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// Matrix Construct
// Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors
// Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net>
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
// copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The
// full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file.
/// Internal environment hookup.
struct ircd::db::database::env final
struct writable_file;
struct writable_file_direct;
struct sequential_file;
struct random_access_file;
struct random_rw_file;
struct directory;
struct file_lock;
struct state;
using Status = rocksdb::Status;
using EnvOptions = rocksdb::EnvOptions;
using Directory = rocksdb::Directory;
using FileLock = rocksdb::FileLock;
using WritableFile = rocksdb::WritableFile;
using SequentialFile = rocksdb::SequentialFile;
using RandomAccessFile = rocksdb::RandomAccessFile;
using RandomRWFile = rocksdb::RandomRWFile;
using Logger = rocksdb::Logger;
using ThreadStatus = rocksdb::ThreadStatus;
using ThreadStatusUpdater = rocksdb::ThreadStatusUpdater;
static int8_t make_nice(const IOPriority &);
static int8_t make_nice(const Priority &);
static ircd::log::log log;
database &d;
Env &defaults
std::unique_ptr<struct state> st;
Status NewSequentialFile(const std::string& f, std::unique_ptr<SequentialFile>* r, const EnvOptions& options) noexcept override;
Status NewRandomAccessFile(const std::string& f, std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile>* r, const EnvOptions& options) noexcept override;
Status NewWritableFile(const std::string& f, std::unique_ptr<WritableFile>* r, const EnvOptions& options) noexcept override;
Status ReopenWritableFile(const std::string& fname, std::unique_ptr<WritableFile>* result, const EnvOptions& options) noexcept override;
Status ReuseWritableFile(const std::string& fname, const std::string& old_fname, std::unique_ptr<WritableFile>* r, const EnvOptions& options) noexcept override;
Status NewRandomRWFile(const std::string& fname, std::unique_ptr<RandomRWFile>* result, const EnvOptions& options) noexcept override;
Status NewDirectory(const std::string& name, std::unique_ptr<Directory>* result) noexcept override;
Status FileExists(const std::string& f) noexcept override;
Status GetChildren(const std::string& dir, std::vector<std::string>* r) noexcept override;
Status GetChildrenFileAttributes(const std::string& dir, std::vector<FileAttributes>* result) noexcept override;
Status DeleteFile(const std::string& f) noexcept override;
Status CreateDir(const std::string& d) noexcept override;
Status CreateDirIfMissing(const std::string& d) noexcept override;
Status DeleteDir(const std::string& d) noexcept override;
Status GetFileSize(const std::string& f, uint64_t* s) noexcept override;
Status GetFileModificationTime(const std::string& fname, uint64_t* file_mtime) noexcept override;
Status RenameFile(const std::string& s, const std::string& t) noexcept override;
Status LinkFile(const std::string& s, const std::string& t) noexcept override;
Status LockFile(const std::string& f, FileLock** l) noexcept override;
Status UnlockFile(FileLock* l) noexcept override;
void Schedule(void (*f)(void* arg), void* a, Priority pri, void* tag = nullptr, void (*u)(void* arg) = 0) noexcept override;
int UnSchedule(void* tag, Priority pri) noexcept override;
void StartThread(void (*f)(void*), void* a) noexcept override;
void WaitForJoin() noexcept override;
unsigned int GetThreadPoolQueueLen(Priority pri = LOW) const noexcept override;
Status GetTestDirectory(std::string* path) noexcept override;
Status NewLogger(const std::string& fname, std::shared_ptr<Logger>* result) noexcept override;
uint64_t NowNanos() noexcept override;
uint64_t NowMicros() noexcept override;
void SleepForMicroseconds(int micros) noexcept override;
Status GetHostName(char* name, uint64_t len) noexcept override;
Status GetCurrentTime(int64_t* unix_time) noexcept override;
Status GetAbsolutePath(const std::string& db_path, std::string* output_path) noexcept override;
void SetBackgroundThreads(int num, Priority pri) noexcept override;
void IncBackgroundThreadsIfNeeded(int num, Priority pri) noexcept override;
void LowerThreadPoolIOPriority(Priority pool = LOW) noexcept override;
std::string TimeToString(uint64_t time) noexcept override;
Status GetThreadList(std::vector<ThreadStatus>* thread_list) noexcept override;
ThreadStatusUpdater* GetThreadStatusUpdater() const noexcept override;
uint64_t GetThreadID() const noexcept override;
int GetBackgroundThreads(Priority pri) noexcept override;
env(database *const &d);
~env() noexcept;
struct ircd::db::database::env::directory final
using Status = rocksdb::Status;
database &d;
std::unique_ptr<Directory> defaults;
Status Fsync() noexcept override;
directory(database *const &d, const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr<Directory> defaults);
~directory() noexcept;
struct ircd::db::database::env::file_lock final
database &d;
file_lock(database *const &d);
~file_lock() noexcept;
struct ircd::db::database::env::random_access_file final
using Status = rocksdb::Status;
using Slice = rocksdb::Slice;
static const fs::fd::opts default_opts;
database &d;
fs::fd::opts opts;
fs::fd fd;
size_t _buffer_align;
int8_t ionice {0};
bool aio;
bool use_direct_io() const noexcept override;
size_t GetRequiredBufferAlignment() const noexcept override;
size_t GetUniqueId(char* id, size_t max_size) const noexcept override;
void Hint(AccessPattern pattern) noexcept override;
Status InvalidateCache(size_t offset, size_t length) noexcept override;
Status Read(uint64_t offset, size_t n, Slice *result, char *scratch) const noexcept override;
Status MultiRead(rocksdb::ReadRequest *, size_t num) noexcept override;
Status Prefetch(uint64_t offset, size_t n) noexcept override;
random_access_file(database *const &d, const std::string &name, const EnvOptions &);
~random_access_file() noexcept;
struct ircd::db::database::env::random_rw_file final
using Status = rocksdb::Status;
using Slice = rocksdb::Slice;
static const fs::fd::opts default_opts;
database &d;
fs::fd::opts opts;
fs::fd fd;
size_t _buffer_align;
int8_t ionice {0};
bool nodelay {false};
bool aio;
bool use_direct_io() const noexcept override;
size_t GetRequiredBufferAlignment() const noexcept override;
Status Read(uint64_t offset, size_t n, Slice *result, char *scratch) const noexcept override;
Status Write(uint64_t offset, const Slice &data) noexcept override;
Status Flush() noexcept override;
Status Sync() noexcept override;
Status Fsync() noexcept override;
Status Close() noexcept override;
random_rw_file(database *const &d, const std::string &name, const EnvOptions &);
~random_rw_file() noexcept;
struct ircd::db::database::env::sequential_file final
using Status = rocksdb::Status;
using Slice = rocksdb::Slice;
static const fs::fd::opts default_opts;
database &d;
ctx::mutex mutex;
fs::fd::opts opts;
fs::fd fd;
size_t _buffer_align;
off_t offset {0};
int8_t ionice {0};
bool aio;
bool use_direct_io() const noexcept override;
size_t GetRequiredBufferAlignment() const noexcept override;
Status InvalidateCache(size_t offset, size_t length) noexcept override;
Status PositionedRead(uint64_t offset, size_t n, Slice *result, char *scratch) noexcept override;
Status Read(size_t n, Slice *result, char *scratch) noexcept override;
Status Skip(uint64_t size) noexcept override;
sequential_file(database *const &d, const std::string &name, const EnvOptions &);
~sequential_file() noexcept;
struct ircd::db::database::env::writable_file
using Status = rocksdb::Status;
using Slice = rocksdb::Slice;
using IOPriority = rocksdb::Env::IOPriority;
using WriteLifeTimeHint = rocksdb::Env::WriteLifeTimeHint;
database &d;
ctx::mutex mutex;
rocksdb::EnvOptions env_opts;
fs::fd::opts opts;
IOPriority prio {IO_LOW};
int8_t ionice {0};
bool nodelay {false};
WriteLifeTimeHint hint {WriteLifeTimeHint::WLTH_NOT_SET};
fs::fd fd;
size_t preallocation_block_size {0};
ssize_t preallocation_last_block {-1};
bool IsSyncThreadSafe() const noexcept override;
size_t GetUniqueId(char* id, size_t max_size) const noexcept override;
IOPriority GetIOPriority() noexcept override;
void SetIOPriority(IOPriority pri) noexcept override;
WriteLifeTimeHint GetWriteLifeTimeHint() noexcept override;
void SetWriteLifeTimeHint(WriteLifeTimeHint hint) noexcept override;
uint64_t GetFileSize() noexcept override;
void SetPreallocationBlockSize(size_t size) noexcept override;
void GetPreallocationStatus(size_t* block_size, size_t* last_allocated_block) noexcept override;
void _allocate(const size_t &offset, const size_t &length);
void PrepareWrite(size_t offset, size_t len) noexcept override;
Status Allocate(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) noexcept override;
Status PositionedAppend(const Slice& data, uint64_t offset) noexcept override;
Status Append(const Slice& data) noexcept override;
Status InvalidateCache(size_t offset, size_t length) noexcept override;
Status Truncate(uint64_t size) noexcept override;
Status RangeSync(uint64_t offset, uint64_t nbytes) noexcept override;
Status Fsync() noexcept override;
Status Sync() noexcept override;
Status Flush() noexcept override;
Status Close() noexcept override;
writable_file(database *const &d, const std::string &name, const EnvOptions &, const bool &trunc);
writable_file(const writable_file &) = delete;
writable_file(writable_file &&) = delete;
~writable_file() noexcept;
struct ircd::db::database::env::writable_file_direct final
size_t alignment {0};
size_t logical_offset {0};
unique_buffer<mutable_buffer> buffer;
bool aligned(const size_t &) const;
bool aligned(const void *const &) const;
bool aligned(const const_buffer &) const;
size_t align(const size_t &) const;
size_t remain(const size_t &) const;
size_t blocks(const size_t &) const;
size_t buffer_remain() const;
size_t buffer_consumed() const;
const_buffer _write__aligned(const const_buffer &, const uint64_t &offset);
const_buffer _write_aligned(const const_buffer &, const uint64_t &offset);
const_buffer write_aligned(const const_buffer &);
const_buffer write_unaligned_off(const const_buffer &);
const_buffer write_unaligned_buf(const const_buffer &);
const_buffer write(const const_buffer &);
uint64_t GetFileSize() noexcept override;
Status PositionedAppend(const Slice& data, uint64_t offset) noexcept override;
Status Append(const Slice& data) noexcept override;
Status Truncate(uint64_t size) noexcept override;
Status Close() noexcept override;
writable_file_direct(database *const &d, const std::string &name, const EnvOptions &, const bool &trunc);