/* authd/providers/rdns.c - rDNS lookup provider for authd * Copyright (c) 2016 Elizabeth Myers * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include "authd.h" #include "provider.h" #include "notice.h" #include "res.h" #include "dns.h" #define SELF_PID (rdns_provider.id) struct user_query { struct dns_query *query; /* Pending DNS query */ }; /* Goinked from old s_auth.c --Elizabeth */ static const char *messages[] = { "*** Looking up your hostname...", "*** Couldn't look up your hostname", "*** Your hostname is too long, ignoring hostname", }; typedef enum { REPORT_LOOKUP, REPORT_FAIL, REPORT_TOOLONG, } dns_message; static void client_fail(struct auth_client *auth, dns_message message); static void client_success(struct auth_client *auth); static void dns_answer_callback(const char *res, bool status, query_type type, void *data); static int rdns_timeout = RDNS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT; static void dns_answer_callback(const char *res, bool status, query_type type, void *data) { struct auth_client *auth = (auth_client *)data; struct user_query *query = (user_query *)get_provider_data(auth, SELF_PID); lrb_assert(query != NULL); if(res == NULL || status == false) client_fail(auth, REPORT_FAIL); else if(strlen(res) > HOSTLEN) client_fail(auth, REPORT_TOOLONG); else { rb_strlcpy(auth->hostname, res, HOSTLEN + 1); client_success(auth); } } static void client_fail(struct auth_client *auth, dns_message report) { struct user_query *query = (user_query *)get_provider_data(auth, SELF_PID); lrb_assert(query != NULL); rb_strlcpy(auth->hostname, "*", sizeof(auth->hostname)); notice_client(auth->cid, messages[report]); cancel_query(query->query); rb_free(query); set_provider_data(auth, SELF_PID, NULL); set_provider_timeout_absolute(auth, SELF_PID, 0); provider_done(auth, SELF_PID); auth_client_unref(auth); } static void client_success(struct auth_client *auth) { struct user_query *query = (user_query *)get_provider_data(auth, SELF_PID); lrb_assert(query != NULL); notice_client(auth->cid, "*** Found your hostname: %s", auth->hostname); cancel_query(query->query); rb_free(query); set_provider_data(auth, SELF_PID, NULL); set_provider_timeout_absolute(auth, SELF_PID, 0); provider_done(auth, SELF_PID); auth_client_unref(auth); } static void rdns_destroy(void) { struct auth_client *auth; rb_dictionary_iter iter; void *elem; RB_DICTIONARY_FOREACH(elem, &iter, auth_clients) { auth = (auth_client *)elem; if(get_provider_data(auth, SELF_PID) != NULL) client_fail(auth, REPORT_FAIL); /* auth is now invalid as we have no reference */ } } static bool rdns_start(struct auth_client *auth) { struct user_query *query = (user_query *)rb_malloc(sizeof(struct user_query)); auth_client_ref(auth); set_provider_data(auth, SELF_PID, query); set_provider_timeout_relative(auth, SELF_PID, rdns_timeout); query->query = lookup_hostname(auth->c_ip, dns_answer_callback, auth); notice_client(auth->cid, messages[REPORT_LOOKUP]); set_provider_running(auth, SELF_PID); return true; } static void rdns_cancel(struct auth_client *auth) { struct user_query *query = (user_query *)get_provider_data(auth, SELF_PID); if(query != NULL) client_fail(auth, REPORT_FAIL); } static void add_conf_dns_timeout(const char *key, int parc, const char **parv) { int timeout = atoi(parv[0]); if(timeout < 0) { warn_opers(L_CRIT, "rDNS: DNS timeout < 0 (value: %d)", timeout); exit(EX_PROVIDER_ERROR); } rdns_timeout = timeout; } struct auth_opts_handler rdns_options[] = { { "rdns_timeout", 1, add_conf_dns_timeout }, { NULL, 0, NULL }, }; struct auth_provider rdns_provider = []{ auth_provider ap {0}; ap.name = "rdns"; ap.letter = 'R'; ap.destroy = rdns_destroy; ap.start = rdns_start; ap.cancel = rdns_cancel; ap.timeout = rdns_cancel; ap.opt_handlers = rdns_options; return ap; }();