// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. #include using namespace ircd; IRCD_EXCEPTION_HIDENAME(ircd::error, bad_command) static void init_cmds(); mapi::header IRCD_MODULE { "IRCd terminal console: runtime-reloadable self-reflecting command library.", [] { init_cmds(); } }; conf::item default_synapse { { "name", "ircd.console.timeout" }, { "default", 45L }, }; /// The first parameter for all commands. This aggregates general options /// passed to commands as well as providing the output facility with an /// ostream interface. Commands should only send output to this object. The /// command's input line is not included here; it's the second param to a cmd. struct opt { std::ostream &out; bool html {false}; seconds timeout {default_synapse}; string_view special; operator std::ostream &() { return out; } template auto &operator<<(T&& t) { out << std::forward(t); return out; } auto &operator<<(std::ostream &(*manip)(std::ostream &)) { return manip(out); } }; /// Instances of this object are generated when this module reads its /// symbols to find commands. These instances are then stored in the /// cmds set for lookup and iteration. struct cmd { using is_transparent = void; static constexpr const size_t &MAX_DEPTH { 8 }; std::string name; std::string symbol; mods::sym_ptr ptr; bool operator()(const cmd &a, const cmd &b) const { return a.name < b.name; } bool operator()(const string_view &a, const cmd &b) const { return a < b.name; } bool operator()(const cmd &a, const string_view &b) const { return a.name < b; } cmd(std::string name, std::string symbol) :name{std::move(name)} ,symbol{std::move(symbol)} ,ptr{ircd_module, this->symbol} {} cmd() = default; cmd(cmd &&) = delete; cmd(const cmd &) = delete; }; std::set cmds; void init_cmds() { auto symbols { mods::symbols(mods::path(ircd_module)) }; for(std::string &symbol : symbols) { // elide lots of grief by informally finding this first if(!has(symbol, "console_cmd")) continue; thread_local char buf[1024]; const string_view demangled { demangle(buf, symbol) }; std::string command { replace(between(demangled, "__", "("), "__", " ") }; const auto iit { cmds.emplace(std::move(command), std::move(symbol)) }; if(!iit.second) throw error { "Command '%s' already exists", command }; } } const cmd * find_cmd(const string_view &line) { const size_t elems { std::min(token_count(line, ' '), cmd::MAX_DEPTH) }; for(size_t e(elems+1); e > 0; --e) { const auto name { tokens_before(line, ' ', e) }; const auto it{cmds.lower_bound(name)}; if(it == end(cmds) || it->name != name) continue; return &(*it); } return nullptr; } // // Main command dispatch // int console_command_derived(opt &, const string_view &line); static int _console_command(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const cmd *const cmd { find_cmd(line) }; if(!cmd) return console_command_derived(out, line); const auto args { lstrip(split(line, cmd->name).second, ' ') }; const auto &ptr{cmd->ptr}; using prototype = bool (struct opt &, const string_view &); return ptr.operator()(out, args); } #pragma GCC visibility push(default) bool console_cmd__help(opt &, const string_view &line); /// This function may be linked and called by those wishing to execute a /// command. Output from the command will be appended to the provided ostream. /// The input to the command is passed in `line`. Since `struct opt` is not /// accessible outside of this module, all public options are passed via a /// plaintext string which is parsed here. extern "C" int console_command(std::ostream &out, const string_view &line, const string_view &opts) try { opt opt { out, has(opts, "html") }; int ret { _console_command(opt, line) }; if(ret < 0) if(console_cmd__help(opt, line)) return -2; return ret; } catch(const params::error &e) { out << e.what() << std::endl; return true; } catch(const bad_command &e) { return -2; } // // Derived commands // int console_command_numeric(opt &, const string_view &line); bool console_id__user(opt &, const m::user::id &id, const string_view &line); bool console_id__room(opt &, const m::room::id &id, const string_view &line); bool console_id__event(opt &, const m::event::id &id, const string_view &line); bool console_id__device(opt &, const m::device::id &id, const string_view &line); bool console_json(const json::object &); int console_command_derived(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const string_view id { token(line, ' ', 0) }; // First check if the line starts with a number, this is a special case // sent to a custom dispatcher (which right now is specifically for the // event stager suite). if(try_lex_cast(id)) return console_command_numeric(out, line); if(m::has_sigil(id)) switch(m::sigil(id)) { case m::id::EVENT: return console_id__event(out, id, line); case m::id::ROOM: return console_id__room(out, id, line); case m::id::USER: return console_id__user(out, id, line); case m::id::DEVICE: return console_id__device(out, id, line); case m::id::ROOM_ALIAS: { const auto room_id{m::room_id(id)}; return console_id__room(out, room_id, line); } default: return -2; } return -1; } // // Command by JSON // bool console_json(const json::object &object) { if(!object.has("type")) return true; //return console_cmd__exec__event(object); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Console commands // // Function names take the format of `console_cmd__%s` where the command // starts at %s. The handler that matches the beginning of the command is // called. To match spaces, a `__` double-underscore is used in the function // name. // // The remainder of the command after the match becomes the `line` arg // to the handler. // // The `opt &out` argument is an arbitrary state structure for general use and // also serves as an output stream for the response of a command. Note that the // output of a command may be a tty or the event content in a local matrix room. // // Time cmd prefix (like /usr/bin/time) bool console_cmd__time(opt &out, const string_view &line) { ircd::timer timer; const auto ret { _console_command(out, line) }; thread_local char buf[32]; out << std::endl << pretty(buf, timer.at()) << std::endl; return ret; } // Help bool console_cmd__help(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(empty(line)) for(size_t i(0); !empty(info::credits[i]); ++i) out << info::credits[i] << std::endl; const auto cmd { find_cmd(line) }; if(cmd) { out << "No help available for '" << cmd->name << "'." << std::endl; //TODO: help string symbol map } out << "\nSubcommands available:\n" << std::endl; const size_t elems { std::min(token_count(line, ' '), cmd::MAX_DEPTH) }; size_t num(0); for(size_t e(elems+1); e > 0; --e) { const auto name { tokens_before(line, ' ', e) }; string_view last; auto it{cmds.lower_bound(name)}; if(it == end(cmds)) continue; for(; it != end(cmds); ++it) { if(!startswith(it->name, name)) break; const auto prefix { tokens_before(it->name, ' ', e) }; if(last == prefix) continue; if(name && prefix != name && !startswith(lstrip(prefix, name), ' ')) break; last = prefix; const auto suffix { e > 1? tokens_after(prefix, ' ', e - 2) : prefix }; if(empty(suffix)) continue; out << std::left << std::setw(20) << suffix; if(++num % 4 == 0) out << std::endl; } break; } return true; } // // util // bool console_cmd__exit(opt &out, const string_view &line) { return false; } // // Test trigger stub // bool console_cmd__test(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const bool result { ircd_test(line) }; return true; } bool console_cmd__stringify(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << json::value{line} << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__credits(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(size_t i(0); !empty(info::credits[i]); ++i) out << info::credits[i] << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__debug(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(!RB_DEBUG_LEVEL) { out << "Debugging is not compiled in." << std::endl; return true; } const params param{line, " ", { "onoff" }}; if(param["onoff"] == "on") { out << "Turning on debuglog..." << std::endl; while(!log::console_enabled(log::DEBUG)) log::console_enable(log::DEBUG); return true; } else if(param["onoff"] == "off") { out << "Turning off debuglog..." << std::endl; log::console_disable(log::DEBUG); return true; } else if(log::console_enabled(log::DEBUG)) { out << "Turning off debuglog..." << std::endl; log::console_disable(log::DEBUG); return true; } else { out << "Turning on debuglog..." << std::endl; while(!log::console_enabled(log::DEBUG)) log::console_enable(log::DEBUG); return true; } } bool console_cmd__demangle(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << ircd::demangle(line) << std::endl; return true; } // // main // bool console_cmd__restart(opt &out, const string_view &line) { ircd::restart.set("true"); ircd::quit(); return false; } bool console_cmd__die(opt &out, const string_view &line) { ircd::quit(); return false; } [[noreturn]] bool console_cmd__die__hard(opt &out, const string_view &line) { ircd::terminate(); __builtin_unreachable(); } bool console_cmd__sync(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto &db : db::database::list) { sync(*db); out << "synchronized " << name(*db) << '.' << std::endl; } return true; } // // log // bool console_cmd__log(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto *const &log : log::log::list) out << (log->snote? log->snote : '-') << " " << std::setw(24) << std::left << log->name << " " << (log->fmasked? " FILE" : "") << (log->cmasked? " CONSOLE" : "") << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__log__level(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "level", }}; if(!param.count()) { for(auto i(0U); i < num_of(); ++i) if(i > RB_LOG_LEVEL) out << "[\033[1;40m-\033[0m] " << reflect(log::level(i)) << std::endl; else if(console_enabled(log::level(i))) out << "[\033[1;42m+\033[0m] " << reflect(log::level(i)) << std::endl; else out << "[\033[1;41m-\033[0m] " << reflect(log::level(i)) << std::endl; return true; } const auto level { param.at(0) }; for(auto i(0U); i < num_of(); ++i) if(i > RB_LOG_LEVEL) { out << "[\033[1;40m-\033[0m] " << reflect(log::level(i)) << std::endl; } else if(i <= level) { console_enable(log::level(i)); out << "[\033[1;42m+\033[0m] " << reflect(log::level(i)) << std::endl; } else { console_disable(log::level(i)); out << "[\033[1;41m-\033[0m] " << reflect(log::level(i)) << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__log__mask(opt &out, const string_view &line) { log::console_mask(tokens(line, ' ')); out << std::endl; console_cmd__log(out, {}); out << std::endl; console_cmd__log__level(out, {}); return true; } bool console_cmd__log__unmask(opt &out, const string_view &line) { log::console_unmask(tokens(line, ' ')); out << std::endl; console_cmd__log(out, {}); out << std::endl; console_cmd__log__level(out, {}); return true; } bool console_cmd__log__mark(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const string_view &msg { empty(line)? "marked by console": line }; log::mark { msg }; out << "The log files were marked with '" << msg << "'" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__mark(opt &out, const string_view &line) { return console_cmd__log__mark(out, line); } // // info // bool console_cmd__version(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "all" }}; if(param["all"] != "-a") { out << ircd_version << std::endl; return true; } out << "ircd_name " << ircd_name << std::endl; out << "ircd_version " << ircd_version << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "info::name " << info::name << std::endl; out << "info::version " << info::version << std::endl; out << "info::tag " << info::tag << std::endl; out << "info::branch " << info::branch << std::endl; out << "info::commit " << info::commit << std::endl; out << "info::user_agent " << info::user_agent << std::endl; out << "info::server_agent " << info::server_agent << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "VERSION " << VERSION << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "BRANDING_NAME " << BRANDING_NAME << std::endl; out << "BRANDING_VERSION " << BRANDING_VERSION << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "PACKAGE " << PACKAGE_VERSION << std::endl; out << "PACKAGE_VERSION " << PACKAGE_VERSION << std::endl; out << "PACKAGE_NAME " << PACKAGE_NAME << std::endl; out << "PACKAGE_STRING " << PACKAGE_STRING << std::endl; out << "PACKAGE_VERSION " << PACKAGE_VERSION << std::endl; out << "PACKAGE_TARNAME " << PACKAGE_TARNAME << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "RB_VERSION " << RB_VERSION << std::endl; out << "RB_VERSION_BRANCH " << RB_VERSION_BRANCH << std::endl; out << "RB_VERSION_COMMIT " << RB_VERSION_COMMIT << std::endl; out << "RB_VERSION_TAG " << RB_VERSION_TAG << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "info::configured " << info::configured << std::endl; out << "info::compiled " << info::compiled << std::endl; out << "info::startup " << info::startup << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "RB_DATESTR " << RB_DATESTR << std::endl; out << "RB_TIME_CONFIGURED " << RB_TIME_CONFIGURED << std::endl; out << "RB_DATE_CONFIGURED " << RB_DATE_CONFIGURED << std::endl; out << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__versions(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << std::left << std::setw(6) << "TYPE" << " " << std::left << std::setw(16) << "NAME" << " " << std::left << std::setw(14) << "MONOTONIC" << " " << std::left << std::setw(14) << "SEMANTIC" << " " << std::left << std::setw(16) << ":STRING" << " " << std::endl; for(const auto &version : info::versions::list) { const auto &type { version->type == version->API? "API": version->type == version->ABI? "ABI": "???" }; char buf[32]; const string_view semantic{fmt::sprintf { buf, "%ld.%ld.%ld", version->semantic[0], version->semantic[1], version->semantic[2], }}; out << std::left << std::setw(6) << type << " " << std::left << std::setw(16) << version->name << " " << std::left << std::setw(14) << version->monotonic << " " << std::left << std::setw(14) << semantic << " :" << std::left << std::setw(16) << version->string << " " << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__info(opt &out, const string_view &line) { info::dump(); out << "Library information was written to the INFO and DEBUG logs." << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__uptime(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const seconds uptime { ircd::uptime() }; char tmp[48]; out << pretty(tmp, uptime) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__date(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << ircd::time() << " sec" << std::endl; out << ircd::time() << " ms" << std::endl; out << ircd::time() << " us" << std::endl; thread_local char buf[128]; const auto now{ircd::now()}; out << timef(buf, now, ircd::localtime) << std::endl; out << timef(buf, now) << " (UTC)" << std::endl; return true; } // // filesystem // bool console_cmd__fs__ls(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "path_or_option", "[path]" }}; const string_view option { startswith(param["path_or_option"], '-')? param["path_or_option"]: string_view{} }; string_view path { option? param["[path]"]: param["path_or_option"] }; const std::string cwd { !path? fs::cwd(): std::string{} }; if(!path) path = cwd; const auto list { option == "-r" || option == "-R"? fs::ls_r(path): fs::ls(path) }; for(const auto &file : list) out << file << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__ls(opt &out, const string_view &line) { return console_cmd__fs__ls(out, line); } // // proc // bool console_cmd__proc(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "filename" }}; const auto filename { param.at("filename", ""_sv) }; static const auto prefix { "/proc/self/"_sv }; char pathbuf[128]; const string_view path{fmt::sprintf { pathbuf, "%s%s", prefix, filename }}; if(fs::is_dir(path)) { for(const auto &file : fs::ls(path)) out << lstrip(file, prefix) << (fs::is_dir(file)? "/" : "") << std::endl; return true; } fs::fd fd { path, std::ios::in }; fs::read_opts opts; opts.aio = false; opts.offset = 0; const unique_buffer buf { info::page_size }; string_view read; do { read = fs::read(fd, buf, opts); opts.offset += size(read); out << read; } while(!empty(read)); out << std::endl; return true; } // Specialized command, strips lines which have 0 values for shorter output. bool console_cmd__proc__smaps(opt &out, const string_view &line) { fs::fd fd { "/proc/self/smaps", std::ios::in //TODO: XXX windows }; fs::read_opts opts; opts.aio = false; opts.offset = 0; const unique_buffer buf { 4_MiB }; const string_view read { fs::read(fd, buf, opts) }; ircd::tokens(read, '\n', [&out] (const string_view &line) { const auto &[key, val] { split(line, ':') }; if(lstrip(val, ' ') == "0 kB") return; out << line << std::endl; }); return true; } // // mem // bool console_cmd__mem(opt &out, const string_view &line) { auto &this_thread { ircd::allocator::profile::this_thread }; if(this_thread.alloc_count) out << "IRCd thread allocations:" << std::endl << "alloc count: " << this_thread.alloc_count << std::endl << "freed count: " << this_thread.free_count << std::endl << "alloc bytes: " << pretty(iec(this_thread.alloc_bytes)) << std::endl << "freed bytes: " << pretty(iec(this_thread.free_bytes)) << std::endl << std::endl; thread_local char buf[48_KiB]; out << "Allocator information:" << std::endl << allocator::info(buf) << std::endl ; return true; } bool console_cmd__mem__trim(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "pad" }}; const size_t &pad { param.at("pad", 0UL) }; const auto ret { ircd::allocator::trim(pad) }; out << "malloc trim " << (ret? "was able to release some memory." : "did not release any memory.") << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__mem__set(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "key", "type", "val" }}; const string_view &key { param.at("key") }; const string_view &type { param.at("type", "string"_sv) }; string_view set; thread_local char buf[2][4_KiB]; switch(hash(type)) { case "void"_: set = {}; break; case "bool"_: *reinterpret_cast(buf[0]) = lex_cast(param.at("val")); set = { buf[0], sizeof(bool) }; break; case "size_t"_: *reinterpret_cast(buf[0]) = lex_cast(param.at("val")); set = { buf[0], sizeof(size_t) }; break; case "ssize_t"_: *reinterpret_cast(buf[0]) = lex_cast(param.at("val")); set = { buf[0], sizeof(ssize_t) }; break; case "unsigned"_: *reinterpret_cast(buf[0]) = lex_cast(param.at("val")); set = { buf[0], sizeof(unsigned) }; break; case "uint64_t"_: *reinterpret_cast(buf[0]) = lex_cast(param.at("val")); set = { buf[0], sizeof(uint64_t) }; break; case "uint64_t*"_: *reinterpret_cast(buf[0]) = lex_cast(param.at("val")); set = { buf[0], sizeof(uintptr_t) }; break; default: case "string"_: set = param.at("val"); break; } const string_view &get { allocator::set(key, set, buf[1]) }; return true; } bool console_cmd__mem__get(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "key", "type" }}; const string_view &key { param.at("key") }; const string_view &type { param.at("type", "string"_sv) }; thread_local char buf[4_KiB]; const string_view &val { allocator::get(key, buf) }; switch(hash(type)) { case "void"_: out << std::endl; break; case "bool"_: out << lex_cast(*reinterpret_cast(data(val))) << std::endl; break; case "size_t"_: out << lex_cast(*reinterpret_cast(data(val))) << std::endl; break; case "ssize_t"_: out << lex_cast(*reinterpret_cast(data(val))) << std::endl; break; case "unsigned"_: out << lex_cast(*reinterpret_cast(data(val))) << std::endl; break; case "uint64_t"_: out << lex_cast(*reinterpret_cast(data(val))) << std::endl; break; case "uint64_t*"_: out << lex_cast(*reinterpret_cast(data(val))) << std::endl; break; default: case "string"_: out << val << std::endl; break; } return true; } // // vg // bool console_cmd__vg(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(vg::active()) out << "running on valgrind" << std::endl; else out << "bare metal" << std::endl; return true; } // // prof // bool console_cmd__prof__vg__start(opt &out, const string_view &line) { prof::vg::start(); return true; } bool console_cmd__prof__vg__stop(opt &out, const string_view &line) { prof::vg::stop(); return true; } bool console_cmd__prof__vg__reset(opt &out, const string_view &line) { prof::vg::reset(); return true; } bool console_cmd__prof__vg__toggle(opt &out, const string_view &line) { prof::vg::toggle(); return true; } bool console_cmd__prof__vg__dump(opt &out, const string_view &line) { char reason[128]; prof::vg::dump(data(ircd::strlcpy(reason, line))); return true; } // // env // bool console_cmd__env(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(!::environ) throw error { "Env variable list not available." }; const params param{line, " ", { "key" }}; if(param["key"] == "*") { for(const char *const *e(::environ); *e; ++e) out << *e << std::endl; return true; } if(param["key"]) { out << util::getenv(param["key"]) << std::endl; return true; } for(const char *const *e(::environ); *e; ++e) { string_view kv[2]; tokens(*e, '=', kv); if(!startswith(kv[0], "IRCD_") && !startswith(kv[0], "ircd_")) continue; out << std::setw(64) << std::left << kv[0] << " :" << kv[1] << std::endl; } return true; } // // stats // bool console_cmd__stats(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto &[name, item] : stats::items) { static constexpr size_t name_width {60}; assert(item); const auto trunc_name(trunc(name, name_width)); out << std::left << std::setw(name_width) << trunc_name; if(size(trunc_name) == name_width) out << "..."; else out << " "; out << " " << std::left << (*item) << std::endl ; } return true; } // // ios // bool console_cmd__ios(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << std::left << std::setw(3) << "ID" << " " << std::left << std::setw(48) << "NAME" << " " << std::right << std::setw(10) << "CALLS" << " " << std::right << std::setw(15) << "TOTAL CYCLES" << " " << std::right << std::setw(15) << "LAST CYCLES" << " " << std::right << std::setw(10) << "ALLOCS" << " " << std::right << std::setw(10) << "FREES" << " " << std::right << std::setw(26) << "ALLOCATED" << " " << std::right << std::setw(26) << "FREED" << " " << std::right << std::setw(8) << "QUEUED" << " " << std::right << std::setw(8) << "FAULTS" << std::endl ; const auto stats_output{[&out] (const auto &s) { thread_local char pbuf[64]; out << " " << std::right << std::setw(10) << s.calls << " " << std::right << std::setw(15) << s.slice_total << " " << std::right << std::setw(15) << s.slice_last << " " << std::right << std::setw(10) << s.allocs << " " << std::right << std::setw(10) << s.frees << " " << std::right << std::setw(26) << pretty(iec(s.alloc_bytes)) << " " << std::right << std::setw(26) << pretty(iec(s.free_bytes)) << " " << std::right << std::setw(8) << s.queued << " " << std::right << std::setw(8) << s.faults ; }}; struct ios::descriptor::stats total; for(const auto *const &descriptor : ios::descriptor::list) { assert(descriptor); const auto &d(*descriptor); assert(d.stats); const auto &s(*d.stats); total += s; out << std::left << std::setw(3) << d.id << " " << std::left << std::setw(48) << d.name; stats_output(s); out << std::endl; } out << std::endl; out << std::left << std::setw(3) << '-' << " " << std::left << std::setw(48) << "TOTAL"; stats_output(total); out << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__ios__latency(opt &out, const string_view &line) { auto returned(0UL); auto executed(0UL); auto started(0UL); { started = prof::cycles(); ios::dispatch(ios::synchronous, [&executed] { executed = prof::cycles(); }); returned = prof::cycles(); } out << "disp send: " << (executed - started) << std::endl << "disp recv: " << (returned - executed) << std::endl << "disp rtt: " << (returned - started) << std::endl << std::endl; { started = prof::cycles(); ios::post(ios::synchronous, [&executed] { executed = prof::cycles(); }); returned = prof::cycles(); } out << "post send: " << (executed - started) << std::endl << "post recv: " << (returned - executed) << std::endl << "post rtt: " << (returned - started) << std::endl << std::endl; { started = prof::cycles(); ios::defer(ios::synchronous, [&executed] { executed = prof::cycles(); }); returned = prof::cycles(); } out << "defer send: " << (executed - started) << std::endl << "defer recv: " << (returned - executed) << std::endl << "defer rtt: " << (returned - started) << std::endl << std::endl; return true; } // // aio // bool console_cmd__aio(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(!fs::aio::system) throw error { "AIO is not available." }; const auto &s { fs::aio::stats }; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "requests" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.requests << " " << pretty(iec(s.bytes_requests)) << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "requests cur" << std::setw(9) << std::right << (s.requests - s.complete) << " " << pretty(iec(s.bytes_requests - s.bytes_complete)) << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "requests que" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.cur_queued << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "requests out" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.cur_submits << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "requests out max" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.max_submits << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "requests avg" << std::setw(9) << std::right << "-" << " " << pretty(iec(s.bytes_requests / s.requests)) << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "requests max" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.max_requests << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "reads" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.reads << " " << pretty(iec(s.bytes_read)) << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "reads cur" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.cur_reads << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "reads avg" << std::setw(9) << std::right << "-" << " " << pretty(iec(s.bytes_read / s.reads)) << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "reads max" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.max_reads << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "writes" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.writes << " " << pretty(iec(s.bytes_write)) << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "writes cur" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.cur_writes << " " << pretty(iec(s.cur_bytes_write)) << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "writes avg" << std::setw(9) << std::right << "-" << " " << pretty(iec(s.bytes_write / s.writes)) << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "writes max" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.max_writes << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "submits" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.submits << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "handles" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.handles << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "events" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.events << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "stalls" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.stalls << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "errors" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.errors << " " << pretty(iec(s.bytes_errors)) << std::endl; out << std::setw(18) << std::left << "cancel" << std::setw(9) << std::right << s.cancel << " " << pretty(iec(s.bytes_cancel)) << std::endl; return true; } // // conf // bool console_cmd__conf__list(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "prefix" }}; const auto prefix { param.at("prefix", string_view{}) }; thread_local char val[4_KiB]; for(const auto &item : conf::items) { if(prefix && !startswith(item.first, prefix)) continue; out << std::setw(64) << std::left << std::setfill('_') << item.first << " " << item.second->get(val) << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__conf(opt &out, const string_view &line) { return console_cmd__conf__list(out, line); } bool console_cmd__conf__set(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "key", "value" }}; const auto &key { param.at(0) }; const auto &val { tokens_after(line, ' ', 0) }; using prototype = m::event::id::buf (const m::user::id &, const string_view &key, const string_view &val); static mods::import set_conf_item { "conf", "set_conf_item" }; const auto event_id { set_conf_item(m::me, key, val) }; out << event_id << " <- " << key << " = " << val << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__conf__get(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "key" }}; const auto &key { param.at(0) }; thread_local char val[4_KiB]; for(const auto &item : conf::items) { if(item.first != key) continue; out << std::setw(48) << std::right << item.first << " = " << item.second->get(val) << std::endl; return true; } throw m::NOT_FOUND { "Conf item '%s' not found", key }; } bool console_cmd__conf__rehash(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "prefix", "force" }}; using prototype = void (const string_view &, const bool &); static mods::import rehash_conf { "conf", "rehash_conf" }; string_view prefix { param.at("prefix", "*"_sv) }; if(prefix == "*") prefix = string_view{}; const bool force { param["force"] == "force" }; rehash_conf(prefix, force); out << "Saved runtime conf items" << (prefix? " with the prefix "_sv : string_view{}) << (prefix? prefix : string_view{}) << " from the current state into !conf:" << my_host() << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__conf__default(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "prefix" }}; using prototype = void (const string_view &); static mods::import default_conf { "conf", "default_conf" }; string_view prefix { param.at("prefix", "*"_sv) }; if(prefix == "*") prefix = string_view{}; default_conf(prefix); out << "Set runtime conf items" << (prefix? " with the prefix "_sv : string_view{}) << (prefix? prefix : string_view{}) << " to their default value." << std::endl << "Note: These values must be saved with the rehash command" << " to survive a restart/reload." << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__conf__reload(opt &out, const string_view &line) { using prototype = void (); static mods::import reload_conf { "conf", "reload_conf" }; reload_conf(); out << "Updated any runtime conf items" << " from the current state in !conf:" << my_host() << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__conf__reset(opt &out, const string_view &line) { using prototype = void (); static mods::import refresh_conf { "conf", "refresh_conf" }; refresh_conf(); out << "All conf items which execute code upon a change" << " have done so with the latest runtime value." << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__conf__diff(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "key" }}; const auto &key { param[0] }; const unique_buffer buf { 4_KiB }; out << std::setw(48) << std::left << "NAME" << " | " << std::setw(36) << "CURRENT" << " | " << std::setw(36) << "DEFAULT" << std::endl; for(const auto &item : conf::items) { if(!startswith(item.first, key)) continue; const json::string &default_ { item.second->feature.get("default") }; const auto &val { item.second->get(buf) }; if(val == default_) continue; out << std::setw(48) << std::left << item.first << " | " << std::setw(36) << val << " | " << std::setw(36) << default_ << std::endl; } return true; } // // hook // bool console_cmd__hook__list(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto &site : m::hook::base::site::list) { out << std::setw(24) << std::left << site->name() << std::endl; out << string_view{site->feature} << std::endl; for(const auto &hookp : site->hooks) out << (hookp->registered? '+' : '-') << " " << string_view{hookp->feature} << std::endl; out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__hook(opt &out, const string_view &line) { return console_cmd__hook__list(out, line); } // // mod // bool console_cmd__mod(opt &out, const string_view &line) { auto avflist(mods::available()); const auto b(std::make_move_iterator(begin(avflist))); const auto e(std::make_move_iterator(end(avflist))); std::vector available(b, e); std::sort(begin(available), end(available)); for(const auto &mod : available) { const auto loadstr { mods::loaded(mod)? "\033[1;32;42m+\033[0m" : " " }; out << "[" << loadstr << "] " << mod << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__path(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto &path : ircd::mods::paths) out << path << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__sections(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "path" }}; const string_view path { param.at("path") }; auto sections(mods::sections(path)); std::sort(begin(sections), end(sections)); for(const auto &name : sections) { out << name; const auto &symbols(mods::symbols(path, name)); if(!symbols.empty()) out << " (" << symbols.size() << ")"; out << std::endl; } out << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__symbols(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "path", "section" }}; const string_view path { param.at("path") }; const string_view section { param.at("section", string_view{}) }; const std::vector symbols { mods::symbols(path, section) }; for(const auto &sym : symbols) out << sym << std::endl; out << " -- " << symbols.size() << " symbols in " << path; if(section) out << " in " << section; out << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__mangles(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "path", "section" }}; const string_view path { param.at("path") }; const string_view section { param.at("section", string_view{}) }; const auto mangles { mods::mangles(path, section) }; for(const auto &p : mangles) out << p.first << " " << p.second << std::endl; out << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__exports(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "name" }}; const string_view name { param.at("name") }; if(!mods::loaded(name)) throw error { "Module '%s' is not loaded", name }; const module module { name }; auto &exports { mods::exports(module) }; for(const auto &p : exports) out << p.first << " " << p.second << std::endl; out << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__reload(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto names { tokens(line, ' ') }; for(auto it(names.begin()); it != names.end(); ++it) { const auto &name{*it}; if(mods::imports.erase(std::string{name})) out << name << " unloaded." << std::endl; else out << name << " is not loaded." << std::endl; } for(auto it(names.rbegin()); it != names.rend(); ++it) { const auto &name{*it}; if(mods::imports.emplace(std::string{name}, name).second) out << name << " loaded." << std::endl; else out << name << " is already loaded." << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__load(opt &out, const string_view &line) { tokens(line, ' ', [&out] (const string_view &name) { if(mods::imports.find(name) != end(mods::imports)) { out << name << " is already loaded." << std::endl; return; } mods::imports.emplace(std::string{name}, name); out << name << " loaded." << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__unload(opt &out, const string_view &line) { tokens(line, ' ', [&out] (const string_view &name) { if(!mods::imports.erase(std::string{name})) { out << name << " is not loaded." << std::endl; return; } out << "unloaded " << name << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__links(opt &out, const string_view &line) { size_t i(0); mods::ldso::for_each([&out, &i] (const auto &link) { out << std::setw(2) << (i++) << " " << mods::ldso::fullname(link) << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__needed(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "name" }}; const string_view name { param.at("name") }; size_t i(0); mods::ldso::for_each_needed(mods::ldso::get(name), [&out, &i] (const string_view &name) { out << std::setw(2) << (i++) << " " << name << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } // // ctx // bool console_cmd__ctx__interrupt(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "id", "[id]..." }}; bool cont{true}; for(size_t i(0); i < param.count() && cont; ++i) cont = ctx::for_each([&](auto &ctx) { if(id(ctx) == param.at(i)) { interrupt(ctx); return false; } else return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__ctx__prof(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "id", }}; const auto display{[&out] (const ctx::prof::ticker &t) { for_each([&out, &t] (const auto &event) { out << std::left << std::setw(15) << std::setfill('_') << reflect(event) << " " << t.event.at(uint8_t(event)) << std::endl; }); }}; if(!param["id"]) { out << "Profile totals for all contexts:\n" << std::endl; display(ctx::prof::get()); return true; } bool cont{true}; for(size_t i(0); i < param.count() && cont; ++i) cont = ctx::for_each([&](auto &ctx) { if(id(ctx) == param.at(i)) { out << "Profile for ctx:" << id(ctx) << " '" << name(ctx) << "':\n" << std::endl; display(ctx::prof::get(ctx)); return false; } else return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__ctx__term(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "id", "[id]..." }}; bool cont {true}; for(size_t i(0); i < param.count() && cont; ++i) cont = ctx::for_each([&](auto &ctx) { if(id(ctx) == param.at(i)) { ctx::terminate(ctx); return false; } else return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__ctx__list(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << " " << std::setw(5) << "ID" << " " << std::setw(7) << "STATE" << " " << std::setw(8) << "YIELDS" << " " << std::setw(5) << "NOTES" << " " << std::setw(15) << "CYCLE COUNT" << " " << std::setw(6) << "PCT" << " " << std::setw(25) << "STACK" << " " << std::setw(25) << "LIMIT" << " " << std::setw(6) << "PCT" << " " << ":NAME" << std::endl; ctx::for_each([&out](auto &ctx) { out << std::setw(5) << std::right << id(ctx); out << " " << (started(ctx)? 'A' : '-') << (finished(ctx)? 'F' : '-') << (termination(ctx)? 'T' : '-') << (interruptible(ctx)? '-' : 'N') << (waiting(ctx)? 'S' : '-') << (queued(ctx)? 'Q' : '-') << (interruption(ctx)? 'I' : '-') << (running(ctx)? 'R' : '-') ; out << " " << std::setw(8) << std::right << epoch(ctx); out << " " << std::setw(5) << std::right << notes(ctx); out << " " << std::setw(15) << std::right << cycles(ctx); const long double total_cyc(ctx::prof::get(ctx::prof::event::CYCLES)); const auto tsc_pct { total_cyc > 0.0? (cycles(ctx) / total_cyc) : 0.0L }; out << " " << std::setw(5) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << (tsc_pct * 100) << "%"; thread_local char pbuf[32]; out << " " << std::setw(25) << std::right << pretty(pbuf, iec(stack_at(ctx))); out << " " << std::setw(25) << std::right << pretty(pbuf, iec(stack_max(ctx))); const auto stack_pct { stack_at(ctx) / (long double)stack_max(ctx) }; out << " " << std::setw(5) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << (stack_pct * 100) << "%"; out << " :" << name(ctx); out << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__ctx(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(empty(line)) return console_cmd__ctx__list(out, line); return true; } // // db // bool console_cmd__db__compressions(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << "Available compressions:" << std::endl << std::endl; for(const auto &[name, type] : db::compressions) if(!name.empty()) out << name << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__pause(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; bgpause(database); out << "Paused background jobs for '" << dbname << "'" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__continue(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; bgcontinue(database); out << "Resumed background jobs for '" << dbname << "'" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__cancel(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; bgcancel(database); out << "canceld background jobs for '" << dbname << "'" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__sync(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; sync(database); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__loglevel(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "level" }}; const auto dbname { param.at("dbname") }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; if(param.count() == 1) { out << reflect(loglevel(database)) << std::endl; return true; } const log::level &lev { log::reflect(param.at("level")) }; loglevel(database, lev); out << "set logging level of '" << name(database) << "'" << " database to '" << reflect(lev) << "'" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__flush(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "[sync]" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto sync { param.at(1, false) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; flush(database, sync); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__sort(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column", "[blocking]", "[now]" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto colname { param.at("column", "*"_sv) }; const auto blocking { param.at("[blocking]", true) }; const auto now { param.at("[now]", true) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; if(colname == "*") { db::sort(database, blocking, now); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } db::column column { database, colname }; db::sort(column, blocking, now); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__compact(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "[colname]", "[begin]", "[end]", "[level]" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto colname { param[1] }; const auto level { param.at(2, -1) }; const auto begin { param[3] }; const auto end { param[4] }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; if(!colname) { compact(database); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } const bool integer { begin? try_lex_cast(begin) : false }; const uint64_t integers[2] { integer? lex_cast(begin) : 0, integer && end? lex_cast(end) : 0 }; const std::pair range { integer? byte_view(integers[0]) : begin, integer && end? byte_view(integers[1]) : end, }; const auto compact_column{[&out, &database, &level, &range] (const string_view &colname) { db::column column { database, colname }; compact(column, range, level); }}; if(colname != "*") compact_column(colname); else for(const auto &column : database.columns) compact_column(name(*column)); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__compact__files(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "[colname]", "[srclevel]", "[dstlevel]" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto colname { param[1] }; const std::pair level { param.at(2, -1), param.at(3, -1) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; if(!colname) { compact(database, level); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } const auto compact_column{[&out, &database, &level] (const string_view &colname) { db::column column { database, colname }; compact(column, level); }}; if(colname != "*") compact_column(colname); else for(const auto &column : database.columns) compact_column(name(*column)); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__resume(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", }}; const auto dbname { param.at("dbname") }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; resume(database); out << "resumed database " << dbname << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__errors(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", }}; const auto dbname { param.at("dbname") }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; const auto &errors { db::errors(database) }; size_t i(0); for(const auto &error : errors) out << std::setw(2) << std::left << (i++) << ':' << error << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__ticker(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "[ticker]" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto ticker { param[1] }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; // Special branch for integer properties that RocksDB aggregates. if(ticker && ticker != "-a") { out << ticker << ": " << db::ticker(database, ticker) << std::endl; return true; } for(uint32_t i(0); i < db::ticker_max; ++i) { const string_view &name { db::ticker_id(i) }; if(!name) continue; const auto &val { db::ticker(database, i) }; if(val == 0 && ticker != "-a") continue; out << std::left << std::setw(48) << std::setfill('_') << name << " " << val << std::endl; } for(uint32_t i(0); i < db::histogram_max; ++i) { const string_view &name { db::histogram_id(i) }; if(!name) continue; const auto &val { db::histogram(database, i) }; if(!(val.max > 0.0) && ticker != "-a") continue; out << std::left << std::setw(48) << std::setfill('_') << name << std::setfill(' ') << std::right << " " << std::setw(9) << val.hits << " hit " << " " << std::setw(13) << val.time << " tot " << " " << std::setw(12) << uint64_t(val.max) << " max " << " " << std::setw(10) << uint64_t(val.median) << " med " << " " << std::setw(9) << uint64_t(val.avg) << " avg " << " " << std::setw(10) << val.stddev << " dev " << " " << std::setw(10) << val.pct95 << " p95 " << " " << std::setw(10) << val.pct99 << " p99 " << std::endl; } return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__io(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &ic { db::iostats_current() }; out << db::string(ic) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__perf(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &pc { db::perf_current() }; out << db::string(pc) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__perf__level(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "[level]" }}; if(!param.count()) { const auto &level { db::perf_level() }; out << "Current level is: " << level << std::endl; return true; } const auto &level { param.at(0) }; db::perf_level(level); out << "Set level to: " << level << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__prop(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column", "property" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto colname { param.at(1, "*"_sv) }; const auto property { param.at(2) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; // Special branch for integer properties that RocksDB aggregates. if(colname == "*") { const uint64_t value { db::property(database, property) }; out << value << std::endl; return true; } const auto query{[&out, &database, &property] (const string_view &colname) { const db::column column { database, colname }; const auto value { db::property(column, property) }; for(const auto &p : value) out << p.first << " : " << p.second << std::endl; }}; // Branch for querying the property for a single column if(colname != "**") { query(colname); return true; } // Querying the property for all columns in a loop for(const auto &column : database.columns) { out << std::setw(16) << std::right << name(*column) << " : "; query(name(*column)); } return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__cache(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column", }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; auto colname { param[1] }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; struct stats { size_t usage; size_t pinned; size_t capacity; size_t hits; size_t misses; size_t inserts; size_t inserts_bytes; stats &operator+=(const stats &b) { usage += b.usage; pinned += b.pinned; capacity += b.capacity; hits += b.hits; misses += b.misses; inserts += b.inserts; inserts_bytes += b.inserts_bytes; return *this; } }; if(!colname) { const auto usage(db::usage(cache(database))); const auto pinned(db::pinned(cache(database))); const auto capacity(db::capacity(cache(database))); const auto usage_pct { capacity > 0.0? (double(usage) / double(capacity)) : 0.0L }; const auto hits(db::ticker(cache(database), db::ticker_id("rocksdb.block.cache.hit"))); const auto misses(db::ticker(cache(database), db::ticker_id("rocksdb.block.cache.miss"))); const auto inserts(db::ticker(cache(database), db::ticker_id("rocksdb.block.cache.add"))); const auto inserts_bytes(db::ticker(cache(database), db::ticker_id("rocksdb.block.cache.data.bytes.insert"))); out << std::left << std::setw(32) << "ROW" << std::right << " " << std::setw(7) << "PCT" << " " << std::setw(9) << "HITS" << " " << std::setw(9) << "MISSES" << " " << std::setw(9) << "INSERT" << " " << std::setw(26) << "CACHED" << " " << std::setw(26) << "CAPACITY" << " " << std::setw(26) << "INSERT TOTAL" << " " << std::setw(20) << "LOCKED" << " " << std::endl; out << std::left << std::setw(32) << "*" << std::right << " " << std::setw(6) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << (usage_pct * 100) << "%" << " " << std::setw(9) << hits << " " << std::setw(9) << misses << " " << std::setw(9) << inserts << " " << std::setw(26) << std::right << pretty(iec(usage)) << " " << std::setw(26) << std::right << pretty(iec(capacity)) << " " << std::setw(26) << std::right << pretty(iec(inserts_bytes)) << " " << std::setw(20) << std::right << pretty(iec(pinned)) << " " << std::endl << std::endl; // Now set the colname to * so the column total branch is taken // below and we output that line too. colname = "*"; } out << std::left << std::setw(32) << "COLUMN" << std::right << " " << std::setw(7) << "PCT" << " " << std::setw(9) << "HITS" << " " << std::setw(9) << "MISSES" << " " << std::setw(9) << "INSERT" << " " << std::setw(26) << "CACHED" << " " << std::setw(26) << "CAPACITY" << " " << std::setw(26) << "INSERT TOTAL" << " " << std::setw(20) << "LOCKED" << " " << std::endl; const auto output{[&out] (const string_view &column_name, const stats &s) { const auto pct { s.capacity > 0.0? (double(s.usage) / double(s.capacity)) : 0.0L }; out << std::setw(32) << std::left << column_name << std::right << " " << std::setw(6) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << (pct * 100) << '%' << " " << std::setw(9) << s.hits << " " << std::setw(9) << s.misses << " " << std::setw(9) << s.inserts << " " << std::setw(26) << std::right << pretty(iec(s.usage)) << " " << std::setw(26) << std::right << pretty(iec(s.capacity)) << " " << std::setw(26) << pretty(iec(s.inserts_bytes)) << " " << std::setw(20) << std::right << pretty(iec(s.pinned)) << " " << std::endl; }}; const auto totals{[&output] (const string_view &colname, const stats &uncompressed, const stats &compressed) { if(uncompressed.capacity) output(colname, uncompressed); if(compressed.capacity) { thread_local char buf[64]; const fmt::sprintf rename { buf, "%s (compressed)", colname }; output(rename, compressed); } }}; const auto query{[&database, &totals] (const string_view &colname, const auto &output) { const db::column column { database, colname }; const stats uncompressed { db::usage(cache(column)), db::pinned(cache(column)), db::capacity(cache(column)), db::ticker(cache(column), db::ticker_id("rocksdb.block.cache.hit")), db::ticker(cache(column), db::ticker_id("rocksdb.block.cache.miss")), db::ticker(cache(column), db::ticker_id("rocksdb.block.cache.add")), db::ticker(cache(column), db::ticker_id("rocksdb.block.cache.data.bytes.insert")), }; const stats compressed { db::usage(cache_compressed(column)), 0, db::capacity(cache_compressed(column)), db::ticker(cache_compressed(column), db::ticker_id("rocksdb.block.cache.hit")), 0, db::ticker(cache_compressed(column), db::ticker_id("rocksdb.block.cache.add")), 0 }; output(colname, uncompressed, compressed); }}; // Querying the totals for all caches for all columns in a loop if(colname == "*") { stats s_total{0}, comp_total{0}; for(const auto &column : database.columns) query(name(*column), [&](const auto &column, const auto &s, const auto &comp) { s_total += s; comp_total += comp; }); totals("*", s_total, comp_total); return true; } // Query the cache for a single column if(colname != "**") { query(colname, totals); return true; } // Querying the cache for all columns in a loop for(const auto &column : database.columns) query(name(*column), totals); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__cache__clear(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column", "[key]" }}; const auto &dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto &colname { param[1] }; const auto &key { param[2] }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; const auto clear{[&out, &database] (const string_view &colname) { db::column column { database, colname }; db::clear(cache(column)); db::clear(cache_compressed(column)); out << "Cleared caches for '" << name(database) << "' '" << colname << "'" << std::endl; }}; const auto remove{[&out, &database] (const string_view &colname, const string_view &key) { db::column column { database, colname }; const bool removed[] { db::remove(cache(column), key), db::remove(cache_compressed(column), key) }; out << "Removed key from"; if(removed[0]) out << " [uncompressed cache]"; if(removed[1]) out << " [compressed cache]"; out << std::endl; }}; if(!colname || colname == "**") { for(const auto &column : database.columns) clear(name(*column)); return true; } if(!key) { clear(colname); return true; } remove(colname, key); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__cache__fetch(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column", "key" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto colname { param[1] }; const auto key { param[2] }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; db::column column { database, colname }; db::has(column, key); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__stats(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column" }}; return console_cmd__db__prop(out, fmt::snstringf { 1024, "%s %s rocksdb.stats", param.at(0), param.at(1) }); } bool console_cmd__db__set(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column", "option", "value" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto colname { param.at(1, "*"_sv) }; const auto option { param.at(2) }; const auto value { param.at(3) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; // Special branch for DBOptions if(colname == "*") { db::setopt(database, option, value); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } const auto setopt{[&out, &database, &option, &value] (const string_view &colname) { db::column column { database, colname }; db::setopt(column, option, value); out << colname << " :done" << std::endl; }}; // Branch for querying the property for a single column if(colname != "**") { setopt(colname); return true; } // Querying the property for all columns in a loop for(const auto &column : database.columns) setopt(name(*column)); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__ingest(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column", "path" }}; const auto dbname { param.at("dbname") }; const auto colname { param.at("column") }; const auto path { param.at("path") }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; db::column column { database, colname }; db::ingest(column, path); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } static void _print_sst_info_header(opt &out) { out << std::left << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(12) << "name" << " " << std::setw(32) << "creation" << std::right << " " << std::setw(23) << "key range" << " " << std::setw(23) << "sequence number" << " " << std::setw(3) << "lev" << std::left << " " << std::setw(24) << "file size" << std::right << " " << std::setw(6) << "idxs" << " " << std::setw(9) << "blocks" << " " << std::setw(9) << "entries" << " " << std::setw(4) << "cfid" << std::left << " " << std::setw(20) << "column" << std::endl; } static void _print_sst_info(opt &out, const db::database::sst::info &f) { const uint64_t &min_key { f.min_key.size() == 8? uint64_t(byte_view(f.min_key)): 0UL }; const uint64_t &max_key { f.max_key.size() == 8? uint64_t(byte_view(f.max_key)): 0UL }; out << std::left << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(12) << f.name << " " << std::setw(32) << std::left << timestr(f.created, ircd::localtime) << " " << std::setw(10) << std::right << min_key << " : " << std::setw(10) << std::left << max_key << " " << std::setw(10) << std::right << f.min_seq << " : " << std::setw(10) << std::left << f.max_seq << " " << std::setw(3) << std::right << f.level << " " << std::setw(24) << std::left << pretty(iec(f.size)) << " " << std::setw(6) << std::right << f.index_parts << " " << std::setw(9) << std::right << f.data_blocks << " " << std::setw(9) << std::right << f.entries << " " << std::setw(4) << std::right << f.cfid << " " << std::setw(20) << std::left << f.column << std::endl; } static void _print_sst_info_full(opt &out, const db::database::sst::info &f) { const uint64_t &min_key { f.min_key.size() == 8? uint64_t(byte_view(f.min_key)): 0UL }; const uint64_t &max_key { f.max_key.size() == 8? uint64_t(byte_view(f.max_key)): 0UL }; const auto closeout{[&out] (const string_view &name, const auto &closure) { out << std::left << std::setw(40) << std::setfill('_') << name << " "; closure(out); out << std::endl; }}; const auto close_auto{[&closeout] (const string_view &name, const auto &value) { closeout(name, [&value](opt &out) { out << value; }); }}; const auto close_size{[&closeout] (const string_view &name, const size_t &value) { closeout(name, [&value](opt &out) { out << pretty(iec(value)); }); }}; close_auto("name", f.name); close_auto("directory", f.path); close_auto("column ID", f.cfid); close_auto("column", f.column); close_auto("format", f.format); close_auto("version", f.version); close_auto("comparator", f.comparator); close_auto("merge operator", f.merge_operator); close_auto("prefix extractor", f.prefix_extractor); close_size("file size", f.size); close_auto("creation", timestr(f.created, ircd::localtime)); close_auto("level", f.level); close_auto("lowest sequence", f.min_seq); close_auto("highest sequence", f.max_seq); close_auto("lowest key", min_key); close_auto("highest key", max_key); close_auto("fixed key length", f.fixed_key_len); close_auto("range deletes", f.range_deletes); close_auto("compacting", f.compacting? "yes"_sv : "no"_sv); close_auto("compression", f.compression); close_auto("", ""); const auto blocks_size{f.keys_size + f.values_size}; const auto index_size{f.index_size + f.top_index_size}; const auto overhead_size{index_size + f.filter_size}; const auto file_size{overhead_size + f.data_size}; close_size("size", file_size); close_size("head size", overhead_size); close_size("data size", f.data_size); close_size("data blocks average size", f.data_size / double(f.data_blocks)); close_auto("data compression percent", 100 - 100.0L * (f.data_size / double(blocks_size))); close_auto("", ""); close_size("index size", index_size); close_size("index root size", f.top_index_size); close_auto("index data blocks", f.index_parts); close_size("index data size", f.index_size); close_size("index data block average size", f.index_size / double(f.index_parts)); close_size("index data average per-key", f.index_size / double(f.entries)); close_size("index data average per-block", f.index_size / double(f.data_blocks)); close_auto("index root percent of index", 100.0 * (f.top_index_size / double(f.index_size))); close_auto("index data percent of keys", 100.0 * (f.index_size / double(f.keys_size))); close_auto("index data percent of values", 100.0 * (f.index_size / double(f.values_size))); close_auto("index data percent of data", 100.0 * (f.index_size / double(f.data_size))); close_auto("", ""); close_auto("filter", f.filter); close_size("filter size", f.filter_size); close_auto("filter average per-key", f.filter_size / double(f.entries)); close_auto("filter average per-block", f.filter_size / double(f.data_blocks)); close_auto("filter percent of index", 100.0 * (f.filter_size / double(f.index_size))); close_auto("filter percent of data", 100.0 * (f.filter_size / double(f.data_size))); close_auto("filter percent of keys", 100.0 * (f.filter_size / double(f.keys_size))); close_auto("filter percent of values", 100.0 * (f.filter_size / double(f.values_size))); close_auto("", ""); close_auto("blocks", f.data_blocks); close_size("blocks size", blocks_size); close_size("blocks average size", blocks_size / double(f.data_blocks)); close_auto("blocks percent of keys", 100.0 * (f.data_blocks / double(f.entries))); close_auto("", ""); close_auto("keys", f.entries); close_size("keys size", f.keys_size); close_size("keys average size", f.keys_size / double(f.entries)); close_auto("keys percent of values", 100.0 * (f.keys_size / double(f.values_size))); close_auto("keys average per-block", f.entries / double(f.data_blocks)); close_auto("keys average per-index", f.entries / double(f.index_parts)); close_auto("", ""); close_auto("values", f.entries); close_size("values size", f.values_size); close_size("values average size", f.values_size / double(f.entries)); close_size("values average size per-block", f.values_size / double(f.data_blocks)); close_auto("", ""); } bool console_cmd__db__sst(opt &out, const string_view &line) { string_view buf[16]; const vector_view args { buf, tokens(line, " ", buf) }; db::database::sst::tool(args); return true; } bool console_cmd__db__sst__dump(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column", "begin", "end", "path" }}; const auto dbname { param.at("dbname") }; const auto colname { param.at("column", "*"_sv) }; const auto begin { param["begin"] }; const auto end { param["end"] }; const auto path { param["path"] }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; _print_sst_info_header(out); const auto do_dump{[&](const string_view &colname) { db::column column { database, colname }; const db::database::sst::dump dump { column, {begin, end}, path }; _print_sst_info(out, dump.info); }}; if(colname != "*") { do_dump(colname); return true; } for(const auto &column : database.columns) do_dump(name(*column)); return true; } bool console_cmd__db__wal(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", }}; const auto dbname { param.at("dbname") }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; const db::database::wal::info::vector vec { database }; out << std::setw(12) << std::left << "PATH" << " " << std::setw(8) << std::left << "ID" << " " << std::setw(12) << std::right << "START SEQ" << " " << std::setw(20) << std::left << "SIZE" << " " << std::setw(8) << std::left << "STATUS" << " " << std::endl; for(const auto &info : vec) out << std::setw(12) << std::left << info.name << " " << std::setw(8) << std::left << info.number << " " << std::setw(12) << std::right << info.seq << " " << std::setw(20) << std::left << pretty(iec(info.size)) << " " << std::setw(8) << std::left << (info.alive? "LIVE"_sv : "ARCHIVE"_sv) << " " << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__files(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column" }}; const auto dbname { param.at("dbname") }; const auto colname { param.at("column", "*"_sv) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; if(colname == "*") { auto fileinfos { db::database::sst::info::vector(database) }; std::sort(begin(fileinfos), end(fileinfos), [] (const auto &a, const auto &b) { return a.name < b.name; }); _print_sst_info_header(out); for(const auto &fileinfo : fileinfos) _print_sst_info(out, fileinfo); out << "-- " << fileinfos.size() << " files" << std::endl; return true; } if(startswith(colname, "/")) { const db::database::sst::info info{database, colname}; _print_sst_info_full(out, info); return true; } const db::column column { database, colname }; const db::database::sst::info::vector vector{column}; _print_sst_info_header(out); for(const auto &info : vector) _print_sst_info(out, info); const size_t total_bytes { std::accumulate(begin(vector), end(vector), size_t(0), [] (auto ret, const auto &info) { return ret += info.size; }) }; out << "-- " << pretty(iec(total_bytes)) << " in " << vector.size() << " files" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__bytes(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column", "key" }}; auto &database { db::database::get(param.at(0)) }; if(!param["column"] || param["column"] == "*") { const auto bytes { db::bytes(database) }; out << bytes << std::endl; return true; } if(param["key"]) { db::column column { database, param["column"] }; const bool is_integer_key { try_lex_cast(param["key"]) }; const uint64_t integer_key[2] { is_integer_key? lex_cast(param["key"]): 0UL, integer_key[0] + 1 }; const string_view key[2] { is_integer_key? byte_view{integer_key[0]}: param["key"], is_integer_key? byte_view{integer_key[1]}: param["key"] }; const auto value { db::bytes_value(column, key[0]) }; const auto value_compressed { db::bytes(column, {key[0], key[1]}) }; out << param["column"] << (is_integer_key? "[(binary)" : "[") << param["key"] << "] " << ": " << value << " (uncompressed value)" << std::endl; out << param["column"] << (is_integer_key? "[(binary)" : "[") << param["key"] << "] " << ": " << value_compressed << std::endl; return true; } const auto query{[&out, &database] (const string_view &colname) { const db::column column { database, colname }; const auto value { db::bytes(column) }; out << std::setw(16) << std::right << colname << " : " << value << std::endl; }}; if(param["column"] == "**") { for(const auto &column : database.columns) query(name(*column)); return true; } query(param["column"]); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__txns(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "seqnum", "limit" }}; const auto dbname { param.at("dbname") }; if(dbname != "events") throw error { "Sorry, this command is specific to the events db for now." }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; const auto cur_seq { db::sequence(database) }; const auto seqnum { param.at("seqnum", cur_seq) }; const auto limit { param.at("limit", 32L) }; // note that we decrement the sequence number here optimistically // based on the number of possible entries in a txn. There are likely // fewer entries in a txn thus we will be missing the latest txns or // outputting more txns than the limit. We choose the latter here. const auto start { std::max(seqnum - limit * ssize_t(database.columns.size()), 0L) }; out << std::setw(12) << std::left << "SEQUENCE" << " " << std::setw(6) << std::left << "DELTAS" << " " << std::setw(18) << std::left << "SIZE" << " : " << std::endl; for_each(database, start, db::seq_closure_bool{[&out, &seqnum] (db::txn &txn, const int64_t &_seqnum) -> bool { m::event::id::buf event_id; txn.get(db::op::SET, "event_id", [&event_id] (const db::delta &delta) { event_id = m::event::id { std::get(delta) }; }); if(!event_id) return true; thread_local char iecbuf[48]; out << std::setw(12) << std::left << _seqnum << " " << std::setw(6) << std::left << txn.size() << " " << std::setw(18) << std::left << pretty(iecbuf, iec(txn.bytes())) << " : " << string_view{event_id} << std::endl; return _seqnum <= seqnum; }}); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__txn(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const auto dbname { token(line, ' ', 0) }; if(dbname != "events") throw error { "Sorry, this command is specific to the events db for now." }; const auto seqnum { lex_cast(token(line, ' ', 1, "0")) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; get(database, seqnum, db::seq_closure{[&out] (db::txn &txn, const uint64_t &seqnum) { for_each(txn, [&out, &seqnum] (const db::delta &delta) { const string_view &dkey { std::get(delta) }; // !!! Assumption based on the events database schema. If the // key is 8 bytes we assume it's an event::idx in binary. No // other columns have 8 byte keys; instead they have plaintext // event_id amalgams with some binary characters which are simply // not displayed by the ostream. We could have a switch here to // use m::dbs's key parsers based on the column name but that is // not done here yet. const string_view &key { dkey.size() == 8? lex_cast(uint64_t(byte_view(dkey))): dkey }; out << std::setw(12) << std::right << seqnum << " : " << std::setw(8) << std::left << reflect(std::get(delta)) << " " << std::setw(18) << std::right << std::get(delta) << " " << key << std::endl; }); }}); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__checkpoint(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const auto dbname { token(line, ' ', 0) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; const auto seqnum { checkpoint(database) }; out << "Checkpoint " << name(database) << " at sequence " << seqnum << " complete." << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__check(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const auto dbname { token(line, ' ', 0) }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; check(database); out << "Check of " << dbname << " completed without error." << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__DROP__DROP__DROP(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column" }}; const auto dbname { param.at("dbname") }; const auto colname { param.at("column") }; auto &database { db::database::get(dbname) }; db::column column { database, colname }; db::drop(column); out << "DROPPED COLUMN " << colname << " FROM DATABASE " << dbname << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__list(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto available { db::available() }; for(const auto &path : available) { const auto name { replace(lstrip(lstrip(path, fs::path(fs::base::DB)), '/'), "/", ":") }; const auto &d { db::database::get(std::nothrow, name) }; const auto &light { d? "\033[1;42m \033[0m" : " " }; out << "[" << light << "]" << " " << name << " `" << path << "'" << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__db__opts(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "[column]" }}; auto &d { db::database::get(param.at("dbname")) }; const db::column c { param.at("[column]", string_view{})? db::column{d, param.at("[column]")}: db::column{} }; const db::options::map opts_ { c? db::getopt(c): db::getopt(d) }; // Remap from the std::unordered_map to a sorted map for better UX. const std::map opts { begin(opts_), end(opts_) }; for(const auto &p : opts) out << std::left << std::setw(45) << std::setfill('_') << p.first << " " << p.second << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__columns(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname" }}; auto &d { db::database::get(param.at("dbname")) }; for(const auto &c : d.columns) { const db::column &column(*c); out << '[' << std::setw(3) << std::right << db::id(column) << ']' << " " << std::setw(18) << std::left << db::name(column) << " " << std::setw(25) << std::right << pretty(iec(bytes(column))) << std::endl; } return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__info(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "[column]" }}; auto &d { db::database::get(param.at("dbname")) }; const db::column c { param.at("[column]", string_view{})? db::column{d, param.at("[column]")}: db::column{} }; const auto closeout{[&out] (const string_view &name, const auto &closure) { out << std::left << std::setw(40) << std::setfill('_') << name << " "; closure(); out << std::endl; }}; const auto property{[&out, &d, &c, &closeout] (const string_view &prop) { const auto name(lstrip(prop, "rocksdb.")); size_t val(0); try { val = c? db::property(c, prop): db::property(d, prop); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::derror{"%s", e.what()}; } if(!!val) closeout(name, [&out, &val] { out << val; }); }}; const auto sizeprop{[&out, &d, &c, &closeout] (const string_view &prop) { const auto name(lstrip(prop, "rocksdb.")); size_t val(0); try { val = c? db::property(c, prop): db::property(d, prop); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::derror{"%s", e.what()}; } if(!!val) closeout(name, [&out, &val] { out << pretty(iec(val)); }); }}; if(c) { out << db::describe(c).explain << std::endl; closeout("size", [&] { out << pretty(iec(bytes(c))); }); closeout("files", [&] { out << file_count(c); }); } else { closeout("uuid", [&] { out << uuid(d); }); closeout("size", [&] { out << pretty(iec(bytes(d))); }); closeout("columns", [&] { out << d.columns.size(); }); closeout("files", [&] { out << file_count(d); }); closeout("sequence", [&] { out << sequence(d); }); } property("rocksdb.estimate-num-keys"); property("rocksdb.background-errors"); property("rocksdb.base-level"); property("rocksdb.num-live-versions"); property("rocksdb.current-super-version-number"); property("rocksdb.min-log-number-to-keep"); property("rocksdb.is-file-deletions-enabled"); property("rocksdb.is-write-stopped"); property("rocksdb.actual-delayed-write-rate"); property("rocksdb.num-entries-active-mem-table"); property("rocksdb.num-deletes-active-mem-table"); property("rocksdb.mem-table-flush-pending"); property("rocksdb.num-running-flushes"); property("rocksdb.compaction-pending"); property("rocksdb.num-running-compactions"); sizeprop("rocksdb.estimate-pending-compaction-bytes"); property("rocksdb.num-snapshots"); property("rocksdb.oldest-snapshot-time"); sizeprop("rocksdb.size-all-mem-tables"); sizeprop("rocksdb.cur-size-all-mem-tables"); sizeprop("rocksdb.cur-size-active-mem-table"); sizeprop("rocksdb.estimate-table-readers-mem"); sizeprop("rocksdb.block-cache-capacity"); sizeprop("rocksdb.block-cache-usage"); sizeprop("rocksdb.block-cache-pinned-usage"); if(!c) closeout("row cache size", [&] { out << pretty(iec(db::usage(cache(d)))); }); sizeprop("rocksdb.estimate-live-data-size"); sizeprop("rocksdb.live-sst-files-size"); sizeprop("rocksdb.total-sst-files-size"); if(c) { out << std::endl; _print_sst_info_header(out); const db::database::sst::info::vector v{c}; for(const auto &info : v) _print_sst_info(out, info); } else { out << std::endl; for(const auto &column : d.columns) { const auto explain { split(db::describe(*column).explain, '\n').first }; out << std::left << std::setfill (' ') << std::setw(3) << db::id(*column) << " " << std::setw(20) << db::name(*column) << " " << std::setw(24) << pretty(iec(db::bytes(*column))) << " :" << explain << std::endl; } } if(!c && !errors(d).empty()) { size_t i(0); out << std::endl; out << "ERRORS (" << errors(d).size() << "): " << std::endl; for(const auto &error : errors(d)) out << std::setw(2) << (i++) << ':' << error << std::endl; } return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(empty(line)) return console_cmd__db__list(out, line); return console_cmd__db__info(out, line); } // // peer // static bool html__peer(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; for(const auto &p : server::peers) { using std::setw; using std::left; using std::right; const auto &host{p.first}; const auto &peer{*p.second}; const net::ipport &ipp{peer.remote}; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; } out << "
" << host << "" << ipp << "" << peer.link_count() << "" << peer.tag_count() << "" << peer.write_size() << "" << peer.read_size() << "" << peer.write_total() << "" << peer.read_total() << ""; if(peer.err_has() && peer.err_msg()) out << peer.err_msg(); else if(peer.err_has()) out << ""_sv; out << "
"; return true; } bool console_cmd__peer(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(out.html) return html__peer(out, line); const auto print{[&out] (const auto &host, const auto &peer) { using std::setw; using std::left; using std::right; const net::ipport &ipp{peer.remote}; out << setw(40) << left << host; out << ' '; if(ipp) out << setw(40) << left << ipp; else out << setw(40) << left << " "; out << ' '; if(peer.op_resolve) out << 'R'; else out << ' '; out << ' '; if(peer.op_fini) out << 'F'; else out << ' '; out << " " << setw(2) << right << peer.link_count() << " L" << " " << setw(3) << right << peer.tag_count() << " T" << " " << setw(3) << right << peer.tag_committed() << " TC" << " " << setw(9) << right << peer.write_size() << " UP Q" << " " << setw(9) << right << peer.read_size() << " DN Q" << " " << setw(9) << right << peer.write_total() << " UP" << " " << setw(9) << right << peer.read_total() << " DN" ; if(peer.err_has() && peer.err_msg()) out << " :" << peer.err_msg(); else if(peer.err_has()) out << " "_sv; out << std::endl; }}; const params param{line, " ", { "[hostport]", "[all]" }}; const auto &hostport { param[0] }; const bool all { has(line, "all") }; const bool active { has(line, "active") }; const bool conn { has(line, "conn") }; if(hostport && !all && !active && !conn) { auto &peer { server::find(hostport) }; print(peer.hostcanon, peer); return true; } for(const auto &p : server::peers) { const auto &host{p.first}; const auto &peer{*p.second}; if(!all && peer.err_has()) continue; if(conn && !peer.link_count()) continue; if(active && !peer.tag_count()) continue; print(host, peer); } return true; } bool console_cmd__peer__count(opt &out, const string_view &line) { size_t i{0}; for(const auto &pair : ircd::server::peers) { assert(bool(pair.second)); const auto &peer{*pair.second}; if(!peer.err_has()) ++i; } out << i << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__peer__error(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto &pair : ircd::server::peers) { using std::setw; using std::left; using std::right; const auto &host{pair.first}; assert(bool(pair.second)); const auto &peer{*pair.second}; if(!peer.err_has()) continue; const net::ipport &ipp{peer.remote}; out << setw(40) << right << host; if(ipp) out << ' ' << setw(40) << left << ipp; else out << ' ' << setw(40) << left << " "; out << peer.e->etime; if(peer.err_msg()) out << " :" << peer.err_msg(); else out << " "_sv; out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__peer__error__count(opt &out, const string_view &line) { size_t i{0}; for(const auto &pair : ircd::server::peers) { assert(bool(pair.second)); const auto &peer{*pair.second}; if(peer.err_has()) ++i; } out << i << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__peer__error__clear__all(opt &out, const string_view &line) { size_t cleared(0); for(auto &pair : ircd::server::peers) { const auto &name{pair.first}; assert(bool(pair.second)); auto &peer{*pair.second}; cleared += peer.err_clear(); } out << "cleared " << cleared << " of " << ircd::server::peers.size() << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__peer__error__clear(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(empty(line)) return console_cmd__peer__error__clear__all(out, line); const net::hostport hp { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const auto cleared { server::errclear(hp) }; out << std::boolalpha << cleared << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__peer__version(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto &p : server::peers) { using std::setw; using std::left; using std::right; const auto &host{p.first}; const auto &peer{*p.second}; const net::ipport &ipp{peer.remote}; out << setw(40) << right << host; if(ipp) out << ' ' << setw(40) << left << ipp; else out << ' ' << setw(40) << left << " "; if(!empty(peer.server_version)) out << " :" << peer.server_version; out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__peer__find(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "ip:port" }}; const auto &ip{rsplit(param.at(0), ':').first}; const auto &port{rsplit(param.at(0), ':').second}; const net::ipport ipp{ip, port? port : "0"}; for(const auto &p : server::peers) { const auto &hostname{p.first}; const auto &peer{*p.second}; const net::ipport &ipp_ { peer.remote }; if(is_v6(ipp) && (!is_v6(ipp_) || host6(ipp) != host6(ipp_))) continue; if(is_v4(ipp) && (!is_v4(ipp_) || host4(ipp) != host4(ipp_))) continue; if(net::port(ipp) && net::port(ipp) != net::port(ipp_)) continue; out << hostname << std::endl; break; } return true; } bool console_cmd__peer__cancel(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "hostport" }}; const auto &hostport { param.at(0) }; auto &peer { server::find(hostport) }; peer.cancel(); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { throw error { "Peer not found" }; } bool console_cmd__peer__close(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "hostport", "[dc]" }}; const auto &hostport { param.at(0) }; const auto &dc { param.at(1, "SSL_NOTIFY"_sv) }; auto &peer { server::find(hostport) }; const net::close_opts opts { dc == "RST"? net::dc::RST: dc == "SSL_NOTIFY"? net::dc::SSL_NOTIFY: net::dc::SSL_NOTIFY }; peer.close(opts); peer.err_clear(); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { throw error { "Peer not found" }; } bool console_cmd__peer__request(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "servername", "linkid" }}; const auto &servername { param["servername"] }; const auto &linkid { param["linkid"] }; out << std::left << std::setw(8) << "PEER" << " " << std::left << std::setw(8) << "LINK" << " " << std::left << std::setw(8) << "TAG" << " " << std::right << std::setw(32) << "PEER NAME" << " " << std::left << std::setw(32) << "REMOTE ADDRESS" << " " << std::right << std::setw(8) << "WROTE" << " " << std::right << std::setw(7) << "IN HEAD" << " " << std::right << std::setw(9) << "IN CONT" << " " << std::right << std::setw(9) << "CONTLEN" << " " << std::right << std::setw(4) << "CODE" << " " << std::right << std::setw(4) << "FLAG" << " " << std::right << std::setw(4) << "FLAG" << " " << std::right << std::setw(4) << "FLAG" << " " << std::right << std::setw(7) << "METHOD" << " " << std::left << std::setw(72) << "PATH" << " " << std::endl ; const auto each{[&out] (const server::peer &peer, const server::link &link, const server::request &request) { const auto out_head { request.out.gethead(request) }; thread_local char rembuf[128]; const string_view &remote { link.socket? string(rembuf, remote_ipport(*link.socket)): ""_sv }; out << std::left << std::setw(8) << peer.id << " " << std::left << std::setw(8) << link.id << " " << std::left << std::setw(8) << id(request) << " " << std::right << std::setw(32) << trunc(peer.hostcanon, 32) << " " << std::left << std::setw(32) << trunc(remote, 32) << " "; if(!out_head.method || !out_head.path) { size_t i(0); for(auto it(begin(link.queue)); it != end(link.queue); ++it, ++i) if(std::addressof(*it) == request.tag) break; out << std::setw(5) << std::right << i << " in queue" << std::endl; return true; } out << std::right; if(request.tag) { out << std::setw(8) << request.tag->state.written << " "; out << std::setw(7) << request.tag->state.head_read << " "; out << std::setw(9) << request.tag->state.content_read << " "; out << std::setw(9) << request.tag->state.content_length << " "; } if(request.tag) out << std::setw(4) << uint(request.tag->state.status) << " "; else if(!request.tag) out << std::setw(4) << "----" << " "; else out << std::setw(4) << "CNCL" << " "; if(request.tag && request.tag->committed()) out << std::setw(4) << "PIPE" << " "; else if(!request.tag) out << std::setw(4) << "----" << " "; else out << std::setw(4) << " " << " "; if(request.tag && request.tag->abandoned()) out << std::setw(4) << "LEFT" << " "; else if(!request.tag) out << std::setw(4) << "----" << " "; else out << std::setw(4) << " " << " "; if(request.tag && request.tag->canceled()) out << std::setw(4) << "CNCL" << " "; else if(!request.tag) out << std::setw(4) << "----" << " "; else out << std::setw(4) << " " << " "; out << std::right << std::setw(7) << out_head.method << " " << std::left << std::setw(72) << trunc(out_head.path, 72) << " " ; out << std::endl; return true; }}; if(servername && linkid) { auto &peer { server::find(servername) }; throw m::UNSUPPORTED { "Link identifiers are not yet implemented;" " cannot iterate request for one link." }; return true; } if(servername) { auto &peer { server::find(servername) }; server::for_each(peer, each); return true; } server::for_each(each); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { throw error { "Peer not found" }; } // // net // bool console_cmd__net__addrs(opt &out, const string_view &line) { net::addrs::for_each([&out] (const net::addrs::addr &addr) { out << std::left << std::setw(16) << addr.name << " " << std::setw(32) << addr.address << " " << "family[" << std::setw(2) << addr.family << "] " << "scope[" << addr.scope_id << "] " << "flowinfo[" << addr.flowinfo << "] " << "flags[0x" << std::hex << addr.flags << "]" << std::dec << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__net__host(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "hostport", "qtype" }}; const net::hostport hostport { param["hostport"] }; const string_view &qtype { param["qtype"] }; ctx::dock dock; bool done{false}; std::string res[2]; std::exception_ptr eptr; net::dns::opts opts; opts.qtype = qtype? rfc1035::qtype.at(qtype) : 0; const net::dns::callback_ipport cbipp{[&done, &dock, &eptr, &res] (std::exception_ptr eptr_, const net::hostport &hp, const net::ipport &ipport) { eptr = std::move(eptr_); res[0] = string(hp); res[1] = string(ipport); done = true; dock.notify_one(); }}; const net::dns::callback cbarr{[&done, &dock, &eptr, &res] (const net::hostport &hp, const json::array &rrs) { res[0] = string(hp); res[1] = rrs; done = true; dock.notify_one(); }}; if(!opts.qtype) net::dns::resolve(hostport, opts, cbipp); else net::dns::resolve(hostport, opts, cbarr); const ctx::uninterruptible ui; dock.wait([&done] { return done; }); if(eptr) std::rethrow_exception(eptr); else out << res[0] << " : " << res[1] << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__host(opt &out, const string_view &line) { return console_cmd__net__host(out, line); } bool console_cmd__net__host__cache(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "qtype", "hostport" }}; const string_view &qtype { param["qtype"] }; if(!param["hostport"]) { net::dns::cache::for_each(qtype, [&] (const string_view &host, const auto &r) { out << std::left << std::setw(48) << host << r << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } const net::hostport hostport { param["hostport"] }; net::dns::opts opts; opts.qtype = rfc1035::qtype.at(qtype); net::dns::cache::for_each(hostport, opts, [&] (const auto &host, const auto &r) { out << std::left << std::setw(48) << host << r << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__net__host__cache__count(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "qtype" }}; const string_view &qtype { param["qtype"] }; size_t count[2] {0}; net::dns::cache::for_each(qtype, [&] (const auto &host, const auto &r) { ++count[bool(r.size() > 1)]; return true; }); out << "resolved: " << count[1] << std::endl; out << "error: " << count[0] << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__net__host__cache__clear(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "hostport", "[service]" }}; out << "NOT IMPLEMENTED" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__net__listen__list(opt &out, const string_view &line) { using list = std::list; static mods::import listeners { "m_listen", "listeners" }; const list &l(listeners); for(const auto &listener : l) { out << "name : " << net::name(listener) << std::endl; out << "binder : " << net::binder(listener) << std::endl; out << "bound : " << net::local(listener) << std::endl; out << "config : " << net::config(listener) << std::endl; out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__net__listen__ciphers(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "name", }}; const auto &name { param["name"] }; using list = std::list; static mods::import listeners { "m_listen", "listeners" }; const list &l(listeners); for(const auto &listener : l) { if(name && listener.name() != name) continue; out << listener.name() << ": " << std::endl << cipher_list(listener) << std::endl << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__net__listen(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(empty(line)) return console_cmd__net__listen__list(out, line); const params token{line, " ", { "name", "host", "port", "private_key_pem_path", "certificate_pem_path", "certificate_chain_path", }}; const json::members _opts { { "host", token.at("host", ""_sv) }, { "port", token.at("port", 8448L) }, { "private_key_pem_path", token.at("private_key_pem_path") }, { "certificate_pem_path", token.at("certificate_pem_path") }, { "certificate_chain_path", token.at("certificate_chain_path", ""_sv) }, }; const json::object &addl { tokens_after(line, ' ', token.names.size()) }; json::strung opts{_opts}; for(const auto &[name, prop] : addl) opts = insert(opts, json::member(name, prop)); const auto eid { m::send(m::my_room, m::me, "ircd.listen", token.at("name"), opts) }; out << eid << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__net__listen__del(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params token{line, " ", { "name" }}; const auto event_idx { m::my_room.get("ircd.listen", token.at("name")) }; const auto event_id { m::event_id(event_idx) }; const auto redact_id { m::redact(m::my_room, m::me, event_id, "deleted") }; out << "Removed listener '" << token.at("name") << "' configuration. " << std::endl << "The configuration is still saved in the content of " << event_id << std::endl << "You may still need to unload this listener from service." << std::endl ; return true; } bool console_cmd__net__listen__load(opt &out, const string_view &line) { using prototype = bool (const string_view &); static mods::import load_listener { "m_listen", "load_listener" }; const params params{line, " ", { "name", }}; if(load_listener(params.at("name"))) out << "loaded listener '" << params.at("name") << "'" << std::endl; else out << "failed to load listener '" << params.at("name") << "'" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__net__listen__unload(opt &out, const string_view &line) { using prototype = bool (const string_view &); static mods::import unload_listener { "m_listen", "unload_listener" }; const params params{line, " ", { "name", }}; if(unload_listener(params.at("name"))) out << "unloaded listener '" << params.at("name") << "'" << std::endl; else out << "failed to unload listener '" << params.at("name") << "'" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__net__listen__crt(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "listener|path" }}; string_view filename; const string_view &targ { param.at("listener|path") }; static mods::import> listeners { "m_listen", "listeners" }; const auto &list{*listeners}; for(const auto &listener : list) { if(listener.name() != targ) continue; const json::object config { listener }; filename = unquote(config.get("certificate_pem_path")); } if(!filename) { filename = targ; return true; } const unique_buffer buf { 32_KiB }; const std::string certfile { fs::read(filename) }; out << openssl::printX509(buf, certfile, 0) << std::endl; return true; } // // client // bool console_cmd__client(opt &out, const string_view &line) { using std::setw; using std::left; using std::right; const params param{line, " ", { "[reqs|id]", }}; const bool &reqs { param[0] == "reqs" }; const auto &idnum { !reqs? param.at(0, 0): 0 }; std::vector clients(client::map.size()); static const values values; std::transform(begin(client::map), end(client::map), begin(clients), values); std::sort(begin(clients), end(clients), [] (const auto &a, const auto &b) { return a->id < b->id; }); out << left << setw(8) << "ID" << " " << setw(8) << "SOCKID" << " " << left << setw(50) << "LOCAL" << " " << setw(50) << "REMOTE" << " " << right << setw(25) << "BYTES FROM" << " " << setw(25) << "BYTES TO" << " " << setw(4) << "RDY" << " " << setw(4) << "REQ" << " " << setw(6) << "MODE" << " " << setw(4) << "CTX" << " " << setw(11) << "TIME" << " " << left << std::endl; for(const auto &client : clients) { thread_local char pbuf[2][64]; if(idnum && client->id < idnum) continue; else if(idnum && client->id > idnum) break; else if(reqs && !client->reqctx) continue; out << left << setw(8) << client->id; out << " " << left << setw(8) << (client->sock? net::id(*client->sock) : 0UL) ; out << " " << left << setw(50) << local(*client) << " " << left << setw(50) << remote(*client) ; const std::pair stat { bool(client->sock)? net::bytes(*client->sock): std::pair{0, 0} }; out << " " << right << setw(25) << pretty(pbuf[0], iec(stat.first)) << " " << right << setw(25) << pretty(pbuf[1], iec(stat.second)) ; out << " " << right << setw(4) << client->ready_count << " " << right << setw(4) << client->request_count ; out << " " << right << setw(6) << (client->reqctx? "CTX"_sv : "ASYNC"_sv) ; out << " " << right << setw(4) << (client->reqctx? id(*client->reqctx) : 0UL) ; out << " " << right << setw(11) << pretty(pbuf[0], client->timer.at(), true) ; out << " " << left; if(client->request.user_id) out << " USER " << client->request.user_id; else if(client->request.origin) out << " PEER " << client->request.origin; if(client->request.head.method) out << " " << client->request.head.method; if(client->request.head.path) out << " " << client->request.head.path; out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__client__clear(opt &out, const string_view &line) { client::terminate_all(); client::close_all(); client::wait_all(); return true; } bool console_cmd__client__spawn(opt &out, const string_view &line) { client::spawn(); return true; } // // resource // bool console_cmd__resource(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "path", "method" }}; const auto path { param["path"] }; const auto method { param["method"] }; if(path && method && path != "-a") { const auto &r { resource::find(path) }; const auto &m { r[method] }; out << method << " " << path << std::endl; out << (m.opts->flags & resource::method::REQUIRES_AUTH? " REQUIRES_AUTH" : "") << (m.opts->flags & resource::method::RATE_LIMITED? " RATE_LIMITED" : "") << (m.opts->flags & resource::method::VERIFY_ORIGIN? " VERIFY_ORIGIN" : "") << (m.opts->flags & resource::method::CONTENT_DISCRETION? " CONTENT_DISCRETION" : "") << std::endl; return true; } for(const auto &p : resource::resources) { const auto &r(*p.second); for(const auto &mp : p.second->methods) { assert(mp.second); const auto &m{*mp.second}; if(path != "-a" && !m.stats->requests) continue; out << std::setw(56) << std::left << p.first << " " << std::setw(7) << mp.first << std::right << " | CUR " << std::setw(8) << m.stats->pending << " | REQ " << std::setw(8) << m.stats->requests << " | RET " << std::setw(8) << m.stats->completions << " | TIM " << std::setw(8) << m.stats->timeouts << " | ERR " << std::setw(8) << m.stats->internal_errors << std::endl; } } return true; } // // // // // key // bool console_cmd__key(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "server_name" }}; const auto &server_name { param["server_name"] }; // information on my current key if(!server_name) { out << "origin: " << m::my_host() << std::endl; out << "public key ID: " << m::self::public_key_id << std::endl; out << "public key base64: " << m::self::public_key_b64 << std::endl; out << "TLS cert sha256 base64: " << m::self::tls_cert_der_sha256_b64 << std::endl; return true; } // keys cached for server by param. m::keys::cache::for_each(server_name, [&out] (const m::keys &keys) { pretty_oneline(out, keys) << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__key__get(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "server_name", "[query_server]" }}; const auto server_name { param.at(0) }; const auto query_server { param[1] }; if(!query_server) { m::keys::get(server_name, [&out] (const m::keys &keys) { pretty(out, keys) << std::endl; }); } else { const std::pair queries[1] { { server_name, {} } }; m::keys::query(query_server, queries, [&out] (const m::keys &keys) { pretty_oneline(out, keys) << std::endl; return true; }); } return true; } bool console_cmd__key__create(opt &out, const string_view &line) { m::self::create_my_key(); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } // // stage // std::vector stage; bool console_cmd__stage__list(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const json::object &object : stage) { const m::event event{object}; out << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__stage(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "id", "[json]" }}; if(!param.count()) return console_cmd__stage__list(out, line); const auto &id { param.at(0) }; if(stage.size() < id) throw error { "Cannot stage position %d without composing %d first", id, stage.size() }; const auto &key { param[1] }; const auto &val { key? tokens_after(line, ' ', 1) : string_view{} }; if(stage.size() == id) { m::event base_event{json::members { { "depth", json::undefined_number }, { "origin", my_host() }, { "origin_server_ts", time() }, { "sender", m::me.user_id }, { "room_id", m::my_room.room_id }, { "type", "m.room.message" }, { "prev_state", "[]" }, }}; const json::strung content{json::members { { "body", "test" }, { "msgtype", "m.text" } }}; json::get<"content"_>(base_event) = content; stage.emplace_back(json::strung(base_event)); } if(key && val) { m::event event{stage.at(id)}; set(event, key, val); stage.at(id) = json::strung{event}; } else if(key) { stage.at(id) = std::string{key}; } const m::event event { stage.at(id) }; out << pretty(event) << std::endl; out << stage.at(id) << std::endl; try { if(!verify(event)) out << "- SIGNATURE FAILED" << std::endl; } catch(const std::exception &e) { out << "- UNABLE TO VERIFY SIGNATURES" << std::endl; } try { if(!verify_hash(event)) out << "- HASH MISMATCH: " << b64encode_unpadded(hash(event)) << std::endl; } catch(const std::exception &e) { out << "- UNABLE TO VERIFY HASHES" << std::endl; } const m::event::conforms conforms { event }; if(!conforms.clean()) out << "- " << conforms << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__stage__make_prev(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "[id]", "[limit]" }}; const int &id { param.at(0, -1) }; const auto &limit { param.at(1, 16) }; m::event event { stage.at(id) }; const m::room room { at<"room_id"_>(event) }; const m::room::head head { room }; thread_local char buf[8192]; const auto prev { head.generate(buf, limit, true) }; json::get<"prev_events"_>(event) = prev.first; json::get<"depth"_>(event) = prev.second; stage.at(id) = json::strung { event }; event = m::event(stage.at(id)); out << pretty(event) << std::endl; out << stage.at(id) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__stage__make_auth(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "[id]" }}; const int &id { param.at(0, -1) }; m::event event { stage.at(id) }; const m::room room { at<"room_id"_>(event) }; thread_local char buf[1024]; json::get<"auth_events"_>(event) = { m::room::auth::generate(buf, room, event) }; stage.at(id) = json::strung { event }; event = m::event(stage.at(id)); out << pretty(event) << std::endl; out << stage.at(id) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__stage__final(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "[id]", "[options]" }}; const int &id { param.at(0, -1) }; const auto opts { param[1] }; m::event event { stage.at(id) }; m::event::id::buf event_id_buf; if(!has(opts, "no_event_id")) json::get<"event_id"_>(event) = make_id(event, "1", event_id_buf); thread_local char hashes_buf[512]; if(!has(opts, "no_hashes")) json::get<"hashes"_>(event) = m::hashes(hashes_buf, event); thread_local char sigs_buf[512]; if(!has(opts, "no_signatures")) event = signatures(sigs_buf, event); stage.at(id) = json::strung { event }; event = m::event(stage.at(id)); out << pretty(event) << std::endl; out << stage.at(id) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__stage__make_vector(opt &out, const string_view &line) { m::event::id::buf prev_; for(size_t i(1); i < stage.size(); ++i) { const auto prev(unquote(json::object{stage.at(i-1)}.get("event_id"))); const int64_t depth(json::object{stage.at(i-1)}.get("depth")); thread_local char buf[1024], hb[512], sb[512]; m::event event{stage.at(i)}; json::stack st{buf}; { json::stack::array top{st}; { json::stack::array a{top}; a.append(prev); { json::stack::object hash{a}; json::stack::member{hash, "w", "nil"}; } } } json::get<"depth"_>(event) = depth + 1; json::get<"prev_events"_>(event) = json::array{st.completed()}; json::get<"event_id"_>(event) = make_id(event, "1", prev_); json::get<"hashes"_>(event) = m::hashes(hb, event); event = signatures(sb, event); stage.at(i) = json::strung{event}; out << unquote(json::object{stage.at(i)}.at("event_id")) << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__stage__copy(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "srcid", "[dstid]" }}; const auto &srcid { param.at(0) }; const auto &dstid { param.at(1, stage.size()) }; const auto &src { stage.at(srcid) }; if(stage.size() < dstid) throw error { "Cannot stage position %d without composing %d first", dstid, stage.size() }; if(stage.size() == dstid) { stage.emplace_back(src); return true; } stage.at(dstid) = src; return true; } bool console_cmd__stage__clear(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "[id]", }}; const int &id { param.at(0, -1) }; if(id == -1) { stage.clear(); return true; } stage.at(id).clear(); return true; } bool console_cmd__stage__eval(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "[id]", }}; const int &id { param.at(0, -1) }; m::vm::opts opts; m::vm::eval eval { opts }; if(id == -1) for(size_t i(0); i < stage.size(); ++i) eval(m::event{stage.at(i)}); else eval(m::event{stage.at(id)}); return true; } bool console_cmd__stage__commit(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "[id]", }}; const int &id { param.at(0, -1) }; m::vm::copts copts; m::vm::eval eval { copts }; if(id == -1) for(size_t i(0); i < stage.size(); ++i) eval(m::event{stage.at(i)}); else eval(m::event{stage.at(id)}); return true; } bool console_cmd__stage__send(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "remote", "[id]" }}; const net::hostport remote { param.at(0) }; const int &id { param.at(1, -1) }; std::vector pduv; if(id > -1) pduv.emplace_back(stage.at(id)); else for(size_t i(0); i < stage.size(); ++i) pduv.emplace_back(stage.at(i)); const auto txn { m::txn::create(pduv) }; thread_local char idbuf[128]; const auto txnid { m::txn::create_id(idbuf, txn) }; const unique_buffer bufs { 16_KiB }; m::v1::send::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; m::v1::send request { txnid, const_buffer{txn}, bufs, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object response{request}; const m::v1::send::response resp { response }; resp.for_each_pdu([&] (const m::event::id &event_id, const json::object &error) { out << remote << " ->" << txnid << " " << event_id << " "; if(empty(error)) out << http::status(code) << std::endl; else out << string_view{error} << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__stage__broadcast(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "[id]" }}; const int &id { param.at(0, -1) }; const auto start { id > -1? id : 0 }; const auto stop { id > -1? id + 1 : stage.size() }; for(size_t i(start); i < stop; ++i) { const m::vm::opts opts; const m::event event{stage.at(i)}; //m::vm::accepted a{event, &opts, nullptr, &opts.report}; //m::vm::accept(a); } return true; } int console_command_numeric(opt &out, const string_view &line) { return console_cmd__stage(out, line); } // // events // bool console_cmd__events(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "start", "stop" }}; const int64_t start { param.at("start", -1) }; const int64_t stop { param.at("stop", start == -1? 0 : -1) }; size_t limit { stop == 0 || stop == -1? 32: std::numeric_limits::max() }; const auto closure{[&out, &limit] (const m::event::idx &seq, const m::event &event) { out << seq << " " << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; return --limit > 0; }}; const m::events::range range { uint64_t(start), uint64_t(stop) }; m::events::for_each(range, closure); return true; } bool console_cmd__events__filter(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "start", "event_filter_json" }}; const uint64_t start { param.at(0, uint64_t(-1)) }; const m::event_filter filter { param.at(1) }; m::events::for_each({start, 0}, filter, [&out] (const m::event::idx &seq, const m::event &event) { out << seq << " " << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl;; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__events__in__sender(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; m::events::sender::for_each_in(user_id, [&out] (const m::user::id &user_id, const m::event::idx &event_idx) { const m::event::fetch event { event_idx, std::nothrow }; if(!event.valid) { out << event_idx << " " << "NOT FOUND" << std::endl; return true; } out << event_idx << " " << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl;; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__events__in__origin(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "origin" }}; const string_view &origin { lstrip(param.at("origin"), ':') }; m::events::origin::for_each_in(origin, [&out] (const m::user::id &user_id, const m::event::idx &event_idx) { const m::event::fetch event { event_idx, std::nothrow }; if(!event.valid) { out << event_idx << " " << "NOT FOUND" << std::endl; return true; } out << event_idx << " " << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl;; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__events__in__type(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "type" }}; const string_view &type { param.at("type") }; m::events::type::for_each_in(type, [&out] (const string_view &type, const m::event::idx &event_idx) { const m::event::fetch event { event_idx, std::nothrow }; if(!event.valid) { out << event_idx << " " << "NOT FOUND" << std::endl; return true; } out << event_idx << " " << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl;; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__events__in(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "what" }}; const string_view &what { param.at("what") }; if(valid(m::id::USER, what)) return console_cmd__events__in__sender(out, line); if(startswith(what, ':') && rfc3986::valid_host(std::nothrow, lstrip(what, ':'))) return console_cmd__events__in__origin(out, line); return console_cmd__events__in__type(out, line); } bool console_cmd__events__type(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "prefix" }}; const string_view &prefix { param["prefix"] }; m::events::type::for_each(prefix, [&out] (const string_view &type) { out << type << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__events__sender(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "prefix" }}; const string_view &prefix { param["prefix"] }; m::events::sender::for_each(prefix, [&out] (const m::user::id &user_id) { out << user_id << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__events__origin(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "prefix" }}; const string_view &prefix { param["prefix"] }; m::events::origin::for_each(prefix, [&out] (const string_view &origin) { out << origin << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } conf::item events_dump_buffer_size { { "name", "ircd.console.events.dump.buffer_size" }, { "default", int64_t(4_MiB) }, }; bool console_cmd__events__dump(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "filename" }}; const auto filename { param.at(0) }; m::events::dump__file(filename); return true; } bool console_cmd__events__rebuild(opt &out, const string_view &line) { m::events::rebuild(); return true; } // // event // bool console_cmd__event(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id" }}; m::event::id::buf event_id_buf; if(try_lex_cast(param.at("event_id"))) event_id_buf = m::event_id(param.at("event_id")); const m::event::id event_id { event_id_buf?: param.at("event_id") }; const auto args { tokens_after(line, ' ', 0) }; const auto event_idx { index(event_id) }; const bool cached { m::cached(event_idx) }; const auto cached_keys { m::cached_keys(event_idx, m::event::keys::selection{}) }; const bool full_json { has(m::dbs::event_json, byte_view(event_idx)) }; const m::event::fetch event { event_id }; if(!empty(args)) switch(hash(token(args, ' ', 0))) { case hash("raw"): { if(event.source) out << event.source << std::endl; else out << event << std::endl; return true; } case hash("source"): { if(event.source) out << event.source << std::endl; return true; } case hash("idx"): out << event_idx << std::endl; return true; case hash("content"): { for(const auto &m : json::get<"content"_>(event)) out << m.first << ": " << m.second << std::endl; return true; } } out << pretty(event) << std::endl; out << std::setw(16) << std::right << "SEQUENCE" << " " << event_idx << std::endl; if(event.source) { char pbuf[64]; out << std::setw(16) << std::right << "JSON SIZE" << " " << pretty(pbuf, iec(size(string_view{event.source}))) << std::endl; } if(cached || cached_keys.count()) { out << std::setw(16) << std::right << "CACHED" << " "; if(cached) out << " _json"; for(const auto &key : m::event::keys{cached_keys}) out << " " << key; out << std::endl; } if(m::room::auth::is_power_event(event)) out << std::setw(16) << std::right << "POWER EVENT" << " " << std::endl; const m::event::prev prev{event}; if(prev.auth_events_count() || prev.prev_events_count()) out << std::setw(16) << std::right << "REFERENCES" << " " << (prev.auth_events_count() + prev.prev_events_count()) << std::endl; const m::event::refs &refs{event_idx}; if(refs.count()) out << std::setw(16) << std::right << "REFERENCED BY" << " " << refs.count() << std::endl; out << std::endl; for(size_t i(0); i < prev.auth_events_count(); ++i) { const m::event::id &id{prev.auth_event(i)}; const m::event::fetch event{id, std::nothrow}; if(!event.valid) { out << "x-> AUTH " << id << std::endl; continue; } out << "--> AUTH " << " " << std::setw(9) << std::right << event.event_idx << " " << pretty_oneline(event, false) << std::endl; } for(size_t i(0); i < prev.prev_events_count(); ++i) { const m::event::id &id{prev.prev_event(i)}; const m::event::fetch event{id, std::nothrow}; if(!event.valid) { out << "x-> PREV " << id << std::endl; continue; } out << "--> PREV " << " " << std::setw(9) << std::right << event.event_idx << " " << pretty_oneline(event, false) << std::endl; } out << std::setw(16) << std::left << "---" << " " << std::setw(9) << std::right << event_idx << " " << pretty_oneline(event, false) << std::endl; const auto refcnt(refs.count()); if(refcnt) { refs.for_each([&out] (const m::event::idx &idx, const auto &type) { const m::event::fetch event{idx}; out << "<-- " << std::setw(12) << std::left << trunc(reflect(type), 12) << " " << std::setw(9) << std::right << idx << " " << pretty_oneline(event, false) << std::endl; return true; }); } out << std::endl; if(event.source && !json::valid(event.source, std::nothrow)) out << std::setw(9) << std::left << "!!! ERROR" << " " << "JSON SOURCE INVALID" << std::endl; const m::event::conforms conforms { event }; if(!conforms.clean()) out << std::setw(9) << std::left << "!!! ERROR" << " " << conforms << std::endl; if(!verify_hash(event)) out << std::setw(9) << std::left << "!!! ERROR" << " " << "HASH MISMATCH :" << b64encode_unpadded(hash(event)) << std::endl; { const auto &[authed, failmsg](m::room::auth::check_static(event)); if(!authed) out << std::setw(9) << std::left << "!!! ERROR" << " " << "UNAUTHORIZED STATIC :" << what(failmsg) << std::endl; } { const auto &[authed, failmsg](m::room::auth::check_present(event)); if(!authed) out << std::setw(9) << std::left << "!!! ERROR" << " " << "PRESENTLY UNAUTHORIZED :" << what(failmsg) << std::endl; } { const auto &[authed, failmsg](m::room::auth::check_relative(event)); if(!authed) out << std::setw(9) << std::left << "!!! ERROR" << " " << "RELATIVELY UNAUTHORIZED :" << what(failmsg) << std::endl; } try { if(!verify(event)) out << std::setw(9) << std::left << "!!! ERROR" << " " << "SIGNATURE FAILED" << std::endl; } catch(const std::exception &e) { out << std::setw(9) << std::left << "!!! ERROR" << " " << "SIGNATURE FAILED :" << e.what() << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_id__event(opt &out, const m::event::id &id, const string_view &line) { return console_cmd__event(out, line); } bool console_cmd__event__sign(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", "[host]", "[accept|eval]" }}; const m::event::id event_id { param.at(0) }; const auto &host { param.at(1, event_id.host()) }; const auto &op { param[2] }; m::v1::event::opts opts; opts.remote = host; opts.dynamic = false; const unique_buffer buf { 96_KiB }; m::v1::event request { event_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const m::event orig_event { request }; thread_local char sigbuf[64_KiB]; const auto event { m::signatures(mutable_buffer{sigbuf}, orig_event) }; out << pretty(event) << std::endl; if(op == "accept") { const m::vm::opts opts; /* m::vm::accepted a { event, &opts, nullptr, &opts.report }; m::vm::accept(a); */ } else if(op == "eval") { m::vm::opts opts; m::vm::eval { event, opts }; } return true; } bool console_cmd__event__bad(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", }}; const m::event::id event_id { param.at(0) }; const bool b { bad(event_id) }; out << event_id << "is" << (b? " " : " NOT ") << "BAD" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__event__horizon(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", }}; const string_view &event_id { param["event_id"] }; if(!event_id) { const auto &num_keys { db::property(m::dbs::event_horizon, "rocksdb.estimate-num-keys") }; out << "Estimated event_id's unresolved: " << num_keys << '.' << std::endl; return true; } const m::event::horizon horizon { event_id }; horizon.for_each([&out, &event_id] (const auto &, const auto &event_idx) { const auto _event_id { m::event_id(event_idx, std::nothrow) }; out << event_id << " -> " << event_idx << " " << _event_id << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__event__horizon__list(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::event::horizon horizon; horizon.for_each([&out] (const auto &event_id, const auto &event_idx) { const auto _event_id { m::event_id(event_idx, std::nothrow) }; out << event_id << " -> " << event_idx << " " << _event_id << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__event__horizon__rebuild(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto count { m::event::horizon::rebuild() }; out << "done " << count << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__event__horizon__flush(opt &out, const string_view &line) { size_t count(0); const m::event::horizon horizon; horizon.for_each([&out, &count] (const auto &event_id, const auto &event_idx) { m::room::id::buf room_id_buf; const string_view &room_id { m::get(std::nothrow, event_idx, "room_id", room_id_buf) }; if(!room_id) return true; //m::fetch::start(room_id, event_id); ++count; //TODO: XXX while(m::fetch::count() > 64) ctx::sleep(seconds(1)); return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__event__cached(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id|event_idx", }}; const string_view id { param.at(0) }; static const m::event::fetch::opts opts { m::event::keys::exclude {} }; if(valid(m::id::EVENT, id)) { const m::event::id event_id { id }; const bool cached { m::cached(event_id, opts) }; out << event_id << " is" << (cached? " " : " not ") << "cached" << std::endl; return true; } else if(try_lex_cast(id)) { const m::event::idx event_idx { lex_cast(id) }; const bool cached { m::cached(event_idx, opts) }; out << "idx[" << event_idx << "] is" << (cached? " " : " not ") << "cached" << std::endl; return true; } else throw m::BAD_REQUEST { "Not a valid event_id or `event_idx" }; return true; } bool console_cmd__event__erase(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::event::id event_id { token(line, ' ', 0) }; m::event::fetch event { event_id }; db::txn txn { *m::dbs::events }; m::dbs::write_opts opts; opts.op = db::op::DELETE; opts.event_idx = index(event); m::dbs::write(txn, event, opts); txn(); out << "erased " << txn.size() << " cells" << " for " << event_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__event__rewrite(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id" }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at("event_id") }; const m::event::fetch event { event_id }; m::dbs::write_opts opts; opts.op = db::op::SET; opts.event_idx = event.event_idx; db::txn txn{*m::dbs::events}; m::dbs::write(txn, event, opts); out << "executing cells:" << txn.size() << " " << "size: " << pretty(iec(txn.bytes())) << " for " << event_id << std::endl; txn(); return true; } bool console_cmd__event__visible(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", "user_id|node_id" }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(0) }; const string_view &mxid { param[1] }; const bool visible { m::visible(event_id, mxid) }; out << event_id << " is " << (visible? "VISIBLE" : "NOT VISIBLE") << (mxid? " to " : "") << mxid << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__event__auth(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id" }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at("event_id") }; const m::event::fetch event { event_id }; m::room::auth::check(event); out << "pass" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__event__refs__rebuild(opt &out, const string_view &line) { m::event::refs::rebuild(); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__event__refs(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", "type" }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at("event_id") }; const m::event::refs refs { index(event_id) }; const string_view &typestr { param.at("type") }; m::dbs::ref type { empty(typestr)? m::dbs::ref(-1): m::dbs::ref(0) }; if(!empty(typestr)) for(; uint8_t(type) < sizeof(m::dbs::ref) * 8; type = m::dbs::ref(uint8_t(type) + 1)) if(reflect(type) == typestr) break; refs.for_each(type, [&out] (const auto &idx, const auto &type) { const m::event::fetch event { idx, std::nothrow }; if(!event.valid) return true; out << idx << " " << m::event_id(idx) << " " << reflect(type) << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__event__refs__next(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id" }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at("event_id") }; const m::event::refs refs { index(event_id) }; refs.for_each(m::dbs::ref::NEXT, [&out] (const auto &idx, const auto &type) { const m::event::fetch event { idx, std::nothrow }; if(!event.valid) return true; out << idx << " " << m::event_id(idx) << " " << reflect(type) << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__event__refs__auth(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", "type" }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at("event_id") }; const string_view type { param.at("type", ""_sv) }; const m::room::auth::refs auth { index(event_id) }; auth.for_each(type, [&out] (const m::event::idx &idx) { const m::event::fetch event { idx, std::nothrow }; if(!event.valid) return true; out << idx << " " << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } // // commit // // // eval // bool console_cmd__eval__file(opt &out, const string_view &line); bool console_cmd__eval(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", "opts", }}; if(!valid(m::id::EVENT, param.at(0))) return console_cmd__eval__file(out, line); const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(0) }; const auto &args { param[1] }; const m::event::fetch event { event_id }; m::vm::opts opts; opts.errorlog = 0; opts.warnlog = 0; opts.nothrows = 0; tokens(args, ' ', [&opts](const auto &arg) { switch(hash(arg)) { case "replay"_: opts.replays = true; break; case "noverify"_: opts.verify = false; break; } }); m::vm::eval eval{opts}; out << pretty(event) << std::endl; eval(event); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__eval__file(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params token{line, " ", { "file path", "limit", "start", "room_id/event_id/sender" }}; const auto path { token.at(0) }; const fs::fd file { path }; const auto limit { token.at(1, 0) }; const auto start { token[2]? lex_cast(token[2]) : 0 }; const string_view id{token[3]}; const string_view room_id { id && m::sigil(id) == m::id::ROOM? id : string_view{} }; const string_view event_id { id && m::sigil(id) == m::id::EVENT? id : string_view{} }; const string_view sender { id && m::sigil(id) == m::id::USER? id : string_view{} }; m::vm::opts opts; m::vm::eval eval { opts }; size_t foff{0}; size_t i(0), j(0), r(0); for(; !limit || i < limit; ++r) { static char buf[512_KiB]; const string_view read { fs::read(file, buf, foff) }; size_t boff(0); json::object object; json::vector vector{read}; for(; boff < size(read) && (!limit || i < limit); ) try { object = *begin(vector); boff += size(string_view{object}); vector = { data(read) + boff, size(read) - boff }; const m::event event { object }; if(room_id && json::get<"room_id"_>(event) != room_id) continue; if(event_id && event.event_id != event_id) continue; if(sender && json::get<"sender"_>(event) != sender) continue; if(j++ < start) continue; eval(event); ++i; } catch(const json::parse_error &e) { break; } catch(const std::exception &e) { out << fmt::snstringf { 128, "Error at i=%zu j=%zu r=%zu foff=%zu boff=%zu\n", i, j, r, foff, boff }; out << string_view{object} << std::endl; out << e.what() << std::endl; return true; } foff += boff; if(foff > 0 && boff == 0) break; } out << "Executed " << i << " of " << j << " events" << " in " << foff << " bytes" << " using " << r << " reads" << std::endl; return true; } // // rooms // bool console_cmd__rooms(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const string_view &search_term { line }; const m::rooms::opts opts { search_term }; auto limit { 64 }; m::rooms::for_each(opts, [&limit, &out] (const m::room::id &room_id) -> bool { out << room_id << std::endl; return --limit > 0; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__rooms__public(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "server", "search_term", "limit" }}; const string_view &server { param.at("server", string_view{}) }; const string_view &search_term { param["server"] && startswith(param["server"], ':') && param["search_term"] != "*"? param["search_term"]: param["server"] && startswith(param["server"], ':')? string_view{}: param["server"] != "*"? param["server"]: string_view{} }; auto limit { param.at("limit", 32L) }; m::rooms::opts opts; opts.server = server; opts.search_term = search_term; opts.summary = true; opts.join_rule = "public"; m::rooms::for_each(opts, [&limit, &out] (const m::room::id &room_id) -> bool { out << room_id << std::endl; return --limit > 0; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__rooms__fetch(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "server", "since" }}; const net::hostport server { param.at("server") }; const string_view &since { param.at("since", string_view{}) }; const m::rooms::summary::fetch fetch { server, since }; out << "done" << std::endl << "total room count estimate: " << fetch.total_room_count_estimate << std::endl << "next batch: " << fetch.next_batch << std::endl ; return true; } bool console_cmd__rooms__head__reset(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "server" }}; const string_view &server { param["server"] != "*" && param["server"] != "remote_joined_only" && param["server"] != "local_only"? param["server"]: string_view{} }; m::rooms::opts opts; opts.server = server; if(param["server"] == "remote_joined_only") opts.remote_joined_only = true; if(param["server"] == "local_only") opts.local_only = true; m::rooms::for_each(opts, [&out] (const m::room::id &room_id) -> bool { const m::room::head head { room_id }; m::room::head::reset(head); return true; }); return true; } // // room // bool console_cmd__room__events(opt &out, const string_view &line); bool console_cmd__room__top(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const auto top { m::top(std::nothrow, room_id) }; const m::room room { room_id, std::get(top) }; const m::room::state state { room }; const m::room::auth::chain auth { std::get(top) }; char version_buf[32], display_buf[256]; out << "display name: " << m::display_name(display_buf, room_id) << std::endl; out << "creator: " << m::creator(room_id) << std::endl; out << "version: " << m::version(version_buf, room_id) << std::endl; out << "internal: " << m::internal(room_id) << std::endl; out << "local only: " << std::boolalpha << m::local_only(room_id) << std::endl; out << "local joined: " << std::boolalpha << m::local_joined(room_id) << std::endl; out << "remote joined: " << std::boolalpha << m::remote_joined(room_id) << std::endl; out << std::endl; const m::room::members members{room_id}; out << "invite local: " << members.count("invite", my_host()) << std::endl << "invite: " << members.count("invite") << std::endl << "join local: " << members.count("join", my_host()) << std::endl << "join: " << members.count("join") << std::endl << "leave local: " << members.count("leave", my_host()) << std::endl << "leave: " << members.count("leave") << std::endl << "ban local: " << members.count("ban", my_host()) << std::endl << "ban: " << members.count("ban") << std::endl << std::endl; out << "servers: " << m::room::origins{room_id}.count() << std::endl; out << "servers up: " << m::room::origins{room_id}.count_online() << std::endl; out << "servers err: " << m::room::origins{room_id}.count_error() << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "heads: " << m::room::head{room_id}.count() << std::endl; out << "auth depth: " << auth.depth() << std::endl; out << "state: " << m::room::state{room_id}.count() << std::endl; out << "states: " << m::room::state::space{room_id}.count() << std::endl; out << "events: " << m::room{room_id}.count() << std::endl; out << "index: " << m::room::index(room_id) << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "top depth: " << std::get(top) << std::endl; out << "top event: " << std::get(top) << std::endl; out << "top index: " << std::get(top) << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "m.room state: " << std::endl; state.for_each(m::room::state::type_prefix{"m.room."}, [&out, &state] (const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key, const m::event::idx &event_idx) { assert(startswith(type, "m.room.")); if(type == "m.room.member") return true; if(state_key != ""_sv && type != "m.room.aliases") return true; const m::event::fetch event { event_idx, std::nothrow }; if(!event.valid) return true; const size_t &evw { event.event_id.version() == "1"? 64UL : 40UL }; for(const auto &[prop, val] : json::get<"content"_>(event)) out << std::left << std::setw(evw) << event.event_id << " " << std::right << std::setw(30) << json::get<"type"_>(event) << " | " << std::left << std::setw(24) << prop << " " << val << std::endl; return true; }); out << std::endl; out << "recent auth:" << std::endl; ssize_t adi(auth.depth()); auth.for_each([&out, &adi] (const m::event::idx &event_idx) { if(adi-- > 5) return true; const m::event::fetch event { event_idx, std::nothrow }; if(event.valid) m::pretty_stateline(out, event, event_idx); return true; }); out << std::endl; out << "recent events: " << std::endl; char linebuf[256]; static const size_t last_count(5); console_cmd__room__events(out, fmt::sprintf { linebuf, "%s -%ld", string_view{room_id}, last_count, }); out << std::endl; out << "recent missing: " << std::endl; const m::room::events::missing missing { room }; ssize_t missing_count(3); missing.for_each([&out, &missing_count, &top] (const auto &event_id, const auto &ref_depth, const auto &ref_idx) { out << std::right << std::setw(8) << (int64_t(ref_depth) - std::get(top)) << " " << std::right << std::setw(8) << ref_depth << " " << std::right << std::setw(10) << ref_idx << " " << std::left << std::setw(64) << m::event_id(ref_idx) << " missing: " << std::left << event_id << std::endl; return missing_count--; }); out << std::endl; out << "recent gaps: " << std::endl; size_t gap_count(4); const m::room::events::sounding gaps { room }; gaps.rfor_each([&out, &gap_count, &top] (const auto &range, const auto &event_idx) { out << std::right << std::setw(8) << (int64_t(range.first) - std::get(top)) << " " << std::right << std::setw(8) << range.first << " -> " << std::left << std::setw(8) << range.second << " " << (m::room::state::is(std::nothrow, event_idx)? "S" : " ") << " " << m::event_id(event_idx) << std::endl; return gap_count--; }); return true; } bool console_id__room(opt &out, const m::room::id &id, const string_view &line) { //TODO: XXX more detailed summary return console_cmd__room__top(out, line); } bool console_cmd__room__version(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; char buf[32]; out << m::version(buf, room_id) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__head(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::head head { room }; head.for_each([&out] (const m::event::idx &event_idx, const m::event::id &event_id) { const m::event::fetch event { event_idx, std::nothrow }; out << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__head__count(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::head head { room }; out << head.count() << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__head__rebuild(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::head head { room }; const size_t count { head.rebuild(head) }; out << "done " << count << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__head__add(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id" }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(0) }; m::room::head::modify(event_id, db::op::SET, true); out << "Added " << event_id << " to head " << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__head__del(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id" }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(0) }; m::room::head::modify(event_id, db::op::DELETE, true); out << "Deleted " << event_id << " from head (if existed)" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__head__reset(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::head head { room }; const size_t count { head.reset(head) }; out << "done " << count << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__sounding(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const auto hazard { m::hazard(room) }; const auto twain { m::twain(room) }; const auto head { m::head_idx(room) }; const auto create { m::room::index(room) }; const auto sounding { m::sounding(room) }; out << "head: " << std::setw(8) << m::depth(room) << " " << m::event_id(head) << " (" << head << ")" << std::endl; out << "sounding: " << std::setw(8) << sounding.first << " " << m::event_id(sounding.second) << " (" << sounding.second << ")" << std::endl; out << "twain: " << std::setw(8) << twain.first << std::endl; out << "hazard: " << std::setw(8) << hazard.first << " " << m::event_id(hazard.second) << " (" << hazard.second << ")" << std::endl; out << "create: " << std::setw(8) << m::get(create, "depth") << " " << m::event_id(create) << " (" << create << ")" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__depth(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; out << depth(room_id) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__depth__gaps(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "reverse" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const auto closure{[&out] (const auto &range, const auto &event_idx) { out << std::right << std::setw(8) << range.first << " -> " << std::left << std::setw(8) << range.second << " " << (m::room::state::is(std::nothrow, event_idx)? "S" : " ") << " " << m::event_id(event_idx) << std::endl; return true; }}; const m::room::events::sounding gaps { room }; if(param["reverse"] == "reverse") gaps.rfor_each(closure); else gaps.for_each(closure); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__visible(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "user_id|node_id", "event_id" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const string_view &mxid { param[1] && param[1] != "*"? param[1]: param[1] == "*"? string_view{}: param[1] }; const auto &event_id { param[2] }; const m::room room { room_id, event_id }; const bool visible { m::visible(room, mxid) }; out << room_id << " is " << (visible? "VISIBLE" : "NOT VISIBLE") << (mxid? " to " : "") << mxid << (event_id? " at " : "") << event_id << std::endl; return true; } // // room alias // bool console_cmd__room__alias(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "server" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const string_view &server { param["server"] }; const m::room::aliases aliases { room_id }; aliases.for_each(server, [&out] (const m::room::alias &alias) { out << alias << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } // // room cache // bool console_cmd__room__alias__cache(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "server" }}; const string_view &server { param["server"] }; out << std::left << std::setw(40) << "EXPIRES" << " " << std::left << std::setw(48) << "ROOM ALIAS" << " " << std::left << std::setw(48) << "ROOM ID" << std::endl; m::room::aliases::cache::for_each(server, [&out] (const m::room::alias &alias, const m::room::id &room_id) { const auto expire_point { m::room::aliases::cache::expires(alias) }; char buf[48]; const auto expires { timef(buf, expire_point, ircd::localtime) }; out << std::left << std::setw(40) << expires << " " << std::left << std::setw(48) << alias << " " << std::left << std::setw(48) << room_id << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__alias__cache__has(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "alias" }}; const m::room::alias &alias { param["alias"] }; const bool has { m::room::aliases::cache::has(alias) }; out << std::boolalpha << has << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__alias__cache__set(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "alias", "room_id" }}; const m::room::alias &alias { param["alias"] }; const m::room::id &room_id { param["room_id"] }; const bool set { m::room::aliases::cache::set(alias, room_id) }; out << std::boolalpha << set << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__alias__cache__fetch(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "alias", "remote" }}; const m::room::alias &alias { param["alias"] }; const net::hostport &remote { param["remote"]? param["remote"]: alias.host() }; m::room::aliases::cache::fetch(alias, remote); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__alias__cache__get(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "alias" }}; const m::room::alias &alias { param["alias"] }; const m::room::id::buf room_id { m::room::aliases::cache::get(alias) }; out << room_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__alias__cache__del(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "alias" }}; const m::room::alias &alias { param["alias"] }; const bool del { m::room::aliases::cache::del(alias) }; out << std::boolalpha << del << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__server_acl(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "server" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const m::room::server_acl server_acl { room_id }; if(param["server"]) { const bool allowed { server_acl(param.at("server")) }; out << (allowed? "allow"_sv : "deny"_sv) << std::endl; return true; } server_acl.for_each("allow", [&out] (const string_view &expression) { out << "allow " << expression << std::endl; return true; }); out << std::endl; server_acl.for_each("deny", [&out] (const string_view &expression) { out << "deny " << expression << std::endl; return true; }); out << std::endl; out << "IP literals "; if(server_acl.getbool("allow_ip_literals") != false) out << "allow." << std::endl; else out << "deny." << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__members(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[membership]" "[host]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const string_view &membership { param[1] != "\"\""? param[1]: string_view{} }; const string_view &host { param[2] }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::members members { room }; if(membership) { members.for_each(membership, host, [&out, &membership] (const m::user::id &user_id) { out << std::setw(8) << std::left << membership << " " << user_id << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } members.for_each(membership, host, [&out] (const m::user::id &user_id, const m::event::idx &event_idx) { char buf[32]; out << std::setw(8) << std::left << m::room::members::membership(buf, event_idx) << " " << user_id << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__members__events(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[membership]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const string_view membership { param[1] }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::members members { room }; const auto closure{[&out](const auto &user_id, const auto &event_idx) { const m::event::fetch event { event_idx, std::nothrow }; if(!event.valid) return true; out << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; return true; }}; members.for_each(membership, closure); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__members__count(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[membership]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const string_view membership { param[1] }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::members members { room }; out << members.count(membership) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__members__origin(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "origin", "[membership]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const auto &origin { param.at(1) }; const string_view membership { param[2] }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::members members { room }; members.for_each(membership, [&out, &origin] (const auto &user_id, const auto &event_idx) { const bool same_origin { m::query(std::nothrow, event_idx, "origin", [&origin] (const auto &_origin) { return _origin == origin; }) }; if(!same_origin) return true; const m::event::fetch event { event_idx, std::nothrow }; if(!event.valid) return true; out << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__members__read(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", "[membership]" }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(0) }; const string_view membership { param.at(1, "join"_sv) }; m::room::id::buf room_id { m::get(event_id, "room_id", room_id) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::members members { room }; const m::event::closure event_closure{[&out, &event_id] (const m::event &event) { if(event_id) if(unquote(at<"content"_>(event).get("event_id")) != event_id) return; out << timestr(at<"origin_server_ts"_>(event) / 1000) << " " << at<"sender"_>(event) << " " << at<"content"_>(event) << " " << event.event_id << std::endl; }}; members.for_each(membership, [&room_id, &event_closure] (const m::user::id &user_id, const m::event::idx &event_idx) { const m::user user { user_id }; static const m::event::fetch::opts fopts { m::event::keys::include { "event_id", "content", "origin_server_ts", "sender" }, { db::get::NO_CACHE }, }; const m::user::room user_room { user, nullptr, &fopts }; user_room.get(std::nothrow, "ircd.read", room_id, event_closure); return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__origins(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::origins origins { room }; origins.for_each([&out](const string_view &origin) { out << origin << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__origins__random(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[noerror]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const bool noerror { param.at("[noerror]", false) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::origins origins { room }; const auto ok{[&noerror] (const string_view &origin) { if(noerror && ircd::server::errmsg(origin)) return false; return true; }}; char buf[256]; const string_view origin { origins.random(buf, ok) }; if(!origin) throw m::NOT_FOUND { "No origins for this room." }; out << origin << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "event_id_or_type" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const auto &event_id_or_type { param.at("event_id_or_type", string_view{}) }; const auto is_event_id { m::has_sigil(event_id_or_type) && valid(m::id::EVENT, event_id_or_type) }; const m::room room { room_id, is_event_id? event_id_or_type : string_view{} }; const m::room::state state { room }; const string_view &type { !is_event_id? event_id_or_type: string_view{} }; state.for_each(type, [&out] (const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key, const m::event::idx &event_idx) { const m::event::fetch event { event_idx, std::nothrow }; if(!event.valid) return true; m::pretty_stateline(out, event, event_idx); /* size_t i(0); auto prev_idx(event_idx); for(; i < 4 && prev_idx; ++i, prev_idx = state.prev(prev_idx)) out << (i? " <-- " : "") << prev_idx; out << std::endl; */ return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state__events(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "event_id_or_type" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const auto &event_id_or_type { param.at("event_id_or_type", string_view{}) }; const auto is_event_id { m::has_sigil(event_id_or_type) && valid(m::id::EVENT, event_id_or_type) }; const m::room room { room_id, is_event_id? event_id_or_type : string_view{} }; const m::room::state state { room }; const string_view &type { !is_event_id? event_id_or_type: string_view{} }; state.for_each(type, [&out](const m::event &event) { out << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state__count(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "event_id_or_type" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const auto &event_id_or_type { param.at("event_id_or_type", string_view{}) }; const auto is_event_id { m::has_sigil(event_id_or_type) && valid(m::id::EVENT, event_id_or_type) }; const m::room room { room_id, is_event_id? event_id_or_type : string_view{} }; const m::room::state state { room }; const string_view &type { !is_event_id? event_id_or_type: string_view{} }; out << state.count(type) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state__types(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const auto &event_id { token(line, ' ', 1, {}) }; const m::room room { room_id, event_id }; const m::room::state state { room }; state.for_each([&out] (const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key, const m::event::idx &) { out << type << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state__keys(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "type", "event_id", "prefix" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const auto &type { param.at("type") }; const auto &event_id { param.at("event_id", string_view{}) }; const string_view &prefix { param.at("prefix", string_view{}) }; const m::room room { room_id, event_id }; const m::room::state state { room }; state.for_each(type, prefix, [&out, &prefix] (const string_view &, const string_view &state_key, const m::event::idx &) { if(prefix && !startswith(state_key, prefix)) return false; out << state_key << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state__history(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "event_id|depth", "type", "state_key" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const auto point { param.at("event_id|depth") }; const string_view &type { param["type"] }; const string_view &state_key { param["state_key"] }; const m::event::id &event_id { !try_lex_cast(point)? m::event::id{point}: m::event::id{} }; const int64_t bound { try_lex_cast(point)? lex_cast(point): -1L }; const m::room room { room_id, event_id }; const m::room::state state { room }; const m::room::state::history history { room, bound }; history.for_each(type, state_key, [&out] (const auto &type, const auto &state_key, const auto &depth, const auto &event_idx) { const m::event::fetch event { event_idx, std::nothrow }; if(!event.valid) return true; m::pretty_stateline(out, event, event_idx); return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state__space(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "type", "state_key", "depth" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const string_view &type { param["type"] != "*"? param["type"] : string_view{}, }; const string_view &state_key { param["state_key"] != "\"\""? param["state_key"] : string_view{}, }; const int64_t depth { param.at("depth", -1L) }; const m::room::state state { room_id }; const m::room::state::space space { room_id }; space.for_each(type, state_key, depth, [&out] (const auto &type, const auto &state_key, const auto &depth, const auto &event_idx) { const m::event::fetch event { event_idx, std::nothrow }; if(!event.valid) return true; m::pretty_stateline(out, event, event_idx); return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state__space__rebuild(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const string_view &room_id { param["room_id"] }; if(room_id == "*" || room_id == "remote_joined_only") { m::rooms::opts opts; opts.remote_joined_only = room_id == "remote_joined_only"; m::rooms::for_each(opts, [] (const m::room::id &room_id) { m::room::state::space::rebuild { room_id }; return true; }); return true; } const auto _room_id { room_id? m::room_id(room_id): m::room::id::buf{} }; m::room::state::space::rebuild { _room_id }; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state__purge__replaced(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const size_t ret { m::room::state::purge_replaced(room_id) }; out << "erased " << ret << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state__rebuild(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id" }}; const auto &room_id { param.at("room_id") != "*" && param.at("room_id") != "remote_joined_only"? m::room_id(param.at(0)): param["room_id"] }; if(room_id == "*" || room_id == "remote_joined_only") { m::rooms::opts opts; opts.remote_joined_only = room_id == "remote_joined_only"; m::rooms::for_each(opts, [] (const m::room::id &room_id) { m::room::state::rebuild { room_id }; return true; }); return true; } m::room::state::rebuild { room_id }; out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state__prefetch(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[event_id_or_type]", "[type]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const auto &event_id_or_type { param.at("[event_id_or_type]", string_view{}) }; const auto is_event_id { m::has_sigil(event_id_or_type) && valid(m::id::EVENT, event_id_or_type) }; const string_view &event_id { is_event_id? event_id_or_type: string_view{} }; const auto &type { is_event_id? param.at("[type]", string_view{}): event_id_or_type }; const m::room room { room_id, event_id }; const m::room::state state { room }; const size_t prefetched { state.prefetch(type) }; out << "prefetched " << prefetched << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state__cache(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[event_id_or_type]", "[type]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const auto &event_id_or_type { param.at("[event_id_or_type]", string_view{}) }; const auto is_event_id { m::has_sigil(event_id_or_type) && valid(m::id::EVENT, event_id_or_type) }; const string_view &event_id { is_event_id? event_id_or_type: string_view{} }; const auto &type { is_event_id? param.at("[type]", string_view{}): event_id_or_type }; const m::room room { room_id, event_id }; const m::room::state state { room }; size_t total(0); std::array res {{0}}; state.for_each(type, m::event::closure_idx{[&total, &res] (const m::event::idx &event_idx) { const byte_view &key(event_idx); for(size_t i(0); i < m::dbs::event_column.size(); ++i) { auto &column(m::dbs::event_column[i]); res[i] += db::cached(column, key); } ++total; }}); std::array keys; _key_transform(m::event{}, begin(keys), end(keys)); assert(res.size() == keys.size()); for(size_t i(0); i < keys.size(); ++i) out << std::left << std::setw(16) << keys[i] << " " << std::right << std::setw(6) << res[i] << " of " << std::left << std::setw(6) << total << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__count(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "{event_filter_json}" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::event_filter filter { param[1] }; const m::room room { room_id }; auto limit { json::get<"limit"_>(filter)?: -1 }; if(param[1]) { size_t count{0}; m::room::events it{room}; for(; it && limit; --it, --limit) { const m::event &event{*it}; count += match(filter, event); } out << count << std::endl; return true; } const size_t count { room.count() }; out << count << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__events(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "depth|-limit", "order", "limit" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const int64_t depth { param.at(1, std::numeric_limits::max()) }; const char order { param.at(2, "b"_sv).at(0) }; ssize_t limit { depth < 0? std::abs(depth): param.at(3, ssize_t(32)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; m::room::events it { room, uint64_t(depth >= 0? depth : -1) }; for(; it && limit >= 0; order == 'b'? --it : ++it, --limit) out << std::left << std::setw(10) << it.event_idx() << " " << pretty_oneline(*it) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__events__missing(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "limit", "min_depth", "event_id" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; auto limit { param.at("limit", 16L) }; const auto &min_depth { param.at("min_depth", 0L) }; const auto &event_id { param["event_id"] }; const m::room room { room_id, event_id }; const m::room::events::missing missing { room }; missing.for_each(min_depth, [&out, &limit] (const auto &event_id, const auto &ref_depth, const auto &ref_idx) { out << std::right << std::setw(10) << ref_idx << " " << std::right << std::setw(8) << ref_depth << " " << std::left << std::setw(52) << event_id << std::endl; return --limit; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__events__horizon(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const auto &event_id { param[2] }; const m::room room { room_id, event_id }; const m::room::events::horizon horizon { room }; horizon.for_each([&out] (const auto &event_id, const auto &ref_depth, const auto &ref_idx) { out << std::right << std::setw(10) << ref_idx << " " << std::right << std::setw(8) << ref_depth << " " << std::left << std::setw(52) << event_id << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__events__horizon__rebuild(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const m::room room { room_id }; m::room::events::horizon horizon { room }; out << "done " << horizon.rebuild() << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__messages(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "depth|-limit", "order", "limit" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const int64_t depth { param.at(1, std::numeric_limits::max()) }; const char order { param.at(2, "b"_sv).at(0) }; ssize_t limit { depth < 0? std::abs(depth): param.at(3, ssize_t(32)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; m::room::events it{room}; if(depth >= 0 && depth < std::numeric_limits::max()) it.seek(depth); for(; it && limit >= 0; order == 'b'? --it : ++it, --limit) out << pretty_msgline(*it) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__get(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "type", "state_key", "args" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const string_view type { param.at(1) }; const string_view state_key { param.at(2) }; const string_view arg { param[3] }; const m::room::state room { room_id }; room.get(type, state_key, [&out, &arg] (const m::event &event) { if(has(arg, "raw")) out << event << std::endl; else if(has(arg, "content")) out << json::get<"content"_>(event) << std::endl; else out << pretty(event) << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__set(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "sender", "type", "state_key", "content", "[prev_event_id]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::user::id &sender { param.at(1) }; const string_view type { param.at(2) }; const string_view state_key { param.at(3) }; const json::object &content { param.at(4, json::object{}) }; const string_view prev_event_id { param[5] }; const m::room room { room_id, prev_event_id }; const auto event_id { send(room, sender, type, state_key, content) }; out << event_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__send(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param { line, " ", { "room_id", "sender", "type", "content", "[prev_event_id]" } }; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::user::id &sender { param.at(1) }; const string_view type { param.at(2) }; const json::object &content { param.at(3, json::object{}) }; const string_view prev_event_id { param[4] }; const m::room room { room_id, prev_event_id }; const auto event_id { send(room, sender, type, content) }; out << event_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__message(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const m::user::id &sender { token(line, ' ', 1) }; const string_view body { tokens_after(line, ' ', 1) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const auto event_id { message(room, sender, body) }; out << event_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__join(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const string_view room_id_or_alias { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const m::user::id &user_id { token(line, ' ', 1) }; const string_view &event_id { token(line, ' ', 2, {}) }; switch(m::sigil(room_id_or_alias)) { case m::id::ROOM: { const m::room room { room_id_or_alias, event_id }; const auto join_event { m::join(room, user_id) }; out << join_event << std::endl; return true; } case m::id::ROOM_ALIAS: { const m::room::alias alias { room_id_or_alias }; const auto join_event { m::join(alias, user_id) }; out << join_event << std::endl; return true; } default: throw error { "Don't know how to join '%s'", room_id_or_alias }; } return true; } bool console_cmd__room__leave(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id_or_alias", "user_id" }}; const m::room::id::buf room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id_or_alias")) }; const m::user::id::buf user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const m::room room { room_id }; const auto leave_event_id { m::leave(room, user_id) }; out << leave_event_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__create(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[creator]", "[type]" }}; const m::room::id room_id { param.at(0) }; const m::user::id creator { param.at(1, m::me.user_id) }; const string_view type { param[2] }; const m::room room { m::create(room_id, creator, type) }; out << room.room_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__id(opt &out, const string_view &id) { out << m::room_id(id) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__purge(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const size_t ret { m::room::purge(room) }; out << "erased " << ret << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__auth(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id|room_id", "event_id" }}; const string_view &p0 { param.at("event_id|room_id") }; const m::room::id::buf room_id{[&p0] () -> m::room::id::buf { switch(m::sigil(p0)) { case m::id::ROOM: return p0; case m::id::ROOM_ALIAS: return m::room_id(p0); case m::id::EVENT: return m::get(m::event::id(p0), "room_id"); default: throw params::invalid { "%s is the wrong kind of MXID for this argument", reflect(m::sigil(p0)) }; } }()}; const m::event::id &event_id { m::sigil(p0) != m::id::EVENT? param.at("event_id"): p0 }; const m::room::auth::chain ac { m::index(event_id) }; ac.for_each([&out](const auto &idx) { const m::event::fetch event { idx, std::nothrow }; out << idx; if(event.valid) out << " " << pretty_oneline(event); out << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__stats(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const size_t bytes_json { m::room::stats::bytes_json(room_id) }; out << "JSON bytes: " << pretty(iec(bytes_json)) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__restrap(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", "host" }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at("event_id") }; const net::hostport &host_ { param.at("host") }; const string_view &host { param.at("host") }; m::room::bootstrap { event_id, host }; return true; } // // user // //TODO: XXX bool console_id__user(opt &out, const m::user::id &id, const string_view &args) { const bool exists { m::exists(id) }; if(!exists) throw m::NOT_FOUND { "User %s is not known to this server.", string_view{id}, }; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__register(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "username", "password" }}; const string_view &username { param.at(0) }; const string_view &password { param.at(1) }; const m::registar request { { "username", username }, { "password", password }, { "bind_email", false }, }; using prototype = std::string (const m::registar &, const client *const &, const bool &); static mods::import register_user { "client_register", "register_user" }; const auto ret { register_user(request, nullptr, false) }; out << ret << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__password(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param { line, " ", { "user_id", "password" } }; m::user user { param.at(0) }; const string_view &password { param.at(1) }; const auto eid { user.password(password) }; out << eid << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__active(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param { line, " ", { "user_id" } }; const m::user user { param.at(0) }; out << user.user_id << " is " << (user.is_active()? "active" : "inactive") << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__activate(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param { line, " ", { "user_id" } }; m::user user { param.at(0) }; if(user.is_active()) { out << user.user_id << " is already active" << std::endl; return true; } const auto eid { user.activate() }; out << eid << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__deactivate(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param { line, " ", { "user_id" } }; m::user user { param.at(0) }; if(!user.is_active()) { out << user.user_id << " is already inactive" << std::endl; return true; } const auto eid { user.deactivate() }; out << eid << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__presence(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "limit" }}; const m::user user { param.at(0) }; auto limit { param.at(1, size_t(16)) }; const m::user::room user_room{user}; user_room.for_each("ircd.presence", m::event::closure_bool{[&out, &limit] (const m::event &event) { out << timestr(at<"origin_server_ts"_>(event) / 1000) << " " << at<"content"_>(event) << " " << event.event_id << std::endl; return --limit > 0; }}); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__presence__set(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "state", "status" }}; const m::user user { param.at("user_id") }; const string_view &state { param.at("state") }; const string_view &status { param["status"] }; const auto eid { m::presence::set(user, state, status) }; out << eid << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__rooms(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "[membership]" }}; const m::user &user { param.at(0) }; const string_view &membership { param[1] }; const m::user::rooms rooms { user }; rooms.for_each(membership, m::user::rooms::closure{[&out] (const m::room &room, const string_view &membership) { out << room.room_id << " " << membership << std::endl; }}); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__rooms__origins(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "[membership]" }}; const m::user &user { param.at(0) }; const string_view &membership { param[1] }; const m::user::servers origins { user }; origins.for_each(membership, [&out] (const string_view &origin) { out << origin << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__read(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", }}; const m::user::id user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const m::user::room user_room { user_id }; const m::room::state state { user_room }; state.for_each("ircd.read", m::event::closure{[&out] (const m::event &event) { const milliseconds origin_server_ts { json::get<"origin_server_ts"_>(event) }; char tsbuf[2][64]; const auto timef { ircd::timef(tsbuf[0], origin_server_ts.count() / 1000L) }; const auto ago { ircd::ago(tsbuf[1], system_point(origin_server_ts)) }; out << timef << " " << json::get<"state_key"_>(event) << " " << json::get<"content"_>(event) << " " << event.event_id << " " << ago << std::endl; }}); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__read__receipt(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "event_id", "[room_id]|[time]" }}; const m::user::id user_id { param.at(0) }; const m::event::id event_id { param.at(1) }; m::room::id::buf room_id { param[2]? param[2]: string_view{m::get(event_id, "room_id", room_id)} }; const time_t &ms { param.at(3, ircd::time()) }; const auto eid { m::receipt::read(room_id, user_id, event_id, json::strung{json::members { { "ts", ms }, }}) }; out << eid << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__read__ignore(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "my_user_id", "target_user|room_id" }}; const m::user my_user { param.at(0) }; string_view target { param[1] }; const m::user::room user_room { my_user }; if(!target) { m::room::state{user_room}.for_each("ircd.read.ignore", [&out] (const m::event &event) { out << at<"state_key"_>(event) << std::endl; }); return true; } char buf[m::id::MAX_SIZE]; switch(m::sigil(target)) { case m::id::USER: case m::id::ROOM: break; case m::id::ROOM_ALIAS: target = m::room_id(buf, target); break; default: throw error { "Unsupported target MXID type for receipt ignores." }; } if(user_room.has("ircd.read.ignore", target)) { out << "User " << my_user.user_id << " is already not sending" << " receipts for messages from " << target << std::endl; return true; } const auto eid { send(user_room, m::me.user_id, "ircd.read.ignore", target, json::object{}) }; out << "User " << my_user.user_id << " will not send receipts for" << " messages from " << target << " (" << eid << ")" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__filter(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "[filter_id]" }}; const m::user user { param.at(0) }; const auto &filter_id { param[1] }; const m::user::filter filter { user }; if(filter_id) { out << filter.get(filter_id) << std::endl; return true; } filter.for_each([&out] (const string_view &id, const json::object &filter) { out << id << std::endl; out << filter << std::endl; out << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__events(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "limit" }}; const m::user::events user { m::user(param.at("user_id")) }; size_t limit { param.at("limit", 32) }; user.for_each([&out, &limit] (const m::event &event) { out << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl;; return bool(--limit); }); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__events__count(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id" }}; const m::user::events user { m::user(param.at("user_id")) }; out << user.count() << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__sees(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id_a", "user_id_b", "membership" }}; const m::user user_a { m::user(param.at("user_id_a")) }; const m::user user_b { m::user(param.at("user_id_b")) }; const string_view membership { param.at("membership", "join"_sv) }; const m::user::mitsein mitsein { user_a }; const bool result { mitsein.has(user_b, membership) }; out << std::boolalpha << result << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__mitsein(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id_a", "user_id_b", "membership" }}; const m::user user_a { m::user(param.at("user_id_a")) }; const m::user user_b { m::user(param.at("user_id_b")) }; const string_view membership { param.at("membership", "join"_sv) }; const m::user::mitsein mitsein { user_a }; mitsein.for_each(user_b, membership, [&out] (const m::room &room, const string_view &membership) { out << room.room_id << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__tokens(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "clear" }}; const m::user user { param.at("user_id") }; const bool clear { param["clear"] == "clear" }; const m::room::state &tokens { m::user::tokens }; tokens.for_each("ircd.access_token", m::event::closure_idx{[&out, &user, &clear] (const m::event::idx &event_idx) { bool match(false); m::get(std::nothrow, event_idx, "sender", [&match, &user] (const string_view &sender) { match = sender == user.user_id; }); if(!match) return; const m::event::fetch event { event_idx }; const string_view &token { at<"state_key"_>(event) }; const milliseconds ost { at<"origin_server_ts"_>(event) }; const milliseconds now { time() }; out << token << " " << ost << " " << pretty(now - ost) << " ago" << " " << string_view{event.event_id}; if(clear) { const auto eid { m::redact(m::user::tokens, user.user_id, event.event_id, "cleared") }; out << " - cleared by " << eid; } out << std::endl; }}); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__profile(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "key" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const string_view &key { param["key"] }; const m::user::profile profile { user_id }; if(key) { profile.get(key, [&out] (const string_view &key, const string_view &val) { out << val << std::endl; }); return true; } profile.for_each([&out] (const string_view &key, const string_view &val) { out << key << ": " << val << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__profile__fetch(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "key", "remote" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const string_view &key { param["key"] }; const net::hostport &remote { param["remote"]? param["remote"]: user_id.host() }; m::user::profile::fetch(user_id, remote, key); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__account_data(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "key", "[val]" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const string_view &key { param["key"] }; const json::object &val { param["[val]"] }; const m::user::account_data account_data { user_id }; if(!empty(val)) { account_data.set(key, val); return true; } if(key) { account_data.get(key, [&out] (const string_view &key, const json::object &val) { out << val << std::endl; }); return true; } account_data.for_each([&out] (const string_view &key, const json::object &val) { out << key << ": " << val << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__room_account_data(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "room_id", "key", "[val]" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const string_view &key { param["key"] }; const json::object &val { param["[val]"] }; const m::user::room_account_data room_account_data { user_id, room_id }; if(!empty(val)) { room_account_data.set(key, val); return true; } if(key) { room_account_data.get(key, [&out] (const string_view &key, const json::object &val) { out << val << std::endl; }); return true; } room_account_data.for_each([&out] (const string_view &key, const json::object &val) { out << key << ": " << val << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__room_tags(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "room_id", "tag" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const auto &room_id { param["room_id"]? m::room_id(param.at("room_id")): m::room::id::buf{} }; const string_view &tag { param["tag"] }; if(room_id) { const auto output { [&out, &room_id](const string_view &key, const json::object &val) { out << room_id << " " << key << ": " << val << std::endl; return true; } }; const m::user::room_tags room_tags { user_id, room_id }; if(tag) room_tags.get(tag, output); else room_tags.for_each(output); return true; } const m::user::rooms rooms { user_id }; rooms.for_each(m::user::rooms::closure{[&user_id, &tag, &out] (const m::room &room, const string_view &membership) { const auto output { [&out, &room](const string_view &key, const json::object &val) { out << room.room_id << " " << key << ": " << val << std::endl; return true; } }; const m::user::room_tags room_tags { user_id, room }; if(tag) room_tags.get(tag, output); else room_tags.for_each(output); }}); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__room_tags__set(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "room_id", "tag", "content" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const string_view &tag { param.at("tag") }; const json::object &content { param.at("content") }; const m::user::room_tags room_tags { user_id, room_id }; out << room_tags.set(tag, content) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__devices(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "device_id" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const string_view &device_id { param.at("device_id", string_view{}) }; if(!device_id) { m::device::for_each(user_id, [&out] (const string_view &device_id) { out << device_id << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } m::device::for_each(user_id, device_id, [&out, &user_id, &device_id] (const string_view &prop) { m::device::get(std::nothrow, user_id, device_id, prop, [&out, &prop] (const string_view &value) { out << prop << ": " << value << std::endl; }); return true; }); return true; } bool console_id__device(opt &out, const m::device::id &id, const string_view &line) { return true; } bool console_cmd__user__ignores(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "other_id" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const string_view &other_id { param["other_id"] }; const m::user::ignores ignores { user_id }; if(other_id) { const bool ignored(ignores.has(other_id)); out << user_id << " is " << (ignored? "" : "not ") << "ignoring " << other_id << std::endl; return true; } ignores.for_each([&out] (const m::user::id &user_id, const json::object &object) { out << user_id; if(!empty(object)) out << " " << object; out << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__breadcrumb_rooms(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const m::breadcrumb_rooms breadcrumb_rooms { user_id }; breadcrumb_rooms.for_each([&out] (const string_view &room_id) { out << room_id << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } // // users // bool console_cmd__users(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "query" }}; const auto query { param.at("query", string_view{}) }; const m::users::opts opts { query }; m::users::for_each(opts, [&out] (const m::user &user) { out << user.user_id << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__typing(opt &out, const string_view &line) { m::typing::for_each([&out] (const m::typing &event) { out << event << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } // // node // bool console_cmd__node__keys(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "node_id", "[limit]" }}; const m::node &node { param.at("node_id") }; auto limit { param.at(1, size_t(1)) }; const m::node::room node_room{node}; const m::room::state state{node_room}; state.for_each("ircd.key", m::event::closure_bool{[&out, &limit] (const m::event &event) { const m::keys keys { json::get<"content"_>(event) }; out << keys << std::endl; return --limit; }}); return true; } bool console_cmd__node__key(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "node_id", "key_id" }}; const m::node &node { param.at("node_id") }; const auto &key_id { param[1] }; const m::node::room node_room{node}; node_room.get("ircd.key", [&out] (const m::event &event) { const m::keys key { json::get<"content"_>(event) }; out << key << std::endl; }); return true; } // // feds // bool console_cmd__feds__version(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; m::feds::opts opts; opts.op = m::feds::op::version; opts.room_id = room_id; m::feds::execute(opts, [&out] (const auto &result) { out << (result.eptr? '-' : '+') << " " << std::setw(40) << std::left << result.origin << " "; if(result.eptr) out << what(result.eptr); else out << string_view{result.object}; out << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__state(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::event::id::buf &event_id { param.count() > 1? param.at(1) : m::head(room_id) }; std::forward_list origins; std::map, std::less<>> grid; const auto closure{[&out, &grid, &origins](const auto &result) { if(result.eptr) return true; const json::array &auth_chain { result.object["auth_chain_ids"] }; const json::array &pdus { result.object["pdu_ids"] }; for(const auto &pdu_id : pdus) { const auto &event_id{unquote(pdu_id)}; auto it { grid.lower_bound(event_id) }; if(it == end(grid) || it->first != event_id) it = grid.emplace_hint(it, event_id, std::forward_list{}); origins.emplace_front(result.origin); it->second.emplace_front(origins.front()); } return true; }}; m::feds::opts opts; opts.op = m::feds::op::state; opts.timeout = out.timeout; opts.event_id = event_id; opts.room_id = room_id; opts.arg[0] = "ids"; m::feds::execute(opts, closure); for(auto &p : grid) { p.second.sort(); out << std::setw(64) << std::left << p.first << " : "; for(const auto &origin : p.second) out << " " << origin; out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__event(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", "room_id" }}; const m::event::id event_id { param.at(0) }; m::room::id::buf room_id; if(param["room_id"]) room_id = m::room_id(param["room_id"]); if(!room_id) room_id = m::get(std::nothrow, event_id, "room_id", room_id); if(!room_id) { out << "Cannot find the room_id for this event; supply it as a paramter." << std::endl; return true; } m::feds::opts opts; opts.op = m::feds::op::event; opts.room_id = room_id; opts.event_id = event_id; m::feds::execute(opts, [&out](const auto &result) { out << (result.eptr? '-': empty(result.object)? '?': '+') << " " << std::setw(40) << std::left << result.origin << " " ; if(result.eptr) out << " :" << what(result.eptr); out << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__head(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[user_id]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::user::id &user_id { param["[user_id]"]? m::user::id{param["[user_id]"]}: m::user::id{} }; m::feds::opts opts; opts.op = m::feds::op::head; opts.room_id = room_id; opts.user_id = user_id; opts.timeout = out.timeout; m::feds::execute(opts, [&out](const auto &result) { if(result.eptr) { out << "- " << std::setw(40) << std::left << result.origin << " " << what(result.eptr) << std::endl; return true; } const json::object &event { result.object.at("event") }; out << "+ " << std::setw(40) << std::left << result.origin; out << " " << event["depth"]; const m::event::prev prev(event); for(size_t i(0); i < prev.prev_events_count(); ++i) { const auto &prev_event_id { prev.prev_event(i) }; out << " " << string_view{prev_event_id}; }; out << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__auth(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "event_id" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at("event_id") }; m::feds::opts opts; opts.op = m::feds::op::auth; opts.room_id = room_id; opts.event_id = event_id; m::feds::execute(opts, [&out](const auto &result) { if(result.eptr) return true; const json::array auth_chain { result.object.at("auth_chain") }; out << "+ " << std::setw(40) << std::left << result.origin; for(const json::object &auth_event : auth_chain) { out << " " << unquote(auth_event.at("event_id")); }; out << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__heads(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[user_id]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at(1, m::me.user_id) }; using closure_prototype = bool (const string_view &, std::exception_ptr, const json::object &); using prototype = void (const m::room::id &, const m::user::id &, const milliseconds &, const std::function &); static mods::import feds__head { "federation_federation", "feds__head" }; std::forward_list origins; std::map, std::less<>> grid; feds__head(room_id, user_id, out.timeout, [&origins, &grid] (const string_view &origin, std::exception_ptr eptr, const json::object &event) { if(eptr) return true; const json::array &prev_events { event.at("prev_events") }; const m::event::prev prev(prev_events); for(size_t i(0); i < prev.prev_events_count(); ++i) { const auto &event_id { prev.prev_event(i) }; auto it { grid.lower_bound(event_id) }; if(it == end(grid) || it->first != event_id) it = grid.emplace_hint(it, event_id, std::forward_list{}); origins.emplace_front(origin); it->second.emplace_front(origins.front()); } return true; }); for(auto &p : grid) { p.second.sort(); out << std::setw(64) << std::left << p.first << " : "; for(const auto &origin : p.second) out << " " << origin; out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__perspective(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "server_name", "key_id", }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const string_view &server_name { param.at(1) }; const string_view &key_id { param.at(2) }; const m::v1::key::server_key server_key { server_name, key_id }; m::feds::opts opts; opts.op = m::feds::op::keys; opts.timeout = out.timeout; opts.room_id = room_id; opts.arg[0] = server_key.first; opts.arg[1] = server_key.second; m::feds::execute(opts, [&out](const auto &result) { out << std::setw(32) << trunc(result.origin, 32) << " :"; if(result.eptr) { out << what(result.eptr) << std::endl; return true; } const json::array &server_keys { result.object["server_keys"] }; for(const json::object &server_key : server_keys) { const m::keys &key{server_key}; out << key << std::endl; } return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__backfill(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[event_id]", "[limit]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::event::id::buf &event_id { param.count() > 1? param.at(1) : head(room_id) }; const size_t limit { param.at(2, size_t(4)) }; std::map, std::less<>> grid; std::set origins; m::feds::opts opts; opts.op = m::feds::op::backfill; opts.room_id = room_id; opts.event_id = event_id; opts.argi[0] = limit; m::feds::execute(opts, [&grid, &origins] (const auto &result) { if(result.eptr) return true; const json::array &pdus { result.object["pdus"] }; for(const json::object &pdu : pdus) { const auto &event_id { unquote(pdu.at("event_id")) }; auto it(grid.lower_bound(event_id)); if(it == end(grid) || it->first != event_id) it = grid.emplace_hint(it, event_id, std::set{}); auto &set(it->second); const auto iit(set.emplace(result.origin)); origins.emplace(*iit.first); } return true; }); size_t i(0); for(const auto &p : grid) out << i++ << " " << p.first << std::endl; for(size_t j(0); j < i; ++j) out << "| " << std::left << std::setw(2) << j; out << "|" << std::endl; for(const auto &origin : origins) { for(const auto &p : grid) out << "| " << (p.second.count(origin)? '+' : ' ') << " "; out << "| " << origin << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__send(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", }}; const m::event::id event_id { param.at(0) }; const m::event::fetch event { event_id }; const json::value event_json { event.source }; const m::txn::array pduv { &event_json, 1 }; const std::string content { m::txn::create(pduv) }; char txnidbuf[64]; const auto txnid { m::txn::create_id(txnidbuf, content) }; m::feds::opts opts; opts.op = m::feds::op::send; opts.room_id = at<"room_id"_>(event); opts.arg[0] = txnid; opts.arg[1] = content; m::feds::execute(opts, [&out] (const auto &result) { out << (result.eptr? '-' : '+') << " " << std::setw(40) << std::left << result.origin << " "; if(result.eptr) out << what(result.eptr); else out << string_view{result.object}; out << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } // // fed // bool console_cmd__fed__groups(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const string_view node { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const auto args { tokens_after(line, ' ', 0) }; m::user::id ids[8]; string_view tok[8]; const auto count{std::min(tokens(args, ' ', tok), size_t(8))}; std::copy(begin(tok), begin(tok) + count, begin(ids)); const unique_buffer buf { 32_KiB }; m::v1::groups::publicised::opts opts; m::v1::groups::publicised request { node, vector_view(ids, count), buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object response { request.in.content }; out << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__head(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "remote", "user_id", "op" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at(1, room_id.host()) }; /// Select a better user_id if possible const m::room room{room_id}; m::user::id::buf user_id; if(param["user_id"]) user_id = param["user_id"]; if(!user_id) user_id = any_user(room, my_host(), "join"); // Make another attempt to find an invited user because that carries some // value (this query is not as fast as querying join memberships). if(!user_id) user_id = any_user(room, my_host(), "invite"); thread_local char buf[16_KiB]; m::v1::make_join::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; m::v1::make_join request { room_id, user_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object &proto { request.in.content }; if(param["op"] == "raw") { out << string_view{proto} << std::endl; return true; } const json::object event { proto["event"] }; out << "VERSION " << proto["room_version"] << std::endl; out << "DEPTH " << event["depth"] << std::endl; const m::event::prev prev{event}; for(size_t i(0); i < prev.auth_events_count(); ++i) { const m::event::id &id { prev.auth_event(i) }; out << "AUTH " << id << " " << std::endl; } for(size_t i(0); i < prev.prev_events_count(); ++i) { const m::event::id &id { prev.prev_event(i) }; out << "PREV " << id << " " << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__send(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "remote", "event_id", }}; const net::hostport remote { param.at(0) }; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(1) }; const m::event::fetch event { event_id }; thread_local char pdubuf[m::event::MAX_SIZE]; const json::value pdu { json::stringify(mutable_buffer{pdubuf}, event) }; const vector_view pdus { &pdu, &pdu + 1 }; const auto txn { m::txn::create(pdus) }; thread_local char idbuf[128]; const auto txnid { m::txn::create_id(idbuf, txn) }; const unique_buffer bufs { 16_KiB }; m::v1::send::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; m::v1::send request { txnid, const_buffer{txn}, bufs, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object response { request }; const m::v1::send::response resp { response }; resp.for_each_pdu([&] (const m::event::id &event_id, const json::object &error) { out << remote << " ->" << txnid << " " << event_id << " "; if(empty(error)) out << http::status(code) << std::endl; else out << string_view{error} << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__sync(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "remote", "limit", "event_id", "timeout" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at(1, room_id.host()) }; const auto &limit { param.at(2, size_t(128)) }; const string_view &event_id { param[3] }; const auto timeout { param.at(4, out.timeout) }; // Used for out.head, out.content, in.head, but in.content is dynamic const unique_buffer buf { 32_KiB }; m::v1::state::opts stopts; stopts.remote = remote; stopts.event_id = event_id; const mutable_buffer stbuf { data(buf), size(buf) / 2 }; m::v1::state strequest { room_id, stbuf, std::move(stopts) }; m::v1::backfill::opts bfopts; bfopts.remote = remote; bfopts.event_id = event_id; bfopts.limit = limit; const mutable_buffer bfbuf { buf + size(stbuf) }; m::v1::backfill bfrequest { room_id, bfbuf, std::move(bfopts) }; const auto when { now() + timeout }; bfrequest.wait_until(when); strequest.wait_until(when); bfrequest.get(); strequest.get(); const json::array &auth_chain { json::object{strequest}.get("auth_chain") }; const json::array &pdus { json::object{strequest}.get("pdus") }; const json::array &messages { json::object{bfrequest}.get("pdus") }; std::vector events; events.reserve(auth_chain.size() + pdus.size() + messages.size()); for(const json::object &event : auth_chain) events.emplace_back(event); for(const json::object &event : pdus) events.emplace_back(event); for(const json::object &event : messages) events.emplace_back(event); std::sort(begin(events), end(events)); events.erase(std::unique(begin(events), end(events)), end(events)); m::vm::opts vmopts; vmopts.nothrows = -1; vmopts.debuglog_accept = true; vmopts.fetch_prev = false; vmopts.fetch_state = false; char rembuf[256]; vmopts.node_id = string(rembuf, remote); m::vm::eval eval { vmopts }; for(const auto &event : events) eval(event); return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__state(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "remote", "event_id|op", "op" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at(1, room_id.host()) }; string_view event_id { param[2] }; string_view op { param[3] }; if(!op && event_id == "eval") std::swap(op, event_id); const m::event::id::buf head_buf { event_id? m::event::id::buf{}: m::head(std::nothrow, room_id) }; if(!event_id) event_id = head_buf; // Used for out.head, out.content, in.head, but in.content is dynamic thread_local char buf[8_KiB]; m::v1::state::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; opts.event_id = event_id; m::v1::state request { room_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object response { request }; if(op == "raw") { out << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } const json::array &auth_chain { response["auth_chain"] }; const json::array &pdus { response["pdus"] }; if(op != "eval") { if(op != "auth") { out << "state at " << event_id << ":" << std::endl; for(const json::object &event : pdus) out << pretty_oneline(m::event{event}) << std::endl; } out << std::endl; if(op != "state") { out << "auth chain at " << event_id << ":" << std::endl; for(const json::object &event : auth_chain) out << pretty_oneline(m::event{event}) << std::endl; } return true; } m::vm::opts vmopts; vmopts.nothrows = -1; m::vm::eval eval { pdus, vmopts }; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__state_ids(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "remote", "event_id" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at(1, room_id.host()) }; string_view event_id { param[2] }; // Used for out.head, out.content, in.head, but in.content is dynamic thread_local char buf[8_KiB]; m::v1::state::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; opts.event_id = event_id; opts.ids_only = true; m::v1::state request { room_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object response { request }; const json::array &auth_chain { response["auth_chain_ids"] }; const json::array &pdus { response["pdu_ids"] }; out << "AUTH:" << std::endl; for(const string_view &event_id : auth_chain) out << unquote(event_id) << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "STATE:" << std::endl; for(const string_view &event_id : pdus) out << unquote(event_id) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__backfill(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "remote", "count", "event_id", "op" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const net::hostport remote { param["remote"]? param["remote"]: room_id.host() }; const string_view &count { param.at("count", "32"_sv) }; string_view event_id { param["event_id"] }; string_view op { param["op"] }; if(!op && event_id == "eval") std::swap(op, event_id); // Used for out.head, out.content, in.head, but in.content is dynamic thread_local char buf[16_KiB]; m::v1::backfill::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; opts.limit = lex_cast(count); opts.event_id = event_id; m::v1::backfill request { room_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object response { request }; if(op == "raw") { out << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } const json::array &pdus { response["pdus"] }; if(op != "eval") { for(const json::object &event : pdus) out << pretty_oneline(m::event{event}) << std::endl; return true; } m::vm::opts vmopts; vmopts.nothrows = -1; vmopts.room_head = false; vmopts.room_head_resolve = true; vmopts.fetch_prev = false; vmopts.fetch_state = false; char rembuf[256]; vmopts.node_id = string(rembuf, remote); m::vm::eval eval { pdus, vmopts }; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__frontfill(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "remote", "earliest", "latest", "[limit]", "[min_depth]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at(1, room_id.host()) }; const m::event::id &earliest { param["earliest"] == "*"? m::event::id{}: param.at(2, m::event::id{}) }; const m::event::id &latest { param["latest"] == "*"? m::event::id{}: param.at(3, m::event::id{}) }; const auto &limit { param.at(4, 32UL) }; const auto &min_depth { param.at(5, 0UL) }; m::v1::frontfill::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; opts.limit = limit; opts.min_depth = min_depth; const unique_buffer buf { 16_KiB }; m::v1::frontfill request { room_id, {earliest, latest}, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::array response { request }; for(const json::object &event : response) out << pretty_oneline(m::event{event}) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__event(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", "remote", "[op]" }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(0) }; const net::hostport &remote { param.at(1, event_id.host()) }; const string_view op { param[2] }; m::v1::event::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; opts.dynamic = false; const unique_buffer buf { 96_KiB }; m::v1::event request { event_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); // Use this option to debug from the actual http response // content sent from the remote without any further action. if(has(op, "noparse")) { out << string_view{request.in.content} << std::endl; return true; } if(has(op, "parse")) { out << json::object{request.in.content} << std::endl; return true; } const json::object response { request }; m::event::id::buf _event_id; const m::event event { _event_id, response }; out << pretty(event) << std::endl; try { if(!verify(event)) out << "- SIGNATURE FAILED" << std::endl; } catch(const std::exception &e) { out << "- SIGNATURE FAILED: " << e.what() << std::endl; } if(!verify_hash(event)) out << "- HASH MISMATCH: " << b64encode_unpadded(hash(event)) << std::endl; const m::event::conforms conforms { event }; if(!conforms.clean()) out << "- " << conforms << std::endl; if(has(op, "raw")) out << string_view{response} << std::endl; if(!has(op, "eval")) return true; m::vm::opts vmopts; vmopts.fetch_prev = has(op, "prev"); m::vm::eval eval { event, vmopts }; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__public_rooms(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "remote", "limit", "all_networks", "3pid" }}; const net::hostport remote { param.at(0) }; const auto limit { param.at(1, 32) }; const auto all_nets { param.at(2, false) }; const auto tpid { param[3] }; m::v1::public_rooms::opts opts; opts.limit = limit; opts.third_party_instance_id = tpid; opts.include_all_networks = all_nets; const unique_buffer buf { 16_KiB }; m::v1::public_rooms request { remote, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object response { request }; const auto total_estimate { response.get("total_room_count_estimate") }; const auto next_batch { unquote(response.get("next_batch")) }; const json::array &rooms { response.get("chunk") }; for(const json::object &summary : rooms) { for(const auto &member : summary) out << std::setw(24) << member.first << " => " << member.second << std::endl; out << std::endl; } out << "total: " << total_estimate << std::endl; out << "next: " << next_batch << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__auth(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "event_id", "remote", "ids_only" }}; const auto room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(1) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at(2, event_id.host()) }; const string_view &ids_only { param["ids_only"] }; m::v1::event_auth::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; opts.ids_only = ids_only == "ids"; const unique_buffer buf { 16_KiB }; m::v1::event_auth request { room_id, event_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::array &auth_chain { opts.ids_only? json::object(request.in.content).at("auth_chain_ids"): json::array(request) }; if(opts.ids_only) { for(const json::string &event_id : auth_chain) out << event_id << std::endl; return true; } if(param["ids_only"] == "raw") { for(const string_view &event : auth_chain) out << event << std::endl; return true; } std::vector events(size(auth_chain)); std::transform(begin(auth_chain), end(auth_chain), begin(events), [] (const json::object &event) -> m::event { return event; }); std::sort(begin(events), end(events)); for(const auto &event : events) out << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__query_auth(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "event_id", "remote" }}; const auto room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(1) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at(2, event_id.host()) }; m::v1::query_auth::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; const unique_buffer buf { 128_KiB }; json::stack ost{buf}; { json::stack::object top{ost}; json::stack::array auth_chain { top, "auth_chain" }; const m::room::auth::chain chain { m::index(event_id) }; m::event::fetch event; chain.for_each([&auth_chain, &event] (const m::event::idx &event_idx) { if(seek(event, event_idx, std::nothrow)) auth_chain.append(event); return true; }); } const json::object content { ost.completed() }; m::v1::query_auth request { room_id, event_id, content, buf + size(ost.completed()), std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object response{request}; const json::array &auth_chain { response["auth_chain"] }; const json::array &missing { response["missing"] }; const json::object &rejects { response["rejects"] }; out << "auth_chain: " << std::endl; for(const json::object &event : auth_chain) out << pretty_oneline(m::event{event}) << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "missing: " << std::endl; for(const string_view &event_id : missing) out << event_id << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << "rejects: " << std::endl; for(const auto &member : rejects) out << member.first << ": " << member.second << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__query__profile(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::user::id &user_id { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const net::hostport remote { token_count(line, ' ') > 1? token(line, ' ', 1) : user_id.host() }; m::v1::query::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; thread_local char buf[8_KiB]; m::v1::query::profile request { user_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object response { request }; out << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__query__directory(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::id::room_alias &room_alias { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const net::hostport remote { token_count(line, ' ') > 1? token(line, ' ', 1) : room_alias.host() }; m::v1::query::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; thread_local char buf[8_KiB]; m::v1::query::directory request { room_alias, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object response { request }; out << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__user__devices(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "remote" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const net::hostport remote { param.at("remote", user_id.host()) }; m::v1::user::devices::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; const unique_buffer buf { 8_KiB }; m::v1::user::devices request { user_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object response { request }; const string_view stream_id { unquote(response["stream_id"]) }; const json::array &devices { response["devices"] }; for(const json::object &device : devices) out << string_view{device} << std::endl; out << "-- " << size(devices) << " devices." << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__user__keys__query(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "device_id", "remote" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const string_view &device_id { param.at("device_id", string_view{}) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at("remote", user_id.host()) }; m::v1::user::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; const unique_buffer buf { 8_KiB }; m::v1::user::keys::query request { user_id, device_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object response { request }; const json::object &device_keys { response["device_keys"] }; for(const auto &p : device_keys) { const m::user::id &user_id{p.first}; out << user_id << ": " << std::endl; const json::object &devices{p.second}; for(const auto &p : devices) { const auto &device_id{p.first}; out << " " << device_id << ": " << std::endl; const m::device_keys &device{p.second}; for_each(device, [&out] (const auto &key, const auto &val) { out << " " << key << ": " << val << std::endl; }); out << std::endl; } out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__user__keys__claim(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "device_id", "algorithm", "remote" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const string_view &device_id { param.at("device_id") }; const string_view &algorithm { param.at("algorithm") }; const net::hostport remote { param.at("remote", user_id.host()) }; m::v1::user::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; const unique_buffer buf { 8_KiB }; m::v1::user::keys::claim request { user_id, device_id, algorithm, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object response { request }; const json::object &one_time_keys { response["one_time_keys"] }; out << one_time_keys << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__key(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "remote", }}; const auto &server_name { param.at(0) }; const auto &key_id { param[1] }; const unique_buffer buf{16_KiB}; m::v1::key::opts opts; m::v1::key::keys request { {server_name, key_id}, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object response { request }; const m::keys &key{response}; out << key << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__key__query(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "remote", "[server_name,key_id]...", }}; const auto requests { tokens_after(line, ' ', 0) }; std::vector> r; tokens(requests, ' ', [&r] (const string_view &req) { r.emplace_back(split(req, ',')); }); m::v1::key::opts opts; opts.dynamic = true; opts.remote = net::hostport { param.at(0) }; const unique_buffer buf{24_KiB}; m::v1::key::query request { r, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::array keys { request }; for(const json::object &key : keys) { const m::keys &k{key}; out << k << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__version(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const net::hostport remote { token(line, ' ', 0) }; m::v1::version::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; thread_local char buf[8_KiB]; m::v1::version request { buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object response { request }; out << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } // // file // bool console_cmd__file__room(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "server|amalgam", "file" }}; auto server { param.at(0) }; auto file { param[1] }; const m::media::mxc mxc { server, file }; out << m::media::file::room_id(mxc) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__file__download(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "server|file", "[remote]" }}; const string_view &path { param.at("server|file") }; const auto &server { split(path, '/').first }; const auto &file { split(path, '/').second }; const string_view &remote { param.at("[remote]", server) }; const m::media::mxc mxc { server, file }; const auto room_id { m::media::file::download(mxc, m::me.user_id, remote) }; out << room_id << std::endl; return true; } // // vm // bool console_cmd__vm(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << "sequence: " << std::right << std::setw(10) << m::vm::sequence::retired << std::endl; out << "eval total: " << std::right << std::setw(10) << m::vm::eval::id_ctr << std::endl; out << "eval current: " << std::right << std::setw(10) << size(m::vm::eval::list) << std::endl; out << std::endl; for(const auto *const &eval : m::vm::eval::list) { assert(eval); assert(eval->ctx); out << loghead(*eval) << std::endl ; } return true; } // // mc // bool console_cmd__mc__register(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "password", "[remote]" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const string_view &password { param.at("password") }; const net::hostport remote { param.at("[remote]", user_id.host()) }; static const string_view uri { "/_matrix/client/r0/register?kind=user" }; server::request::opts sopts; const unique_buffer buf { 16_KiB }; window_buffer wb{buf}; wb([&](mutable_buffer buf) { return json::stringify(buf, json::members { { "username", user_id.localname() }, { "password", password }, { "auth", json::members { { "type", "m.login.dummy" } }} }); }); const string_view &content { wb.completed() }; wb = mutable_buffer{wb}; http::request { wb, host(remote), "POST", uri, size(content), "application/json" }; server::out sout { wb.completed(), content }; server::in sin { mutable_buffer{wb} }; server::request request { remote, std::move(sout), std::move(sin) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object response { request.in.content }; out << uint(code) << ": " << std::endl; out << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__mc__register__available(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "[remote]" }}; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at("user_id") }; const net::hostport remote { param.at("[remote]", user_id.host()) }; server::request::opts sopts; const unique_buffer buf { 16_KiB }; window_buffer wb{buf}; wb([&user_id](const mutable_buffer &buf) { char urlencbuf[256]; return fmt::sprintf { buf, "/_matrix/client/r0/register/available?username=%s", url::encode(urlencbuf, user_id.localname()) }; }); const string_view uri{wb.completed()}; wb = mutable_buffer{wb}; http::request { wb, host(remote), "GET", uri }; server::out sout{wb.completed()}; server::in sin{mutable_buffer{wb}}; server::request request { remote, std::move(sout), std::move(sin) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object response { request.in.content }; out << uint(code) << ": " << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } // // fetch // bool console_cmd__fetch(opt &out, const string_view &line) { m::fetch::for_each([&out] (const m::fetch::request &request) { out << std::right << std::setw(10) << reflect(request.opts.op) << " " << std::left << std::setw(64) << trunc(request.event_id, 64) << " " << std::left << std::setw(40) << trunc(request.room_id, 40) << " " << std::left << std::setw(32) << trunc(request.origin, 32) << " " << std::left << "S:" << request.started << " " << std::left << "A:" << request.attempted.size() << " " << std::left << "E:" << bool(request.eptr) << " " << std::left << "F:" << request.finished << " " << std::endl ; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__fetch__event(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "event_id" }}; const auto room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const m::event::id &event_id { m::event::id{param.at("event_id")} }; m::fetch::opts opts; opts.op = m::fetch::op::event; opts.room_id = room_id; opts.event_id = event_id; auto future { m::fetch::start(opts) }; const auto result { future.get() }; out << "Received " << event_id << " in " << room_id << std::endl << std::endl ; out << json::object{result} << std::endl ; return true; } bool console_cmd__fetch__event__auth(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "event_id" }}; const auto room_id { m::room_id(param.at("room_id")) }; const m::event::id &event_id { m::event::id{param.at("event_id")} }; m::fetch::opts opts; opts.op = m::fetch::op::auth; opts.room_id = room_id; opts.event_id = event_id; auto future { m::fetch::start(opts) }; const auto result { future.get() }; const json::object response { result }; const json::array &auth_chain { response["auth_chain"] }; out << "Received " << auth_chain.size() << " auth events for " << event_id << " in " << room_id << std::endl << std::endl ; for(const json::object &event : auth_chain) out << string_view{event} << std::endl; return true; } // // synchron // bool console_cmd__synchron(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(auto *const &data_p : m::sync::data::list) { const auto *const &client(data_p->client); if(client) out << client->loghead() << " | "; out << m::sync::loghead(*data_p) << " | "; out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__synchron__item(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "prefix" }}; const auto prefix { param.at("prefix", ""_sv) }; ircd::m::sync::for_each(prefix, [&out] (const auto &item) { out << item.name() << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } // // redact // bool console_cmd__redact(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", "sender", "reason" }}; const m::event::id &redacts { param.at("event_id") }; const m::user::id &sender { param.at("sender") }; const string_view reason { param["reason"] }; const auto room_id { m::room_id(redacts) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const auto event_id { redact(room, sender, redacts, reason) }; out << redacts << " redacted by " << sender << " with " << event_id << std::endl; return true; }