/* * charybdis: 21st Century IRC++d * * Copyright (C) 2016 Charybdis Development Team * Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Volk * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #pragma once #define HAVE_IRCD_HTTP_H /// HyperText TransPort: formal grammars & tools namespace ircd::http { enum code :int; struct error; struct line; struct query; struct header; struct headers; struct content; struct request; struct response; string_view status(const enum code &); enum code status(const string_view &); void writeline(stream_buffer &); void writeline(stream_buffer &, const stream_buffer::closure &); void write(stream_buffer &out, const header &); void write(stream_buffer &out, const vector_view &); size_t serialized(const vector_view &); std::string strung(const vector_view &); } // // Add more as you go... // enum ircd::http::code :int { CONTINUE = 100, SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101, OK = 200, CREATED = 201, ACCEPTED = 202, NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION = 203, NO_CONTENT = 204, PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206, MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300, MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301, FOUND = 302, SEE_OTHER = 303, NOT_MODIFIED = 304, TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 305, PERMANENT_REDIRECT = 306, BAD_REQUEST = 400, UNAUTHORIZED = 401, FORBIDDEN = 403, NOT_FOUND = 404, METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405, REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408, CONFLICT = 409, PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE = 413, REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414, EXPECTATION_FAILED = 417, IM_A_TEAPOT = 418, UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422, TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = 429, REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE = 431, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500, NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501, SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503, HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505, INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507, }; /// Root exception for HTTP. struct ircd::http::error :ircd::error { enum code code; std::string content; std::string headers; error(const enum code &, std::string content = {}, std::string headers = {}); error(const enum code &, std::string content, const vector_view &); }; /// Represents a single \r\n delimited line used in HTTP. /// /// This object is just a string_view of that line. The actual data backing /// that view is the responsibility of the user. This object is constructed /// with an ircd::parse::capstan argument which is used by the formal grammar /// in the constructor. /// struct ircd::http::line :string_view { struct request; struct response; using string_view::string_view; line(parse::capstan &); }; /// Represents a 'request line' or the first line a client sends to a server. /// /// This is a dual-use class. For HTTP clients, one may simply connect the /// members to the proper strings and then pass this structure to a function /// making a client request. For HTTP servers, pass an http::line to the ctor /// and the formal grammar will set the members appropriately. The actual data /// behind these members is the responsibility of the user. /// struct ircd::http::line::request { string_view method; string_view path; string_view query; string_view fragment; string_view version; request(const line &); request() = default; }; /// Represents a 'response line' or the first line a server sends to a client. /// /// This is a dual-use class and symmetric to the http::line::request class. /// Servers may set the members and then use this object to respond to a client /// while clients should provide an http::line to the constructor which will /// fill in the members. /// struct ircd::http::line::response { string_view version; string_view status; string_view reason; response(const line &); response() = default; }; /// Represents a single key/value pair in a query string. /// /// This is used by the ircd::http::query::string object when parsing query /// strings. /// struct ircd::http::query :std::pair { struct string; bool operator<(const string_view &s) const { return iless(first, s); } bool operator==(const string_view &s) const { return iequals(first, s); } using std::pair::pair; query() = default; }; /// Tool for parsing an HTTP query string. /// /// Query string is read as a complete string off the tape (into request.query) /// and not parsed further. To make queries into that string use this class to /// view it. Once this object is constructed by viewing the whole query string, /// the member functions invoke the formal grammar to get individual key/value /// pairs. /// struct ircd::http::query::string :string_view { void for_each(const std::function &) const; bool until(const std::function &) const; string_view at(const string_view &key) const; string_view operator[](const string_view &key) const; using string_view::string_view; }; /// Represents an HTTP header key/value pair. /// /// This is a dual-use class. Those sending headers will simply fill in the /// components of the std::pair. Those receiving headers can pass the ctor an /// ircd::http::line which will construct the pair using the formal grammars. /// struct ircd::http::header :std::pair { bool operator<(const string_view &s) const { return iless(first, s); } bool operator==(const string_view &s) const { return iequals(first, s); } using std::pair::pair; header(const line &); header() = default; }; /// This device allows parsing HTTP headers directly off the wire without state /// /// The constructor of this object contains the grammar to read HTTP headers /// from the capstan and then proffer them one by one to the provided closure, /// that's all it does. /// struct ircd::http::headers :string_view { using closure = std::function; headers(parse::capstan &, const closure & = {}); }; /// Represents the content of an HTTP request after the head. /// /// Use the request::content / response::content wrappers. They ensure the /// proper amount of content is read and the tape is in the right position /// for the next request with exception safety. In other words, this object /// ensures the capstan is in the proper place for the next request no matter /// what happens; whether an exception happened, or whether the user simply /// didn't care to read the content. The capstan MUST advance Content-Length /// bytes in any case. /// struct ircd::http::content :string_view { IRCD_OVERLOAD(discard) IRCD_OVERLOAD(chunked) content(parse::capstan &, const size_t &length, discard_t); content(parse::capstan &, const size_t &length); content(parse::capstan &, chunked_t); content() = default; }; /// HTTP request suite. Functionality to send and receive requests. /// struct ircd::http::request { struct head; struct content; using proffer = std::function; // send request(stream_buffer &, const string_view &host, const string_view &method = "GET", const string_view &path = "/", const string_view &query = {}, const size_t &content_length = 0, const string_view &content_type = {}, const vector_view & = {}, const bool &termination = true); }; /// Represents an HTTP request head. This is only for receiving requests. /// struct ircd::http::request::head :line::request { string_view host; string_view expect; string_view te; string_view authorization; string_view connection; size_t content_length {0}; string_view headers; head(parse::capstan &pc, const headers::closure &c = {}); }; /// Represents an HTTP request content. This is only for receiving content. /// struct ircd::http::request::content :http::content { content(parse::capstan &pc, const head &h, discard_t) :http::content{pc, h.content_length, discard} {} content(parse::capstan &pc, const head &h) :http::content{pc, h.content_length} {} }; /// HTTP response suite. Functionality to send and receive responses. /// struct ircd::http::response { struct head; struct content; struct chunked; using write_closure = std::function &)>; using proffer = std::function; // send response(stream_buffer &, const code & = code::OK, const size_t &content_length = 0, const string_view &content_type = {}, const string_view &headers = {}, const vector_view & = {}, const bool &termination = true); // recv response(parse::capstan &, content *const &, const proffer & = nullptr, const headers::closure & = {}); response() = default; }; struct ircd::http::response::chunked :response { struct chunk; write_closure closure; chunked(const code &, const write_closure &, const vector_view &headers); chunked(const chunked &) = delete; ~chunked() noexcept; }; struct ircd::http::response::chunked::chunk { chunk(chunked &, const const_buffer &); }; /// Represents an HTTP response head. This is for receiving responses only. /// struct ircd::http::response::head :line::response { size_t content_length {0}; string_view transfer_encoding; string_view headers; head(parse::capstan &pc, const headers::closure &c = {}); }; /// Represents an HTTP response content. This is for receiving only. /// struct ircd::http::response::content :http::content { content(parse::capstan &pc, const head &h, discard_t) :http::content{pc, h.content_length, discard} {} content(parse::capstan &pc, const head &h, chunked_t) :http::content{pc, chunked} {} content(parse::capstan &pc, const head &h) :http::content{pc, h.content_length} {} content() = default; };