// The Construct // // Copyright (C) The Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. ircd::m::user::devices::send::send(const m::user::devices &devices, const m::id::device &device_id, const string_view room_id) try { assert(device_id); const auto &user_id { devices.user.user_id }; const bool deleted { devices.has(device_id) }; const m::user::keys user_keys { user_id }; const bool has_keys { !deleted && user_keys.has_device(device_id) }; const unique_mutable_buffer keys_buf { has_keys? 4_KiB: 0_KiB }; json::stack keys{keys_buf}; if(has_keys) { json::stack::object top{keys}; user_keys.device(top, device_id); } // Triggers a devices request from the remote; also see // modules/federation/user_devices.cc static const auto stream_id{1L}; json::iov event, content; const json::iov::push push[] { { event, { "type", "m.device_list_update" } }, { event, { "sender", user_id } }, { content, { "deleted", deleted } }, { content, { "device_id", device_id } }, { content, { "stream_id", stream_id } }, { content, { "user_id", user_id } }, }; const json::iov::push push_keys { content, has_keys, { "keys", [&keys] { return keys.completed(); } } }; // For diagnostic purposes; usually not defined. const json::iov::push push_room_id { event, m::valid(m::id::ROOM, room_id), { "room_id", [&room_id] { return room_id; } } }; m::vm::copts opts; opts.edu = true; opts.prop_mask.reset(); opts.prop_mask.set("origin"); opts.notify_clients = false; m::vm::eval { event, content, opts }; } catch(const ctx::interrupted &) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::error { m::log, "Send m.device_list_update for '%s' belonging to %s :%s", string_view{device_id}, string_view{devices.user.user_id}, e.what(), }; } bool ircd::m::user::devices::update(const device_list_update &update) { const m::user &user { json::at<"user_id"_>(update) }; // Don't create unknown users on this codepath since there's no efficient // check if this is just spam; updates for unknowns are just dropped here. if(!exists(user)) { log::derror { log, "Refusing device update for unknown user %s", string_view{user.user_id}, }; return false; } const m::user::devices devices { user }; const auto &device_id { json::at<"device_id"_>(update) }; if(json::get<"deleted"_>(update)) return devices.del(device_id); // Properties we're interested in for now... static const string_view mask[] { "device_id", "device_display_name", "keys", }; bool ret {false}; json::for_each(update, mask, [&ret, &devices, &device_id] (const auto &prop, auto &&val) { if constexpr(std::is_assignable()) { if(json::defined(json::value(val))) ret |= devices.set(device_id, prop, val); } }); return ret; } std::map ircd::m::user::devices::count_one_time_keys(const m::user &user, const string_view &device_id) { const m::user::devices devices { user }; std::map ret; devices.for_each(device_id, [&ret] (const auto &event_idx, const string_view &type) { if(!startswith(type, "one_time_key|")) return true; const auto &[prefix, ident] { split(type, '|') }; const auto &[algorithm, name] { split(ident, ':') }; assert(prefix == "one_time_key"); assert(!empty(algorithm)); assert(!empty(ident)); assert(!empty(name)); auto it(ret.lower_bound(algorithm)); if(it == end(ret) || it->first != algorithm) it = ret.emplace_hint(it, algorithm, 0L); auto &count(it->second); ++count; return true; }); return ret; } bool ircd::m::user::devices::del(const string_view &id) const { const user::room user_room { user }; const auto event_idx { user_room.get(std::nothrow, "ircd.device.device_id", id) }; const auto event_id { m::event_id(std::nothrow, event_idx) }; if(!event_id) return false; const auto redaction_id { m::redact(user_room, user_room.user, event_id, "deleted") }; if(my(user)) user::devices::send { *this, id }; return true; } bool ircd::m::user::devices::set(const device &device) const { const string_view &device_id { json::at<"device_id"_>(device) }; bool ret {false}; json::for_each(device, [this, &device_id, &ret] (const auto &prop, auto &&val) { if constexpr(std::is_assignable()) { if(json::defined(json::value(val))) ret |= set(device_id, prop, val); } }); return ret; } bool ircd::m::user::devices::set(const string_view &id, const string_view &prop, const string_view &val) const { bool dup {false}; const bool got { get(std::nothrow, id, prop, [&val, &dup] (const auto &event_idx, const json::string &existing) noexcept { dup = val == existing; }) }; assert(!dup || got); return !dup? put(id, prop, val): false; } bool ircd::m::user::devices::put(const string_view &id, const string_view &prop, const string_view &val) const { char buf[m::event::TYPE_MAX_SIZE]; const string_view type{fmt::sprintf { buf, "ircd.device.%s", prop }}; const user::room user_room { user }; m::send(user_room, user, type, id, json::members { { "", val } }); return true; } bool ircd::m::user::devices::has(const string_view &id) const { const user::room user_room { user }; return user_room.has("ircd.device.device_id", id); } bool ircd::m::user::devices::has(const string_view &id, const string_view &prop) const { bool ret{false}; get(std::nothrow, id, prop, [&ret] (const auto &event_idx, const string_view &value) noexcept { ret = !empty(value); }); return ret; } bool ircd::m::user::devices::get(const string_view &id, const string_view &prop, const closure &c) const { const bool ret { get(std::nothrow, id, prop, c) }; if(!ret) throw m::NOT_FOUND { "Property '%s' for device '%s' for user %s not found", id, prop, string_view{user.user_id} }; return ret; } bool ircd::m::user::devices::get(std::nothrow_t, const string_view &id, const string_view &prop, const closure &closure) const { const m::user::room user_room { user }; char buf[m::event::TYPE_MAX_SIZE]; const string_view type{fmt::sprintf { buf, "ircd.device.%s", prop }}; const auto event_idx { user_room.get(std::nothrow, type, id) }; return m::get(std::nothrow, event_idx, "content", [&event_idx, &closure] (const json::object &content) { const string_view &value { content.get("") }; closure(event_idx, value); }); } bool ircd::m::user::devices::for_each(const string_view &device_id, const closure_bool &closure) const { const m::user::room user_room { user }; const m::room::state state { user_room }; if(!state.has("ircd.device.device_id", device_id)) return true; const room::state::type_prefix type { "ircd.device." }; return state.for_each(type, [&state, &device_id, &closure] (const string_view &type, const string_view &state_key, const event::idx &event_idx) { if(state_key != device_id) return true; const string_view &prop { lstrip(type, "ircd.device.") }; return closure(event_idx, prop); }); } bool ircd::m::user::devices::for_each(const closure_bool &closure) const { const m::user::room user_room { user }; const m::room::state state { user_room }; return state.for_each("ircd.device.device_id", [&closure] (const string_view &, const string_view &state_key, const event::idx &event_idx) { return closure(event_idx, state_key); }); }