/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Charybdis Development Team * Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Volk * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include namespace spirit = boost::spirit; namespace qi = spirit::qi; namespace ascii = qi::ascii; using namespace ircd; using qi::lit; using qi::string; using qi::char_; using qi::short_; using qi::ushort_; using qi::int_; using qi::long_; using qi::repeat; using qi::omit; using qi::raw; using qi::attr; using qi::eps; using qi::attr_cast; template struct grammar :qi::grammar { template using rule = qi::rule; rule<> NUL { lit('\0') ,"nul" }; rule<> SP { lit('\x20') ,"space" }; rule<> HT { lit('\x09') ,"horizontal tab" }; rule<> ws { SP | HT ,"whitespace" }; rule<> CR { lit('\x0D') ,"carriage return" }; rule<> LF { lit('\x0A') ,"line feed" }; rule<> CRLF { CR >> LF ,"carriage return, line feed" }; rule<> illegal { NUL | CR | LF ,"illegal" }; /* rule authority { //TODO: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2 -('/' >> '/') >> raw[*(char_ - '/')] >> '/' }; */ const rule<> port { ushort_ ,"port" }; const rule<> ip6_address { //TODO: XXX *char_("0-9a-fA-F:") ,"ip6 address" }; const rule<> ip6_literal { '[' >> ip6_address >> ']' ,"ip6 literal" }; const rule<> dns_name { ip6_literal | *(char_ - ':') ,"dns name" }; const rule<> server_name { dns_name >> -(':' >> port) ,"server name" }; const rule<> sigil { lit(char(m::id::EVENT)) | lit(char(m::id::USER)) | lit(char(m::id::ROOM)) | lit(char(m::id::ALIAS)) ,"sigil" }; const rule<> localpart { sigil >> *(char_ - ':') ,"localpart" }; const rule<> mxid { localpart >> ':' >> server_name ,"mxid" }; grammar() :grammar::base_type{rule<>{}} {} }; struct ircd::m::id::parser :grammar { struct validator; const rule mxid_view { raw[eps > mxid] }; string_view operator()(const id::sigil &, const string_view &id) const; string_view operator()(const string_view &id) const; } const ircd::m::id::parser; ircd::string_view ircd::m::id::parser::operator()(const id::sigil &sigil, const string_view &id) const { string_view out; const char *start{id.data()}; const char *const stop{id.data() + id.size()}; qi::parse(start, stop, raw[mxid_view], out); return out; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::id::parser::operator()(const string_view &id) const { string_view out; const char *start{id.data()}; const char *const stop{id.data() + id.size()}; qi::parse(start, stop, raw[mxid_view], out); return out; } struct ircd::m::id::parser::validator :grammar { const rule<> valid { mxid }; void operator()(const id::sigil &sigil, const string_view &id) const; void operator()(const string_view &id) const; } const validator; void ircd::m::id::parser::validator::operator()(const string_view &id) const try { const char *start{id.data()}; const char *const stop{id.data() + id.size()}; qi::parse(start, stop, eps > valid); } catch(const qi::expectation_failure &e) { const auto rule { ircd::string(e.what_) }; throw INVALID_MXID { "Not a valid mxid because of an invalid %s.", between(rule, '<', '>') }; } void ircd::m::id::parser::validator::operator()(const id::sigil &sigil, const string_view &id) const try { const char *start{id.data()}; const char *const stop{id.data() + id.size()}; qi::parse(start, stop, eps > valid); } catch(const qi::expectation_failure &e) { const auto rule { ircd::string(e.what_) }; throw INVALID_MXID { "Not a valid '%s' mxid because of an invalid %s.", reflect(sigil), between(rule, '<', '>') }; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // m/id.h // struct ircd::m::id::generator { static string_view random_timebased(const id::sigil &, const mutable_buffer &); static string_view random_prefixed(const id::sigil &, const string_view &prefix, const mutable_buffer &); }; ircd::m::id::id(const string_view &id) :string_view{id} { validate(m::sigil(id), id); } ircd::m::id::id(const id::sigil &sigil, const string_view &id) :string_view{id} { validate(sigil, id); } ircd::m::id::id(const id::sigil &sigil, const mutable_buffer &buf, const string_view &id) try :string_view {[&sigil, &buf, &id] { const string_view src { buffer::data(buf), buffer::data(buf) != id.data()? strlcpy(buffer::data(buf), id, buffer::size(buf)) : id.size() }; return parser(sigil, src); }()} { } catch(const qi::expectation_failure &e) { const auto rule { ircd::string(e.what_) }; throw INVALID_MXID { "Not a valid '%s' mxid because of an invalid %s.", reflect(sigil), between(rule, '<', '>') }; } ircd::m::id::id(const enum sigil &sigil, const mutable_buffer &buf, const string_view &name, const string_view &host) :string_view{[&]() -> string_view { using buffer::data; using buffer::size; const size_t &max{size(buf)}; if(!max) return {}; size_t len(0); if(!startswith(name, sigil)) buf[len++] = char(sigil); const auto has_sep { std::count(std::begin(name), std::end(name), ':') }; if(!has_sep && host.empty()) { len += strlcpy(data(buf) + len, name, max - len); } else if(!has_sep && !host.empty()) { len += fmt::snprintf(data(buf) + len, max - len, "%s:%s", name, host); } else if(has_sep == 1 && !host.empty() && !split(name, ':').second.empty()) { len += strlcpy(data(buf) + len, name, max - len); } else if(has_sep >= 1 && !host.empty()) { if(split(name, ':').second != host) throw INVALID_MXID("MXID must be on host '%s'", host); len += strlcpy(data(buf) + len, name, max - len); } //else throw INVALID_MXID("Not a valid '%s' mxid", reflect(sigil)); return { data(buf), len }; }()} { validate(sigil, *this); } ircd::m::id::id(const enum sigil &sigil, const mutable_buffer &buf, const generate_t &, const string_view &host) :string_view{[&] { char name[64]; switch(sigil) { case sigil::USER: generator::random_prefixed(sigil::USER, "guest", name); break; case sigil::ALIAS: generator::random_prefixed(sigil::ALIAS, "", name); break; default: generator::random_timebased(sigil, name); break; }; const auto len { fmt::sprintf(buf, "%s:%s", name, host) }; return string_view { buffer::data(buf), size_t(len) }; }()} { } ircd::string_view ircd::m::id::generator::random_prefixed(const id::sigil &sigil, const string_view &prefix, const mutable_buffer &buf) { using buffer::data; const auto len { fmt::sprintf(buf, "%c%s%u", char(sigil), prefix, rand::integer()) }; return { data(buf), size_t(len) }; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::id::generator::random_timebased(const id::sigil &sigil, const mutable_buffer &buf) { using buffer::data; using buffer::size; const auto utime(microtime()); const auto len { snprintf(data(buf), size(buf), "%c%zd%06d", char(sigil), utime.first, utime.second) }; return { data(buf), size_t(len) }; } void ircd::m::validate(const id::sigil &sigil, const string_view &id) try { validator(sigil, id); } catch(const std::exception &e) { throw INVALID_MXID { "Not a valid '%s' mxid: %s", reflect(sigil), e.what() }; } bool ircd::m::valid(const id::sigil &sigil, const string_view &id) noexcept try { validator(sigil, id); return true; } catch(...) { return false; } bool ircd::m::valid_local(const id::sigil &sigil, const string_view &id) { const auto parts(split(id, ':')); const auto &local(parts.first); // local requires a sigil plus at least one character if(local.size() < 2) return false; // local requires the correct sigil type if(!startswith(local, sigil)) return false; return true; } bool ircd::m::valid_sigil(const string_view &s) try { return valid_sigil(s.at(0)); } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { return false; } bool ircd::m::valid_sigil(const char &c) { switch(c) { case id::EVENT: case id::USER: case id::ALIAS: case id::ROOM: return true; } return false; } enum ircd::m::id::sigil ircd::m::sigil(const string_view &s) try { return sigil(s.at(0)); } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { throw BAD_SIGIL("sigil undefined"); } enum ircd::m::id::sigil ircd::m::sigil(const char &c) { switch(c) { case '$': return id::EVENT; case '@': return id::USER; case '#': return id::ALIAS; case '!': return id::ROOM; } throw BAD_SIGIL("'%c' is not a valid sigil", c); } const char * ircd::m::reflect(const enum id::sigil &c) { switch(c) { case id::EVENT: return "EVENT"; case id::USER: return "USER"; case id::ALIAS: return "ALIAS"; case id::ROOM: return "ROOM"; } return "?????"; }