// The Construct // // Copyright (C) The Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Jason Volk // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. std::ostream & ircd::net::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const listener_udp &a) { s << *a.acceptor; return s; } std::ostream & ircd::net::operator<<(std::ostream &s, const acceptor_udp &a) { s << loghead(a); return s; } ircd::string_view ircd::net::loghead(const acceptor_udp &a) { thread_local char buf[512]; return loghead(buf, a); } ircd::string_view ircd::net::loghead(const mutable_buffer &out, const acceptor_udp &a) { thread_local char addrbuf[128]; return fmt::sprintf { out, "[%s] @ [%s]:%u", a.name, string(addrbuf, a.ep.address()), a.ep.port(), }; } // // listener_udp::listener_udp // ircd::net::listener_udp::listener_udp(const string_view &name, const std::string &opts) :listener_udp { name, json::object{opts} } { } ircd::net::listener_udp::listener_udp(const string_view &name, const json::object &opts) :acceptor { std::make_unique(name, opts) } { } ircd::net::listener_udp::~listener_udp() noexcept { if(acceptor) acceptor->join(); } ircd::net::listener_udp::datagram & ircd::net::listener_udp::operator()(datagram &datagram) { assert(acceptor); return acceptor->operator()(datagram); } ircd::string_view ircd::net::listener_udp::name() const { assert(acceptor); return acceptor->name; } ircd::net::listener_udp::operator ircd::json::object() const { assert(acceptor); return acceptor->opts; } // // acceptor_udp::acceptor // ircd::net::acceptor_udp::acceptor_udp(const string_view &name, const json::object &opts) try :name { name } ,opts { opts } ,ep { make_address(unquote(opts.get("host", "*"_sv))), opts.at("port") } ,a { ios::get() } { static const ip::udp::socket::reuse_address reuse_address { true }; a.open(ep.protocol()); a.set_option(reuse_address); log::debug { log, "%s opened listener socket", loghead(*this) }; a.bind(ep); log::debug { log, "%s bound listener socket", loghead(*this) }; } catch(const boost::system::system_error &e) { throw_system_error(e); } ircd::net::acceptor_udp::~acceptor_udp() noexcept { } void ircd::net::acceptor_udp::join() noexcept try { interrupt(); joining.wait([this]() noexcept { return waiting == 0; }); } catch(const std::exception &e) { log::error { log, "acceptor(%p) join :%s", this, e.what() }; } bool ircd::net::acceptor_udp::interrupt() noexcept try { a.cancel(); return true; } catch(const boost::system::system_error &e) { log::error { log, "acceptor(%p) interrupt :%s", this, string(e) }; return false; } ircd::net::listener_udp::datagram & ircd::net::acceptor_udp::operator()(datagram &datagram) { assert(ctx::current); const auto flags { this->flags(datagram.flag) }; const auto interruption{[this] (ctx::ctx *const &) noexcept { this->interrupt(); }}; const scope_count waiting { this->waiting }; ip::udp::endpoint ep; size_t rlen{}; continuation { continuation::asio_predicate, interruption, [this, &rlen, &datagram, &ep, &flags] (auto &yield) { rlen = a.async_receive_from(datagram.mbufs, ep, flags, yield); } }; datagram.remote = make_ipport(ep); datagram.mbuf = {data(datagram.mbuf), rlen}; return datagram; } boost::asio::ip::udp::socket::message_flags ircd::net::acceptor_udp::flags(const flag &flag) { ip::udp::socket::message_flags ret{0}; if(flag & flag::PEEK) ret |= ip::udp::socket::message_peek; return ret; } // // listener_udp::datagram // ircd::net::listener_udp::datagram::datagram(const const_buffer &buf, const ipport &remote, const enum flag &flag) :remote{remote} ,flag{flag} { cbuf = buf; cbufs = { &this->cbuf, 1 }; } ircd::net::listener_udp::datagram::datagram(const mutable_buffer &buf, const enum flag &flag) :flag{flag} { mbuf = buf; mbufs = { &this->mbuf, 1 }; }