string col_a; std::string col_b0; std::string col_b1; std::string col_c; void operator()(const event &, db::iov &) const override; concat_2v(std::string col_a, std::string col_b0, std::string col_b1, std::string col_c) :indexer { fmt::snstringf(512, "%s for %s,%s in %s", col_a, col_b0, col_b1, col_c) } ,col_a{col_a} ,col_b0{col_b0} ,col_b1{col_b1} ,col_c{col_c} {} }; void ircd::m::indexer::concat_2v::operator()(const event &event, db::iov &iov) const { if(!iov.has(db::op::SET, col_c) || !iov.has(db::op::SET, col_b0) || !iov.has(db::op::SET, col_b1)) return; static const size_t buf_max { 2048 }; char index[buf_max]; index[0] = '\0'; const auto concat { [&index](auto &val) { strlcat(index, byte_view{val}, buf_max); } }; at(event, col_c, concat); strlcat(index, "..", buf_max); //TODO: special at(event, col_b0, concat); at(event, col_b1, concat); string_view val; at(event, col_a, [&val](auto &_val) { val = byte_view{_val}; }); db::iov::append { iov, db::delta { name, // col index, // key val, // val } }; } std::set> ircd::m::indexers {{ std::make_shared("event_id", "sender"), std::make_shared("event_id", "room_id"), std::make_shared("event_id", "room_id", "type"), std::make_shared("event_id", "room_id", "sender"), std::make_shared("event_id", "type", "state_key", "room_id"), }}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/id.h // struct ircd::m::id::generator { static string_view random_timebased(const enum sigil &, const mutable_buffer &); static string_view random_prefixed(const enum sigil &, const string_view &prefix, const mutable_buffer &); }; ircd::m::id::id(const string_view &id) :string_view{id} ,sigil{m::sigil(id)} { } ircd::m::id::id(const enum sigil &sigil) :string_view{} ,sigil{sigil} { } ircd::m::id::id(const enum sigil &sigil, const string_view &id) :string_view{id} ,sigil{sigil} { if(!valid()) throw INVALID_MXID("Not a valid '%s' mxid", reflect(sigil)); } ircd::m::id::id(const enum sigil &sigil, const mutable_buffer &buf, const string_view &id) :string_view { buffer::data(buf), strlcpy(buffer::data(buf), id, buffer::size(buf)) } ,sigil{sigil} { if(!valid()) throw INVALID_MXID("Not a valid '%s' mxid", reflect(sigil)); } ircd::m::id::id(const enum sigil &sigil, const mutable_buffer &buf, const string_view &name, const string_view &host) :string_view{[&]() -> string_view { using buffer::data; using buffer::size; const size_t &max{size(buf)}; if(!max) return {}; size_t len(0); if(!startswith(name, sigil)) buf[len++] = char(sigil); const auto has_sep { std::count(std::begin(name), std::end(name), ':') }; if(!has_sep && host.empty()) { len += strlcpy(data(buf) + len, name, max - len); } else if(!has_sep && !host.empty()) { len += fmt::snprintf(data(buf) + len, max - len, "%s:%s", name, host); } else if(has_sep == 1 && !host.empty() && !split(name, ':').second.empty()) { len += strlcpy(data(buf) + len, name, max - len); } else if(has_sep >= 1 && !host.empty()) { if(split(name, ':').second != host) throw INVALID_MXID("MXID must be on host '%s'", host); len += strlcpy(data(buf) + len, name, max - len); } //else throw INVALID_MXID("Not a valid '%s' mxid", reflect(sigil)); return { data(buf), len }; }()} ,sigil{sigil} { } ircd::m::id::id(const enum sigil &sigil, const mutable_buffer &buf, const generate_t &, const string_view &host) :string_view{[&] { char name[64]; switch(sigil) { case sigil::USER: generator::random_prefixed(sigil::USER, "guest", name); break; case sigil::ALIAS: generator::random_prefixed(sigil::ALIAS, "", name); break; default: generator::random_timebased(sigil, name); break; }; const auto len { fmt::sprintf(buf, "%s:%s", name, host) }; return string_view { buffer::data(buf), size_t(len) }; }()} ,sigil{sigil} { } void ircd::m::id::validate() const { if(!valid()) throw INVALID_MXID("Not a valid '%s' mxid", reflect(sigil)); } bool ircd::m::id::valid() const { const auto parts(split(*this, ':')); const auto &local(parts.first); const auto &host(parts.second); // this valid() requires a full canonical mxid with a host if(host.empty()) return false; // local requires a sigil plus at least one character if(local.size() < 2) return false; // local requires the correct sigil type if(!startswith(local, sigil)) return false; return true; } bool ircd::m::id::valid_local() const { const auto parts(split(*this, ':')); const auto &local(parts.first); // local requires a sigil plus at least one character if(local.size() < 2) return false; // local requires the correct sigil type if(!startswith(local, sigil)) return false; return true; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::id::generator::random_prefixed(const enum sigil &sigil, const string_view &prefix, const mutable_buffer &buf) { using buffer::data; const auto len { fmt::sprintf(buf, "%c%s%u", char(sigil), prefix, rand::integer()) }; return { data(buf), size_t(len) }; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::id::generator::random_timebased(const enum sigil &sigil, const mutable_buffer &buf) { using buffer::data; using buffer::size; const auto utime(microtime()); const auto len { snprintf(data(buf), size(buf), "%c%zd%06d", char(sigil), utime.first, utime.second) }; return { data(buf), size_t(len) }; } enum ircd::m::id::sigil ircd::m::sigil(const string_view &s) try { return sigil(s.at(0)); } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { throw BAD_SIGIL("sigil undefined"); } enum ircd::m::id::sigil ircd::m::sigil(const char &c) { switch(c) { case '$': return id::EVENT; case '@': return id::USER; case '#': return id::ALIAS; case '!': return id::ROOM; } throw BAD_SIGIL("'%c' is not a valid sigil", c); } const char * ircd::m::reflect(const enum id::sigil &c) { switch(c) { case id::EVENT: return "EVENT"; case id::USER: return "USER"; case id::ALIAS: return "ALIAS"; case id::ROOM: return "ROOM"; } return "?????"; } bool ircd::m::valid_sigil(const string_view &s) try { return valid_sigil(s.at(0)); } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { return false; } bool ircd::m::valid_sigil(const char &c) { switch(c) { case id::EVENT: case id::USER: case id::ALIAS: case id::ROOM: return true; } return false; }