// The Construct // // Copyright (C) The Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. decltype(ircd::m::dbs::event_type) ircd::m::dbs::event_type; decltype(ircd::m::dbs::desc::event_type__comp) ircd::m::dbs::desc::event_type__comp { { "name", "ircd.m.dbs._event_type.comp" }, { "default", "default" }, }; decltype(ircd::m::dbs::desc::event_type__block__size) ircd::m::dbs::desc::event_type__block__size { { "name", "ircd.m.dbs._event_type.block.size" }, { "default", 512L }, }; decltype(ircd::m::dbs::desc::event_type__meta_block__size) ircd::m::dbs::desc::event_type__meta_block__size { { "name", "ircd.m.dbs._event_type.meta_block.size" }, { "default", long(4_KiB) }, }; decltype(ircd::m::dbs::desc::event_type__cache__size) ircd::m::dbs::desc::event_type__cache__size { { { "name", "ircd.m.dbs._event_type.cache.size" }, { "default", long(16_MiB) }, }, [] { const size_t &value{event_type__cache__size}; db::capacity(db::cache(dbs::event_type), value); } }; decltype(ircd::m::dbs::desc::event_type__cache_comp__size) ircd::m::dbs::desc::event_type__cache_comp__size { { { "name", "ircd.m.dbs._event_type.cache_comp.size" }, { "default", long(0_MiB) }, }, [] { const size_t &value{event_type__cache_comp__size}; db::capacity(db::cache_compressed(dbs::event_type), value); } }; const ircd::db::prefix_transform ircd::m::dbs::desc::event_type__pfx { "_event_type", [](const string_view &key) { return has(key, '\0'); }, [](const string_view &key) { return split(key, '\0').first; } }; const ircd::db::descriptor ircd::m::dbs::desc::event_type { .name = "_event_type", .explain = R"(Index of types of events. type | event_idx => -- The types of events are indexed by this column. All events of a specific type can be iterated efficiently. The type string forms the prefix domain. )", .type = { typeid(string_view), typeid(string_view) }, .prefix = event_type__pfx, .cache_size = bool(cache_enable)? -1 : 0, //uses conf item .cache_size_comp = bool(cache_comp_enable)? -1 : 0, .bloom_bits = 0, .expect_queries_hit = false, .block_size = size_t(event_type__block__size), .meta_block_size = size_t(event_type__meta_block__size), .compression = string_view{event_type__comp}, .compaction_pri = "kOldestSmallestSeqFirst"s, }; // // indexer // void ircd::m::dbs::_index_event_type(db::txn &txn, const event &event, const write_opts &opts) { assert(opts.appendix.test(appendix::EVENT_TYPE)); assert(json::get<"type"_>(event)); assert(opts.event_idx); thread_local char buf[EVENT_TYPE_KEY_MAX_SIZE]; const string_view &key { event_type_key(buf, at<"type"_>(event), opts.event_idx) }; db::txn::append { txn, dbs::event_type, { opts.op, key } }; } // // key // std::tuple ircd::m::dbs::event_type_key(const string_view &amalgam) { assert(size(amalgam) == sizeof(event::idx) + 1); const auto &key { amalgam.substr(1) }; assert(size(key) == sizeof(event::idx)); return { byte_view(key) }; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::dbs::event_type_key(const mutable_buffer &out_, const string_view &type, const event::idx &event_idx) { assert(size(out_) >= EVENT_TYPE_KEY_MAX_SIZE); mutable_buffer out{out_}; consume(out, copy(out, trunc(type, event::TYPE_MAX_SIZE))); consume(out, copy(out, '\0')); consume(out, copy(out, byte_view(event_idx))); return { data(out_), data(out) }; }