// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. #include using namespace ircd; IRCD_EXCEPTION_HIDENAME(ircd::error, bad_command) static void init_cmds(); mapi::header IRCD_MODULE { "IRCd terminal console: runtime-reloadable self-reflecting command library.", [] { init_cmds(); } }; /// The first parameter for all commands. This aggregates general options /// passed to commands as well as providing the output facility with an /// ostream interface. Commands should only send output to this object. The /// command's input line is not included here; it's the second param to a cmd. struct opt { std::ostream &out; bool html {false}; seconds timeout {30}; string_view special; operator std::ostream &() { return out; } template auto &operator<<(T&& t) { out << std::forward(t); return out; } auto &operator<<(std::ostream &(*manip)(std::ostream &)) { return manip(out); } }; /// Instances of this object are generated when this module reads its /// symbols to find commands. These instances are then stored in the /// cmds set for lookup and iteration. struct cmd { using is_transparent = void; static constexpr const size_t &PATH_MAX { 8 }; std::string name; std::string symbol; mods::sym_ptr ptr; bool operator()(const cmd &a, const cmd &b) const { return a.name < b.name; } bool operator()(const string_view &a, const cmd &b) const { return a < b.name; } bool operator()(const cmd &a, const string_view &b) const { return a.name < b; } cmd(std::string name, std::string symbol) :name{std::move(name)} ,symbol{std::move(symbol)} ,ptr{IRCD_MODULE, this->symbol} {} cmd() = default; cmd(cmd &&) = delete; cmd(const cmd &) = delete; }; std::set cmds; void init_cmds() { auto symbols { mods::symbols(mods::path(IRCD_MODULE)) }; for(std::string &symbol : symbols) { // elide lots of grief by informally finding this first if(!has(symbol, "console_cmd")) continue; thread_local char buf[1024]; const string_view demangled { demangle(buf, symbol) }; std::string command { replace(between(demangled, "__", "("), "__", " ") }; const auto iit { cmds.emplace(std::move(command), std::move(symbol)) }; if(!iit.second) throw error { "Command '%s' already exists", command }; } } const cmd * find_cmd(const string_view &line) { const size_t elems { std::min(token_count(line, ' '), cmd::PATH_MAX) }; for(size_t e(elems+1); e > 0; --e) { const auto name { tokens_before(line, ' ', e) }; const auto it{cmds.lower_bound(name)}; if(it == end(cmds) || it->name != name) continue; return &(*it); } return nullptr; } // // Main command dispatch // int console_command_derived(opt &, const string_view &line); /// This function may be linked and called by those wishing to execute a /// command. Output from the command will be appended to the provided ostream. /// The input to the command is passed in `line`. Since `struct opt` is not /// accessible outside of this module, all public options are passed via a /// plaintext string which is parsed here. extern "C" int console_command(std::ostream &out, const string_view &line, const string_view &opts) try { opt opt { out, has(opts, "html") }; const cmd *const cmd { find_cmd(line) }; if(!cmd) return console_command_derived(opt, line); const auto args { lstrip(split(line, cmd->name).second, ' ') }; const auto &ptr{cmd->ptr}; using prototype = bool (struct opt &, const string_view &); return ptr.operator()(opt, args); } catch(const params::error &e) { out << e.what() << std::endl; return true; } catch(const bad_command &e) { return -2; } // // Help // bool console_cmd__help(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto cmd { find_cmd(line) }; if(cmd) { out << "No help available for '" << cmd->name << "'." << std::endl; //TODO: help string symbol map } out << "Commands available: \n" << std::endl; const size_t elems { std::min(token_count(line, ' '), cmd::PATH_MAX) }; for(size_t e(elems+1); e > 0; --e) { const auto name { tokens_before(line, ' ', e) }; string_view last; auto it{cmds.lower_bound(name)}; if(it == end(cmds)) continue; for(; it != end(cmds); ++it) { if(!startswith(it->name, name)) break; const auto prefix { tokens_before(it->name, ' ', e) }; if(last == prefix) continue; last = prefix; const auto suffix { e > 1? tokens_after(prefix, ' ', e - 2) : prefix }; if(empty(suffix)) continue; out << suffix << std::endl; } break; } return true; } // // Test trigger stub // bool console_cmd__test(opt &out, const string_view &line) { return true; } // // Derived commands // bool console_id__user(opt &, const m::user::id &id, const string_view &line); bool console_id__room(opt &, const m::room::id &id, const string_view &line); bool console_id__event(opt &, const m::event::id &id, const string_view &line); bool console_json(const json::object &); int console_command_derived(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const string_view id{token(line, ' ', 0)}; if(m::has_sigil(id)) switch(m::sigil(id)) { case m::id::EVENT: return console_id__event(out, id, line); case m::id::ROOM: return console_id__room(out, id, line); case m::id::USER: return console_id__user(out, id, line); default: break; } return -1; } // // Command by JSON // bool console_json(const json::object &object) { if(!object.has("type")) return true; //return console_cmd__exec__event(object); return true; } // // Command by ID // // // misc // bool console_cmd__debug(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(!RB_DEBUG_LEVEL) { out << "Debugging is not compiled in." << std::endl; return true; } if(log::console_enabled(log::DEBUG)) { out << "Turning off debuglog..." << std::endl; log::console_disable(log::DEBUG); return true; } else { out << "Turning on debuglog..." << std::endl; log::console_enable(log::DEBUG); return true; } } // // log // bool console_cmd__log(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto *const &log : log::log::list) out << (log->snote? log->snote : '-') << " " << std::setw(8) << std::left << log->name << " " << (log->fmasked? " FILE" : "") << (log->cmasked? " CONSOLE" : "") << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__log__level(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "level", }}; const int level { param.at(0) }; for(int i(0); i < num_of(); ++i) if(i <= level) { console_enable(log::facility(i)); out << "[\033[1;42m+\033[0m]: " << reflect(log::facility(i)) << std::endl; } else { console_disable(log::facility(i)); out << "[\033[1;41m-\033[0m]: " << reflect(log::facility(i)) << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__log__mask(opt &out, const string_view &line) { thread_local string_view list[64]; const auto &count { tokens(line, ' ', list) }; log::console_mask({list, count}); return true; } bool console_cmd__log__unmask(opt &out, const string_view &line) { thread_local string_view list[64]; const auto &count { tokens(line, ' ', list) }; log::console_unmask({list, count}); return true; } bool console_cmd__log__mark(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const string_view &msg { empty(line)? "marked by console": line }; log::mark { msg }; out << "The log files were marked with '" << msg << "'" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__mark(opt &out, const string_view &line) { return console_cmd__log__mark(out, line); } // // info // bool console_cmd__info(opt &out, const string_view &line) { info::dump(); out << "Daemon information was written to the log." << std::endl; return true; } // // conf // bool console_cmd__conf__list(opt &out, const string_view &line) { thread_local char val[4_KiB]; for(const auto &item : conf::items) out << std::setw(48) << std::left << std::setfill('_') << item.first << " " << item.second->get(val) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__conf(opt &out, const string_view &line) { return console_cmd__conf__list(out, line); } bool console_cmd__conf__set(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "key", "value" }}; const auto &key { param.at(0) }; const auto &val { param.at(1) }; using prototype = m::event::id::buf (const m::user::id &, const string_view &key, const string_view &val); static m::import set_conf_item { "s_conf", "set_conf_item" }; const auto event_id { set_conf_item(m::me, key, val) }; out << event_id << " <- " << key << " = " << val << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__conf__get(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "key" }}; const auto &key { param.at(0) }; thread_local char val[4_KiB]; for(const auto &item : conf::items) { if(item.first != key) continue; out << std::setw(48) << std::right << item.first << " = " << item.second->get(val) << std::endl; return true; } throw m::NOT_FOUND { "Conf item '%s' not found", key }; } // // hook // bool console_cmd__hook__list(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto &site : m::hook::site::list) { out << std::setw(24) << std::left << site->name() << std::endl; out << string_view{site->feature} << std::endl; for(const auto &hookp : site->hooks) out << (hookp->registered? '+' : '-') << " " << string_view{hookp->feature} << std::endl; out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__hook(opt &out, const string_view &line) { return console_cmd__hook__list(out, line); } // // mod // bool console_cmd__mod(opt &out, const string_view &line) { auto avflist(mods::available()); const auto b(std::make_move_iterator(begin(avflist))); const auto e(std::make_move_iterator(end(avflist))); std::vector available(b, e); std::sort(begin(available), end(available)); for(const auto &mod : available) { const auto loadstr { mods::loaded(mod)? "\033[1;32;42m+\033[0m" : " " }; out << "[" << loadstr << "] " << mod << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__path(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto &path : ircd::mods::paths) out << path << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__syms(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const std::string path { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const std::vector symbols { mods::symbols(path) }; for(const auto &sym : symbols) out << sym << std::endl; out << " -- " << symbols.size() << " symbols in " << path << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__reload(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto names { tokens(line, ' ') }; for(auto it(names.begin()); it != names.end(); ++it) { const auto &name{*it}; if(m::modules.erase(std::string{name})) out << name << " unloaded." << std::endl; else out << name << " is not loaded." << std::endl; } for(auto it(names.rbegin()); it != names.rend(); ++it) { const auto &name{*it}; if(m::modules.emplace(std::string{name}, name).second) out << name << " loaded." << std::endl; else out << name << " is already loaded." << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__load(opt &out, const string_view &line) { tokens(line, ' ', [&out] (const string_view &name) { if(m::modules.find(name) != end(m::modules)) { out << name << " is already loaded." << std::endl; return; } m::modules.emplace(std::string{name}, name); out << name << " loaded." << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__mod__unload(opt &out, const string_view &line) { tokens(line, ' ', [&out] (const string_view &name) { if(!m::modules.erase(std::string{name})) { out << name << " is not loaded." << std::endl; return; } out << "unloaded " << name << std::endl; }); return true; } // // ctx // bool console_cmd__ctx__interrupt(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "id", }}; const uint64_t ctxid { param.at(0) }; for(auto *const &ctx : ctx::ctxs) if(id(*ctx) == ctxid) { interrupt(*ctx); break; } return true; } bool console_cmd__ctx__list(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << " " << "ID" << " " << "STATE" << " " << "YIELDS" << " " << "CYCLE COUNT" << " " << "PCT" << " " << "STACK " << " " << "LIMIT" << " " << "PCT" << " " << ":NAME" << std::endl; for(const auto *const &ctxp : ctx::ctxs) { const auto &ctx{*ctxp}; out << std::setw(5) << std::right << id(ctx); out << " " << (started(ctx)? 'S' : '-') << (running(ctx)? 'R' : '-') << (waiting(ctx)? 'W' : '-') << (finished(ctx)? 'F' : '-') << (interruption(ctx)? 'I' : '-') << (termination(ctx)? 'T' : '-') ; out << " " << std::setw(8) << std::right << yields(ctx) << " "; out << " " << std::setw(15) << std::right << cycles(ctx) << " "; const long double total_cyc(ctx::prof::total_slice_cycles()); const auto tsc_pct { total_cyc > 0.0? (cycles(ctx) / total_cyc) : 0.0L }; out << " " << std::setw(5) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << (tsc_pct * 100) << "% "; out << " " << std::setw(7) << std::right << stack_at(ctx) << " "; out << " " << std::setw(7) << std::right << stack_max(ctx) << " "; const auto stack_pct { stack_at(ctx) / (long double)stack_max(ctx) }; out << " " << std::setw(5) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << (stack_pct * 100) << "% "; out << " :" << name(ctx); out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__ctx(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(empty(line)) return console_cmd__ctx__list(out, line); return true; } // // db // bool console_cmd__db__sync(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(dbname) }; sync(database); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__flush(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "[sync]" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto sync { param.at(1, false) }; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(dbname) }; flush(database, sync); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__sort(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "[blocking]" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto blocking { param.at(1, false) }; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(dbname) }; sort(database, blocking); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__compact(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "[colname]", "[begin]", "[end]", "[level]" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto colname { param[1] }; const auto begin { param[2] }; const auto end { param[3] }; const auto level { param.at(4, -1) }; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(dbname) }; if(!colname) { compact(database); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } db::column column { database, colname }; const bool integer { begin? try_lex_cast(begin) : false }; const std::pair range { integer? byte_view(lex_cast(begin)) : begin, integer && end? byte_view(lex_cast(end)) : end, }; compact(column, range, level); compact(column, level); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__ticker(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "[ticker]" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto ticker { param[1] }; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(dbname) }; // Special branch for integer properties that RocksDB aggregates. if(!empty(ticker)) { out << ticker << ": " << db::ticker(database, ticker) << std::endl; return true; } for(uint32_t i(0); i < db::ticker_max; ++i) { const string_view &name { db::ticker_id(i) }; if(!name) continue; out << std::setw(48) << std::right << name << " " << db::ticker(database, i) << std::endl; } return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__prop(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column", "property" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto colname { param.at(1, "*"_sv) }; const auto property { param.at(2) }; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(dbname) }; // Special branch for integer properties that RocksDB aggregates. if(colname == "*") { const uint64_t value { db::property(database, property) }; out << value << std::endl; return true; } const auto query{[&out, &database, &property] (const string_view &colname) { const db::column column { database, colname }; const auto value { db::property(column, property) }; for(const auto &p : value) out << p.first << " : " << p.second << std::endl; }}; // Branch for querying the property for a single column if(colname != "**") { query(colname); return true; } // Querying the property for all columns in a loop for(const auto &column_name : database.column_names) { out << std::setw(16) << std::right << column_name << " : "; query(column_name); } return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__stats(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column" }}; return console_cmd__db__prop(out, fmt::snstringf { 1024, "%s %s rocksdb.stats", param.at(0), param.at(1) }); } bool console_cmd__db__set(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column", "option", "value" }}; const auto dbname { param.at(0) }; const auto colname { param.at(1, "*"_sv) }; const auto option { param.at(2) }; const auto value { param.at(3) }; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(dbname) }; // Special branch for DBOptions if(colname == "*") { db::setopt(database, option, value); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } const auto setopt{[&out, &database, &option, &value] (const string_view &colname) { db::column column { database, colname }; db::setopt(column, option, value); out << colname << " :done" << std::endl; }}; // Branch for querying the property for a single column if(colname != "**") { setopt(colname); return true; } // Querying the property for all columns in a loop for(const auto &colname : database.column_names) setopt(colname); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__files(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const auto dbname { token(line, ' ', 0) }; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(dbname) }; uint64_t msz; const auto files { db::files(database, msz) }; for(const auto &file : files) out << file << std::endl; out << "-- " << files.size() << " files; " << "manifest is " << msz << " bytes."; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__bytes(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column" }}; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(param.at(0)) }; if(!param[1] || param[1] == "*") { const auto bytes { db::bytes(database) }; out << bytes << std::endl; return true; } const auto query{[&out, &database] (const string_view &colname) { const db::column column { database, colname }; const auto value { db::bytes(column) }; out << std::setw(16) << std::right << colname << " : " << value << std::endl; }}; if(param[1] != "**") { query(param.at(1)); return true; } for(const auto &colname : database.column_names) query(colname); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__txns(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const auto dbname { token(line, ' ', 0) }; if(dbname != "events") throw error { "Sorry, this command is specific to the events db for now." }; const auto seqnum { lex_cast(token(line, ' ', 1, "0")) }; auto limit { lex_cast(token(line, ' ', 2, "32")) }; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(dbname) }; for_each(database, seqnum, db::seq_closure_bool{[&out, &limit] (db::txn &txn, const uint64_t &seqnum) -> bool { m::event::id::buf event_id; txn.get(db::op::SET, "event_id", [&event_id] (const db::delta &delta) { event_id = std::get(delta); }); if(event_id) return true; out << std::setw(12) << std::right << seqnum << " : " << string_view{event_id} << std::endl; return --limit; }}); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__txn(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const auto dbname { token(line, ' ', 0) }; if(dbname != "events") throw error { "Sorry, this command is specific to the events db for now." }; const auto seqnum { lex_cast(token(line, ' ', 1, "0")) }; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(dbname) }; get(database, seqnum, db::seq_closure{[&out] (db::txn &txn, const uint64_t &seqnum) { for_each(txn, [&out, &seqnum] (const db::delta &delta) { out << std::setw(12) << std::right << seqnum << " : " << std::setw(8) << std::left << reflect(std::get(delta)) << " " << std::setw(18) << std::right << std::get(delta) << " " << std::get(delta) << std::endl; }); }}); return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__checkpoint(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { const auto dbname { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const auto directory { token(line, ' ', 1) }; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(dbname) }; checkpoint(database, directory); out << "Checkpoint " << name(database) << " to " << directory << " complete." << std::endl; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__db__list(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto available { db::available() }; for(const auto &path : available) { const auto name { lstrip(path, db::path("/")) }; const auto it { db::database::dbs.find(name) }; const auto &light { it != end(db::database::dbs)? "\033[1;42m \033[0m" : " " }; out << "[" << light << "]" << " " << name << " `" << path << "'" << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__db(opt &out, const string_view &line) try { if(empty(line)) return console_cmd__db__list(out, line); const params param{line, " ", { "dbname", "column" }}; auto &database { *db::database::dbs.at(param.at(0)) }; return true; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { out << "No open database by that name" << std::endl; return true; } // // peer // static bool html__peer(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; for(const auto &p : server::peers) { using std::setw; using std::left; using std::right; const auto &host{p.first}; const auto &peer{*p.second}; const net::ipport &ipp{peer.remote}; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; out << ""; } out << "
" << host << "" << ipp << "" << peer.link_count() << "" << peer.tag_count() << "" << peer.write_size() << "" << peer.read_size() << "" << peer.write_total() << "" << peer.read_total() << ""; if(peer.err_has() && peer.err_msg()) out << peer.err_msg(); else if(peer.err_has()) out << ""_sv; out << "
"; return true; } bool console_cmd__peer(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(out.html) return html__peer(out, line); const bool all { has(line, "all") }; for(const auto &p : server::peers) { using std::setw; using std::left; using std::right; const auto &host{p.first}; const auto &peer{*p.second}; const net::ipport &ipp{peer.remote}; if(peer.err_has() && !all) continue; out << setw(40) << right << host; if(ipp) out << ' ' << setw(22) << left << ipp; else out << ' ' << setw(22) << left << " "; out << " " << setw(2) << right << peer.link_count() << " L" << " " << setw(2) << right << peer.tag_count() << " T" << " " << setw(9) << right << peer.write_size() << " UP Q" << " " << setw(9) << right << peer.read_size() << " DN Q" << " " << setw(9) << right << peer.write_total() << " UP" << " " << setw(9) << right << peer.read_total() << " DN" ; if(peer.err_has() && peer.err_msg()) out << " :" << peer.err_msg(); else if(peer.err_has()) out << " "_sv; out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__peer__error(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto &pair : ircd::server::peers) { using std::setw; using std::left; using std::right; const auto &host{pair.first}; assert(bool(pair.second)); const auto &peer{*pair.second}; if(!peer.err_has()) continue; const net::ipport &ipp{peer.remote}; out << setw(40) << right << host; if(ipp) out << ' ' << setw(22) << left << ipp; else out << ' ' << setw(22) << left << " "; out << peer.e->etime; if(peer.err_msg()) out << " :" << peer.err_msg(); else out << " "_sv; out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__peer__error__clear__all(opt &out, const string_view &line) { size_t cleared(0); for(auto &pair : ircd::server::peers) { const auto &name{pair.first}; assert(bool(pair.second)); auto &peer{*pair.second}; cleared += peer.err_clear(); } out << "cleared " << cleared << " of " << ircd::server::peers.size() << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__peer__error__clear(opt &out, const string_view &line) { if(empty(line)) return console_cmd__peer__error__clear__all(out, line); const net::hostport hp { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const auto cleared { server::errclear(hp) }; out << std::boolalpha << cleared << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__peer__version(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto &p : server::peers) { using std::setw; using std::left; using std::right; const auto &host{p.first}; const auto &peer{*p.second}; const net::ipport &ipp{peer.remote}; out << setw(40) << right << host; if(ipp) out << ' ' << setw(22) << left << ipp; else out << ' ' << setw(22) << left << " "; if(!empty(peer.server_name)) out << " :" << peer.server_name; out << std::endl; } return true; } // // net // bool console_cmd__net__host(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params token { line, " ", {"host", "service"} }; const auto &host{token.at(0)}; const auto &service { token.count() > 1? token.at(1) : string_view{} }; const net::hostport hostport { host, service }; ctx::dock dock; bool done{false}; net::ipport ipport; std::exception_ptr eptr; net::dns(hostport, [&done, &dock, &eptr, &ipport] (std::exception_ptr eptr_, const net::hostport &, const net::ipport &ipport_) { eptr = std::move(eptr_); ipport = ipport_; done = true; dock.notify_one(); }); while(!done) dock.wait(); if(eptr) std::rethrow_exception(eptr); else out << ipport << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__host(opt &out, const string_view &line) { return console_cmd__net__host(out, line); } bool console_cmd__net__host__cache__A(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto &pair : net::dns::cache.A) { const auto &host{pair.first}; const auto &record{pair.second}; const net::ipport ipp{record.ip4, 0}; out << std::setw(48) << std::right << host << " => " << std::setw(21) << std::left << ipp << " expires " << timestr(record.ttl, ircd::localtime) << " (" << record.ttl << ")" << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__net__host__cache__SRV(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto &pair : net::dns::cache.SRV) { const auto &key{pair.first}; const auto &record{pair.second}; const net::hostport hostport { record.tgt, record.port }; out << std::setw(48) << std::right << key << " => " << std::setw(48) << std::left << hostport << " expires " << timestr(record.ttl, ircd::localtime) << " (" << record.ttl << ")" << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__net__host__prefetch(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::origins origins { room }; size_t count{0}; origins.for_each([&count](const string_view &origin) { net::dns(origin, net::dns::prefetch_ipport); ++count; }); out << "Prefetch resolving " << count << " origins." << std::endl; return true; } // // client // bool console_cmd__client(opt &out, const string_view &line) { using std::setw; using std::left; using std::right; for(const auto *const &client : ircd::client::list) { out << setw(8) << left << client->id << " " << right << setw(22) << local(*client) << " " << left << setw(22) << remote(*client) ; if(bool(client->sock)) { const auto stat { net::bytes(*client->sock) }; out << " | UP " << setw(8) << right << stat.second << " | DN " << setw(8) << right << stat.first << " |"; } if(client->reqctx) out << " CTX " << setw(4) << id(*client->reqctx); else out << " ASYNC"; if(client->request.user_id) out << " USER " << client->request.user_id; if(client->request.origin) out << " PEER " << client->request.origin; if(client->request.head.method) out << " " << client->request.head.method << "" << " " << client->request.head.path; out << std::endl; } return true; } // // key // bool console_cmd__key(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << "origin: " << m::my_host() << std::endl; out << "public key ID: " << m::self::public_key_id << std::endl; out << "public key base64: " << m::self::public_key_b64 << std::endl; out << "TLS cert sha256 base64: " << m::self::tls_cert_der_sha256_b64 << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__key__get(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "server_name", "[query_server]" }}; const auto server_name { param.at(0) }; const auto query_server { param[1] }; if(!query_server) { m::keys::get(server_name, [&out] (const auto &keys) { out << keys << std::endl; }); return true; } return true; } // // events // bool console_cmd__events(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "start", "[limit]" }}; const uint64_t start { param.at(0, uint64_t(-1)) }; size_t limit { param.at(1, 32) }; m::events::rfor_each(start, [&out, &limit] (const uint64_t &seq, const m::event &event) { out << seq << " " << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl;; return --limit; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__events__filter(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "start", "event_filter_json" }}; const uint64_t start { param.at(0, uint64_t(-1)) }; const m::event_filter filter { param.at(1) }; m::events::rfor_each(start, filter, [&out] (const uint64_t &seq, const m::event &event) { out << seq << " " << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl;; return true; }); return true; } // // event // bool console_cmd__event(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::event::id event_id { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const auto args { tokens_after(line, ' ', 0) }; static char buf[64_KiB]; const m::event event { event_id, buf }; if(!empty(args)) switch(hash(token(args, ' ', 0))) { case hash("raw"): out << json::object{buf} << std::endl; return true; case hash("idx"): out << index(event) << std::endl; return true; case hash("content"): { for(const auto &m : json::get<"content"_>(event)) out << m.first << ": " << m.second << std::endl; return true; } } out << pretty(event) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_id__event(opt &out, const m::event::id &id, const string_view &line) { return console_cmd__event(out, line); } bool console_cmd__event__bad(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", }}; const m::event::id event_id { param.at(0) }; m::event::idx workaround; const bool b { bad(event_id, workaround) }; out << event_id << "is" << (b? " " : " NOT ") << "BAD"; if(b && workaround != m::event::idx(-1)) m::event::fetch::event_id(workaround, std::nothrow, [&out] (const m::event::id &event_id) { out << " and a workaround is " << event_id; }); out << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__event__erase(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::event::id event_id { token(line, ' ', 0) }; m::event::fetch event { event_id }; db::txn txn { *m::dbs::events }; m::dbs::write_opts opts; opts.op = db::op::DELETE; opts.idx = index(event); m::dbs::write(txn, event, opts); txn(); out << "erased " << txn.size() << " cells" << " for " << event_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__event__dump(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "filename" }}; const auto filename { param.at(0) }; const unique_buffer buf { 512_KiB }; char *pos{data(buf)}; size_t foff{0}, ecount{0}, acount{0}, errcount{0}; m::events::for_each(0, [&](const uint64_t &seq, const m::event &event) { const auto remain { size_t(data(buf) + size(buf) - pos) }; assert(remain >= 64_KiB && remain <= size(buf)); const mutable_buffer mb{pos, remain}; pos += json::print(mb, event); ++ecount; if(pos + 64_KiB > data(buf) + size(buf)) { const const_buffer cb{data(buf), pos}; foff += size(fs::append(filename, cb)); pos = data(buf); ++acount; const double pct { (seq / double(m::vm::current_sequence)) * 100.0 }; log::info { "dump[%s] %lf$%c @ seq %zu of %zu; %zu events; %zu bytes; %zu writes; %zu errors", filename, pct, '%', //TODO: fix gram seq, m::vm::current_sequence, ecount, foff, acount, errcount }; } return true; }); if(pos > data(buf)) { const const_buffer cb{data(buf), pos}; foff += size(fs::append(filename, cb)); ++acount; } out << "Dumped " << ecount << " events" << " using " << foff << " bytes" << " in " << acount << " writes" << " to " << filename << " with " << errcount << " errors" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__event__fetch(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::event::id event_id { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const auto args { tokens_after(line, ' ', 0) }; const auto host { !empty(args)? token(args, ' ', 0) : ""_sv }; m::v1::event::opts opts; if(host) opts.remote = host; const unique_buffer buf { 96_KiB }; m::v1::event request { event_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const m::event event { request }; out << json::object{request} << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << pretty(event) << std::endl; return true; } // // state // bool console_cmd__state__count(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const string_view arg { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const string_view root { arg }; out << m::state::count(root) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__state__each(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const string_view arg { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const string_view type { token(line, ' ', 1) }; const string_view root { arg }; m::state::for_each(root, type, [&out] (const string_view &key, const string_view &val) { out << key << " => " << val << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__state__get(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const string_view root { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const string_view type { token(line, ' ', 1) }; const string_view state_key { token(line, ' ', 2) }; m::state::get(root, type, state_key, [&out] (const auto &value) { out << "got: " << value << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__state__find(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "root", "[type]" "[state_key]" }}; const string_view &root { param.at(0) }; const string_view &type { param[1] }; const string_view &state_key { param[2] }; const auto closure{[&out] (const auto &key, const string_view &val) { out << key << " => " << val << std::endl; return false; }}; m::state::test(root, type, state_key, closure); return true; } bool console_cmd__state__root(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::event::id event_id { token(line, ' ', 0) }; char buf[m::state::ID_MAX_SZ]; out << m::dbs::state_root(buf, event_id) << std::endl; return true; } // // commit // bool console_cmd__commit(opt &out, const string_view &line) { m::event event { json::object{line} }; return true; } // // eval // bool console_cmd__eval(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", "opts", }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(0) }; const auto &args { param[1] }; const unique_buffer buf { 64_KiB }; const m::event event { event_id, buf }; m::vm::opts opts; opts.errorlog = 0; opts.warnlog = 0; opts.nothrows = 0; opts.non_conform |= m::event::conforms::MISSING_PREV_STATE; tokens(args, ' ', [&opts](const auto &arg) { switch(hash(arg)) { case "replay"_: opts.replays = true; break; case "noverify"_: opts.verify = false; break; } }); m::vm::eval eval{opts}; out << pretty(event) << std::endl; eval(event); out << "done" << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__eval__file(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params token{line, " ", { "file path", "limit", "start", "room_id/event_id/sender" }}; const auto path { token.at(0) }; const auto limit { token.at(1) }; const auto start { token[2]? lex_cast(token[2]) : 0 }; const string_view id{token[3]}; const string_view room_id { id && m::sigil(id) == m::id::ROOM? id : string_view{} }; const string_view event_id { id && m::sigil(id) == m::id::EVENT? id : string_view{} }; const string_view sender { id && m::sigil(id) == m::id::USER? id : string_view{} }; m::vm::opts opts; opts.non_conform.set(m::event::conforms::MISSING_PREV_STATE); opts.non_conform.set(m::event::conforms::MISSING_MEMBERSHIP); opts.prev_check_exists = false; opts.notify = false; opts.verify = false; m::vm::eval eval { opts }; size_t foff{0}; size_t i(0), j(0), r(0); for(; !limit || i < limit; ++r) { static char buf[512_KiB]; const string_view read { ircd::fs::read(path, buf, foff) }; size_t boff(0); json::object object; json::vector vector{read}; for(; boff < size(read) && i < limit; ) try { object = *begin(vector); boff += size(string_view{object}); vector = { data(read) + boff, size(read) - boff }; const m::event event { object }; if(room_id && json::get<"room_id"_>(event) != room_id) continue; if(event_id && json::get<"event_id"_>(event) != event_id) continue; if(sender && json::get<"sender"_>(event) != sender) continue; if(j++ < start) continue; eval(event); ++i; } catch(const json::parse_error &e) { break; } catch(const std::exception &e) { out << fmt::snstringf { 128, "Error at i=%zu j=%zu r=%zu foff=%zu boff=%zu\n", i, j, r, foff, boff }; out << string_view{object} << std::endl; out << e.what() << std::endl; return true; } foff += boff; } out << "Executed " << i << " of " << j << " events" << " in " << foff << " bytes" << " using " << r << " reads" << std::endl; return true; } // // rooms // bool console_cmd__rooms(opt &out, const string_view &line) { m::rooms::for_each(m::room::id::closure{[&out] (const m::room::id &room_id) { out << room_id << std::endl; }}); return true; } // // room // bool console_cmd__room__top(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const auto top { m::top(std::nothrow, room_id) }; out << "idx: " << std::get(top) << std::endl; out << "depth: " << std::get(top) << std::endl; out << "event: " << std::get(top) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_id__room(opt &out, const m::room::id &id, const string_view &line) { //TODO: XXX more detailed summary return console_cmd__room__top(out, line); } bool console_cmd__room__head(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::head head { room }; head.for_each([&out] (const m::event::idx &event_idx, const m::event::id &event_id) { const m::event::fetch event { event_idx, std::nothrow }; out << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__depth(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; out << depth(room_id) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__members(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[membership]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const string_view membership { param[1] }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::members members { room }; const auto closure{[&out](const m::event &event) { out << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; }}; members.for_each(membership, closure); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__members__origin(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "origin", "[membership]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const auto &origin { param.at(1) }; const string_view membership { param[2] }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::members members { room }; members.for_each(membership, [&out, &origin] (const m::event &event) { if(json::get<"origin"_>(event) != origin) return; out << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__members__read(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[membership]", "[event_id]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const string_view membership { param[1] }; const string_view event_id { param[2] }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::members members { room }; const m::event::closure event_closure{[&out, &event_id] (const m::event &event) { if(event_id) if(unquote(at<"content"_>(event).get("event_id")) != event_id) return; out << timestr(at<"origin_server_ts"_>(event) / 1000) << " " << at<"sender"_>(event) << " " << at<"content"_>(event) << " " << at<"event_id"_>(event) << std::endl; }}; const auto member_closure{[&room_id, event_closure] (const m::event &event) { const m::user user { at<"state_key"_>(event) }; const m::user::room user_room{user}; user_room.get(std::nothrow, "ircd.read", room_id, event_closure); }}; members.for_each(membership, member_closure); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__origins(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const m::room::origins origins { room }; origins.test([&out](const string_view &origin) { out << origin << std::endl; return false; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__state(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const auto &event_id { token(line, ' ', 1, {}) }; const m::room room { room_id, event_id }; const m::room::state state { room }; state.for_each([&out](const m::event &event) { out << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__count(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "{event_filter_json}" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::event_filter filter { param[1] }; const m::room room { room_id }; auto limit { json::get<"limit"_>(filter)?: -1 }; size_t count{0}; m::room::messages it{room}; for(; it && limit; --it, --limit) { const m::event &event{*it}; count += match(filter, event); } out << count << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__events(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "depth|-limit", "order", "limit" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const int64_t depth { param.at(1, std::numeric_limits::max()) }; const char order { param.at(2, "b"_sv).at(0) }; ssize_t limit { depth < 0? std::abs(depth): param.at(3, ssize_t(32)) }; const bool roots { has(out.special, "roots") }; const m::room room { room_id }; m::room::messages it{room}; if(depth >= 0 && depth < std::numeric_limits::max()) it.seek(depth); for(; it && limit >= 0; order == 'b'? --it : ++it, --limit) if(roots) out << std::setw(40) << std::left << it.state_root() << " " << std::setw(8) << std::left << it.event_idx() << " " << it.event_id() << std::endl; else out << pretty_oneline(*it) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__roots(opt &out, const string_view &line) { assert(!out.special); out.special = "roots"; return console_cmd__room__events(out, line); } bool console_cmd__room__get(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "type", "state_key", "args" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const string_view type { param.at(1) }; const string_view state_key { param.at(2) }; const string_view arg { param[3] }; const m::room::state room { room_id }; room.get(type, state_key, [&out, &arg] (const m::event &event) { if(has(arg, "raw")) out << event << std::endl; else if(has(arg, "content")) out << json::get<"content"_>(event) << std::endl; else out << pretty(event) << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__room__set(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "sender", "type", "state_key", "content", "[prev_event_id]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::user::id &sender { param.at(1) }; const string_view type { param.at(2) }; const string_view state_key { param.at(3) }; const json::object &content { param.at(4, json::object{}) }; const string_view prev_event_id { param[5] }; const m::room room { room_id, prev_event_id }; const auto event_id { send(room, sender, type, state_key, content) }; out << event_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__send(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param { line, " ", { "room_id", "sender", "type", "content", "[prev_event_id]" } }; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::user::id &sender { param.at(1) }; const string_view type { param.at(2) }; const json::object &content { param.at(3, json::object{}) }; const string_view prev_event_id { param[4] }; const m::room room { room_id, prev_event_id }; const auto event_id { send(room, sender, type, content) }; out << event_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__message(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const m::user::id &sender { token(line, ' ', 1) }; const string_view body { tokens_after(line, ' ', 1) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const auto event_id { message(room, sender, body) }; out << event_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__redact(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const m::event::id &redacts { token(line, ' ', 1) }; const m::user::id &sender { token(line, ' ', 2) }; const string_view reason { tokens_after(line, ' ', 2) }; const m::room room { room_id }; const auto event_id { redact(room, sender, redacts, reason) }; out << event_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__join(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const string_view room_id_or_alias { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const m::user::id &user_id { token(line, ' ', 1) }; const string_view &event_id { token(line, ' ', 2, {}) }; switch(m::sigil(room_id_or_alias)) { case m::id::ROOM: { const m::room room { room_id_or_alias, event_id }; const auto join_event { m::join(room, user_id) }; out << join_event << std::endl; return true; } case m::id::ROOM_ALIAS: { const m::room::alias alias { room_id_or_alias }; const auto join_event { m::join(alias, user_id) }; out << join_event << std::endl; return true; } default: throw error { "Don't know how to join '%s'", room_id_or_alias }; } return true; } bool console_cmd__room__create(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param { line, " ", { "room_id", "[creator]", "[type]", "[parent]" } }; const m::room::id room_id { param.at(0) }; const m::user::id creator { param.at(1, m::me.user_id) }; const string_view type { param[2] }; const string_view &parent { param[3] }; const m::room room { parent? m::create(room_id, creator, parent, type): m::create(room_id, creator, type) }; out << room.room_id << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__room__id(opt &out, const string_view &id) { if(m::has_sigil(id)) switch(m::sigil(id)) { case m::id::USER: out << m::user{id}.room_id() << std::endl; break; case m::id::NODE: out << m::node{id}.room_id() << std::endl; break; case m::id::ROOM_ALIAS: out << m::room_id(m::room::alias(id)) << std::endl; break; default: break; } return true; } bool console_cmd__room__purge(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; return true; } // // user // //TODO: XXX bool console_id__user(opt &out, const m::user::id &id, const string_view &args) { return true; } bool console_cmd__user__password(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param { line, " ", { "user_id", "password" } }; m::user user { param.at(0) }; const string_view &password { param.at(1) }; const auto eid { user.password(password) }; out << eid << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__active(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param { line, " ", { "user_id" } }; const m::user user { param.at(0) }; out << user.user_id << " is " << (user.is_active()? "active" : "inactive") << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__activate(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param { line, " ", { "user_id" } }; m::user user { param.at(0) }; if(user.is_active()) { out << user.user_id << " is already active" << std::endl; return true; } const auto eid { user.activate() }; out << eid << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__deactivate(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param { line, " ", { "user_id" } }; m::user user { param.at(0) }; if(!user.is_active()) { out << user.user_id << " is already inactive" << std::endl; return true; } const auto eid { user.deactivate() }; out << eid << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__user__presence(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "limit" }}; const m::user user { param.at(0) }; auto limit { param.at(1, size_t(16)) }; const m::user::room user_room{user}; user_room.for_each("m.presence", m::event::closure_bool{[&out, &limit] (const m::event &event) { out << timestr(at<"origin_server_ts"_>(event) / 1000) << " " << at<"content"_>(event) << " " << at<"event_id"_>(event) << std::endl; return --limit > 0; }}); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__rooms(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "[membership]" }}; const m::user &user { param.at(0) }; const string_view &membership { param[1] }; const m::user::rooms rooms { user }; rooms.for_each(membership, m::user::rooms::closure{[&out] (const m::room &room, const string_view &membership) { out << room.room_id << " " << membership << std::endl; }}); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__rooms__origins(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", "[membership]" }}; const m::user &user { param.at(0) }; const string_view &membership { param[1] }; const m::user::rooms::origins origins { user }; origins.for_each(membership, m::user::rooms::origins::closure{[&out] (const string_view &origin) { out << origin << std::endl; }}); return true; } bool console_cmd__user__read(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "user_id", }}; const m::user user { param.at(0) }; const m::user::room user_room{user}; const m::room::state state{user_room}; state.for_each("ircd.read", m::event::closure{[&out] (const m::event &event) { out << timestr(at<"origin_server_ts"_>(event) / 1000) << " " << at<"state_key"_>(event) << " " << at<"content"_>(event) << " " << at<"event_id"_>(event) << std::endl; }}); return true; } // // feds // bool console_cmd__feds__version(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; using closure_prototype = bool (const string_view &, std::exception_ptr, const json::object &); using prototype = void (const m::room::id &, const milliseconds &, const std::function &); static m::import feds__version { "federation_federation", "feds__version" }; feds__version(room_id, out.timeout, [&out] (const string_view &origin, std::exception_ptr eptr, const json::object &response) { out << (eptr? '-' : '+') << " " << std::setw(40) << std::left << origin << " "; if(eptr) out << what(eptr); else out << string_view{response}; out << std::endl; return true; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__state(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", }}; const auto room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::event::id::buf &event_id { param.count() > 1? param.at(1) : m::head(room_id) }; using closure_prototype = bool (const string_view &, std::exception_ptr, const json::object &); using prototype = void (const m::room::id &, const m::event::id &, const milliseconds &, const std::function &); static m::import feds__state { "federation_federation", "feds__state" }; std::forward_list origins; std::map, std::less<>> grid; feds__state(room_id, event_id, out.timeout, [&out, &grid, &origins] (const string_view &origin, std::exception_ptr eptr, const json::object &response) { if(eptr) return true; const json::array &auth_chain { response["auth_chain_ids"] }; const json::array &pdus { response["pdu_ids"] }; for(const auto &pdu_id : pdus) { const auto &event_id{unquote(pdu_id)}; auto it { grid.lower_bound(event_id) }; if(it == end(grid) || it->first != event_id) it = grid.emplace_hint(it, event_id, std::forward_list{}); origins.emplace_front(origin); it->second.emplace_front(origins.front()); } return true; }); for(auto &p : grid) { p.second.sort(); out << std::setw(64) << std::left << p.first << " : "; for(const auto &origin : p.second) out << " " << origin; out << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__event(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id" }}; const m::event::id event_id { param.at(0) }; using prototype = void (const m::event::id &, std::ostream &); static m::import feds__event { "federation_federation", "feds__event" }; feds__event(event_id, out); return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__head(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[user_id]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at(1, m::me.user_id) }; using prototype = void (const m::room::id &, const m::user::id &, std::ostream &); static m::import feds__head { "federation_federation", "feds__head" }; feds__head(room_id, user_id, out); return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__backfill(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "[event_id]", "[limit]" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::event::id::buf &event_id { param.count() > 1? param.at(1) : head(room_id) }; const size_t limit { param.at(2, size_t(4)) }; using prototype = void (const m::room::id &, const m::event::id &, const size_t &, std::ostream &); static m::import feds__backfill { "federation_federation", "feds__backfill" }; feds__backfill(room_id, event_id, limit, out); return true; } bool console_cmd__feds__resend(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", }}; const m::event::id event_id { param.at(0) }; const m::event::fetch event { event_id }; const m::vm::opts opts; m::vm::accepted a{event, &opts, &opts.report}; m::vm::accept(a); return true; } // // fed // bool console_cmd__fed__groups(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::id::node &node { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const auto args { tokens_after(line, ' ', 0) }; m::user::id ids[8]; string_view tok[8]; const auto count{std::min(tokens(args, ' ', tok), size_t(8))}; std::copy(begin(tok), begin(tok) + count, begin(ids)); const unique_buffer buf { 32_KiB }; m::v1::groups::publicised::opts opts; m::v1::groups::publicised request { node, vector_view(ids, count), buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object response { request.in.content }; out << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__head(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "remote", "user_id" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at(1, room_id.host()) }; const m::user::id &user_id { param.at(2, m::me.user_id) }; thread_local char buf[16_KiB]; m::v1::make_join::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; m::v1::make_join request { room_id, user_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object proto { request.in.content }; const json::array prev_events { proto.at({"event", "prev_events"}) }; for(const json::array &prev_event : prev_events) { const string_view &id{prev_event.at(0)}; out << id << " :" << string_view{prev_event.at(1)} << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__send(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "remote", "event_id", }}; const net::hostport remote { param.at(0) }; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(1) }; const m::event::fetch event { event_id }; thread_local char pdubuf[64_KiB]; const json::value pdu { json::stringify(mutable_buffer{pdubuf}, event) }; const vector_view pdus { &pdu, &pdu + 1 }; const auto txn { m::txn::create(pdus) }; thread_local char idbuf[128]; const auto txnid { m::txn::create_id(idbuf, txn) }; const unique_buffer bufs { 16_KiB }; m::v1::send::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; m::v1::send request { txnid, const_buffer{txn}, bufs, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object response { request }; const m::v1::send::response resp { response }; resp.for_each_pdu([&] (const m::event::id &event_id, const json::object &error) { out << remote << " ->" << txnid << " " << event_id << " "; if(empty(error)) out << http::status(code) << std::endl; else out << string_view{error} << std::endl; }); return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__sync(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "remote", "limit", "event_id", "timeout" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at(1, room_id.host()) }; const auto &limit { param.at(2, size_t(128)) }; const string_view &event_id { param[3] }; const auto timeout { param.at(4, out.timeout) }; // Used for out.head, out.content, in.head, but in.content is dynamic const unique_buffer buf { 16_KiB }; m::v1::state::opts stopts; stopts.remote = remote; stopts.event_id = event_id; const mutable_buffer stbuf { data(buf), size(buf) / 2 }; m::v1::state strequest { room_id, stbuf, std::move(stopts) }; m::v1::backfill::opts bfopts; bfopts.remote = remote; bfopts.event_id = event_id; bfopts.limit = limit; const mutable_buffer bfbuf { buf + size(stbuf) }; m::v1::backfill bfrequest { room_id, bfbuf, std::move(bfopts) }; const auto when { now() + timeout }; bfrequest.wait_until(when); strequest.wait_until(when); bfrequest.get(); strequest.get(); const json::array &auth_chain { json::object{strequest}.get("auth_chain") }; const json::array &pdus { json::object{strequest}.get("pdus") }; const json::array &messages { json::object{bfrequest}.get("pdus") }; std::vector events; events.reserve(auth_chain.size() + pdus.size() + messages.size()); for(const json::object &event : auth_chain) events.emplace_back(event); for(const json::object &event : pdus) events.emplace_back(event); for(const json::object &event : messages) events.emplace_back(event); std::sort(begin(events), end(events)); events.erase(std::unique(begin(events), end(events)), end(events)); m::vm::opts vmopts; vmopts.non_conform.set(m::event::conforms::MISSING_PREV_STATE); vmopts.non_conform.set(m::event::conforms::MISSING_MEMBERSHIP); vmopts.prev_check_exists = false; vmopts.head_must_exist = false; vmopts.history = false; vmopts.notify = false; vmopts.debuglog_accept = true; vmopts.nothrows = -1; m::vm::eval eval { vmopts }; for(const auto &event : events) eval(event); return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__state(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "remote", "event_id|op", "op" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at(1, room_id.host()) }; string_view event_id { param[2] }; string_view op { param[3] }; if(!op && event_id == "eval") std::swap(op, event_id); // Used for out.head, out.content, in.head, but in.content is dynamic thread_local char buf[8_KiB]; m::v1::state::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; opts.event_id = event_id; m::v1::state request { room_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object &response { request }; const json::array &auth_chain { response["auth_chain"] }; const json::array &pdus { response["pdus"] }; if(op != "eval") { if(op != "auth") for(const json::object &event : pdus) out << pretty_oneline(m::event{event}) << std::endl; out << std::endl; if(op != "state") for(const json::object &event : auth_chain) out << pretty_oneline(m::event{event}) << std::endl; return true; } m::vm::opts vmopts; vmopts.non_conform.set(m::event::conforms::MISSING_PREV_STATE); vmopts.non_conform.set(m::event::conforms::MISSING_MEMBERSHIP); vmopts.prev_check_exists = false; vmopts.head_must_exist = false; vmopts.history = false; vmopts.notify = false; m::vm::eval eval { vmopts }; std::vector events; events.reserve(size(pdus) + size(auth_chain)); for(const json::object &event : auth_chain) events.emplace_back(event); for(const json::object &event : pdus) events.emplace_back(event); std::sort(begin(events), end(events)); events.erase(std::unique(begin(events), end(events)), end(events)); for(const auto &event : events) eval(event); return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__state_ids(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "remote", "event_id" }}; const auto &room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at(1, room_id.host()) }; string_view event_id { param[2] }; // Used for out.head, out.content, in.head, but in.content is dynamic thread_local char buf[8_KiB]; m::v1::state::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; opts.event_id = event_id; opts.ids_only = true; m::v1::state request { room_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object &response { request }; const json::array &auth_chain { response["auth_chain_ids"] }; const json::array &pdus { response["pdu_ids"] }; for(const string_view &event_id : auth_chain) out << unquote(event_id) << std::endl; for(const string_view &event_id : pdus) out << unquote(event_id) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__backfill(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const auto &room_id { m::room_id(token(line, ' ', 0)) }; const net::hostport remote { token(line, ' ', 1) }; const string_view &count { token(line, ' ', 2, "32") }; string_view event_id { token(line, ' ', 3, {}) }; string_view op { token(line, ' ', 4, {}) }; if(!op && event_id == "eval") std::swap(op, event_id); // Used for out.head, out.content, in.head, but in.content is dynamic thread_local char buf[16_KiB]; m::v1::backfill::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; opts.limit = lex_cast(count); if(event_id) opts.event_id = event_id; m::v1::backfill request { room_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object &response { request }; const json::array &pdus { response["pdus"] }; if(op != "eval") { for(const json::object &event : pdus) out << pretty_oneline(m::event{event}) << std::endl; return true; } m::vm::opts vmopts; vmopts.non_conform.set(m::event::conforms::MISSING_PREV_STATE); vmopts.non_conform.set(m::event::conforms::MISSING_MEMBERSHIP); vmopts.prev_check_exists = false; vmopts.head_must_exist = false; vmopts.history = false; vmopts.notify = false; m::vm::eval eval { vmopts }; std::vector events; events.reserve(lex_cast(count)); for(const json::object &event : pdus) events.emplace_back(event); std::sort(begin(events), end(events)); events.erase(std::unique(begin(events), end(events)), end(events)); for(const auto &event : events) eval(event); return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__event(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "event_id", "remote", "[op]" }}; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(0) }; const net::hostport &remote { param.at(1, event_id.host()) }; const string_view op { param[2] }; m::v1::event::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; const unique_buffer buf { 96_KiB }; m::v1::event request { event_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object &response { request }; const m::event event { response }; out << pretty(event) << std::endl; if(!verify(event)) out << "- SIGNATURE FAILED" << std::endl; if(!verify_hash(event)) out << "- HASH MISMATCH: " << b64encode_unpadded(hash(event)) << std::endl; const m::event::conforms conforms { event }; if(!conforms.clean()) out << "- " << conforms << std::endl; if(has(op, "raw")) out << string_view{response} << std::endl; if(!has(op, "eval")) return true; m::vm::opts vmopts; vmopts.non_conform.set(m::event::conforms::MISSING_PREV_STATE); vmopts.non_conform.set(m::event::conforms::MISSING_MEMBERSHIP); vmopts.prev_check_exists = false; vmopts.head_must_exist = false; vmopts.history = false; vmopts.notify = false; m::vm::eval eval { vmopts }; eval(event); return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__public_rooms(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "remote", "limit", "all_networks", "3pid" }}; const net::hostport remote { param.at(0) }; const auto limit { param.at(1, 32) }; const auto all_nets { param.at(2, false) }; const auto tpid { param[3] }; m::v1::public_rooms::opts opts; opts.limit = limit; opts.third_party_instance_id = tpid; opts.include_all_networks = all_nets; const unique_buffer buf { 16_KiB }; m::v1::public_rooms request { remote, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::object &response { request }; const auto total_estimate { response.get("total_room_count_estimate") }; const auto next_batch { unquote(response.get("next_batch")) }; const json::array &rooms { response.get("chunk") }; for(const json::object &summary : rooms) { for(const auto &member : summary) out << std::setw(24) << member.first << " => " << member.second << std::endl; out << std::endl; } out << "total: " << total_estimate << std::endl; out << "next: " << next_batch << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__event_auth(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "room_id", "event_id", "remote" }}; const auto room_id { m::room_id(param.at(0)) }; const m::event::id &event_id { param.at(1) }; const net::hostport remote { param.at(2, event_id.host()) }; m::v1::event_auth::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; const unique_buffer buf { 16_KiB }; m::v1::event_auth request { room_id, event_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); request.get(); const json::array &auth_chain { request }; std::vector events(size(auth_chain)); std::transform(begin(auth_chain), end(auth_chain), begin(events), [] (const json::object &event) -> m::event { return event; }); std::sort(begin(events), end(events)); for(const auto &event : events) out << pretty_oneline(event) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__query__profile(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::user::id &user_id { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const net::hostport remote { token_count(line, ' ') > 1? token(line, ' ', 1) : user_id.host() }; m::v1::query::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; thread_local char buf[8_KiB]; m::v1::query::profile request { user_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object &response { request }; out << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__query__directory(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::id::room_alias &room_alias { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const net::hostport remote { token_count(line, ' ') > 1? token(line, ' ', 1) : room_alias.host() }; m::v1::query::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; thread_local char buf[8_KiB]; m::v1::query::directory request { room_alias, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object &response { request }; out << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__user__devices(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::id::user &user_id { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const net::hostport remote { token(line, ' ', 1, user_id.host()) }; m::v1::user::devices::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; const unique_buffer buf { 32_KiB }; m::v1::user::devices request { user_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object &response { request }; const string_view stream_id { unquote(response["stream_id"]) }; const json::array &devices { response["devices"] }; for(const json::object &device : devices) out << string_view{device} << std::endl; out << "-- " << size(devices) << " devices." << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__query__client_keys(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const m::id::user &user_id { token(line, ' ', 0) }; const string_view &device_id { token(line, ' ', 1) }; const net::hostport remote { token(line, ' ', 2, user_id.host()) }; m::v1::query::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; const unique_buffer buf { 32_KiB }; m::v1::query::client_keys request { user_id, device_id, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object &response { request }; out << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__key(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "remote", }}; const auto &server_name { param.at(0) }; const auto &key_id { param[1] }; const unique_buffer buf{16_KiB}; m::v1::key::opts opts; m::v1::key::keys request { {server_name, key_id}, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object &response { request }; const m::keys &key{response}; out << key << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__key__query(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "remote", "[server_name,key_id]...", }}; const auto requests { tokens_after(line, ' ', 0) }; std::vector> r; tokens(requests, ' ', [&r] (const string_view &req) { r.emplace_back(split(req, ',')); }); m::v1::key::opts opts; opts.dynamic = true; opts.remote = net::hostport { param.at(0) }; const unique_buffer buf{24_KiB}; m::v1::key::query request { r, buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::array keys { request }; for(const json::object &key : keys) { const m::keys &k{key}; out << k << std::endl; } return true; } bool console_cmd__fed__version(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const net::hostport remote { token(line, ' ', 0) }; m::v1::version::opts opts; opts.remote = remote; thread_local char buf[8_KiB]; m::v1::version request { buf, std::move(opts) }; request.wait(out.timeout); const auto code { request.get() }; const json::object &response { request }; out << string_view{response} << std::endl; return true; } // // file // bool console_cmd__file__room(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "server|amalgam", "file" }}; auto server { param.at(0) }; auto file { param[1] }; if(empty(file)) { const auto s(split(server, '/')); server = s.first; file = s.second; } using prototype = m::room::id (m::room::id::buf &, const string_view &server, const string_view &file); static m::import file_room_id { "media_media", "file_room_id" }; m::room::id::buf buf; out << file_room_id(buf, server, file) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__file__download(opt &out, const string_view &line) { const params param{line, " ", { "server|amalgam", "file" }}; auto server { param.at(0) }; auto file { param[1] }; auto remote { has(server, '/')? param[1] : param[2] }; if(has(server, '/')) { const auto s(split(server, '/')); server = s.first; file = s.second; } if(!remote) remote = server; using prototype = m::room::id::buf (const string_view &server, const string_view &file, const m::user::id &, const net::hostport &remote); static m::import download { "media_media", "download" }; const m::room::id::buf room_id { download(server, file, m::me.user_id, remote) }; out << room_id << std::endl; return true; } // // vm // bool console_cmd__vm(opt &out, const string_view &line) { out << "sequence: " << std::right << std::setw(10) << m::vm::current_sequence << std::endl; out << "eval total: " << std::right << std::setw(10) << m::vm::eval::id_ctr << std::endl; out << "eval current: " << std::right << std::setw(10) << size(m::vm::eval::list) << std::endl; return true; } bool console_cmd__vm__eval(opt &out, const string_view &line) { for(const auto *const &eval : m::vm::eval::list) { assert(eval); assert(eval->ctx); out << std::setw(9) << std::right << eval->id << " | " << std::setw(4) << std::right << id(*eval->ctx) << " | " << std::setw(4) << std::right << eval->sequence << " | " << std::setw(64) << std::left << eval->event_id ; out << std::endl; } return true; }