// Matrix Construct // // Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net> // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The // full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file. #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include <ircd/asio.h> #ifdef IRCD_USE_AIO #include "aio.h" #endif namespace filesystem = boost::filesystem; namespace ircd::fs { filesystem::path path(std::string); filesystem::path path(const string_view &); filesystem::path path(const vector_view<const string_view> &); } /// Non-null when aio is available for use decltype(ircd::fs::aioctx) ircd::fs::aioctx {}; ircd::fs::init::init() { #ifdef IRCD_USE_AIO assert(!aioctx); aioctx = new aio{}; #else log::warning { "No support for asynchronous local filesystem IO..." }; #endif } ircd::fs::init::~init() noexcept { #ifdef IRCD_USE_AIO delete aioctx; aioctx = nullptr; #endif assert(!aioctx); } // // Compile-time path index // namespace ircd::fs { struct sysent; extern const std::array<struct sysent, num_of<index>()> syspaths; } struct ircd::fs::sysent { string_view name; string_view path; }; decltype(ircd::fs::syspaths) ircd::fs::syspaths {{ { "installation prefix", RB_PREFIX }, { "binary directory", RB_BIN_DIR }, { "configuration directory", RB_CONF_DIR }, { "database directory", RB_DB_DIR }, { "log directory", RB_LOG_DIR }, { "module directory", RB_MODULE_DIR }, }}; ircd::string_view ircd::fs::get(index index) noexcept try { return syspaths.at(index).path; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { return {}; } ircd::string_view ircd::fs::name(index index) noexcept try { return syspaths.at(index).name; } catch(const std::out_of_range &e) { return {}; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // fs/stdin.h // ircd::string_view ircd::fs::stdin::readline(const mutable_buffer &buf) { assert(ircd::ios); boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor fd { *ircd::ios, dup(STDIN_FILENO) }; boost::asio::streambuf sb { size(buf) }; const auto interruption{[&fd] (ctx::ctx *const &interruptor) noexcept { fd.cancel(); }}; const size_t len { boost::asio::async_read_until(fd, sb, '\n', yield_context{to_asio{interruption}}) }; std::istream is{&sb}; is.get(data(buf), size(buf), '\n'); return string_view { data(buf), size_t(is.gcount()) }; } // // tty // ircd::fs::stdin::tty::tty() :fd{[] { thread_local char buf[256]; syscall(::ttyname_r, STDIN_FILENO, buf, sizeof(buf)); return fd { string_view{buf}, std::ios_base::out }; }()} { } size_t ircd::fs::stdin::tty::write(const string_view &buf) { return syscall(::write, int(*this), buf.data(), buf.size()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // fs/fsync.h // ircd::fs::fsync_opts const ircd::fs::fsync_opts_default {}; void ircd::fs::fsync(const fd &fd, const fsync_opts &opts) try { #ifdef IRCD_USE_AIO if(likely(aioctx)) return fsync__aio(fd, opts); #endif syscall(::fsync, fd); } catch(const std::exception &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } void ircd::fs::fdsync(const fd &fd, const fsync_opts &opts) try { #ifdef IRCD_USE_AIO if(likely(aioctx)) return fdsync__aio(fd, opts); #endif syscall(::fdatasync, fd); } catch(const std::exception &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // fs/prefetch.h // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // fs/read.h // ircd::fs::read_opts const ircd::fs::read_opts_default {}; #ifdef __linux__ void ircd::fs::prefetch(const fd &fd, const size_t &count, const read_opts &opts) { const auto flags { syscall(::fcntl, fd, F_GETFL) }; if(~flags & O_DIRECT) { syscall(::readahead, fd, opts.offset, count); return; } #ifdef IRCD_USE_AIO if(likely(aioctx)) prefetch__aio(fd, count, opts); #endif } #else void ircd::fs::prefetch(const fd &fd, const size_t &count, const read_opts &opts) { } #endif std::string ircd::fs::read(const string_view &path, const read_opts &opts) try { const fd fd { path }; return read(fd, opts); } catch(const filesystem_error &) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } std::string ircd::fs::read(const fd &fd, const read_opts &opts) { return string(size(fd), [&fd, &opts] (const mutable_buffer &buf) { return read(fd, buf, opts); }); } ircd::const_buffer ircd::fs::read(const string_view &path, const mutable_buffer &buf, const read_opts &opts) try { const fd fd { path }; return read(fd, buf, opts); } catch(const filesystem_error &) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } ircd::const_buffer ircd::fs::read(const fd &fd, const mutable_buffer &buf, const read_opts &opts) try { #ifdef IRCD_USE_AIO if(likely(aioctx)) return read__aio(fd, buf, opts); #endif return { data(buf), size_t(syscall(::pread, fd, data(buf), size(buf), opts.offset)) }; } catch(const filesystem_error &) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // fs/write.h // ircd::fs::write_opts const ircd::fs::write_opts_default {}; ircd::const_buffer ircd::fs::append(const fd &fd, const const_buffer &buf, const write_opts &opts_) try { assert(opts_.offset == 0); auto opts(opts_); opts.offset = syscall(::lseek, fd, 0, SEEK_END); return write(fd, buf, opts); } catch(const filesystem_error &) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } ircd::const_buffer ircd::fs::write(const string_view &path, const const_buffer &buf, const write_opts &opts) try { const fd fd { path, std::ios::out }; return write(fd, buf, opts); } catch(const filesystem_error &) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } ircd::const_buffer ircd::fs::write(const fd &fd, const const_buffer &buf, const write_opts &opts) try { #ifdef IRCD_USE_AIO if(likely(aioctx)) return write__aio(fd, buf, opts); #endif return { data(buf), size_t(syscall(::pwrite, fd, data(buf), size(buf), opts.offset)) }; } catch(const filesystem_error &) { throw; } catch(const std::exception &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // fs/fd.h // // TODO: x-platform // namespace ircd::fs { thread_local char path_buf[PATH_MAX]; static const char *path_str(const string_view &); static uint posix_flags(const std::ios::open_mode &mode); } size_t ircd::fs::size(const fd &fd) { struct stat stat; syscall(::fstat, fd, &stat); return stat.st_size; }; uint ircd::fs::posix_flags(const std::ios::open_mode &mode) { static const auto rdwr { std::ios::in | std::ios::out }; uint ret{0}; if((mode & rdwr) == rdwr) ret |= O_RDWR; else if(mode & std::ios::out) ret |= O_WRONLY; else ret |= O_RDONLY; ret |= mode & std::ios::trunc? O_TRUNC : 0; ret |= mode & std::ios::app? O_APPEND : 0; ret |= ret & O_WRONLY? O_CREAT : 0; ret |= ret & O_RDWR && ret & (O_TRUNC | O_APPEND)? O_CREAT : 0; return ret; } const char * ircd::fs::path_str(const string_view &s) { return data(strlcpy(path_buf, s)); } // // fd::opts // ircd::fs::fd::opts::opts(const std::ios::open_mode &mode) :flags { posix_flags(mode) } ,mask { flags & O_CREAT? S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR: 0U } ,ate { bool(mode & std::ios::ate) } { } // // fd::fd // ircd::fs::fd::fd(const string_view &path) :fd{path, opts{}} { } ircd::fs::fd::fd(const string_view &path, const opts &opts) :fdno{[&path, &opts] () -> int { int flags(opts.flags); flags |= opts.direct? O_DIRECT : 0U; flags |= opts.cloexec? O_CLOEXEC : 0U; flags &= opts.nocreate? ~O_CREAT : flags; const mode_t &mode(opts.mask); const char *const &p(path_str(path)); return syscall(::open, p, flags, mode); }()} { if(opts.ate) syscall(::lseek, fdno, 0, SEEK_END); } ircd::fs::fd::fd(fd &&o) noexcept :fdno { std::move(o.fdno) } { o.fdno = -1; } ircd::fs::fd & ircd::fs::fd::operator=(fd &&o) noexcept { this->~fd(); fdno = std::move(o.fdno); o.fdno = -1; return *this; } ircd::fs::fd::~fd() noexcept(false) { if(fdno < 0) return; syscall(::close, fdno); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // fs.h / misc // std::string ircd::fs::cwd() try { return filesystem::current_path().string(); } catch(const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } void ircd::fs::chdir(const string_view &path) try { filesystem::current_path(fs::path(path)); } catch(const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { throw filesystem_error { "`%s': %s", path, e.what() }; } bool ircd::fs::mkdir(const string_view &path) try { return filesystem::create_directories(fs::path(path)); } catch(const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { throw filesystem_error { "`%s': %s", path, e.what() }; } bool ircd::fs::remove(const string_view &path) try { return filesystem::remove(fs::path(path)); } catch(const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { throw filesystem_error { "`%s': %s", path, e.what() }; } bool ircd::fs::remove(std::nothrow_t, const string_view &path) { boost::system::error_code ec; return filesystem::remove(fs::path(path), ec); } void ircd::fs::rename(const string_view &old, const string_view &new_) try { filesystem::rename(path(old), path(new_)); } catch(const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { throw filesystem_error { "`%s' -> `%s': %s", old, new_, e.what() }; } bool ircd::fs::rename(std::nothrow_t, const string_view &old, const string_view &new_) { boost::system::error_code ec; filesystem::rename(path(old), path(new_), ec); return !ec; } std::vector<std::string> ircd::fs::ls_recursive(const string_view &path) try { const filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator end; filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator it { fs::path(path) }; std::vector<std::string> ret; std::transform(it, end, std::back_inserter(ret), [] (const auto &ent) { return ent.path().string(); }); return ret; } catch(const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } std::vector<std::string> ircd::fs::ls(const string_view &path) try { static const filesystem::directory_iterator end; filesystem::directory_iterator it { fs::path(path) }; std::vector<std::string> ret; std::transform(it, end, std::back_inserter(ret), [] (const auto &ent) { return ent.path().string(); }); return ret; } catch(const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } size_t ircd::fs::size(const string_view &path) { return filesystem::file_size(fs::path(path)); } bool ircd::fs::is_reg(const string_view &path) try { return filesystem::is_regular_file(fs::path(path)); } catch(const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } bool ircd::fs::is_dir(const string_view &path) try { return filesystem::is_directory(fs::path(path)); } catch(const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } bool ircd::fs::exists(const string_view &path) try { return filesystem::exists(fs::path(path)); } catch(const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { throw filesystem_error { "%s", e.what() }; } std::string ircd::fs::make_path(const vector_view<const std::string> &list) { filesystem::path ret; for(const auto &s : list) ret /= path(s); return ret.string(); } std::string ircd::fs::make_path(const vector_view<const string_view> &list) { filesystem::path ret; for(const auto &s : list) ret /= path(s); return ret.string(); } filesystem::path ircd::fs::path(const vector_view<const string_view> &list) { filesystem::path ret; for(const auto &s : list) ret /= path(s); return ret.string(); } filesystem::path ircd::fs::path(const string_view &s) { return path(std::string{s}); } filesystem::path ircd::fs::path(std::string s) { return filesystem::path(std::move(s)); }