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// Matrix Construct
// Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors
// Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net>
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
// copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The
// full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
/// Uncomment or -D this #define to enable extensive log messages covering the
/// entire RocksDB callback surface. This is only useful for developers
/// specifically working on the backend of the DB and no real use for
/// developers making frontend queries to it. Massively verbose.
//#define RB_DEBUG_DB_ENV
/// This #define is more useful to developers making queries to the database.
/// It is still so verbose that it goes beyond what is tolerable and generally
/// useful even in debug-mode builds, thus the manual #define being required.
//#define RB_DEBUG_DB_SEEK
/// Uncomment or -D this #define to enable extensive log messages for the
/// experimental db environment-port implementation. This is only useful
/// for developers working on the port impl and want to debug all locking
/// and unlocking etc.
//#define RB_DEBUG_DB_PORT
#include <rocksdb/version.h>
#include <rocksdb/status.h>
#include <rocksdb/db.h>
#include <rocksdb/cache.h>
#include <rocksdb/comparator.h>
#include <rocksdb/merge_operator.h>
#include <rocksdb/perf_level.h>
#include <rocksdb/perf_context.h>
#include <rocksdb/iostats_context.h>
#include <rocksdb/listener.h>
#include <rocksdb/statistics.h>
#include <rocksdb/convenience.h>
#include <rocksdb/env.h>
#include <rocksdb/slice_transform.h>
#include <rocksdb/utilities/checkpoint.h>
#include <rocksdb/filter_policy.h>
#include <rocksdb/table.h>
#include <rocksdb/sst_file_manager.h>
#include <rocksdb/sst_dump_tool.h>
#include <rocksdb/compaction_filter.h>
#include <rocksdb/wal_filter.h>
namespace ircd::db
struct throw_on_error;
struct error_to_status;
struct prefetcher;
constexpr const auto BLOCKING { rocksdb::ReadTier::kReadAllTier };
constexpr const auto NON_BLOCKING { rocksdb::ReadTier::kBlockCacheTier };
// state
extern log::log rog;
extern conf::item<size_t> request_pool_size;
extern conf::item<size_t> request_pool_stack_size;
extern ctx::pool::opts request_pool_opts;
extern ctx::pool request;
extern ctx::mutex write_mutex;
extern db::prefetcher *prefetcher;
// reflections
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::Status::Severity &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::Env::Priority &p);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::Env::IOPriority &p);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::Env::WriteLifeTimeHint &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::WriteStallCondition &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::BackgroundErrorReason &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::CompactionReason &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::FlushReason &);
string_view reflect(const rocksdb::RandomAccessFile::AccessPattern &p);
const std::string &reflect(const rocksdb::Tickers &);
const std::string &reflect(const rocksdb::Histograms &);
// string_view <-> slice
rocksdb::Slice slice(const string_view &);
string_view slice(const rocksdb::Slice &);
// Frequently used get options and set options are separate from the string/map system
rocksdb::WriteOptions &operator+=(rocksdb::WriteOptions &, const sopts &);
rocksdb::ReadOptions &operator+=(rocksdb::ReadOptions &, const gopts &);
rocksdb::WriteOptions make_opts(const sopts &);
rocksdb::ReadOptions make_opts(const gopts &);
// Database options creator
bool optstr_find_and_remove(std::string &optstr, const std::string &what);
rocksdb::DBOptions make_dbopts(std::string optstr, std::string *const &out = nullptr, bool *read_only = nullptr, bool *fsck = nullptr);
rocksdb::CompressionType find_supported_compression(const std::string &);
// Read column names from filesystem
std::vector<std::string> column_names(const std::string &path, const rocksdb::DBOptions &);
std::vector<std::string> column_names(const std::string &path, const std::string &options);
// Validation functors
bool valid(const rocksdb::Iterator &);
bool operator!(const rocksdb::Iterator &);
using valid_proffer = std::function<bool (const rocksdb::Iterator &)>;
bool valid(const rocksdb::Iterator &, const valid_proffer &);
bool valid_eq(const rocksdb::Iterator &, const string_view &);
bool valid_lte(const rocksdb::Iterator &, const string_view &);
bool valid_gt(const rocksdb::Iterator &, const string_view &);
void valid_or_throw(const rocksdb::Iterator &);
void valid_eq_or_throw(const rocksdb::Iterator &, const string_view &);
// [GET] seek suite
template<class pos> bool seek(database::column &, const pos &, const rocksdb::ReadOptions &, std::unique_ptr<rocksdb::Iterator> &it);
template<class pos> bool seek(database::column &, const pos &, const gopts &, std::unique_ptr<rocksdb::Iterator> &it);
std::unique_ptr<rocksdb::Iterator> seek(column &, const gopts &);
std::unique_ptr<rocksdb::Iterator> seek(column &, const string_view &key, const gopts &);
std::vector<row::value_type> seek(database &, const gopts &);
std::pair<string_view, string_view> operator*(const rocksdb::Iterator &);
// [SET] writebatch suite
std::string debug(const rocksdb::WriteBatch &);
bool has(const rocksdb::WriteBatch &, const op &);
void commit(database &, rocksdb::WriteBatch &, const rocksdb::WriteOptions &);
void commit(database &, rocksdb::WriteBatch &, const sopts &);
void append(rocksdb::WriteBatch &, column &, const column::delta &delta);
void append(rocksdb::WriteBatch &, const cell::delta &delta);
#include "db_port.h"
#include "db_env.h"
#include "db_env_state.h"
#include "db_database.h"
// util
struct ircd::db::throw_on_error
throw_on_error(const rocksdb::Status & = rocksdb::Status::OK());
struct ircd::db::error_to_status
error_to_status(const std::error_code &);
error_to_status(const std::system_error &);
error_to_status(const std::exception &);
// txn
struct ircd::db::txn::handler
using Status = rocksdb::Status;
using Slice = rocksdb::Slice;
const database &d;
const std::function<bool (const delta &)> &cb;
bool _continue {true};
Status callback(const delta &) noexcept;
Status callback(const uint32_t &, const op &, const Slice &a, const Slice &b) noexcept;
bool Continue() noexcept override;
Status MarkRollback(const Slice &xid) noexcept override;
Status MarkCommit(const Slice &xid) noexcept override;
Status MarkEndPrepare(const Slice &xid) noexcept override;
Status MarkBeginPrepare(bool = false) noexcept override;
Status MergeCF(const uint32_t cfid, const Slice &, const Slice &) noexcept override;
Status SingleDeleteCF(const uint32_t cfid, const Slice &) noexcept override;
Status DeleteRangeCF(const uint32_t cfid, const Slice &, const Slice &) noexcept override;
Status DeleteCF(const uint32_t cfid, const Slice &) noexcept override;
Status PutCF(const uint32_t cfid, const Slice &, const Slice &) noexcept override;
handler(const database &d,
const std::function<bool (const delta &)> &cb)
// prefetcher
struct ircd::db::prefetcher
struct request;
using closure = std::function<bool (request &)>;
ctx::dock dock;
std::deque<request> queue;
ctx::context context;
size_t handles {0};
size_t request_workers {0};
size_t request_counter {0};
size_t handles_counter {0};
size_t fetched_counter {0};
size_t cancels_counter {0};
size_t wait_pending();
void request_handle(request &);
void request_worker();
void handle();
void worker();
size_t cancel(const closure &);
size_t cancel(database &); // Cancel all for db
size_t cancel(column &); // Cancel all for column
bool operator()(column &, const string_view &key, const gopts &);
~prefetcher() noexcept;
struct ircd::db::prefetcher::request
std::string key;
database *d {nullptr};
steady_point start;
uint32_t cid {0};