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// Matrix Construct
// Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors
// Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net>
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
// copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The
// full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
/// Uncomment or -D this #define to enable extensive log messages covering the
/// entire RocksDB callback surface. This is only useful for developers
/// specifically working on the backend of the DB and no real use for
/// developers making frontend queries to it. Massively verbose.
//#define RB_DEBUG_DB_ENV
/// This #define is more useful to developers making queries to the database.
/// It is still so verbose that it goes beyond what is tolerable and generally
/// useful even in debug-mode builds, thus the manual #define being required.
//#define RB_DEBUG_DB_SEEK
/// Uncomment or -D this #define to enable extensive log messages for the
/// experimental db environment-port implementation. This is only useful
/// for developers working on the port impl and want to debug all locking
/// and unlocking etc.
//#define RB_DEBUG_DB_PORT
#include <rocksdb/version.h>
#include <rocksdb/status.h>
#include <rocksdb/db.h>
#include <rocksdb/cache.h>
#include <rocksdb/comparator.h>
#include <rocksdb/merge_operator.h>
#include <rocksdb/perf_level.h>
#include <rocksdb/perf_context.h>
#include <rocksdb/iostats_context.h>
#include <rocksdb/listener.h>
#include <rocksdb/statistics.h>
#include <rocksdb/convenience.h>
#include <rocksdb/env.h>
#include <rocksdb/slice_transform.h>
#include <rocksdb/utilities/checkpoint.h>
#include <rocksdb/filter_policy.h>
#include <rocksdb/table.h>
#include <rocksdb/sst_file_manager.h>
#include <rocksdb/sst_file_reader.h>
#include <rocksdb/sst_dump_tool.h>
#include <rocksdb/compaction_filter.h>
#include <rocksdb/wal_filter.h>
#include <rocksdb/rate_limiter.h>
#include "db_has.h"
#include "db_port.h"
#include "db_env.h"
#include "db_env_state.h"
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
namespace ircd::db
struct throw_on_error;
struct error_to_status;
constexpr auto BLOCKING { rocksdb::ReadTier::kReadAllTier };
constexpr auto NON_BLOCKING { rocksdb::ReadTier::kBlockCacheTier };
// state
extern log::log rog;
extern conf::item<bool> enable_wal;
extern conf::item<bool> read_checksum;
extern conf::item<size_t> request_pool_size;
extern conf::item<size_t> request_pool_stack_size;
extern ctx::pool::opts request_pool_opts;
extern ctx::pool request;
// reflections
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::Status::Code &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::Status::Severity &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::Env::Priority &p);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::Env::IOPriority &p);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::Env::WriteLifeTimeHint &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::WriteStallCondition &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::BackgroundErrorReason &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::CompactionReason &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::FlushReason &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::RandomAccessFile::AccessPattern &p);
const std::string &reflect(const rocksdb::Tickers &);
const std::string &reflect(const rocksdb::Histograms &);
// Frequently used get options and set options are separate from the string/map system
rocksdb::WriteOptions make_opts(const sopts &);
rocksdb::ReadOptions make_opts(const gopts &);
// Database options creator
static bool optstr_find_and_remove(std::string &optstr, const std::string &what);
rocksdb::DBOptions make_dbopts(std::string optstr, std::string *const &out = nullptr, bool *read_only = nullptr, bool *fsck = nullptr);
rocksdb::CompressionType find_supported_compression(const std::string &);
// Read column names from filesystem
std::vector<std::string> column_names(const std::string &path, const rocksdb::DBOptions &);
std::vector<std::string> column_names(const std::string &path, const std::string &options);
// Validation functors
static bool valid(const rocksdb::Status &);
using valid_proffer = std::function<bool (const rocksdb::Iterator &)>;
static bool valid(const rocksdb::Iterator &, const valid_proffer &);
static bool valid_eq(const rocksdb::Iterator &, const string_view &);
static bool valid_lte(const rocksdb::Iterator &, const string_view &);
static bool valid_gt(const rocksdb::Iterator &, const string_view &);
static void valid_or_throw(const rocksdb::Iterator &);
static void valid_eq_or_throw(const rocksdb::Iterator &, const string_view &);
// [GET] iterator seek suite
template<class pos> static bool seek(database::column &, const pos &, const rocksdb::ReadOptions &, std::unique_ptr<rocksdb::Iterator> &it);
static std::unique_ptr<rocksdb::Iterator> seek(column &, const gopts &);
static std::unique_ptr<rocksdb::Iterator> seek(column &, const string_view &key, const gopts &);
static std::vector<row::value_type> seek(database &, const gopts &);
static std::pair<string_view, string_view> operator*(const rocksdb::Iterator &);
// [GET] read suite
using _read_op = std::tuple<column, string_view>;
using _read_closure = std::function<bool (column &, const column::delta &, const rocksdb::Status &)>;
static bool _read(const vector_view<_read_op> &, const rocksdb::ReadOptions &, const _read_closure & = {});
static rocksdb::Status _read(column &, const string_view &key, const rocksdb::ReadOptions &, const column::view_closure & = {});
// [SET] writebatch suite
string_view debug(const mutable_buffer &, const rocksdb::WriteBatch &);
bool has(const rocksdb::WriteBatch &, const op &);
void commit(database &, rocksdb::WriteBatch &, const rocksdb::WriteOptions &);
void commit(database &, rocksdb::WriteBatch &, const sopts &);
void append(rocksdb::WriteBatch &, column &, const column::delta &delta);
void append(rocksdb::WriteBatch &, const cell::delta &delta);
const descriptor &describe(const database::column &);
const std::string &name(const database::column &);
uint32_t id(const database::column &);
bool dropped(const database::column &);
void drop(database::column &); // Request to erase column from db
std::shared_ptr<const database::column> shared_from(const database::column &);
std::shared_ptr<database::column> shared_from(database::column &);
#pragma GCC visibility pop
/// Dynamic memory
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
ircd::db::database::allocator final
static const size_t ALIGN_DEFAULT;
static const size_t mlock_limit;
static const bool mlock_enabled;
static size_t mlock_current;
static unsigned cache_arena;
database *d {nullptr};
database::column *c {nullptr};
size_t alignment {ALIGN_DEFAULT};
unsigned arena {0};
signed arena_flags{0};
const char *Name() const noexcept override;
void *Allocate(size_t) noexcept override;
void Deallocate(void *) noexcept override;
size_t UsableSize(void *, size_t) const noexcept override;
allocator(database *const &,
database::column *const & = nullptr,
const unsigned &arena = 0,
const size_t &alignment = ALIGN_DEFAULT);
~allocator() noexcept;
static void init(), fini() noexcept;
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
ircd::db::database::cache final
using Slice = rocksdb::Slice;
using Status = rocksdb::Status;
using deleter = void (*)(const Slice &key, void *value);
using callback = void (*)(void *, size_t);
using Statistics = rocksdb::Statistics;
static const int DEFAULT_SHARD_BITS;
static const double DEFAULT_HI_PRIO;
static const bool DEFAULT_STRICT;
database *d;
std::string name;
std::shared_ptr<struct database::stats> stats;
std::shared_ptr<struct database::allocator> allocator;
std::shared_ptr<rocksdb::Cache> c;
const char *Name() const noexcept override;
Status Insert(const Slice &key, void *value, size_t charge, deleter, Handle **, Priority) noexcept override;
Handle *Lookup(const Slice &key, Statistics *) noexcept override;
bool Ref(Handle *) noexcept override;
bool Release(Handle *, bool force_erase) noexcept override;
void *Value(Handle *) noexcept override;
void Erase(const Slice &key) noexcept override;
uint64_t NewId() noexcept override;
void SetCapacity(size_t capacity) noexcept override;
void SetStrictCapacityLimit(bool strict_capacity_limit) noexcept override;
bool HasStrictCapacityLimit() const noexcept override;
size_t GetCapacity() const noexcept override;
size_t GetUsage() const noexcept override;
size_t GetUsage(Handle *) const noexcept override;
size_t GetPinnedUsage() const noexcept override;
void DisownData() noexcept override;
void ApplyToAllCacheEntries(callback, bool thread_safe) noexcept override;
void EraseUnRefEntries() noexcept override;
std::string GetPrintableOptions() const noexcept override;
size_t GetCharge(Handle *) const noexcept override;
DeleterFn GetDeleter(Handle *) const noexcept override;
using callbackstd = std::function<void (const Slice &, void *, size_t, DeleterFn)>;
void ApplyToAllEntries(const callbackstd &, const ApplyToAllEntriesOptions &) noexcept override;
cache(database *const &,
std::shared_ptr<struct database::stats>,
std::shared_ptr<struct database::allocator>,
std::string name,
const ssize_t &initial_capacity = -1);
~cache() noexcept override;
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
ircd::db::database::comparator final
using Slice = rocksdb::Slice;
database *d;
db::comparator user;
bool CanKeysWithDifferentByteContentsBeEqual() const noexcept override;
bool IsSameLengthImmediateSuccessor(const Slice &s, const Slice &t) const noexcept override;
void FindShortestSeparator(std::string *start, const Slice &limit) const noexcept override;
void FindShortSuccessor(std::string *key) const noexcept override;
int Compare(const Slice &a, const Slice &b) const noexcept override;
bool Equal(const Slice &a, const Slice &b) const noexcept override;
const char *Name() const noexcept override;
comparator(database *const &d, db::comparator user);
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
ircd::db::database::prefix_transform final
using Slice = rocksdb::Slice;
database *d;
db::prefix_transform user;
const char *Name() const noexcept override;
bool InDomain(const Slice &key) const noexcept override;
bool InRange(const Slice &key) const noexcept override;
Slice Transform(const Slice &key) const noexcept override;
prefix_transform(database *const &d,
db::prefix_transform user)
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
ircd::db::database::mergeop final
:std::enable_shared_from_this<struct ircd::db::database::mergeop>
database *d;
merge_closure merger;
bool Merge(const rocksdb::Slice &, const rocksdb::Slice *, const rocksdb::Slice &, std::string *, rocksdb::Logger *) const noexcept override;
const char *Name() const noexcept override;
mergeop(database *const &d, merge_closure merger = nullptr);
~mergeop() noexcept;
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
ircd::db::database::compaction_filter final
using Slice = rocksdb::Slice;
column *c;
database *d;
db::compactor user;
const char *Name() const noexcept override;
bool IgnoreSnapshots() const noexcept override;
Decision FilterV2(const int level, const Slice &key, const ValueType v, const Slice &oldval, std::string *newval, std::string *skipuntil) const noexcept override;
compaction_filter(column *const &c, db::compactor);
~compaction_filter() noexcept override;
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
ircd::db::database::stats final
static constexpr auto NUM_TICKER { rocksdb::TICKER_ENUM_MAX };
static constexpr auto NUM_HISTOGRAM { rocksdb::HISTOGRAM_ENUM_MAX };
struct passthru;
database *d {nullptr};
database::column *c {nullptr};
std::array<uint64_t, NUM_TICKER> ticker {{0}};
std::array<ircd::stats::item<uint64_t *>, NUM_TICKER> item;
std::array<struct db::histogram, NUM_HISTOGRAM> histogram;
// Additional custom stats
ircd::stats::item<uint64_t> get_copied;
ircd::stats::item<uint64_t> get_referenced;
ircd::stats::item<uint64_t> multiget_copied;
ircd::stats::item<uint64_t> multiget_referenced;
string_view make_name(const string_view &ticker_name) const; // tls buffer
uint64_t getTickerCount(const uint32_t tickerType) const noexcept override;
uint64_t getAndResetTickerCount(const uint32_t tickerType) noexcept override;
void recordTick(const uint32_t tickerType, const uint64_t count) noexcept override;
void setTickerCount(const uint32_t tickerType, const uint64_t count) noexcept override;
void histogramData(const uint32_t type, rocksdb::HistogramData *) const noexcept override;
void measureTime(const uint32_t histogramType, const uint64_t time) noexcept override;
bool HistEnabledForType(const uint32_t type) const noexcept override;
rocksdb::Status Reset() noexcept override;
stats() = default;
stats(database *const &d, database::column *const &c = nullptr);
~stats() noexcept;
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
ircd::db::database::stats::passthru final
std::array<rocksdb::Statistics *, 2> pass {{nullptr}};
void recordTick(const uint32_t tickerType, const uint64_t count) noexcept override;
void measureTime(const uint32_t histogramType, const uint64_t time) noexcept override;
bool HistEnabledForType(const uint32_t type) const noexcept override;
uint64_t getTickerCount(const uint32_t tickerType) const noexcept override;
void setTickerCount(const uint32_t tickerType, const uint64_t count) noexcept override;
void histogramData(const uint32_t type, rocksdb::HistogramData *) const noexcept override;
uint64_t getAndResetTickerCount(const uint32_t tickerType) noexcept override;
rocksdb::Status Reset() noexcept override;
passthru(rocksdb::Statistics *const &a, rocksdb::Statistics *const &b);
~passthru() noexcept;
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
ircd::db::database::column final
database *d;
db::descriptor *descriptor;
std::type_index key_type;
std::type_index mapped_type;
comparator cmp;
prefix_transform prefix;
compaction_filter cfilter;
rocksdb::WriteStallCondition stall;
std::shared_ptr<struct database::stats> stats;
std::shared_ptr<struct database::allocator> allocator;
rocksdb::BlockBasedTableOptions table_opts;
custom_ptr<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle> handle;
operator const rocksdb::ColumnFamilyOptions &() const;
operator const rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle *() const;
operator const database &() const;
operator rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle *();
operator database &();
explicit column(database &d, db::descriptor &);
column() = delete;
column(column &&) = delete;
column(const column &) = delete;
column &operator=(column &&) = delete;
column &operator=(const column &) = delete;
~column() noexcept;
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
using Status = rocksdb::Status;
using Slice = rocksdb::Slice;
const database &d;
std::function<bool (const delta &)> cb;
bool _continue {true};
Status callback(const delta &) noexcept;
Status callback(const uint32_t &, const op &, const Slice &a, const Slice &b) noexcept;
bool Continue() noexcept override;
Status MarkRollback(const Slice &xid) noexcept override;
Status MarkCommit(const Slice &xid) noexcept override;
Status MarkEndPrepare(const Slice &xid) noexcept override;
Status MarkBeginPrepare(bool = false) noexcept override;
Status MergeCF(const uint32_t cfid, const Slice &, const Slice &) noexcept override;
Status SingleDeleteCF(const uint32_t cfid, const Slice &) noexcept override;
Status DeleteRangeCF(const uint32_t cfid, const Slice &, const Slice &) noexcept override;
Status DeleteCF(const uint32_t cfid, const Slice &) noexcept override;
Status PutCF(const uint32_t cfid, const Slice &, const Slice &) noexcept override;
handler(const database &d,
std::function<bool (const delta &)> cb)
/// Callback surface for iterating/recovering the write-ahead-log journal.
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
using WriteBatch = rocksdb::WriteBatch;
using log_number_map = std::map<uint32_t, uint64_t>;
using name_id_map = std::map<std::string, uint32_t>;
static conf::item<bool> debug;
database *d {nullptr};
log_number_map log_number;
name_id_map name_id;
const char *Name() const noexcept override;
WalProcessingOption LogRecord(const WriteBatch &, WriteBatch *const replace, bool *replaced) const noexcept override;
WalProcessingOption LogRecordFound(unsigned long long log_nr, const std::string &name, const WriteBatch &, WriteBatch *const replace, bool *replaced) noexcept override;
void ColumnFamilyLogNumberMap(const log_number_map &, const name_id_map &) noexcept override;
wal_filter(database *const &);
~wal_filter() noexcept;
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
ircd::db::database::events final
:std::enable_shared_from_this<struct ircd::db::database::events>
database *d;
void OnFlushBegin(rocksdb::DB *, const rocksdb::FlushJobInfo &) noexcept override;
void OnFlushCompleted(rocksdb::DB *, const rocksdb::FlushJobInfo &) noexcept override;
void OnCompactionCompleted(rocksdb::DB *, const rocksdb::CompactionJobInfo &) noexcept override;
void OnTableFileDeleted(const rocksdb::TableFileDeletionInfo &) noexcept override;
void OnTableFileCreated(const rocksdb::TableFileCreationInfo &) noexcept override;
void OnTableFileCreationStarted(const rocksdb::TableFileCreationBriefInfo &) noexcept override;
void OnMemTableSealed(const rocksdb::MemTableInfo &) noexcept override;
void OnColumnFamilyHandleDeletionStarted(rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle *) noexcept override;
void OnExternalFileIngested(rocksdb::DB *, const rocksdb::ExternalFileIngestionInfo &) noexcept override;
void OnBackgroundError(rocksdb::BackgroundErrorReason, rocksdb::Status *) noexcept override;
void OnStallConditionsChanged(const rocksdb::WriteStallInfo &) noexcept override;
events(database *const &d)
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
ircd::db::database::logger final
:std::enable_shared_from_this<struct database::logger>
database *d;
void Logv(const rocksdb::InfoLogLevel level, const char *fmt, va_list ap) noexcept override;
void Logv(const char *fmt, va_list ap) noexcept override;
void LogHeader(const char *fmt, va_list ap) noexcept override;
rocksdb::Status Close() noexcept override;
logger(database *const &d);
~logger() noexcept override;
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
:std::enable_shared_from_this<struct database::rate_limiter>
using Statistics = rocksdb::Statistics;
using IOPriority = rocksdb::Env::IOPriority;
database *d {nullptr}; struct
int64_t count {0}, bytes {0};
int64_t bytes_per_second {1_GiB};
bool IsRateLimited(OpType) noexcept override;
int64_t GetBytesPerSecond() const noexcept override;
int64_t GetSingleBurstBytes() const noexcept override;
int64_t GetTotalRequests(const IOPriority) const noexcept override;
int64_t GetTotalBytesThrough(const IOPriority) const noexcept override;
size_t RequestToken(size_t, size_t, IOPriority, Statistics *, OpType) noexcept override;
void SetBytesPerSecond(int64_t) noexcept override;
rate_limiter(database *const &);
~rate_limiter() noexcept;
// util
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
throw_on_error(const rocksdb::Status & = rocksdb::Status::OK());
struct [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]]
error_to_status(const std::error_code &);
error_to_status(const std::system_error &);
error_to_status(const std::exception &);