// Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package deltas import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "github.com/lib/pq" "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/internal/sqlutil" "github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/roomserver/types" "github.com/matrix-org/util" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" ) type stateSnapshotData struct { StateSnapshotNID types.StateSnapshotNID RoomNID types.RoomNID } type stateBlockData struct { stateSnapshotData StateBlockNID types.StateBlockNID EventNIDs types.EventNIDs } func LoadStateBlocksRefactor(m *sqlutil.Migrations) { m.AddMigration(UpStateBlocksRefactor, DownStateBlocksRefactor) } // nolint:gocyclo func UpStateBlocksRefactor(tx *sql.Tx) error { logrus.Warn("Performing state storage upgrade. Please wait, this may take some time!") defer logrus.Warn("State storage upgrade complete") var snapshotcount int var maxsnapshotid int var maxblockid int if err := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT state_snapshot_nid) FROM roomserver_state_snapshots;`).Scan(&snapshotcount); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.QueryRow.Scan (count snapshots): %w", err) } if err := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT COALESCE(MAX(state_snapshot_nid),0) FROM roomserver_state_snapshots;`).Scan(&maxsnapshotid); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.QueryRow.Scan (count snapshots): %w", err) } if err := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT COALESCE(MAX(state_block_nid),0) FROM roomserver_state_block;`).Scan(&maxblockid); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.QueryRow.Scan (count snapshots): %w", err) } maxsnapshotid++ maxblockid++ if _, err := tx.Exec(`ALTER TABLE roomserver_state_block RENAME TO _roomserver_state_block;`); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.Exec: %w", err) } if _, err := tx.Exec(`ALTER TABLE roomserver_state_snapshots RENAME TO _roomserver_state_snapshots;`); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.Exec: %w", err) } // We create new sequences starting with the maximum state snapshot and block NIDs. // This means that all newly created snapshots and blocks by the migration will have // NIDs higher than these values, so that when we come to update the references to // these NIDs using UPDATE statements, we can guarantee we are only ever updating old // values and not accidentally overwriting new ones. if _, err := tx.Exec(fmt.Sprintf(`CREATE SEQUENCE roomserver_state_block_nid_sequence START WITH %d;`, maxblockid)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.Exec: %w", err) } if _, err := tx.Exec(fmt.Sprintf(`CREATE SEQUENCE roomserver_state_snapshot_nid_sequence START WITH %d;`, maxsnapshotid)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.Exec: %w", err) } _, err := tx.Exec(` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS roomserver_state_block ( state_block_nid bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('roomserver_state_block_nid_sequence'), state_block_hash BYTEA UNIQUE, event_nids bigint[] NOT NULL ); `) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.Exec (create blocks table): %w", err) } _, err = tx.Exec(` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS roomserver_state_snapshots ( state_snapshot_nid bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('roomserver_state_snapshot_nid_sequence'), state_snapshot_hash BYTEA UNIQUE, room_nid bigint NOT NULL, state_block_nids bigint[] NOT NULL ); `) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.Exec (create snapshots table): %w", err) } logrus.Warn("New tables created...") // some m.room.create events have a state snapshot but no state blocks at all which makes // sense as there is no state before creation. The correct form should be to give the event // in question a state snapshot NID of 0 to indicate 'no snapshot'. // If we don't do this, we'll fail the assertions later on which try to ensure we didn't forget // any snapshots. _, err = tx.Exec( `UPDATE roomserver_events SET state_snapshot_nid = 0 WHERE event_type_nid = $1 AND event_state_key_nid = $2`, types.MRoomCreateNID, types.EmptyStateKeyNID, ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("resetting create events snapshots to 0 errored: %s", err) } batchsize := 100 for batchoffset := 0; batchoffset < snapshotcount; batchoffset += batchsize { var snapshotrows *sql.Rows snapshotrows, err = tx.Query(` SELECT state_snapshot_nid, room_nid, state_block_nid, ARRAY_AGG(event_nid) AS event_nids FROM ( SELECT _roomserver_state_snapshots.state_snapshot_nid, _roomserver_state_snapshots.room_nid, _roomserver_state_block.state_block_nid, _roomserver_state_block.event_nid FROM _roomserver_state_snapshots LEFT JOIN _roomserver_state_block ON _roomserver_state_block.state_block_nid = ANY (_roomserver_state_snapshots.state_block_nids) WHERE _roomserver_state_snapshots.state_snapshot_nid = ANY ( SELECT _roomserver_state_snapshots.state_snapshot_nid FROM _roomserver_state_snapshots ORDER BY _roomserver_state_snapshots.state_snapshot_nid ASC LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2 ) ) AS _roomserver_state_block GROUP BY state_snapshot_nid, room_nid, state_block_nid; `, batchsize, batchoffset) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.Query: %w", err) } logrus.Warnf("Rewriting snapshots %d-%d of %d...", batchoffset, batchoffset+batchsize, snapshotcount) var snapshots []stateBlockData var badCreateSnapshots []stateBlockData for snapshotrows.Next() { var snapshot stateBlockData var eventsarray []sql.NullInt64 var nulStateBlockNID sql.NullInt64 if err = snapshotrows.Scan(&snapshot.StateSnapshotNID, &snapshot.RoomNID, &nulStateBlockNID, pq.Array(&eventsarray)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("rows.Scan: %w", err) } if nulStateBlockNID.Valid { snapshot.StateBlockNID = types.StateBlockNID(nulStateBlockNID.Int64) } // Dendrite v0.1.0 would not make a state block for the create event, resulting in [NULL] from the query above. // Remember the snapshot and we'll fill it in after we close this cursor as we can't have 2 queries running at the same time if len(eventsarray) == 1 && !eventsarray[0].Valid { badCreateSnapshots = append(badCreateSnapshots, snapshot) continue } for _, e := range eventsarray { if e.Valid { snapshot.EventNIDs = append(snapshot.EventNIDs, types.EventNID(e.Int64)) } } snapshot.EventNIDs = snapshot.EventNIDs[:util.SortAndUnique(snapshot.EventNIDs)] snapshots = append(snapshots, snapshot) } if err = snapshotrows.Close(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("snapshots.Close: %w", err) } // fill in bad create snapshots for _, s := range badCreateSnapshots { var createEventNID types.EventNID err = tx.QueryRow( `SELECT event_nid FROM roomserver_events WHERE state_snapshot_nid = $1 AND event_type_nid = 1`, s.StateSnapshotNID, ).Scan(&createEventNID) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { continue } if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot xref null state block with snapshot %d: %s", s.StateSnapshotNID, err) } if createEventNID == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("cannot xref null state block with snapshot %d, no create event", s.StateSnapshotNID) } s.EventNIDs = append(s.EventNIDs, createEventNID) snapshots = append(snapshots, s) } newsnapshots := map[stateSnapshotData]types.StateBlockNIDs{} for _, snapshot := range snapshots { var eventsarray pq.Int64Array for _, e := range snapshot.EventNIDs { eventsarray = append(eventsarray, int64(e)) } var blocknid types.StateBlockNID err = tx.QueryRow(` INSERT INTO roomserver_state_block (state_block_hash, event_nids) VALUES ($1, $2) ON CONFLICT (state_block_hash) DO UPDATE SET event_nids=$2 RETURNING state_block_nid `, snapshot.EventNIDs.Hash(), eventsarray).Scan(&blocknid) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.QueryRow.Scan (insert new block with %d events): %w", len(eventsarray), err) } index := stateSnapshotData{snapshot.StateSnapshotNID, snapshot.RoomNID} newsnapshots[index] = append(newsnapshots[index], blocknid) } for snapshotdata, newblocks := range newsnapshots { var newblocksarray pq.Int64Array for _, b := range newblocks { newblocksarray = append(newblocksarray, int64(b)) } var newNID types.StateSnapshotNID err = tx.QueryRow(` INSERT INTO roomserver_state_snapshots (state_snapshot_hash, room_nid, state_block_nids) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) ON CONFLICT (state_snapshot_hash) DO UPDATE SET room_nid=$2 RETURNING state_snapshot_nid `, newblocks.Hash(), snapshotdata.RoomNID, newblocksarray).Scan(&newNID) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.QueryRow.Scan (insert new snapshot): %w", err) } if _, err = tx.Exec(`UPDATE roomserver_events SET state_snapshot_nid=$1 WHERE state_snapshot_nid=$2 AND state_snapshot_nid<$3`, newNID, snapshotdata.StateSnapshotNID, maxsnapshotid); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.Exec (update events): %w", err) } if _, err = tx.Exec(`UPDATE roomserver_rooms SET state_snapshot_nid=$1 WHERE state_snapshot_nid=$2 AND state_snapshot_nid<$3`, newNID, snapshotdata.StateSnapshotNID, maxsnapshotid); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.Exec (update rooms): %w", err) } } } // By this point we should have no more state_snapshot_nids below maxsnapshotid in either roomserver_rooms or roomserver_events // If we do, this is a problem if Dendrite tries to load the snapshot as it will not exist // in roomserver_state_snapshots var count int64 if err = tx.QueryRow(`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM roomserver_events WHERE state_snapshot_nid < $1 AND state_snapshot_nid != 0`, maxsnapshotid).Scan(&count); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("assertion query failed: %s", err) } if count > 0 { var debugEventID, debugRoomID string var debugEventTypeNID, debugStateKeyNID, debugSnapNID, debugDepth int64 err = tx.QueryRow( `SELECT event_id, event_type_nid, event_state_key_nid, roomserver_events.state_snapshot_nid, depth, room_id FROM roomserver_events JOIN roomserver_rooms ON roomserver_rooms.room_nid = roomserver_events.room_nid WHERE roomserver_events.state_snapshot_nid < $1 AND roomserver_events.state_snapshot_nid != 0`, maxsnapshotid, ).Scan(&debugEventID, &debugEventTypeNID, &debugStateKeyNID, &debugSnapNID, &debugDepth, &debugRoomID) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("cannot extract debug info: %v", err) } else { logrus.Errorf( "Affected row: event_id=%v room_id=%v type=%v state_key=%v snapshot=%v depth=%v", debugEventID, debugRoomID, debugEventTypeNID, debugStateKeyNID, debugSnapNID, debugDepth, ) logrus.Errorf("To fix this manually, run this query first then retry the migration: "+ "UPDATE roomserver_events SET state_snapshot_nid=0 WHERE event_id='%v'", debugEventID) } return fmt.Errorf("%d events exist in roomserver_events which have not been converted to a new state_snapshot_nid; this is a bug, please report", count) } if err = tx.QueryRow(`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM roomserver_rooms WHERE state_snapshot_nid < $1 AND state_snapshot_nid != 0`, maxsnapshotid).Scan(&count); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("assertion query failed: %s", err) } if count > 0 { var debugRoomID string var debugSnapNID, debugLastEventNID int64 err = tx.QueryRow( `SELECT room_id, state_snapshot_nid, last_event_sent_nid FROM roomserver_rooms WHERE state_snapshot_nid < $1 AND state_snapshot_nid != 0`, maxsnapshotid, ).Scan(&debugRoomID, &debugSnapNID, &debugLastEventNID) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("cannot extract debug info: %v", err) } else { logrus.Errorf( "Affected row: room_id=%v snapshot=%v last_sent=%v", debugRoomID, debugSnapNID, debugLastEventNID, ) logrus.Errorf("To fix this manually, run this query first then retry the migration: "+ "UPDATE roomserver_rooms SET state_snapshot_nid=0 WHERE room_id='%v'", debugRoomID) logrus.Errorf("Running this UPDATE will cause the room in question to become unavailable on this server. Leave and re-join the room afterwards.") } return fmt.Errorf("%d rooms exist in roomserver_rooms which have not been converted to a new state_snapshot_nid; this is a bug, please report", count) } if _, err = tx.Exec(` DROP TABLE _roomserver_state_snapshots; DROP SEQUENCE roomserver_state_snapshot_nid_seq; `); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.Exec (delete old snapshot table): %w", err) } if _, err = tx.Exec(` DROP TABLE _roomserver_state_block; DROP SEQUENCE roomserver_state_block_nid_seq; `); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("tx.Exec (delete old block table): %w", err) } return nil } func DownStateBlocksRefactor(tx *sql.Tx) error { panic("Downgrading state storage is not supported") }