mirror of
synced 2025-01-16 17:46:54 +01:00
* To benefit from the precompiled-header (PCH) it MUST provide "the first C token." Advantages: Never worry about the include stack again. Remember, this means one less thing for random module developers, community people learning C++, and new developers to deal with. It should reduce the learning curve and barrier for participation. Disadvantages: Makes overall compilation a bit slower, especially without any additional work to improve it again. There are several opportunities, places where the PCH is probably being ignored, etc that can be addressed.
630 lines
16 KiB
630 lines
16 KiB
* libString, Copyright (C) 1999 Patrick Alken
* This library comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY
* Should you choose to use and/or modify this source code, please
* do so under the terms of the GNU General Public License under which
* this library is distributed.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "rsdb.h"
* This table is arranged in chronological order from 0-999,
* however the numbers are written backwards, so the number 100
* is expressed in this table as "001".
* It's purpose is to ensure fast conversions from integers to
* ASCII strings. When an integer variable is encountered, a
* simple hash algorithm is used to determine where to look
* in this array for the corresponding string.
* This outperforms continually dividing by 10 and using the
* digit obtained as a character, because we can now divide by
* 1000 and use the remainder directly, thus cutting down on
* the number of costly divisions needed. For an integer's worst
* case, 2 divisions are needed because it can only go up to
* 32767, so after 2 divisions by 1000, and some algebra, we will
* be left with 327 which we can get from this table. This is much
* better than the 5 divisions by 10 that we would need if we did
* it the conventional way. Of course, if we made this table go
* from 0-9999, only 1 division would be needed.
* Longs and unsigned ints of course, are another matter :-).
* Patrick Alken <wnder@underworld.net>
* Set this to the number of indices (numbers) in our table
#define TABLE_MAX 1000
static const char *IntTable[] = {
"000", "100", "200", "300", "400",
"500", "600", "700", "800", "900",
"010", "110", "210", "310", "410",
"510", "610", "710", "810", "910",
"020", "120", "220", "320", "420",
"520", "620", "720", "820", "920",
"030", "130", "230", "330", "430",
"530", "630", "730", "830", "930",
"040", "140", "240", "340", "440",
"540", "640", "740", "840", "940",
"050", "150", "250", "350", "450",
"550", "650", "750", "850", "950",
"060", "160", "260", "360", "460",
"560", "660", "760", "860", "960",
"070", "170", "270", "370", "470",
"570", "670", "770", "870", "970",
"080", "180", "280", "380", "480",
"580", "680", "780", "880", "980",
"090", "190", "290", "390", "490",
"590", "690", "790", "890", "990",
"001", "101", "201", "301", "401",
"501", "601", "701", "801", "901",
"011", "111", "211", "311", "411",
"511", "611", "711", "811", "911",
"021", "121", "221", "321", "421",
"521", "621", "721", "821", "921",
"031", "131", "231", "331", "431",
"531", "631", "731", "831", "931",
"041", "141", "241", "341", "441",
"541", "641", "741", "841", "941",
"051", "151", "251", "351", "451",
"551", "651", "751", "851", "951",
"061", "161", "261", "361", "461",
"561", "661", "761", "861", "961",
"071", "171", "271", "371", "471",
"571", "671", "771", "871", "971",
"081", "181", "281", "381", "481",
"581", "681", "781", "881", "981",
"091", "191", "291", "391", "491",
"591", "691", "791", "891", "991",
"002", "102", "202", "302", "402",
"502", "602", "702", "802", "902",
"012", "112", "212", "312", "412",
"512", "612", "712", "812", "912",
"022", "122", "222", "322", "422",
"522", "622", "722", "822", "922",
"032", "132", "232", "332", "432",
"532", "632", "732", "832", "932",
"042", "142", "242", "342", "442",
"542", "642", "742", "842", "942",
"052", "152", "252", "352", "452",
"552", "652", "752", "852", "952",
"062", "162", "262", "362", "462",
"562", "662", "762", "862", "962",
"072", "172", "272", "372", "472",
"572", "672", "772", "872", "972",
"082", "182", "282", "382", "482",
"582", "682", "782", "882", "982",
"092", "192", "292", "392", "492",
"592", "692", "792", "892", "992",
"003", "103", "203", "303", "403",
"503", "603", "703", "803", "903",
"013", "113", "213", "313", "413",
"513", "613", "713", "813", "913",
"023", "123", "223", "323", "423",
"523", "623", "723", "823", "923",
"033", "133", "233", "333", "433",
"533", "633", "733", "833", "933",
"043", "143", "243", "343", "443",
"543", "643", "743", "843", "943",
"053", "153", "253", "353", "453",
"553", "653", "753", "853", "953",
"063", "163", "263", "363", "463",
"563", "663", "763", "863", "963",
"073", "173", "273", "373", "473",
"573", "673", "773", "873", "973",
"083", "183", "283", "383", "483",
"583", "683", "783", "883", "983",
"093", "193", "293", "393", "493",
"593", "693", "793", "893", "993",
"004", "104", "204", "304", "404",
"504", "604", "704", "804", "904",
"014", "114", "214", "314", "414",
"514", "614", "714", "814", "914",
"024", "124", "224", "324", "424",
"524", "624", "724", "824", "924",
"034", "134", "234", "334", "434",
"534", "634", "734", "834", "934",
"044", "144", "244", "344", "444",
"544", "644", "744", "844", "944",
"054", "154", "254", "354", "454",
"554", "654", "754", "854", "954",
"064", "164", "264", "364", "464",
"564", "664", "764", "864", "964",
"074", "174", "274", "374", "474",
"574", "674", "774", "874", "974",
"084", "184", "284", "384", "484",
"584", "684", "784", "884", "984",
"094", "194", "294", "394", "494",
"594", "694", "794", "894", "994",
"005", "105", "205", "305", "405",
"505", "605", "705", "805", "905",
"015", "115", "215", "315", "415",
"515", "615", "715", "815", "915",
"025", "125", "225", "325", "425",
"525", "625", "725", "825", "925",
"035", "135", "235", "335", "435",
"535", "635", "735", "835", "935",
"045", "145", "245", "345", "445",
"545", "645", "745", "845", "945",
"055", "155", "255", "355", "455",
"555", "655", "755", "855", "955",
"065", "165", "265", "365", "465",
"565", "665", "765", "865", "965",
"075", "175", "275", "375", "475",
"575", "675", "775", "875", "975",
"085", "185", "285", "385", "485",
"585", "685", "785", "885", "985",
"095", "195", "295", "395", "495",
"595", "695", "795", "895", "995",
"006", "106", "206", "306", "406",
"506", "606", "706", "806", "906",
"016", "116", "216", "316", "416",
"516", "616", "716", "816", "916",
"026", "126", "226", "326", "426",
"526", "626", "726", "826", "926",
"036", "136", "236", "336", "436",
"536", "636", "736", "836", "936",
"046", "146", "246", "346", "446",
"546", "646", "746", "846", "946",
"056", "156", "256", "356", "456",
"556", "656", "756", "856", "956",
"066", "166", "266", "366", "466",
"566", "666", "766", "866", "966",
"076", "176", "276", "376", "476",
"576", "676", "776", "876", "976",
"086", "186", "286", "386", "486",
"586", "686", "786", "886", "986",
"096", "196", "296", "396", "496",
"596", "696", "796", "896", "996",
"007", "107", "207", "307", "407",
"507", "607", "707", "807", "907",
"017", "117", "217", "317", "417",
"517", "617", "717", "817", "917",
"027", "127", "227", "327", "427",
"527", "627", "727", "827", "927",
"037", "137", "237", "337", "437",
"537", "637", "737", "837", "937",
"047", "147", "247", "347", "447",
"547", "647", "747", "847", "947",
"057", "157", "257", "357", "457",
"557", "657", "757", "857", "957",
"067", "167", "267", "367", "467",
"567", "667", "767", "867", "967",
"077", "177", "277", "377", "477",
"577", "677", "777", "877", "977",
"087", "187", "287", "387", "487",
"587", "687", "787", "887", "987",
"097", "197", "297", "397", "497",
"597", "697", "797", "897", "997",
"008", "108", "208", "308", "408",
"508", "608", "708", "808", "908",
"018", "118", "218", "318", "418",
"518", "618", "718", "818", "918",
"028", "128", "228", "328", "428",
"528", "628", "728", "828", "928",
"038", "138", "238", "338", "438",
"538", "638", "738", "838", "938",
"048", "148", "248", "348", "448",
"548", "648", "748", "848", "948",
"058", "158", "258", "358", "458",
"558", "658", "758", "858", "958",
"068", "168", "268", "368", "468",
"568", "668", "768", "868", "968",
"078", "178", "278", "378", "478",
"578", "678", "778", "878", "978",
"088", "188", "288", "388", "488",
"588", "688", "788", "888", "988",
"098", "198", "298", "398", "498",
"598", "698", "798", "898", "998",
"009", "109", "209", "309", "409",
"509", "609", "709", "809", "909",
"019", "119", "219", "319", "419",
"519", "619", "719", "819", "919",
"029", "129", "229", "329", "429",
"529", "629", "729", "829", "929",
"039", "139", "239", "339", "439",
"539", "639", "739", "839", "939",
"049", "149", "249", "349", "449",
"549", "649", "749", "849", "949",
"059", "159", "259", "359", "459",
"559", "659", "759", "859", "959",
"069", "169", "269", "369", "469",
"569", "669", "769", "869", "969",
"079", "179", "279", "379", "479",
"579", "679", "779", "879", "979",
"089", "189", "289", "389", "489",
"589", "689", "789", "889", "989",
"099", "199", "299", "399", "499",
"599", "699", "799", "899", "999"
* Since we calculate the right-most digits for %d %u etc first,
* we need a temporary buffer to store them in until we get
* to the left-most digits
#define TEMPBUF_MAX 20
static char TempBuffer[TEMPBUF_MAX];
Backend to Snprintf() - performs the construction of 'dest'
using the string 'format' and the given arguments. Also makes sure
not more than 'bytes' characters are copied to 'dest'
We always allow room for a terminating \0 character, so at most,
bytes - 1 characters will be written to dest.
Return: Number of characters written, NOT including the terminating
\0 character which is *always* placed at the end of the string
NOTE: This function handles the following flags only:
%s %d %c %u %ld %lu
In addition, this function performs *NO* precision, padding,
or width formatting. If it receives an unknown % character,
it will call vsprintf() to complete the remainder of the
rs_vsnprintf(char *dest, const size_t bytes, const char *format, va_list args)
char ch;
int written = 0; /* bytes written so far */
int maxbytes = bytes - 1;
while((ch = *format++) && (written < maxbytes))
if(ch == '%')
* Advance past the %
ch = *format++;
* Put the most common cases first - %s %d etc
if(ch == 's')
const char *str = va_arg(args, const char *);
while((*dest = *str))
if(++written >= maxbytes)
if(ch == 'd')
int num = va_arg(args, int);
int quotient;
const char *str;
char *digitptr = TempBuffer;
* We have to special-case "0" unfortunately
if(num == 0)
*dest++ = '0';
if(num < 0)
*dest++ = '-';
if(++written >= maxbytes)
num = -num;
quotient = num / TABLE_MAX;
* We'll start with the right-most digits of 'num'.
* Dividing by TABLE_MAX cuts off all but the X
* right-most digits, where X is such that:
* 10^X = TABLE_MAX
* For example, if num = 1200, and TABLE_MAX = 1000,
* quotient will be 1. Multiplying this by 1000 and
* subtracting from 1200 gives: 1200 - (1 * 1000) = 200.
* We then go right to slot 200 in our array and behold!
* The string "002" (200 backwards) is conveniently
* waiting for us. Then repeat the process with the
* digits left.
* The reason we need to have the integers written
* backwards, is because we don't know how many digits
* there are. If we want to express the number 12130
* for example, our first pass would leave us with 130,
* whose slot in the array yields "031", which we
* plug into our TempBuffer[]. The next pass gives us
* 12, whose slot yields "21" which we append to
* TempBuffer[], leaving us with "03121". This is the
* exact number we want, only backwards, so it is
* a simple matter to reverse the string. If we used
* straightfoward numbers, we would have a TempBuffer
* looking like this: "13012" which would be a nightmare
* to deal with.
str = IntTable[num - (quotient * TABLE_MAX)];
while((*digitptr = *str))
while((num = quotient) != 0);
* If the last quotient was a 1 or 2 digit number, there
* will be one or more leading zeroes in TempBuffer[] -
* get rid of them.
while(*(digitptr - 1) == '0')
while(digitptr != TempBuffer)
*dest++ = *--digitptr;
if(++written >= maxbytes)
} /* if (ch == 'd') */
if(ch == 'c')
*dest++ = va_arg(args, int);
} /* if (ch == 'c') */
if(ch == 'u')
unsigned int num = va_arg(args, unsigned int);
unsigned int quotient;
const char *str;
char *digitptr = TempBuffer;
if(num == 0)
*dest++ = '0';
quotient = num / TABLE_MAX;
* Very similar to case 'd'
str = IntTable[num - (quotient * TABLE_MAX)];
while((*digitptr = *str))
while((num = quotient) != 0);
while(*(digitptr - 1) == '0')
while(digitptr != TempBuffer)
*dest++ = *--digitptr;
if(++written >= maxbytes)
} /* if (ch == 'u') */
if(ch == 'Q')
const char *arg = va_arg(args, const char *);
if(arg == NULL)
const char *str = rsdb_quote(arg);
while((*dest = *str))
if(++written >= maxbytes)
if(ch == 'l')
if(*format == 'u')
unsigned long num = va_arg(args, unsigned long);
unsigned long quotient;
const char *str;
char *digitptr = TempBuffer;
if(num == 0)
*dest++ = '0';
quotient = num / TABLE_MAX;
* Very similar to case 'u'
str = IntTable[num - (quotient * TABLE_MAX)];
while((*digitptr = *str))
while((num = quotient) != 0);
while(*(digitptr - 1) == '0')
while(digitptr != TempBuffer)
*dest++ = *--digitptr;
if(++written >= maxbytes)
/* if (*format == 'u') */ if(*format == 'd')
long num = va_arg(args, long);
long quotient;
const char *str;
char *digitptr = TempBuffer;
if(num == 0)
*dest++ = '0';
if(num < 0)
*dest++ = '-';
if(++written >= maxbytes)
num = -num;
quotient = num / TABLE_MAX;
str = IntTable[num - (quotient * TABLE_MAX)];
while((*digitptr = *str))
while((num = quotient) != 0);
while(*(digitptr - 1) == '0')
while(digitptr != TempBuffer)
*dest++ = *--digitptr;
if(++written >= maxbytes)
else /* if (*format == 'd') */
/* XXX error */
} /* if (ch == 'l') */
if(ch != '%')
/* XXX error */
} /* if (ch != '%') */
} /* if (ch == '%') */
*dest++ = ch;
} /* while ((ch = *format++) && (written < maxbytes)) */
* Terminate the destination buffer with a \0
*dest = '\0';
return (written);
} /* vSnprintf() */
Optimized version of snprintf().
Inputs: dest - destination string
bytes - number of bytes to copy
format - formatted string
args - args to 'format'
Return: number of characters copied, NOT including the terminating
NULL which is always placed at the end of the string
rs_snprintf(char *dest, const size_t bytes, const char *format, ...)
va_list args;
int count;
va_start(args, format);
count = rs_vsnprintf(dest, bytes, format, args);
return (count);
} /* Snprintf() */