// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net> // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. #pragma once #define HAVE_IRCD_JS_OBJECT_H namespace ircd { namespace js { using object_handle = JS::Handle<JSObject *>; using object_handle_mutable = JS::MutableHandle<JSObject *>; // get()/set() et al overload on reserved{n} to manipulate reserved slot n IRCD_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint, reserved) // Get the JSClass from which the trap can also be derived. bool has_jsclass(const JSObject *const &); const JSClass &jsclass(JSObject *const &); // Get the flags from the object's JSClass or 0. uint flags(const JSObject *const &); // Get the `this` global from any object JSObject *current_global(JSObject *const &); // Misc utils bool is_array(const object_handle &); bool is_extensible(const object_handle &); uint32_t size(const object_handle &); bool deep_freeze(const object_handle &); bool freeze(const object_handle &); size_t bytecodes(const object_handle &, uint8_t *const &buf, const size_t &size); struct object :root<JSObject *> { IRCD_OVERLOAD(json) IRCD_OVERLOAD(array) IRCD_OVERLOAD(uninitialized) using handle = object_handle; using handle_mutable = object_handle_mutable; explicit operator JSString *() const; explicit operator JS::Value() const; operator value() const; object constructor() const; // Get the constructor object prototype() const; // Get the prototype void prototype(object::handle); // Set the prototype bool is_array() const; uint32_t size() const; // Number elements in array object void resize(const uint32_t &); // Set the number of elements in array object object clone() const; // Copy the object and prototype // new object object(const JSClass *const &, const handle &ctor, const JS::HandleValueArray &args); object(const JSClass *const &, const JS::CallArgs &args); object(const JSClass *const &, const object &proto); object(const JSClass *const &); object(const uint8_t *const &bytecode, const size_t &size); using root<JSObject *>::root; template<class... args> object(json_t, args&&...); object(array_t, const size_t &length); object(const JS::HandleValueArray &); object(std::initializer_list<std::pair<const char *, value>>); object(const value &); object(JSObject *const &); object(JSObject &); object(nullptr_t); object(uninitialized_t); object(); static object global(); // current_global(cx) }; inline object::object() :object::root::type { JS_NewPlainObject(*cx) } { if(unlikely(!this->get())) throw internal_error("NULL object (plain)"); } inline object::object(uninitialized_t) :object::root::type{} { } inline object::object(nullptr_t) :object{value{nullptr}} { } inline object::object(JSObject &obj) :object::root::type{&obj} { if(unlikely(!this->get())) throw internal_error("NULL object (ref)"); } inline object::object(JSObject *const &obj) :object::root::type{obj} { if(unlikely(!this->get())) throw internal_error("NULL object"); } inline object::object(const value &val) :object::root::type{} { if(!JS_ValueToObject(*cx, val, &(*this))) throw type_error("Value is not an Object"); } inline object::object(std::initializer_list<std::pair<const char *, value>> list) :object{} { for(const auto &pair : list) { const auto &key(pair.first); const auto &val(pair.second); if(!JS_SetProperty(*cx, *this, key, val)) throw jserror(jserror::pending); } } inline object::object(const JS::HandleValueArray &values) :object::root::type { JS_NewArrayObject(*cx, values) } { if(unlikely(!this->get())) throw internal_error("NULL object (array)"); } inline object::object(array_t, const size_t &length) :object::root::type { JS_NewArrayObject(*cx, length) } { if(unlikely(!this->get())) throw internal_error("NULL object (array)"); } template<class... args> object::object(json_t, args&&... a) :object(js::json::parse(std::forward<args>(a)...)) { } inline object::object(const JSClass *const &clasp) :object::root::type { JS_NewObject(*cx, clasp) } { if(unlikely(!this->get())) throw internal_error("NULL object (clasp)"); } inline object::object(const JSClass *const &clasp, const object &proto) :object::root::type { JS_NewObjectWithGivenProto(*cx, clasp, proto) } { if(unlikely(!this->get())) throw internal_error("NULL object (with given proto)"); } inline object::object(const JSClass *const &clasp, const JS::CallArgs &args) :object::root::type { JS_NewObjectForConstructor(*cx, clasp, args) } { if(unlikely(!this->get())) throw internal_error("NULL object (for constructor)"); } inline object::object(const JSClass *const &clasp, const object::handle &ctor, const JS::HandleValueArray &args) :object::root::type { JS_New(*cx, ctor, args) } { if(unlikely(!this->get())) throw internal_error("NULL object (new)"); } inline object::object(const uint8_t *const &bytecode, const size_t &size) :object::root::type { //JS_DecodeInterpretedFunction(*cx, bytecode, size) } { if(unlikely(!this->get())) throw jserror(jserror::pending); } inline object object::global() { return current_global(); } inline object object::clone() const { return JS_CloneObject(*cx, *this, prototype()); } inline void object::resize(const uint32_t &length) { if(!JS_SetArrayLength(*cx, *this, length)) throw internal_error("Failed to set array object length"); } inline uint32_t object::size() const { return js::size(*this); } inline bool object::is_array() const { return js::is_array(handle(*this)); } inline object object::constructor() const { return JS_GetConstructor(*cx, *this); } inline void object::prototype(object::handle obj) { if(!JS_SetPrototype(*cx, *this, obj)) throw internal_error("Failed to set prototype for object"); } inline object object::prototype() const { object ret; if(!JS_GetPrototype(*cx, *this, &ret)) throw internal_error("Failed to get prototype for object"); return ret; } inline object::operator value() const { return static_cast<JS::Value>(*this); } inline object::operator JS::Value() const { assert(this->get()); return JS::ObjectValue(*this->get()); } inline object::operator JSString *() const { assert(this->get()); return JS_BasicObjectToString(*cx, *this); } inline size_t bytecodes(const object_handle &obj, uint8_t *const &buf, const size_t &size) { uint32_t ret; const custom_ptr<void> ptr { //JS_EncodeInterpretedFunction(*cx, obj, &ret), js_free }; const auto cpsz(std::min(size_t(ret), size)); memcpy(buf, ptr.get(), cpsz); return cpsz; } inline bool freeze(const object_handle &obj) { return JS_FreezeObject(*cx, obj); } inline bool deep_freeze(const object_handle &obj) { return JS_DeepFreezeObject(*cx, obj); } inline uint32_t size(const object_handle &obj) { uint32_t ret; if(!JS_GetArrayLength(*cx, obj, &ret)) throw internal_error("Failed to get array object length"); return ret; } inline bool is_array(const object &obj) { return is_array(object::handle(obj)); } inline bool is_array(const object_handle &obj) { bool ret; if(!JS_IsArrayObject(*cx, obj, &ret)) throw internal_error("Failed to query if object is array"); return ret; } inline bool is_extensible(const object_handle &obj) { bool ret; if(!JS_IsExtensible(*cx, obj, &ret)) throw internal_error("Failed to query object extensibility"); return ret; } inline JSObject * current_global(JSObject *const &obj) { return JS_GetGlobalForObject(*cx, obj); } inline uint flags(const JSObject *const &obj) { return has_jsclass(obj)? jsclass(const_cast<JSObject *>(obj)).flags : 0; } inline const JSClass & jsclass(JSObject *const &obj) { assert(has_jsclass(obj)); const auto jsc(JS_GetClass(obj)); return *const_cast<JSClass *>(jsc); } inline bool has_jsclass(const JSObject *const &obj) { assert(obj); return JS_GetClass(const_cast<JSObject *>(obj)) != nullptr; } } // namespace js } // namespace ircd