// The Construct // // Copyright (C) The Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net> // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. size_t ircd::m::user::tokens::del(const string_view &reason) const { size_t ret(0); for_each([this, &ret, &reason] (const event::idx &event_idx, const string_view &token) { ret += del(token, reason); return true; }); return ret; } bool ircd::m::user::tokens::del(const string_view &token, const string_view &reason) const { const m::room::id::buf tokens_room_id { "tokens", origin(my()) }; const m::room tokens { tokens_room_id }; const auto event_idx { tokens.get(std::nothrow, "ircd.access_token", token) }; const auto match { [this](const string_view &sender) { return sender == this->user.user_id; } }; if(unlikely(!m::query(std::nothrow, event_idx, "sender", match))) return false; const auto event_id { m::event_id(std::nothrow, event_idx) }; if(unlikely(!event_id)) return false; const auto redact_id { m::redact(tokens, user.user_id, event_id, reason) }; return true; } bool ircd::m::user::tokens::check(const string_view &token) const { const m::room::id::buf tokens_room_id { "tokens", origin(my()) }; const m::room tokens { tokens_room_id }; const auto event_idx { tokens.get(std::nothrow, "ircd.access_token", token) }; return event_idx && m::query(std::nothrow, event_idx, "sender", [this] (const string_view &sender) { return sender == this->user.user_id; }); } bool ircd::m::user::tokens::for_each(const closure_bool &closure) const { const m::room::id::buf tokens_room_id { "tokens", origin(my()) }; const m::room tokens { tokens_room_id }; const m::room::state state { tokens }; return state.for_each("ircd.access_token", [this, &closure] (const auto &type, const auto &state_key, const auto &event_idx) { const auto match { [this](const string_view &sender) { return sender == this->user.user_id; } }; if(!m::query(std::nothrow, event_idx, "sender", match)) return true; if(!closure(event_idx, state_key)) return false; return true; }); } ircd::m::user::id::buf ircd::m::user::tokens::get(const string_view &token) { const auto ret { get(std::nothrow, token) }; if(!ret) throw m::error { http::UNAUTHORIZED, "M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN", "Credentials for this method are required but invalid." }; return ret; } ircd::m::user::id::buf ircd::m::user::tokens::get(std::nothrow_t, const string_view &token) { const m::room::id::buf tokens_room_id { "tokens", origin(my()) }; const m::room tokens { tokens_room_id }; const event::idx event_idx { tokens.get(std::nothrow, "ircd.access_token", token) }; m::user::id::buf ret; m::get(std::nothrow, event_idx, "sender", [&ret] (const string_view &sender) { ret = sender; }); return ret; } ircd::m::device::id::buf ircd::m::user::tokens::device(const string_view &token) { const auto ret { device(std::nothrow, token) }; if(unlikely(!ret)) throw m::NOT_FOUND { "No device for this access_token" }; return ret; } ircd::m::device::id::buf ircd::m::user::tokens::device(std::nothrow_t, const string_view &token) { const m::room::id::buf tokens_room_id { "tokens", origin(my()) }; const m::room tokens { tokens_room_id }; const event::idx event_idx { tokens.get(std::nothrow, "ircd.access_token", token) }; device::id::buf ret; m::get(std::nothrow, event_idx, "content", [&ret] (const json::object &content) { const json::string &device_id { content.at("device_id") }; ret = device_id; }); return ret; } ircd::string_view ircd::m::user::tokens::generate(const mutable_buffer &buf) { static const size_t token_max { 32 }; static const auto &token_dict { rand::dict::alpha }; const mutable_buffer out { buf, token_max }; return rand::string(out, token_dict); }